• Title/Summary/Keyword: 농촌의료

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A Study on the Classification and Research Trends of Articles in The Korean Journal of Rural Medicine (한국농촌의학회지(韓國農村醫學會誌)에 게재된 연구논문의 분류 및 연구동향)

  • Wee, You-Mee;Kim, Suk-Il;Park, Hyang;Ryu, So-Yeon;Park, Jong;Kim, Ki-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.231-244
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    • 2000
  • Classification and research trends were studied to analyze a total of 240 original articles that have been published in 34 volumes of The Korean Journal of Rural Medicine from 1976 to 1999. The results were as follows: 1. A total of 337 articles were published. Among them, 240(71.2%) articles were classified as original articles. This number has been increasing significantly over the years as the number of the articles was 13 in the 1970s, 73 in the 1980s, and 154 in the 1990s. 2. There were 10 authors in the original articles and 55(22.9%) of them were written by 3 of them. There were five research institutions involved in the articles, and 106(44.2%) of the articles were done by one research group. 3. In the original articles. 24(10.0%) were noted to be done using research funds, and only 6(2.5%) were written in English. 4. In the view of the research styles of the original articles, 115(47.9%) used analytical study, 92(38.3%) used technical study, 21(9.2%) used experimental study, and 6(2.5%) used case reports. In the 1970s, 13(100.0%) articles used technical study, and in the 1980s, 47(64.4%) used technical studies and 19(26.0%) used analytical studies. However, in the 1990s, 96(62.8%) articles used analytical studies and 32(20.9%) used technical studies. The statistical methods most commonly used in the articles were technical statistics, the ${\chi}^2$-test, and the t-test respectively. 5. On the classification into three different research fields, 105(43.8%) articles were classified as health management, 96(40.0%) as disease epidemiology, and 39(16.3%) as rural environment and rural occupational disorders. In the 1970s, 12 (92.3 %) of the articles were on disease epidemiology and 1(7.7%) on health management were published. In the 1980s, 33(45.2%) articles on disease epidemiology, 29(39.7%) on health control, and 11(15.1%) on rural environment and rural occupational disorders were recorded. In the 1990s, however, 75(48.7%) articles were on health control, 51(33.1%) on disease control, and 28(18.2%) on the rural environment and rural occupational disorders. 6. According to the research subjects in each research field, the 39 articles in rural environment and rural occupational disorders were composed of 8(20.5%) articles on pesticide intoxication, 7(17,9%) on farmer's diseases, 7(17.9%) on vinyl-house diseases, and 6(15.4%) on accidents. From a total of 96 articles in disease epidemiology 56(58.3%) articles were on parasites, 16(16.7%) on non-infectious diseases, 12(12.5) on infectious diseases. From 105 articles in health control 25(23.8%) articles were on medical care utilization patterns, 18(17.1%) on the health care delivery system, and 13(12.4%) on maternal and child health. In the analysis of the 10 most prevalent subjects dealt in the above articles, 6(46.2%) articles were on parasites and 4(30.8%) on non-infectious diseases were recorded in the 1970s. In the 1980s, 28(38.4%) were on parasites. 9(12.3%) on the health care system, 7(9.6%) on medical care utilization patterns, 5(6.8%) on maternal and child health, and 4(5.5%) were on pesticide intoxication. In the 1990s, 22(14.3%) articles were on parasites. 18(11.7%) on medical care utilization patterns, 16(10.4%) on senile health, 14(9.1%) on the health care system, 10(6.5%) on infectious diseases, arid 10(6.5%) were on non-infectious diseases. In conclusion, the research activity on rural health has been strengthened in this country because the original articles in The Korean Journal of Rural Medicine have significantly increased in the past 24 years. In the 1970s and 1980s, research on disease epidemiology was most prevalent, but in the 1990s papers on health care were most popular. In addition, the articles on parasites were most frequently published in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, showing that parasitic problem was the main theme in those eras. However, in the 1990s, it was evident that the articles on parasites were decreasing and articles on the subject of medical care utilization patterns and senile health increased. Hereafter it was expected that research on health care would be more common in rural health in Korea.

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Socio-economic Change and Health Care System in Rural Korea (한국농촌의 사회경제적(社會經濟的) 변화와 보건의료체계(保健醫療體系))

  • Han, Sang-Bok
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 1990
  • During the last half a century the Korean rural society have experienced drastic changes : the retreat of Japan from the colonial interference and suppression in 1945, the Korean war and disorder in the 1950s, the implementation of the first and second five-year economic development plans in the 1960s, the ambitious implementation of the new village movement called Saemaul Undong to modernize the traditionally stagnant rural village in the 1970s, and socioeconomic and political turmoil in the 1980s. In this complex process of change the rural health care system in Korea was grdually reformed. This paper reviews the socioeconomic change and the basis of the changing structure of the health care system in rural Korea, on the basis of the existing literature and secondary data. Thus this is not a research paper but a review article in its nature. After reviewing the past and present situation, the directions and strategies for the reformation of the rural health care system are suggested.

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Analysis of Utilization and Expenses of Medical Care Services in a Designated Rural Areas (일부 농촌지역주민의 의료이용량 및 진료비분석)

  • Kim, Jin-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 1991
  • The medical insurance system has been adopted in rural areas in 1988. Since then, the utilization of medical care services has increased rapidly in rural areas. According to the various study on medical care utilization, the people in rural areas used more curative care services than urban areas. The purpose of this study was to analyze the utilization and expenses of medical care services in designated rural areas : Choonseong Gun, Kangwon Province ; and Soonchang Gun, Cheonbuk province in Korea. Medical care utilization of medical care beneficiaries showed slightly increase, while there was a decrease of 18% and more for the medicaid. Regarding selection of medical care institutions, medical care beneficiaries used more hospitals and clinics than health center networks, but the health center networks was used more by the medicaid. However, the hospitalized Soonchang health center was able to provide more curative care to the people than the other two health centers. More than 50% of the patients treated by hospitalized health center were residents of the place in which health center was located.

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Social Welfare Crisis and The Family in Decollectivized Rural China (탈집단화 중국 농촌의 사회복지위기와 가족)

  • 장경섭
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 1990
  • 본 논문에서는 중국 개혁기간중 농업 집단체의 사회보장 기능이 점차 가족에게로 넘겨지는 과정을 연구하였다. 집단농업이 해체되고 시장사회주의 체제가 도입된 가운데 중국 농촌은 전반적으로 생산성이 향상 되었으나, 안정된 사회,경제적 기반을 잃은 상당수 농가들의 복지수요가 증가되는 결과를 가져왔다. 개혁이전의 시기의 사회복지는 집단 생산 및 평등배분을 통한 경제과정적 방책이 중심이었기 때문에 농업의 탈집단화는 곧 사회복지제도의 근본적 위기를 의미했다. 이같은 상황에서 재정적 어려움을 겪고 있는 중국 정부는 농촌가족의 전통적인 자체사회보장기능을 부활, 강화시키기위해 노력해 왔다. 본 연구는 이 같은 국가의 가족에 대한 현재 관계를 일반 복지 정책의 변화 및 식량조달, 의료, 노후보장의 측면에서 분석하였다.

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Analysis on the Relationship between the San-Nong Expenditure and 'Quality of Life' of Rural Residents in China (중국의 삼농(三農)지출과 농촌주민 '삶의 질'간 관계 분석)

  • Kim, Jong-Sup
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.237-250
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    • 2016
  • This paper is to explore the relationship between the San-Nong expenditure and Quality of life of rural residents in China for the period of 1978-2013, using the unit root test, the Granger causality test, the cointegration test, VAR model, and VECM. The results of a study on the relationship between two variables show that an obvious mutually causal relationship exits between the financial expenditure for San-Nong(san) and gross output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery(apro) in China. But the case of per capita ploor space of newly built residential buildings in rural area(rho) and per capita consumption expenditure of rural households(rli) show that the financial expenditure for San-Nong(san) press for improvement in the quality of life of rural residence, while rho and rli have not yet apparent effect to san. On the other hand, It showed that the financial expenditure for San-Nong(san) and the number of medical personnel(prdo) do not have a causal relationship with each other. Therefore, the government needs to find ways for a variety of San-Nong expenditure to improve the quality of life of rural residents.

A Survey of Role Perception and Function Performance Related to Public Health Service among the Medical Staff in a National Hospital (일개 공공병원 종사자의 공공보건의료에 대한 인식과 기능수행에 대한 조사연구)

  • Cho, Young-Hye;Lee, Sang-Yeoup;Jeong, Dong-Wook;Choi, Eun-Jung;Kim, Yun-Jin;Lee, Jeong-Gyu;Go, Yu-Young;Lee, Yu-Hyone;Bae, Mi-Jin;Kim, Chang-Hoon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: While there have recently been efforts to improve public health service at a governmental level, there is actually insufficient research on awareness of the roles related to public health service among hospital employees. This study examined role perception and function performance related to public health service among the medical staff in a national hospital. Methods: 15% were randomly sampled from each type of occupation among the medical staff in a national university hospital, a survey was conducted in 323 persons, and there were a total of 265 participants (80.2%): 103 doctors(38.9%), 98 nurses (37.0%), and 64 others (24.1%). Results: The hospital employees had insufficient awareness of their roles as public health service providers in terms of six required items for public health service: 1) services for supporting establishment, implementation, and assessment of public health service policies, 2) participation in the health service activities and support services by central or local governments, 3) technological support and educational services for private health service institutions, 4) health service for unprivileged brackets, 5) health service that requires association with other areas dealing with geriatric, disabled, and mentally-disordered people, and 6) health service for children and mothers. Conclusions: In general, since the hospital employees had insufficient awareness of their roles and responsibilities as public health service providers, it is necessary to secure manpower exclusively in charge of public health service and provide education about strategic public health service.

A Case Study on the Rural Settlement Support Services for Rural Residents (농촌정주지원 서비스 현황 및 요구에 대한 사례조사 - 경남 밀양시 하남읍 수산리 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Yoon-Ji;Hwang, Jeong-Im;Kim, Young;Park, Gwang-Rae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Community Living Science Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.105-105
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    • 2009
  • 농촌 주민의 삶의 질 향상을 위한 범정부적 투자가 이루어져 왔지만 농촌지역의 사회서비스 기준을 도시와 비교해 보면 아직도 부족한 부분이 많이 있다. 농촌 인구가 감소되고 있는 상황에서 지속적인 하드웨어 중심적 투자에 대한 의문제기와 함께 농촌주민들이 최소한의 공적 서비스를 활용할 수 있는 기반이 되어야한다는 의견이 대립되고 있는 가운데 그 해결책을 찾기 위하여 '농촌 서비스 기준'을 설정하자는 논의가 추진되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 도농복합권역으로 370가구 1,650명이 거주하고 있으며 농가는 약 70호, 비농가는 300호이었고 대부분 주민들이 상업에 종사하고 있는 경남 밀양시 하남읍 수산리를 대상으로 농촌 정주지원 서비스 현황 및 요구에 대한 사례분석을 실시하였다. 수산리는 낙동강 나루와 수산장의 역사로 이루어진 마을이다. 70~80년대에는 마을 전체가 시장일 정도로 장이 활성화 되었으나 현재는 전통시장이 붕괴한 상황이었다. 지난 3년간 이주한 가구는 40호, 이주해온 가구는 20호 정도로 매년 인구가 줄고 있는 상황이다. 도로/교통 현황은 밀양시와, 대구, 부산으로 나가는 버스가 시간마다 한 대씩 배차되어 있고, 종합병원, 보건소, 한의원, 약국 등의 의료시설이 갖춰져 있으며, 과거에는 낙동강 범람으로 인한 피해사례가 많았으나 현재는 제방을 쌓아 홍수 피해를 없앴으며, 공기와 식수가 좋고 치안 걱정은 없었으나 전화를 통한 사기가 극성이라고 하였다. 문화/여가생활면에서는 읍사무소에서 일부 프로그램을 진행하고 있으나 참여율이 저조한 것으로 나타났다. 유치원/초등학교/중고등학교 및 사설학원도 있어 교육환경은 비교적 좋은 편이라고 할 수 있었다. 수산리는 마을의 중심에 있는 대규모 장을 둘러싸고 상권이 형성되어 대부분 상업에 종사하고 있었으나 수산장이 쇠퇴하고 상권이 죽어 생활경제면에 어려움이 있다고 하였다. 향후 '4대강 살리기' 정책과 '신공항 입지' 선정에 따른 땅값 상승과 경제 재생 등에 대하여 마을 주민들의 관심이 높았고 복지회관이 생겨 다양한 복지프로그램과 서비스를 받고 싶다고 하였다.

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Another 'Rural' Recreated in The Movie <Yin Ru Chen Yan> (영화 <먼지 속으로 사라지다> 에 재현된 또 하나의 '농촌')

  • Moon dae il
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.377-383
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    • 2023
  • The movie <Yin Ru Chen Yan> is evaluated to reflect the rural reality of China's northwest region. Although the film also contained the farmer's unique sincerity and pure love, many problems were also raised. The specific issues raised are as follows. First, he accused young Chinese rural people who could not express their intention properly at the time of marriage.This can be said to be largely due to the lack of proper education, medical care, and welfare benefits for a long time. Second, he criticized the rural housing policy that deviated from reality. It warns that unilaterally providing apartments in the city without considering regional characteristics and farmers' situations could be counterproductive. In the movie, the main character abandoned livestock that he thought of and cared for with his family and did not move his residence to an apartment. Third, he criticized the materialism prevalent in rural areas. He criticized the phenomenon of not respecting a human being to solve everything with money and even to receive government housing compensation. In this sense, in order to solve the true Chinese Samnong problem, macro-promoted policies and micro-policies that can encompass some underdeveloped rural areas should also be implemented.

Influencing Factors on Functional Health Literacy among the Rural Elderly (농촌 지역 노인의 기능적 의료정보 이해능력 실태와 영향요인)

  • Park, Ji-Yeon;June, Kyung-Ja
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the status of the functional health literacy of the elderly living in a rural community and to identify the influencing factors on the functional health literacy. Methods: Subjects(n=238) aged over 60 years were selected for data collection. Functional health literacy was measured by Korean Health Literacy, which consisted of 15 items including eight numeracy and seven comprehension items. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA with Scheffe test, and stepwise multiple regression were used to analyze the data. Results: The mean score of total functional health literacy was $6.66{\pm}3.31$, numeracy was $3.52{\pm}1.76$, and comprehension was $3.41{\pm}2.10$. Of the subjects, 39.1% showed a low score below the median split. In the results of stepwise multiple regression, the factors affecting functional health literacy were basic literacy, age, number of chronic diseases, self-reported health status, and gender. These factors accounted for 33.0% of functional health literacy. Conclusion: These results suggest that interventions for improving functional health literacy are necessary to enhance elders' ability of self-care management. In addition, it is needed to take into account the individual characteristics of the subjects depending on their gender, age, and health status.

Correlations between Intention to use Advance Directives and Death Anxiety in the Community-dwelling Elderly (지역사회 노인들의 사전의료의향서 작성의향과 불안과의 상관관계)

  • Ko, Ji-Woon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Rural Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between intention to use advance directives and level of death anxiety in community-dwelling elders. Method: The participants were 200 older adults who were aged 60 or over and attended the community welfare centers. The level intention to use advance directive was measured by a questionnaire that was developed by the authors for the study. The measure by Kraus and Ellisond was administered to evaluate the level of death anxiety. Result: The average score for intention to use advance directives was $2.05{\pm}0.88$ and that of death anxiety was $6.2{\pm}2.28$. There were significant differences in the intention to use advance directives according to education levels and individual properties. Although there was no significant relationship between the intention to use advance directives and the level of death anxiety, they were negatively associated. Therefore, older adults who had lower death anxiety would tend to use advance directives. Conclusion: It would be necessary to screening the level of death anxiety to promote use of the advance directives. In addition, education programs for advance directives would be essential to consider about advance directives for their end-of-life especially for the community-dwelling elderly in Korea.