• Title/Summary/Keyword: 단선병렬터널

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Semi-empirical Approach to Investigate Tunnelling-induced Ground Movements and their Effects on at-grade Rail Track in Twin Side-by-side Tunnel Layouts (병렬터널 배치에서 터널 굴착이 기존 철도 선로에 미치는 영향에 관한 반경험적 접근)

  • Sung Kwon Ahn;Dae Sang Kim;Yun Suk Kang;Tae-Hoon Kim
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.543-553
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    • 2024
  • There has been increased interest, media coverage, and debate over constructing new underground structures to replace existing at-grade rail tracks. This new scheme aims to free up space to provide cities with room for more housing with green amenities. Due to urbanisation, tunnel engineers have encountered greenfield ground conditions in cities on only a few occasions. However, the new scheme provides opportunities to investigate a unique scenario where new tunnels are driven parallel to the existing rail tracks on the surface with little ground cover in soft ground. This paper presents findings obtained from a semi-empirical approach that aims to investigate the likely track irregularity associated with tunnelling-induced ground movements. This paper presents contour maps that show track rotation according to the relative position of the new tunnel and existing rail tracks. Tunnel engineers would consult these maps for their tunnel route design for the scheme.

A Case Study on Construction of Long Tunnel in the Youngdong Railroad(Mt. Dongbaek - Dokye) (영동선 동백산-도계간 장대터널 시공사례)

  • 김용일;윤영훈;조상국;양종화;이내용
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.189-199
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    • 2002
  • 영동선 이설사업 일환으로 영동선 동백산역(강원도 태백시 연화동)과 도계역(삼척시 도계읍)간의 본 터널은 총 연장 16.4km인 장대터널로서 전북 완주 전라선 슬치터널(6.12km)보다 10km 이상 길고, 정선 고한과 태백 추전을 잇는 4.5km의 정암터널의 3배가 넘는다. 특히 이 터널은 구간의 높이 차(약 3백80m)를 극복하기 위해 Loop형태로 설계되었고, 열차의 안정성, 구난대피, 환기측면에서 단선병렬 터널로 설계되었다. 또한 불량한 선형과 노후된 터널구조물로 인한 열차 안전운행 저해요인을 해소하기 위해 천공발파공법을 굴착공법으로 채택하였다. (중략)

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