• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노동시장 동학

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Business Cycle and Labor Market Transitions : A Comparison among Demographic Groups (경기변동과 고용 동학에 대한 분석: 집단 간 취업-미취업 이행확률 비교를 중심으로)

  • Goh, Young-Geun;Ahn, Taehyun
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.31-59
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    • 2018
  • This study examines how the rate of transition between employment and non-employment changes with the business cycle using monthly panel data constructed from 2000-2013 Korea Labor and Income Panel Study(KLIPS). In particular, we investigate whether the transition rates are different across demographic groups when the labor market is depressed. We find that, as the labor market weakens, the transition rate into non-employment significantly increases. The rates of transition into non-employment are substantially higher for female, older and less educated groups than those for male, prime-aged and more educated groups.

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Institutional Dynamics of In-Work Poverty Determination: Distributive Process of Labor Markets, Households, and the Welfare State Using Korean Welfare Panel Study, 2008-15 (근로빈곤 결정의 제도 동학: 노동시장과 가구, 복지국가 분배 과정 분석)

  • Ryu, Kirak
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.71-104
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    • 2018
  • This paper adopts a distributive performance process model of in-work poverty based on labor markets, households, and welfare states and analyzes the 4-11 waves of the Korean Welfare Panel Study during 2008-15. Previous studies on in-work poverty have focused on the definitions and concepts of in-work poverty by analyzing employment and unemployment persistence and repetition dynamics, but rarely paid attention to institutional distributive performance. In this regard, this study preforms a stepwise analysis of labor markets, households, and welfare states as a process of income generation in labor markets, satisfaction of welfare needs and income pooling at households, and deduction of social security contribution and income tax as well as receipt of public transfer income at welfare states. Results of empirical analysis show that in-work poverty had been on increase during 2008-11, followed by a decrease between 2012-15. At labor market stages, full time status had the most prominent impact on in-work poverty process, while status by employment and contract type have generated a huge variation as well. At household stages, household work intensity and number of earners contributed to reduction of in-work poverty, but the relations did not seen to be straightforward. However, welfare state played little role in lifting employees out of in-work poverty. In terms of institutional distributive process, in-work poverty was prevalent in either household-welfare state stage or labor market-household-welfare stage. Non-vulnerable group in terms of in-risk poverty was around 80% of the sample during the period of analysis, the size of which has remained constant.

The Labor Market for College Professors in Korea (교수시장의 수급구조와 교수의 경제적 지위)

  • Ryoo, Jaewoo
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2011
  • This paper analyzes the demand and supply structure of the market for college professors, and then characterizes the changes in the economic status of them for the last three decades. On the supply side, the number of Korean recipients of doctorate degrees from the U.S. institutions, relative to the number of newly hired professors, has declined dramatically since early 1990s. The relative remuneration of professors, which is found to be closely related to the 'number of students per professor', has also declined steadily. These suggest that the decline in the relative wage of professors has been a driving force for the decline in the relative size of new PhD's in the U.S.

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한국노동시장(韓國勞動市場)의 동태적(動態的) 구조분석(構造分析)

  • Jang, Hyeon-Jun
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 1987
  • 본논문(本論文)에서는 우리나라의 노동시장(勞動市場)의 구조(構造)를 동학적(動學的)으로 살펴보고 이에 따른 정책과제(政策課題)를 도출(導出)하기 위해 취업(就業)과 실업상태(失業狀態)를 번갈아 움직이는 노동자(勞動者) 행태(行態)의 결정요인(決定要因)을 실증분석(實證分析)하였다. 분석방법(分析方法)으로는 직업탐색이론(職業探索理論)을 이용(利用)하여 이론적(理論的)인 가설(假說)을 도출(導出)하였고, 계량적(計量的) 검증(檢證)을 위해 회귀모형(回歸模型)을 정형화(定型化)하였다. 통계자료(統計資料)는 1985년(年) 한해 동안의 "경제활동인구조사(經濟活動人口調査)"의 매월(每月) "테이프"에서 같은 근로자(勤勞者)를 11개월(個月) 동안 추적하여 분석(分析)을 위한 표본(標本)으로 이용(利用)하였다. 임금(賃金)은 취업(就業)에서 실업(失業)으로 변화(變化)할 확률(確率)에 대해 부(負)의 효과(效果)를 보이고 실업(失業)에서 벗어나 재취업(再就業)할 확률(確率)에도 부(負)의 효과(效果)를 나타내어 이론(理論)에서 도출(導出)된 가설(假設)이 검증(檢證)되었다. 연령(年齡)이 상태간(狀態間) 이동(移動)에 미친 효과(效果)는 부(負)의 값을 보였다. 그러나 이 효과(效果)는 일정한 연령(年齡)이 지나면 정(正)의 효과(效果)로 바뀌는 비선형성(非線型性)을 보였다. 이러한 결과(結果)에 입각(立脚)하여 우리는 높은 임금(賃金)을 받는 근로자(勤勞者)일수록 이직(移職)의 가능성(可能性)이 낮고 또한 실업상태(失業狀態)에서 재취직(再就職)의 가능성(可能性)이 낮다는 사실(事實) 등을 알 수 있다. 이에 따른 정책적(政策的) 시사점(示唆點)의 하나는 직업훈련(職業訓鍊)을 단순히 양적(量的)으로 확대(擴大)하기보다는 연령체계(年齡體系)에 맞추어 그 내용을 질적(質的)으로 조정(調整)하는 것이 바람직하다는 것이다.

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Nonlinear Dynamics between Economic Growth and Pollution (경제성장과 환경오염 간의 비선형동학 분석)

  • Kim, Ji Uk
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.405-423
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    • 2006
  • This paper develops theoretical model between economic growth and pollution as follows: First, emissions are generated from final good production process and technology accumulation. Second, pollution is directly connected with increase in final good production or in consumption, Third, no pollution abatement activity would be undertaken. Fourth, reproducible factors associated with labor and capital input are used in production function. We also test the existence of nonlinear Dynamics between economic growth and pollution using an exponential smooth transition autoregressive model(ESTAR). We find the presence of nonlinear dynamics between economic growth and pollution with a time series data for Seoul. This result shows indirectly that an inverted U relationship between air pollution and economic growth exists.

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