• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노동투자수준

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Ability, Heterogeneity, and Parental Choices on Human Capital (이질적 학습능력과 인적자본에 대한 부모의 교육투자 선택)

  • Hwang, Jin-tae;Kim, Sung-min
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.91-114
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    • 2017
  • This paper shows that when children's ability is heterogeneous, a parent's choices about educational expenditures and fertility follow a pooling equilibrium or a separating equilibrium. Which of the two equilibria will prevail depends on the probability of getting a high-ability child as well as productivity differentials in producing children's adult human capital. Adopting the model of Acemoglu's (1999), this paper presents that the outcome of the pooling choice in the pooling regime and the outcome of the separating choice in the separating regime make the growth rate of human capital higher than otherwise. In addition, as the probability of a high-ability child increases, the growth rate of human capital in the separating equilibrium exceeds that in the pooling equilibrium.

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A Study on Facilitation Factors of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in the World - Focusing on national macro socio-economic Factors - (세계 해외직접투자 유입 촉진에 관한 연구 -국가별 거시적 사회·경제 변수를 중심으로-)

  • Hong, Seung-Gee;Kim, Moo-Soo
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.47-67
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to determine factors of FDI inflows which positively influence economic development. While MNCs ultimately decide on which country to engage in FDI, it can be affected by the general investment environment of host countries. Thus, it may be closely linked to national macro socio-economic factors. In the fixed-effect panel regression analysis using 30 years of data of 13 developed countries and 15 developing countries, results indicate that labor redemption exerts the greatest influence on global FDI inflows; this implies that FDI decisions are based on locations featuring higher productivity by the reduction of labor costs. According to the level of economic development, the motive of FDI inflows differs. In developed countries, GDP, government expenditure and consumer expenditure exert the greatest influence on FDI inflows; which shows characteristics of market seeking and horizontal investment. However, in developing countries, labor redemption and human capital exert the greatest influence on FDI inflows; which shows characteristics of efficiency seeking and vertical investment.

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A Study on the Status and Efficiency of Education-Training in Korean Firm (한국기업의 교육훈련투자 실태와 효율화 방안 연구 - 국내 대기업 D사를 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Jangsoo
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.83-117
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    • 2001
  • This study intends to analyze the status and efficiency of education-training in Korean firm. A study on the education-training in firm is very important nowadays, but the study level on this issue in Korea is low. The study method of this paper is the case study on a high-level Korean firm in the education-training status. This study first attempted to analyze the concept and size of the education-training in firm. And then this study figured out factors that determine the efficiency of education-training. Finally, I analyzed the status and efficiency of education-training in this case firm. Unfortunately, the efficiency level of my case firm in the education-training was low, in spite of a high-level firm in the education-training status. To upgrade the efficiency level of this firm in the education-training, this firm has to resolve many tasks.

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Sibling Size and Children's Educational Attainment (자녀 수와 자녀 교육수준의 대체관계에 대한 실증분석)

  • Chun, Hyunbae;Chung, Yu-Sun
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2009
  • Using the 2006 Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing, this paper investigates the effect of sibling size on children's educational attainment. OLS estimation results show a negative relationship between the number of children and their educational attainment, which confirms the trade-off between child quantity and quality. However, estimation results using the first child's sex as an instrument for sibling size, show no evidence of a quantity-quality trade-off. Our findings suggest that the adverse effect of a larger sibling size on per-child investment in education can be mitigated by other factors such as peer effect.

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Causal Effect from IT Capital in the US Computer and Electronic Products Industry: Value Added Increase or Labor Decrease (미국 전자산업에서 IT자본의 효과: 부가가치 창출 또는 근로자의 감소)

  • Sangho Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.121-135
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    • 2020
  • Since many researchers were interested in measuring the performance of information technology investment, many studies have been conducted with various data sources and analysis methods, and most studies report that IT investment produces significant and positive results. Many of these studies have been conducted at the enterprise level, but different results may occur at the industry level. In the case of the electronics industry, if the performance of the IT highly increases, the sales of the IT produced in the electronics industry may decrease, and the added value of the electronics industry may also decrease. As a result of analysis, the increase in the IT capital of the US electronic industry did not increase the added value of the industry, but the increase in IT capital per worker in the industry had a positive effect on the increase in value added per worker (labor productivity) in the industry. In addition, the increase in IT capital in the US electronics industry has resulted in a decrease in the number of workers.

Mutation of Flows of FDI and Labour within East Asia (동아시아 자본 및 노동이동의 구조적 변화)

  • Moon, Nam-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.215-228
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    • 2006
  • Because of the technological innovation of information-communication, the liberalization of world trade and the intensification of regionalisation, the world economic space is in progress of globalization that is not only a product but also a capital, technology and labour move freely over the countries. In the globalized economic space, the multinational finns accelerate a globalization of capital and labour by exporting the capital to the peripherals countries for the low cost of production and importing the low wage labour from the peripherals countries. East Asia which appeared one of the world triad economic axis with a rapid regional economic growth after 1980's intensifies the regionalisation of capital and labour. As the increase of gap in cost of production and income level among the countries, not only the direction of flows of capital and labour but also the traits of migrant labour also changes remarkably.

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우리나라의 경제발전추이와 1만달러시기의 국제비교

  • Korea Petroleum Association
    • Korea Petroleum Association Journal
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    • no.7 s.185
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    • pp.77-79
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    • 1996
  • 95년중 우리나라는 1인당 국민소득이 처음으로 1만달러를 넘어 섰으며, 경제규모 (경상GNP)는 4,517억달러로 세계 11위, 교역규모는 2,603억달러로 세계13위(94년기준) 국가로 부상하였음. 경제구조면에서도 농림어업의 비중이 낮아지고 광공업 및 서비스업의 비중이 높아지는 등 산업구조가 고도화되었으며, 최종 소비지출의 비중이 낮아진 반면 설비 및 건설투자의 비중이 높아졌음. 또한 엥겔계수가 낮아지고 노동소득분배율이 높아지는 등 경제구조가 전반적으로 선진국형에 근접해가고 있는 것으로 나타났음. 이와 같은 경제발전에 따라 제조업 근로자의 주당 평균 근로시간, 인구 1만명당 의사수, 주택 보급률, 고등교육기관 학생수 및 연구개발투자액의 대GNP 비중 등 주요사회지표가 크게 호전된 것으로 나타났음. 특히 이중에서도 고등교육기관 학생수 및 연구개발투자액의 대GNP비중등은 우리나라의 높은 교육열등을 반영하여 주요국의 1만달러시기 수준보다 높은 것으로 나타났음.

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The Effects of Technological Progress on Growth, Employment and Distribution (성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배에 대한 기술진보의 파급효과)

  • Im, Yang-Taek
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 2005.02a
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    • pp.220-267
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구의 분석목표는 순요소증가형 CES 생산함수를 실증적으로 추정함으로써 한국 제조업부문의 기술변화의 유형을 규명하고 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배에 대한 기술진보의 파급효과를 분석하는 것이다. 이 분석결과를 토대로 하여, 본 연구는 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배를 동시적으로 추구할 수 있는 정책방향을 기술경제 패러다임의 시각에서 제시하였다. 본 연구의 실증적 분석결과는 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다 : 한국 제조업부문의 기술변화의 유형은 Hicks형 비(非)중립적인 자본사용적(B(t)>0) 즉 노동절약적 기술진보인 것으로 추정되었다. 이 결과, 잠재적 고용수준은 감소될 수밖에 없었다. 또한, Hicks형 중립적 기술진보를 나타내는 총요소생산성 증가율(${\gamma}$)은 감소하였던 반면에, 비(非)중립적 기술진보를 나타내는 요소간 대체탄력도(${\sigma}$)와 자본집약도(${\delta}$)는 증가하였다. 이에 따라 노동(L)이 자본(K)으로 광범위하게 대체되었을 뿐만 아니라, 자본투입(K)이 노동투입(L)보다 상대적으로 더 빠르게 증가 (K/K > L/L 즉 k/k > 0)되었다. 이 결과, 소득분배구조가 악화 (S/S< 0)된 것으로 추정되었다. 그러므로, 오늘날 경제성장의 한계 봉착, 대량실업의 폭발, 계층간 갈등의 심화를 초래한 요인은, 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배를 동시적으로 추구하는 산업 ${\cdot}$ 기술경제정책을 일관성있게, 또한 과감히 추진하지 않았던 결과, 노동사용적 중소기업의 몰락, 노동의 생산효율성 증진을 위한 인적자본 투자의 미흡, 자본의 생산효율성 증진을 위한 자본절약적 기술진보의 저조, 총요소 생산성 증가의 부진, 만성적인 인플레이션에 의한 실질 임금수준의 하락 및 실물 자산가치의 상승 등이라고 말할 수 있다. 따라서 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배의 조화는 바로 노동효율 증가형 기순혁신이며, 이를 위한 인적자본에의 투자라고 말할 수 있다. 본 연구가 기술경제 패러다임(techno-economic paradigm)의 시각에서 제시하는 한국경제의 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배를 위한 정책방향은 다음과 같은 동태적발전과정으로 요약할 수 있다 : 기초과학연구능력 확충 ${\rightarrow}$ 소화 ${\cdot}$ 흡수 ${\cdot}$ 개량 ${\rightarrow}$ 토착화 능력의 배양 ${\rightarrow}$ 자체기술개발, 선진기술 도입, 산업간 및 산업내 기술확산, 국제기술협력 ${\rightarrow}$ 기술혁신의 촉진 ${\rightarrow}$ 총요소생산성과 기업경쟁력(자원 및 역량, 프로세스 경쟁력, 품질경쟁력, 시장경쟁력, 고객성과, 시장성과, 재무성과)의 제고 ${\rightarrow}$ 가격경쟁력(임금, 금리, 물류비용, 환율 등)과 비(非)가격경쟁력(디자인, 에프터서비스, 품질, 운송 등)의 제고 ${\rightarrow}$ 국가경쟁력의 제고 ${\rightarrow}$ 국제수지 흑자 ${\rightarrow}$ 성장 ${\rightarrow}$ 물가 및 고용 안정 ${\rightarrow}$ 분배 ${\rightarrow}$ 최대다수의 최대행복이다.

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Toward Optimal System of Financial Support for Higher Education (대학교육 지원체계의 합리화 방향 - 소득연계식 학자금융자제도를 중심으로 -)

  • Yun, Jungyoll
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.89-112
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    • 2014
  • This paper characterizes an optimal combination of grant and income-contingent loans (ICL) from efficiency and equity points of view as a government subsidy program for higher-education. In particular, we show that it is always desirable to introduce ICL for students regardless of their household incomes, and also provide arguments for the superiority of tax-financing system to loans with risk-premium as a financing mechanism of ICL. From policy point of view, this paper suggests a need for the extended coverage of our ICL system, while justifying its current tax-financing system.

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Productivity Effect by Activities in Education & Training and Research & Development after Financial Crisis: An Analysis using the Estimate of E&T Stock (외환위기 이후 기업의 교육훈련활동과 연구개발활동의 생산성 효과: 교육훈련스톡 추계치를 이용한 분석)

  • Ban, Ga Woon
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.33-69
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    • 2011
  • This study analyses a productivity effect by E&T and R&D activities via estimation of E&T stock, R&D stock, and patent stock in a corporate level. Particularly, the analysis reflects the effects of skilled training after estimating E&T stock from E&T flow. When a spillover effect of E&T is analyzed, a methodology using technical proximity concept becomes a new experiment. Also classifying long and short term effects from the usage of Dynamic Panel Data Analysis becomes a new trial, too. The results of study appear that the productivity effects from E&T investments are relatively lager than R&D investments. Through spillover effects and long-term effects E&T and R&D activities have a strong influence on the corporate's productivity.

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