• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노인의 자아존중감

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The Effect of the Walking Exercise on Physiological index, Physical Fitness, Self Esteem, Depression and Life Satisfaction in the Institutionalized Elderly Women (걷기운동이 양로시설 여성노인의 생리적 지수, 체력, 자아존중감, 우울과 생활만족도에 미치는 효과)

  • Son, Jo-Ug;Lee, Ji-Hyun
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to show the effect of walking exercise on physiological index, physical fitness, self-esteem. depression. and life satisfaction in institutionalized elderly women aged over 70. Sample and Method: Data were collected from subjects who consented to participate in this program for eight weeks from the 2nd of July to the 27th of August 2005. The subjects were divided into two groups, 26 subjects in the experimental group who had walking exercise and 30 in the control group who did not have walking exercise. The intensity of the walking exercise allowed 50-65% of the maximum heartbeat. Results: The results of the experiment supported the hypothesis that the experimental group would have higher flexibility, left grip strength, sense of equilibrium, self-esteem and life satisfaction and lower depression than the control group. Conclusion: Walking exercise has the effect of decreasing diastolic blood pressure together with improvement in flexibility, left grip strength, sense of equilibrium, self-esteem, depression and life satisfaction for institutionalized elderly women aged over 70. According to the results presented above, walking exercise can be strongly recommended for improving the health of institutionalized elderly women.

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The Correlational Study on Health-Promoting Behavior, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction of Elderly (노인의 건강증진행위, 자아존중감 및 생활만족도 와의 관계)

  • Yang, Nam Young
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.112-118
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was examined to identify the correlation health-promoting behavior, self-esteem, and life satisfaction of the elderly. Method: The subjects consisted of 115 elderly. The data collected from Oct to Dec 2011 were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficients. Result: The mean scores of health-promoting behavior ($2.33{\pm}.34$), self-esteem ($2.87{\pm}.58$), and life satisfaction ($2.98{\pm}.44$) of elderly were the average. Health-promoting behavior was significantly different according to age, educational level, religion, spouse, living arrangement, economic status, and join groups. Self-esteem was significantly different according to religion, economic status, and join groups. Life satisfaction was significantly different according to age, economic status, and join groups. Significant correlations were found between health-promoting behavior, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. Conclusion: These findings indicate that health-promoting behavior, self-esteem, and life satisfaction may be necessities to pursue successful aging of elderly. In addition, above mentioned results will be reflected in improving the quality of life programs.

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The Relations between Self-esteem, Self-care and Life Satisfaction in the Home-dwelling Elderly (재가노인의 자아존중감, 자가간호와 생활만족도간의 관계)

  • Kim, Bong-Im
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The present study was conducted to identify the relations between self-esteem. self-care and life satisfaction in the home-dwelling elderly. Methods: The subjects were 106 persons aged over 65 in J city. Data were collected from April to June 2005 by a questionnaire survey. The instruments used in this study are the self-esteem scale developed by Rosenberg(1965), the self-care scale by Hwang (2000) and the life-satisfaction scale by Choi (1986). Data were analyzed through t-test, ANOVA. least significant difference, Pearson's correlation coefficient and stepwise regression analysis using SPSS-Win 10.0. Results: Self-esteem and self-care were in a positive correlation with each other (r=.464, p=.000). Self-care and life-satisfaction showed a significant correlation with each other (r=.222 p=.031), and a significant correlation was found between self-esteem and life-satisfaction (r=.506, p=.000). The most significant predictors influencing life-satisfaction were self-esteem, self-care and perceived health condition, and the three factors accounted for 47.7% of variance in life satisfaction in the home-dwelling elderly. Conclusion: These results suggest that self-esteem, self-care and life-satisfaction can be important factors the quality of life of the elderly in long-term care. Therefore nurses can plan nursing interventions to promote self-esteem, self-care and life satisfaction of the home-dwelling elderly.

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A Study on the Influence of Perceived Health Status on Suicide Ideation of the Low-income Elderly: Considering Mediating Effects of Self-esteem and Depression (저소득 재가노인의 주관적 건강인식이 자살생각에 미치는 영향 : 우울과 자아존중감 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Han, Suk Jung
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.16-24
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify the mediating effect of self-esteem and depression in the relationship between perceived health status of the low-income elderly and their suicide ideation. Methods: Participants were 201 elderly people living at home in two cities who were receiving home health services from public health centers. Face-to-face interviews were conducted from October in 2013 to April in 2014. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. Results: Subjects' perceived health status had a direct effect on increasing self-esteem and reducing depression. Subjects' self-esteem and depression had a direct effect on suicide ideation. Perceived health status had an indirect effect on suicide ideation that was mediated by self-esteem and depression. Conclusion: Results of this study indicate that to prevent suicide of the elderly, it is critical to increase their health status. Additionally, there is a need to construct and implement strategies to strengthen self-esteem of low-income elderly in order to decrease depression.

The Effects of Foot Reflexology on Self-Esteem and Vitality of the Elderly Women (발 반사마사지가 시설 노인의 자아존중감과 생기유발에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Kang-Yi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study was done to verify the effects of foot reflexology on the self-esteem and vitality of elders. Method: A non- equivalent control group pre- and post-test design was used. Research instruments to measure self-esteem and vitality were used in this study. The participants were elderly women hospitalized in a hospital in Okcheon County, Chungbuk Province, Korea. The 18 patients in the experimental group performed 40 minutes of foot reflexology per time for a total of 12 times over two weeks, and the 18 patients in the control group received regular care only. Before and after the experiment, both groups were tested for self-esteem and vitality. Frequencies, percentages, $\chi^2$-test, t-test and Mann-Whitney U test with the SPSS/WIN 10.0 program were used to analyze the collected data. Results: Vitality of the elderly women patients improved significantly in the experimental group. However self-esteem did not increase significantly. Conclusion: Foot reflexology is effective as a nursing intervention in improving the health of elders.

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Relationship between Cognitive Function, Self-esteem, and Depression among Patients in Long-term care Hospitals (요양병원 노인환자의 인지기능, 자아존중감 및 우울과의 관계)

  • Yoo, Moon Sook;Seo, Eun Ji;Hwang, Myoung Sook
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between cognitive function, self-esteem, and depression among patients in long-term care hospitals. Methods: The study participants were 159 patients from 2 long-term care hospitals in Kyungki province. Data were collected from January 2 to February 5, 2013, by conducting across-sectional descriptive survey using a structured questionnaire administered by researchers. Results: Cognitive function and depression were significantly different according to age, education level and marriage. Self-esteem was significantly different according to education level and economic status. Self-esteem was significantly positively correlated with cognitive function, which in contrast showed a significant negative correlation with depression. Among our subjects, those older than 80 years showed low cognitive function and those with low educational attainment showed high scores of depression. Conclusion: We conclude that, elderly patients in long-term care hospitals who have low educational attainment should be carefully monitored, especially by nurses, for cognitive function and depression. In addition, nurses should have constant communication with their patients. Moreover, long-term care hospitals should apply early detection of and a management system for cognitive impairment and depression among their patients.

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Effects of Music-Based Group Reminiscence Program on Interpersonal Relationships, Self-Esteem and Depression in Hospitalized Elderly People (음악을 활용한 집단회상프로그램이 입원노인의 대인관계, 자아존중감, 우울에 미치는 효과)

  • Jung, Yong;Choi, Mi Hye
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of a music-based group reminiscence program on interpersonal relationships, self-esteem and depression in elderly people who are hospitalized. Methods: A quasi-experimental research was implemented, and a nonequivalent control group pre-posttest design was used. The participants were 52 elders who met the selection criteria and were assigned to the experimental group (26) and the control group (26). Both groups took the pre and posttest at the same time, and both groups received regular hospital care with the experimental group participating in the program for 12 sessions over six weeks. The instruments used in the study were, for interpersonal relationships, the Interpersonal Change Scale by Schlein and Guerney (1971), for self-esteem, the Self-Esteem Scale by Rosenberg (1965) and for depression, the Depression Inventory by Zung (1965). The collected data were analyzed with the SPSS 15.0 program. Results: Compared to the control group, the experimental group had significantly better interpersonal relationships and significantly higher self-esteem and less depression. Conclusion: The findings of the study suggest that a music-based group reminiscence program is effective in improving the interpersonal relationships, self-esteem and depression of hospitalized elders.

Relating Factors on Depressive Symptoms among the Elderlies in Urban Areas (일부 도시지역 거주 노인들의 우울수준에 관련된 요인)

  • Baek, Jong-Tae;Lee, Hu-Yeon;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.506-515
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the factors associated with the levels of depression of the elderly (living in urban areas). Interviews were performed during the period from July 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015 of 386 elderly people in urban areas. The mean score of depressive symptoms was significantly higher in the subjects of higher age, lower educational level, living alone, having a lower monthly income, relying on government subsidy for their living expenses, having a chronic illness, lower state of subjective health, without regular exercise, poorer subjective sleeping time, lower frequency of going out, irregular eating habits, depending on some level of help for their ADL and IADL, and having lower self-esteem and social support. The depressive symptoms showed a meaningful positive correlation with ADL and IADL and a negative correlation with self-esteem and social support. On multiple regression analysis, the meaningful variables related to their depressive symptoms were their education, monthly income, subjective health status, ADL, self-esteem, and social support. Also, according to the variables was 54.1% of depressive symptoms. Therefore, it is considered that the practice of physical and mental health care, as well as social support, is required to reduce the level of depression in the elderly.

A Study on the Effects of Mobile Communicational Devices on the Emotional Stability of the Elder Person (모바일 통신기기 사용이 노인의 심리적 안정감에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Yeoun;Choi, Myung-Sin;Chung, Chang-Duk;Hong, You-Sik
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2009
  • This study is focused on examining the use of information and communication technology among the factors that contribute to the psychological stability of the aged. To identify the appreciation and experience of information and communication technology, we have itemized mobile technology and internet technology which are the most broadly utilized technologies by the elderly, and suggested a methodology to measure the effects that information and communication technology have on their psychological stability. We surveyed more than 100 people over 55 year old in Seoul. The findings of the study showed that the group of users who use wired internet and mobile technology are less depressed and have more self-esteem than the group of non-users. It was also shown that the more skilled they are at utilizing the technology, the less feelings of depression and loneliness, and the more self-esteem they have.

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The Effect of Daily Living Activities, Depression, Self-respect, and Social Activity Participation of the Rural Elderly on Their Life Satisfaction -Centering on Yeoju, Gyeonggi- (농촌노인의 일상생활수행능력과 우울감, 자아존중감 및 사회활동 참여가 생활만족도에 미치는 영향 -경기도 여주를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sim;Nam, Hee-Soo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.957-984
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this research is to delineate how daily living activities, depression, self-respect, and social activity participation affects the life satisfaction of the rural elderly. The subjects of the research were elderly over-65-year-olds living in Yeoju, Gyeonggido and conducted from November 15 to November 30, 2009. The sampling method was convenience sampling among non-probability sampling, a total of 339 were used as analysis data. The collected data were then put through-frequency analysis, correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis, and feasibility verification through SPSS SAS 9.1.3 program. As a result of hypothesis verification, daily living activities have a positive influence over life satisfaction. And the higher the elderly's self-respect, the greater their life satisfaction, and it was verified that depending on social activity participation, there is a difference in their life satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to verify and carry out action plan and ital.