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Fuzzy Inference System Architecture for Customer Satisfaction Service (고객 만족 서비스를 위한 퍼지 추론 시스템 구조)

  • Kwon, Hee-Chul;Yoo, Jung-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2010
  • Recently most parking control systems provide customers with various services, but most of the services are just the extension of parking spaces, automatic parking control system and so on. It is essential to use the satisfaction degree as the extent that customer are satisfied with parking control system to improve the quality of the system services and diversify the system services. The degree of satisfaction is different from customer to customer in same condition and can be represented as linguistic variables. In this paper, we present therefore a technique that quantify how much customer are satisfied with parking control system and fuzzy inference system architecture as a solution that can help us to make a efficient decision for these parking problems. In this architecture, inference engine using fuzzy logic compares context data with the rules in the fuzzy rule-based system, gets the sub-results, aggregates them and defuzzifies the aggregated result using MATLAB application programming to obtain crisp value. Fuzzy inference system architecture presented in this paper, can be used as a efficient method to analyze the satisfaction degree which is represented as fuzzy linguistic variables by human emotion. And it can be used to improve the satisfaction degree of not only parking system but also other service systems of various domains.

Archival Symposium for Rethinking Archives (기록학과 교육적 관점 기록향연, 몇 가지 단상)

  • Lee, Young-nam
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.57
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    • pp.165-234
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    • 2018
  • Archival symposium was a time when men thought thoroughly about what archives were, and to carefully record such thoughts. In the time of archival symposium, I observed the people archiving. To bring out a thought for a man was a physical action that moves his own desire, language, emotion and senses simultaneously. In philosophy thought is not merely a logical and cognitive act. Thought is a physical act that includes logical thinking, feeling, emotion, will, and on. When there is a emotional change in the body, an idea about that change forms. Emotional change acts as a force that increases, decreases, accelerate and hinder the body's abilities. However, there were no suggestions for philosophical concepts from the start. Love is not taught by someone. At some point without oneself knowing we start love and really experience with our bodies what love is, and in this repeat love and undergo all these emotions. Would not the overall story of life be as such. It is different from building a car in a factory. When the archival symposium starts, we asked you to think about what archives are, and to record with such thoughts as reference. Archival symposium is still a proper noun. With the wish for it to become a general term, I report on the process and meaning of archival experiment that is the archival symposium.

A Study on Acceptance and Modification in Yulgok Neo-Confucianism by Myungjae Yoon Jeung (명재 윤증의 율곡성리학의 수용과 변전(變轉))

  • Lee, Young-Ja
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.42
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    • pp.39-70
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    • 2014
  • Neo-Confucianism of Myungjae Yoon Jeung either accepted Yulgok Neo-Confucianism as it was or modified it. In this study, his Neo-Confucianism was divided into acceptance and modification in Yulgok Neo-Confucianism and examined. In the acceptance of Yulgok Neo-Confucianism, it was clarified that Neo-Confucianism of Myungjae Yoon Jeung thoroughly inherited characteristics of Yulgok Neo-Confucianism, including 'Yiguijimyo', 'Yitongguiguk' and 'Guibalyiseungildo'. However, Myungjae was not just satisfied with inheriting Yulgok Neo-Confucianism as it was, but modified and inherited the theory of Yulgok by suggesting his own original preaching. There were three original preaching of his in overall; 'emphasis on the control of Li', 'argument method on a theory of gaining knowledge by the study of things', and 'perception on moral mind, human mind and human desire'. Ultimately, it is concluded that Myungjae modified, inherited and developed Yulgok Neo-Confucianism to adjust a theory of Neo-Confucianism in a position of 'Yiguijimyo', based on 'a theory of Guibalyiseungildo' of Yulgok as a Confucian scholar of Giho school. It is consistent with his life philosophy that he avoided speculative arguments on Neo-Confucianism and pursued solid study(實工) with solid mind(實心). It is also consistent with his view of learning that he believed that theories of ancient sages were already rich that we should read them and practice their true knowledge(眞知), and making an effort on writing regardless of them was not a study of Mushil(務實). However, due to his younger students, he was classified as a scholar who emphasized the control of 'Li' the most in Yulgok school, and a new academic tie of Giho Soron was created. It is the most important significance that Neo-Confucianism of Myungjae has in that of Giho.

The linguistic characteristics of Chinese character and Reading for the Analects of Confucius (한자(漢字)의 언어적 특성과 『논어(論語)』 읽기)

  • Kim, Sang-Rae
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.30
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    • pp.191-225
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    • 2010
  • This paper is the outcome of attempting to approach for reading the Analects of Confucius through the polysemy of Chinese character and indecidability of articles. For this purpose at first, I explained which this Chinese character can be applied for 'philosophy language'. In the 16th century Matteo Ricci had tried to find out the possibility of ideographic script as standing for a universal language. On the other hand, Hegel and Heidegger strictly insisted on the Chinese character is inappropriate for expressing the logic thought of the human being. The reason was as next; firstly, this character had not the preposition and articles, and secondly the only one word could not indicates the bisemy including the meaning of opposition, lastly this language system expresses and communicates only with the change of word order without inflection. But With some scholar like Cassirer, Saussure and Derrida we can confirm the possibility which will discover the Chinese character for using the logic and reasoning language of from different view. Because in the language system of this Chinese character the connection of words in contexts is more important other than meaning as the individual word, in comparison to the language of the West. The Chinese character hides the original meaning until being what kind of event and thing relationship watch inside with different letters. So to speak, the Chinese character is called as 'language of indecidability'. For these points, even though The Chinese character lacks of preposition, articles, and inflection speech etc. the letter systematic, this language system can play a role for expressing as the philosophic language which manages with the complicated problems of the human being.

A Study on Plot Lamination methodology for the planning and analysis of storytelling (스토리텔링 기획·분석을 위한 '플롯적층' 방법론 연구)

  • Ahn, Soong-Beum
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.255-288
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to propose 'plot lamination methodology' for planning and analyzing of storytelling. The story contents with a certain volume of narrative might have several important characters. Most of the characters have meaningful influences on the context of the story through their choices and actions as they go through dynamic changes to construct and deconstruct relationships. The plot lamination methodology is the result of an attempt to look at the process from the 'strategic' point of view by focusing on the fact that the main characters with supplementary nature contribute to the independent formation of subplot based on the main plot driven by the protagonist. Regardless of how they live their own unique and autonomous life in the narrative, the main characters hold a relatively subordinate position within the centripetal force of the main plot. Their journeys tend to expand/emphasize/divide up the process of the main plot's 'persuasion via causality,' and also individualize into the functions of emotional sympathy (pathos), moral, ethical perspective (ethos), and rational logic (logos). As such, the subplots of main characters are laminated according to these three functional traits, which could become multi-layered through second or third laminations, depending on the number and roles of other characters. If the plot lamination methodology is further developed through follow-up studies, it will open up the possibilities of the strategic design (planning) and aesthetic criticism (analysis) regarding the procedure of conjugation /branching of subplot and/from the main plot.

An Age of Essays: Memoirs, Philosophical essays and Essays of the 1960s (수필의 시대: 1960년대 수기, 수상, 에세이 -김형석, 안병욱, 김태길의 수필을 중심으로)

  • Park, Suk-Ja
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.9-44
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    • 2020
  • This article aimed to looked back at the 1960s, which were assessed to be 'the age of essays', to survey denotations of essays, amplified by the discourse antagonism surrounding 'essays' and the writings of philosophers. Kim Hyeong Suk, Ahn Byeong Uk, and Kim Te Gil were philosophy professors of Yonsei University, Soongshil University, and Seoul National University and writers of numerous essay collections of the 1960s. However, there have been very few studies conducted on them. This is because of old prejudices within literary history that primarily undervalue essays and practices that try to limit them as 'Literariness'. Essays of the 1960s became the flavor of the times based on democratic demands that attempted to objectify individual experiences and grounds that passed through the war and the April 19 Revolution. The language of philosophers was expropriated through the various senses of first person writing to readers of the times, which lacked civil culture and national morality. Deficits in public spheres of the 1950s and 1960s were filled by Kim Hyeong Suk's narrations of comfort and conquest based on historic experiences, Ahn Byeong Uk's logic of self-discipline and knowledge based on democracy, and Kim Te Gil's humor and introspection that objectified the lives of the petit bourgeois. However, as the essays of philosophers failed to connect with the public discourse of the age, they were unable to go as far as sparking or serving as a medium for civil culture in the 1970s. Regardless, as essays rose historically in the 1960s, thought was given to the characteristics of the 'essay' genre and in connection, to the merits and demerits of cultural history that possesses the language of philosophers.

Measures to improve the legal system for commercialization of sand dams (샌드댐 상용화를 위한 법제도 개선 방안)

  • Shim, Young-Gyoo;Chung, Il-Moon;Kim, Min-Gyu
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.8
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    • pp.635-643
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    • 2022
  • Attempts are being made to use the sand dam as an alternative water resource securement facility by installing and operating sand dams in valleys, where water intake capacity is extremely limited, in areas with limited water supply in the upstream watershed of Korea. In the case of some countries in Africa, where sand dams are known to be most actively installed and used, it is difficult to find examples of establishing and applying a separate legal system for sand dams. A sand dam is a kind of groundwater dam, and in view of its concept, structural and technical form and characteristics, purpose, use, and function, it will be said that it has the legal character and status as a facility for securing groundwater resources specified in the current 「Ground Water Act」. Interpretation and application of regulations on facilities for securing groundwater resources also supports this. Therefore, it is legal and realistic to promote and implement the sand dam project as one of the installation and management projects for securing underground water resources based on the 「Ground Water Act」.

The Formation of Linear Thinking in Traditional Chinese Music and Its Causes (중국 전통음악 선형적 사유의 형성과 그 원인)

  • Li Ruibiao
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.429-436
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    • 2023
  • Traditional Chinese music has a deep indigenous color and has its own unique way of thinking and characteristics. A consensus has already been formed that linear thinking is a major feature of traditional Chinese music, and it has been implemented in both traditional multi-tone and single-tone music. It is mainly expressed in the form of single-tone music or single-tone music. This linear thought of traditional Chinese music is formed by influencing factors in various fields. For example, it is related to national culture, geographical and natural environment, religious and philosophical background, traditional Chinese notation, individual characteristics of traditional musical instruments, Yulje, composition, and transmission methods. This thinking is different from Western classical music that pursues three-dimensional thinking, and Western music emphasizes the harmony of harmony, harmony of tone and texture, logic and identity of structure, and emphasizes the aspect of space. However, traditional Chinese music emphasizes the horizontal development of melody, the fluency of ancestors, and the continuity of structure. We aims to analyze the causes of linear thinking of traditional Chinese music so that it can be more useful in educational aspects and promote the succession and development of traditional music by transferring knowledge of ethnic music.

The Impact of Regulatory Approaches on Entrepreneurship and Iinnovation: In the Context of the Growth of Entrepreneurship in South Korea (규제방식이 창업기업의 진입 및 혁신에 미치는 영향: 한국 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yujin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2022
  • This paper studies the impact of regulatory approaches on innovation and entrepreneurship. As technological progress and environmental changes avail new business opportunities to innovative startups, many governments find it difficult to regulate new and unprecedented businesses promoted by the innovative firms. In order to provide academic and practitional implications on the regulatory design with which to support innovation and entrepreneurship, this paper aims to review classical theories on the demand and supply of regulation as well as empirical research on the impact of regulation on market entry and incentives for innovation. Based on the findings, this paper discusses the recent controversies around the regulatory approaches on new businesses pursued by startups, which are as known as the "positive regulatory approach" vs. "negative regulatory approaches" among practitioners and policy makers in Korea. This paper claims that the Korean context provides an useful opportunity to investigate how the ongoing transition of the once "fast follower" economy into a pacesetter one changes the nature of businesses pursued by firms, investors, and related market players and, accordingly, calls for the changes in the way the government intervenes in markets to regulate businesses of firms. By doing so, this paper sheds light on the role of the government in establishing an entrepreneurial ecosystem where innovative ideas of startups can be tested and nurtured.

Comparison of Integrated Health and Welfare Service Provision Projects Centered on Medical Institutions (의료기관 중심 보건의료·복지 통합 서비스 제공 사업 비교)

  • Su-Jin Lee;Jong-Yeon Kim
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.132-145
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study compares cases of Dalgubeol Health Care Project, 301 Network Project, and 3 for 1 Project based on program logic models to derive measures for promoting integrated healthcare and welfare services centered around medical institutions. Methods: From January to December 2021, information on the implementation systems and performance of each institution was collected. Data sources included prior academic research, project reports, operational guidelines, official press releases, media articles, and written surveys from project managers. A program logic model analysis framework was applied, structuring the information based on four elements: situation, input, activity, and output. Results: All three projects aimed to address the fragmentation of health and welfare services and medical blind spots. Despite similar multidisciplinary team compositions, differences existed in specific fields, recruitment scale, and employment types. Variations in funding sources led to differences in community collaboration, support methods, and future directions. There were discrepancies in the number of beneficiaries and medical treatments, with different results observed when comparing the actual number of people to input manpower and project cost per beneficiary. Conclusions: To design an integrated health and welfare service provision system centered on medical institutions, securing a stable funding mechanism and establishing an appropriate target population and service delivery system are crucial. Additionally, installing a dedicated department within the medical institution to link activities across various sectors, rather than outsourcing, is necessary. Ensuring appropriate recruitment and stable employment systems is needed. A comprehensive provision system offering services from mild to severe cases through public-private cooperation is suggested.