• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노후형태

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A Critical Evaluation on the Pension Privatization Reform in Chile (칠레 연금민영화 개혁에 대한 평가)

  • Cho, Young-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.50
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    • pp.87-108
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    • 2002
  • According to Neo-liberalism, the privatization of social security systems is pivotal for a country's economic growth and the wellbeing of its people, because such systems hinder the full operation of the market, eventually leading the national economy to collapse. The Chilean case of pension privatization is often cited as a good evidence for the Neo-liberal argument. Neo-liberalists say that Chile has experienced a rapid economic growth and retirees have enjoyed a much more pension payment since the national pension system was successfully privatized in 1981. The primary purpose of this article is to provide a critical review on the results of the Chilean pension privatization reform implemented in 1981. This study is intended to give an objective understanding of the reform because the existing evaluations, particularly those from the neo-liberalism, over-emphasize the bright sides of the reform. for this purpose, this article will pay a particular attention to the change in the level of pension payment after the reform. The conclusion of this study is that, contrary to the argument of Neo-liberalism, the pension reform has lowered the level of pension payment and, compared to the old public pension, has made the lives of ordinary retirees less secure. Reorganization of the social security system is more desirable than privatization as a remedy for the current problems of the welfare state.

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Development of Deep Learning Based Deterioration Prediction Model for the Maintenance Planning of Highway Pavement (도로포장의 유지관리 계획 수립을 위한 딥러닝 기반 열화 예측 모델 개발)

  • Lee, Yongjun;Sun, Jongwan;Lee, Minjae
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 2019
  • The maintenance cost for road pavement is gradually increasing due to the continuous increase in road extension as well as increase in the number of old routes that have passed the public period. As a result, there is a need for a method of minimizing costs through preventative grievance preventive maintenance requires the establishment of a strategic plan through accurate prediction of road pavement. Hence, In this study, the deep neural network(DNN) and the recurrent neural network(RNN) were used in order to develop the expressway pavement damage prediction model. A superior model among these two network models was then suggested by comparing and analyzing their performance. In order to solve the RNN's vanishing gradient problem, the LSTM (Long short-term memory) circuits which are a more complicated form of the RNN structure were used. The learning result showed that the RMSE value of the RNN-LSTM model was 0.102 which was lower than the RMSE value of the DNN model, indicating that the performance of the RNN-LSTM model was superior. In addition, high accuracy of the RNN-LSTM model was verified through the comparison between the estimated average road pavement condition and the actually measured road pavement condition of the target section over time.

A Study on the Safety Ratio of Reservoir Embankment by Seismic Reinforcement Section Shape (내진보강 단면형상에 따른 국내 저수지 제방의 안전율에 대한 검토)

  • Lim, Seonghun;Kim, Daehyeon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.343-355
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    • 2021
  • Agricultural reservoirs seek human convenience by supplying agricultural water and providing flood damage effects and rest areas at the same time, but preventing them from aging reservoirs and earthquakes is important. The safety of levees is influenced by field material properties such as soil parameter values of the granular materials that make up the levees, but since precision safety diagnosis or general literature values are diverted, the final safety factors are limited to material properties alone. Since safety factors are determined by physical characteristic values and embankment shapes and have a significant impact on safety factors, accurate contemplation is required when examining reinforced cross sections. Therefore, this study analyzed the case of reasonable and economical reinforcement intersections when designing '◯◯reservoir' in Goheung-geun, Jeollanam-do using the GEP-SLOPE program to enable rational economic design of reinforcement intersections through repeated reviews. As a result of reducing and analyzing the first, second, and third seismic reinforcement of the levees, it was confirmed that the safety ratio was secured even with a significantly smaller amount of reinforcement than the first, second, and lower slopes by obtaining design standards of 1.20. In addition, when determining all seismic reinforcement cross-sectional shapes, it was confirmed that the shape that reinforces only the lower side rather than the upper side of the slope and the entire slope was economical with minimized cross-sectional reinforcement.

Recognition of Flat Type Signboard using Deep Learning (딥러닝을 이용한 판류형 간판의 인식)

  • Kwon, Sang Il;Kim, Eui Myoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.219-231
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    • 2019
  • The specifications of signboards are set for each type of signboards, but the shape and size of the signboard actually installed are not uniform. In addition, because the colors of the signboard are not defined, so various colors are applied to the signboard. Methods for recognizing signboards can be thought of as similar methods of recognizing road signs and license plates, but due to the nature of the signboards, there are limitations in that the signboards can not be recognized in a way similar to road signs and license plates. In this study, we proposed a methodology for recognizing plate-type signboards, which are the main targets of illegal and old signboards, and automatically extracting areas of signboards, using the deep learning-based Faster R-CNN algorithm. The process of recognizing flat type signboards through signboard images captured by using smartphone cameras is divided into two sequences. First, the type of signboard was recognized using deep learning to recognize flat type signboards in various types of signboard images, and the result showed an accuracy of about 71%. Next, when the boundary recognition algorithm for the signboards was applied to recognize the boundary area of the flat type signboard, the boundary of flat type signboard was recognized with an accuracy of 85%.

Bond Characteristics of Scale According to the Drainage Pipe's Material in Tunnel (터널 배수공의 재질에 따른 스케일 부착 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Chu, Ickchan;Nam, Seunghyuk;Baek, Seungin;Jung, Hyuksang;Chun, Byungsik
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2011
  • The calcium hydroxide($Ca(OH)_{2}$) which is flowed into the deteriorated tunnel by groundwater is reacted with carbon dioxide($CO_{2}$) and the vehicle's exhaust gas ($SO_{3}$). So its by-products are precipitated at the drainage pipe and these cause the drainage clogging. Most by-products are composed of $CaCO_{3}$ with calcite from a chemical experiment. The purpose of this study is mainly focused on comparison of attachment on each material of drainage pipe (teflon-coated steel pipe, silicon-Oil coated pipe, acrylic pipe and PVC pipe). The test was progressed to disembogue the CaO aqueous solution and tunnel outflow into each of the pipes. The experimental results show that the most produced scale pipe is PVC material and the followings are Acrylic pipe, Silicon-Oil coating pipe and Teflon coating pipe. But the long-term test results showed that teflon-coated steel pipe had a problem with durability because soil which was contained in the tunnel outflow occurred detachment of coating and corrosion of the steel pipe.

Estimation Method of the Amount of Demolition Waste through Automated Calculation of Volumetric Spaces using Drones (드론 활용 체적산출 자동화를 통한 해체 폐기물량 예측기법에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Jung-Rim;Kim, Hye-Ri;Park, Won-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.681-688
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the process of drone photography, automatic volume calculation, total floor area conversion, and waste calculation was constructed as a QGIS plug-in to predict the demolition waste (DW) generated in an aged area where drawing information or building information is uncertain. Through a case study, the high consistency between the automatically calculated volume using the drone and the BIM volume based on the field measurement was confirmed. Field application was carried out for the planned demolition work site, and the consistency between the drone-based volume and the actual measurement-BIM-based volume was reconfirmed. The waste generation unit was applied and the amount of DW was calculated by setting the floor height and building type, and the entire process was completed within 6 hours. Although the difference between building information and building objects through drones occurred according to the setting of temporary structures, loads, and floor heights, it was found that the actual amount of DW was generated more than the initial estimate. It is expected that measures to improve the accuracy of volume and floor area conversion will be required through case studies in the future.

사학연금 지급개시연령 개선에 관한 연구 : 이은재의원 입법 발의안을 중심으로

  • Jeong, In-Yeong;Kim, Su-Seong
    • Journal of Teachers' Pension
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    • v.3
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    • pp.207-252
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    • 2018
  • 현행 사학연금법은 공무원연금법 제46조 제1항 제4호 "정원 감소로 퇴직한 때부터 연금 지급" 조항을 준용함에 따라 정원감축 및 폐교에 따른 퇴직을 할 경우 법에 명시된 연금지급 개시연령이 아닌 퇴직 후 5년 이후에 조기연금을 지급하도록 하고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 현행 지급개시연령 규정의 타당성을 검토하고 개선방안을 제시하는데 있다. 이를 위해 사학연금 지급개시연령 현황 및 사립학교 폐교 현황과 사학연금이 공무원연금법을 준용함으로써 발생하는 문제점 및 현행 규정에 따른 연금지급 시 사학연금재정에 미치는 영향을 분석하고 법 개정의 타당성을 검토하여 개선방안을 모색하였다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 65세 정년이 되어 은퇴하지 않고 중도에 퇴직하거나 고용이 취소되어 지급개시연령 보다 훨씬 일찍 조기연금을 지급하게 될 경우에는 퇴직연금 자체가 노후소득보장제도이기 보다는 실업급여의 성격으로 전락하게 되는 측면이 있다. 또한, 폐교에 재직 중인 교직원은 근로가 가능한 연령과 건강상태임에도 불구하고 즉시 연금을 수급하게 됨으로써 재취업을 하지 않을 경우 연금에 대한 의존성이 높아지고 근로유인을 저해할 수 있다. 그리고 최근 잦은 폐교로 인한 연금수급자 과다 발생 및 재정적 지속가능성의 문제가 있다. 또한 사학연금 가입자와 공무원연금 가입자의 특성을 비교하면 중요한 차이점이 발견된다. 국공립학교의 경우에는 해당 학교가 폐교 또는 정원이 감소될 경우 다른 지역 학교로 해당 재직 교직원을 이동 배치하는 등의 대처 방안을 시행하기 때문에 사실상 퇴직하는 사례가 거의 없는 반면, 사학연금 가입자의 경우 공무원연금 가입자에 비해 상대적으로 고용불안에 노출되어 있고, 학령인구 감소 등으로 인해 사립학교 폐교 가능성이 상존하므로 이들에 대한 생활안정대책이 필요하다. 또한 공무원 조직의 개폐 및 정원 감소는 법령으로 정하고 있지만, 사립학교 교직원의 개폐 및 정원의 감소는 사학기관의 특성에 따라 차이가 있다. 그리고 공무원의 경우 공무원연금의 대상이면서도 고용형태의 상대적 취약점을 감안하여 임기제 공무원의 경우 고용보험의 가입이 일부 허용되나, 사학연금 가입자의 경우에는 전면적으로 가입이 제한되어 직역연금 간 형평성 문제가 발생하고 있다. 그리고 국민연금과 비교할 때 다음과 같은 차이점이 있다. 국민연금법의 경우 사업장가입자로 적용받고 있다 하더라도 준용법과 같은 사립학교 폐교 시 조기연금 수급 규정이 없으며, 고용보험법의 적용으로 실직 시 실업급여 등의 대응책이 있긴 하나 연금 수급을 통한 소득보장 수준에는 못 미치는 제도적 보완책을 갖추고 있다. 또한, 국민연금 가입자는 고용보험에 적용되나, 사학연금 가입자는 실업상태에 놓였을 경우 고용보험의 적용을 받지 못한다는 점에서 차이가 존재한다. 이에 다음과 같은 개선방안을 제시하였다. 폐교 시 사학연금 가입자의 생활안정을 위해 고용보험 가입을 검토할 필요가 있고, 재정안정화를 위해 연금을 전액지급하기 보다는 퇴직일부터 지급개시연령까지의 잔여기간에 따라 차등지급하는 방안을 모색해 볼 수 있으며, 고용보험법상의 실업급여 제도를 원용하고 소정의 연금지급기간을 설정하여 연금을 지급하는 방안을 고려할 필요가 있다. 이에 더하여 사학연금제도 내에서 별도의 고용보험기금을 마련하는 방안도 모색해볼 필요가 있다.

Surveying for Barn Facilities of Dairy Cattle Farms by Holding Scale (젖소농가의 사육규모별 축사시설 분석)

  • Min, B.R.;Seo, K.W.;Choi, H.C.;Lee, D.W.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.251-262
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    • 2009
  • In this research dairy cattle barn facilities what are 4,198 houses hold over 50 heads were surveyed by scale and province. Full-time farms hold over 50 heads breed total 344,514 heads. Each of Farms holds 50 to 99 heads were 79.8 percent and breed average 82.1 heads. Dairy cattle barns were constructed september 1995 averagely. Each of barns have $1,740.0\;m^2$ scale. The construction type of dairy cattle barn was almost litter barn type 84.0%, freestyle type 5.1%, mooring+litter ground type 17.3% and other types 4.4%. The litter barn type was popular in small farms. But in large farms, freestyle type was popular than small farms. The construction type of dairy cattle barn was almost litter barn type 84.0%, freestyle type 5.1%, moohng+ltter ground type 17.3% and other types 4.4%. Type of dairy cattle robotic milking system was pipeline 41.5%, herringbone 22.8% and tandem 35.8%. The pipeline type was popular in small farms which have 50~99 heads. But in large farms which have over 200 heads, tandem type was popular than small farms. Proportion of floor type of dairy cattle barn was almost litter type 94.9%. Scraper type was popular in large farms than in small farms. Proportion of roof type of dairy cattle barn was slate 32.5%, vinyl 16.3%, sunlight 11.1%, panel 10.9, zinc plate 8.8 and steel plate 8.3%. Roof type was lots of slate type before 1995. But vinyl type is increasing after 1995. Proportion of wall type of dairy cattle barn was almost open type 83.3% and winch-curtain 26.8%. Utilization period of dairy cattle barn was 9.2 years about milker, 7.9 years about automatic feeder, 9.2 years about waterer and 10.4 years about electric facilities. In this results, there were lots of improvements about automatic feeder.

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Surveying for Pig House Facilities of Pig Farms by Holding Scale (양돈농가의 사육규모별 축사시설 분석)

  • Seo, K.W.;Min, B.R.;Choi, H.C.;Lee, D.W.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2009
  • In this research pig house facilities what are 3,029 houses hold over 1000 heads were surveyed by scale and province. Full-time farms hold over 1000 heads breed total 7,229,892 heads. And farms breed 2,386.9 heads averagely. Pig houses were constructed august 1995 averagely. Each of houses have $3,017.2\;m^2$ scale. The construction type of pig house was winch-curtain type 77.2% which was most popular, confined type 51.3%, litter type 7.4% and loft type 4.6%. The winch-curtain type was popular than windowless type in pig farms which have 1,000-1,999 heads. But pig house construction type which have more than over 10,000 heads was windowless type more than winch-curtain type. Manure removing type was slurry 72.3% and scraper 38.5% in farms which have 1,000-1,999 heads. Manure removing type was slurry 83.3% in farms which have over 10,000 heads. Proportion of roof type of pig house was slate 51.2%, panel 46.1%. But in middle or small farms, slate type was only 25.0%. Proportion of wall type of pig house was 41.9%, block 21.9%, concrete 7.6%, winch-curtain 6.3%, and bnck 5.9%. Ventilation type of pig house was natural winch 46.1%, mechanical windowless 69.8% and mixed type 53.1%. So, mechanical windowless type was popular than natural winch type. Especially the farm scale is bigger the mechanical widowless type was more. Utilization period of pig house was 8.1 years about automatic feeder, 8.3 years about waterer, 8.2 years about electric facilities and 9.0 years about floor material. Thus, almost of facilities were used at least 8 years.

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An Estimate of Ballast Track Condition on Dynamic Behavior of Railway Bridge (철도교량의 동적거동 특성을 고려한 자갈도상궤도의 상태추정에 관한 연구)

  • Kweon, Oh-Soon;Choi, Jung-Youl;Kang, Myoung-Seok;Lee, Hee-Up;Park, Yong-Gul
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.480-493
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    • 2007
  • Many railway-advanced countries are using the various types of track to reduce the track maintenance and repair cost according to the improvement of velocity. It spends on much maintenance and repair cost for ballast track due to abrasion of ballast, track irregularity and unisotropical ballast-support stiffness. The ballast track on railway bridge is accelerating the deterioration of ballast according to interaction of railway bridge and track. As continuing the deterioration, it is caused dynamic loads. Due to these effects, it increases negative loads of track and bridge. However, when designing the railway bridge, the effect of ballast track was applicate only dead load, so elastic behavior effect of ballast track is not influenced. Therefore, this paper presumes the stiffness of ballast track on railway bridge considering dynamic behavior of railway bridge, it was evaluated that effect on dynamic behaviors of railway bridge according to ballast track stiffness.

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