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The Effect of Salicylic Acid (SA) on the Photosynthetic Activity in Commelina communis L. (Salicylic acid가 닭의장풀의 광합성에 미치는 영향)

  • 이준상
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.359-364
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    • 1999
  • The effect of Salicylic acid (SA) on the leaf growth, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance in Commelina communis L. was investigated. C. communis which was grown in Hoagland solution containing 1 mM SA during 3 weeks resulted in a significant reduction of leaf length, width and area. 1 mM SA reduced about 10% of the leaf area at 1 week and 2 weeks, but inhibited 22% of the leaf area at 3 weeks. SA also showed great effect on the reduction of chlorophyll content. SA reduced 47% and 53% of chlorophyll content each at 2 weeks and 3 weeks when it was compared with the control. Chlorophyll a/b ratio in SA treated sample was increased at 3 weeks representing that SA was sensitive to chlorophyll b. The treatment of SA did not inhibit the activity of PSII+PSI, PSII and PSI. This result indicates that SA did not show direct effect oil the photosynthetic electron transport activity. However, when C. communis was grown in Hoagland solution containing I mM SA fer long period, SA showed clear inhibition of photosyhthesis in intact leaves. The treatment of SA for 3 weeks showed about 23~65% inhibition of photosynthetic activity at various light intensity (100~1000$\mu$mo1 m­$^2$$^1$). Similar effect was found on stomatal conductance. The treatment of SA caused an almost closure of stomata. Similar effects of stomatal conductance at various light intensity indicate a loss of normal control on stomatal mechanism. These results indicate that the effect of SA on photo-synthetic activity was not by SA itself but by indirect metabolic pathway.

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Fruit Quality and Freezing Damage of 'Kyoho' Grapes by Girdling (환상박피처리에 의한 '거봉' 포도의 과실 품질 및 동해 피해)

  • Kwon, Yong-Hee;Lee, Byul-Ha-Na;Shim, Sung-Bo;Shin, Kyoung-Hee;Chung, Kyu-Hwan;Choi, In-Myung;Park, Hee-Seung
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2011
  • The effects of girdling on fruit quality and cold resistance of 'Kyoho' grapes were investigated. Girdling treatment was conducted on the trunk at 10 cm above ground with 1 cm width and grapes were harvested at 90 and 110 days after full bloom to compare the fruit quality. First harvesting rate in girdling treatment was higher than that in non-girdling treatment and coloration was also higher in girdled vines at the final harvest. In other words, coloring process of grape was promoted and enhanced by girdling, but this effect of coloring improvement was decreased after successive girdling treatment. Fruit quality showed no difference between the treated and non-treated berries, but fruit cracking rate was lower in girdled treated berries. Girdled trees were weakened and suffered from freezing damage. Especially, most grapevines withered up after being girdled for three consecutive years. Although girdling had effect on improving the berry coloring significantly, the effect wore off with continuous girdling. And it was possible that consecutive girdling leaded to wither and growth suppression especially in grapevines. These adverse effects may make the continuous girdling technique unsuitable in practice for 'Kyoho' grape.

A Bibliographical Study of Tzeam Using the Fish, Vegetable and Etc (찜의 문헌적 고찰( II ) - 어패류.채소류 및 기타를 이용한 찜을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Sil;Chun, Hee-Jung;Lee, Hyo-Gee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.77-99
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    • 1990
  • In this thesis, according to the kinds of tzeam in the main materials of fish, vegetable and etc was to analysis reference frequency to them the materials, the measuring unit of materials, the terms of cooking by 49 books published in Korea from 1670 to 1987. 1. It was 69 kinds of tzeam in the main materials of fish vegetables and etc. 2. Materials were classified into the main-materials, sub-materials, seasioning and decorations. 3. There were 42 kinds of measuring units, of them 16 kinds were for volume, 16 kinds were for quantity, 2 kinds were for length and the rest measuring units were 8 kinds. 4. There were 22 kinds of cooking terms. The terms of them, 15 kinds were for heating methods, 7 terms of them were for the cutting process.

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  • Na, Hye-Jin;Song, Je-Seon;Lee, Jae-Ho;Choi, Hyung-Jun;Kim, Seong-Oh;Son, Heung-Kyu;Choi, Byung-Jai
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2012
  • The anterior maxillary incisor is the most traumatized region in the mouth and trauma is frequent between the ages of 8-10. Traumatic loss of teeth, can lead to many complications in children. Thus, as possible to keep traumatic teeth, but if you need extractions There may be. Complications occur and early tooth loss is frequent. Complications of early loss of central incisors are esthetic compromise, loss of vertical and horizontal width, height, contour of alveolar bone, tilting of adjacent teeth, arch length loss. Alveolar bone loss may affect normal function and stability, and results in esthetic problem for future prosthesis restoration. The 9-year-old girl and 6-year-old boy got early loss of upper central incisor. The amount of alveolar bone resorption was measured using cone beam computed tomograph and cast analysis.

Maximising the lateral resolution of near-surface seismic refraction methods (천부 탄성파 굴절법 자료의 수평 분해능 최대화 연구)

  • Palmer, Derecke
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2009
  • The tau-p inversion algorithm is widely employed to generate starting models with most computer programs, which implement refraction tomography. This algorithm emphasises the vertical resolution of many layers, and as a result, it frequently fails to detect even large lateral variations in seismic velocities, such as the decreases which are indicative of shear zones. This study demonstrates the failure of the tau-p inversion algorithm to detect or define a major shear zone which is 50m or 10 stations wide. Furthermore, the majority of refraction tomography programs parameterise the seismic velocities within each layer with vertical velocity gradients. By contrast, the Generalized Reciprocal Method (GRM) inversion algorithms emphasise the lateral resolution of individual layers. This study demonstrates the successful detection and definition of the 50m wide shear zone with the GRM inversion algorithms. The existence of the shear zone is confirmed by a 2D analysis of the head wave amplitudes and by numerous closely spaced orthogonal seismic profiles carried out as part of a later 3D refraction investigation. Furthermore, an analysis of the shot record amplitudes indicates that a reversal in the seismic velocities, rather than vertical velocity gradients, occurs in the weathered layers. The major conclusion reached in this study is that while all seismic refraction operations should aim to provide as accurate depth estimates as is practical, those which emphasise the lateral resolution of individual layers generate more useful results for geotechnical and environmental applications. The advantages of the improved lateral resolution are obtained with 2D traverses in which the structural features can be recognised from the magnitudes of the variations in the seismic velocities. Furthermore, the spatial patterns obtained with 3D investigations facilitate the recognition of structural features such as faults which do not display any intrinsic variation or 'signature' in seismic velocities.

Comparative seed morphology of the tribe Alsineae (Caryophyllaceae) in Korea and its taxonomic implications (한국산 Alsineae (석죽과) 종자의 형태비교 및 분류학적 유용성)

  • Song, Jun-Ho;Kim, Ju-Mi;Ok, Min-Kyoung;Hong, Suk-Pyo
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.369-379
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    • 2015
  • The seed morphology of 25 taxa (8 genera) of Alsineae (Alsinoideae, Caryophyllaceae) in Korea was examined using stereo (SM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to evaluate their diagnostic values and taxonomic implications. Circular, comma-shaped, ellipsoid, ovate, pyriform, reniform, and sub-circular seed shapes were identified. The seeds of the examined taxa range from 0.28 to 4.10 mm in length and from 0.33 to 3.10 mm in width; the smallest one was found in Sagina japonica, while the largest was in Honkenya peploides var. major. A hilar appendage was found in Cerastium, Honkenya, Moehringia, and strophioles were only observed in the genus Moehringia. Based on the examination of epidermal cells of the seed surface, four micromorphological types can be distinguished, viz., the colliculate-papillate (Col-Pap), colliculate-columellate (Col-Cll), colliculate-simple (Col-Sim), and smooth (Sm) types. Descriptions of the testa shape, margin, and the degree of elevation of the anticlinal cell walls, and the outer periclinal cell walls are summarized for the tribe. Taxonomic implications of the seed micromorphological characters were also discussed, in comparison with an earlier taxonomic system.

A Clinical Evaluation of Tuberculous Pleurisy -Report of 52 Cases (결핵성 흉막염 환자의 임상적 고찰)

  • Choe, Hyeong-Ho;Kim, Chang-Nam;Jeong, Hae-Dong
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.8
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    • pp.793-802
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    • 1997
  • A clinical analysis was performed on 52 cases of tuberculous pleurisy experienced in the department of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery and department of medicine, Chosun University Hospital during a period from Jan. 1994 to Dec. 1995. Among them, male was 39 cases, female was 13 cases, with age ranged from 7 to 73 years. The common symptoms were chest pain 75%, dyspnea 59.6%, cough 55.8%. The most common diagnostic tool was pleural biopsy. The protein levels in the tuberculous pleural effusion were 0.9∼6.5 gmojo, and ratios of effusion protein to serum protein were 0.48 ∼ 1.06. The glucose levels in the tuberculous pleural effusion were 37∼ 112 mg%. The LDH levels in the tuberculous pleural effusion were 80 ∼ 2440 unitlml, and ratios of tuberculous p eural effusion LDH to serum LDH were 0.48 ∼ 1.03. The ADA levels in the tuberculous pleural effusion were 24-63 lU/L. The common surgical methods of treatment in the tuberculous pleurisy were closed thoracostomy in 18 cases(66.7%), and thoracentesis in 5 cases(18.5%). This study compares the clinical results of group A and group B. There were no significant differences for age and sex, lag period from initial symptoms to admission, diagnostic method, and protein, pH, LDH, glucose, ADA levels in tuberculous pleural effusion. Authors noted that the discharge after admission on the tuberculous pleurisy was more faster in patients with surgical treatment than in patients with only medical treatment. (Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1997;30:793-802)

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Pattern Making Method and Design of Power Shoulder Jackets (파워 숄더 재킷의 디자인 및 패턴전개 방법)

  • Park, Sanghee;Lee, Eunhae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2013
  • Power shoulder look is most noticeable trend in women's wear in the 09/10 season. Specially jackets with sharper angle and wider shoulder became the best item since then, and were chosen for must-have item by fashion directors. Jacket occupied 50% in power shoulder items. Its shoulder angle was from 0 to 30 degree but items with 15 degree stood out among them. There are three methods to make power shoulder look jackets; shoulder extension method with moving shoulder tip up and sleeve cap height, method of extension and cutting sleeve cap with shorten shoulder length, and method of extension and moving shoulder tip up in the sleeve with shoulder line like raglan sleeve. As a result, shoulder angle is higher, starting point of shoulder line is closer to side neck point and shoulder point is extender to outside for appearance and fit. In shoulder extension method, the arm hole line was drawn with care by matching joining shoulder seam and setting the sleeve into the arm hole. In sleeve cap transformation, it is desired that starting point shoulder angle is moved closely to side neck point. In case of the sleeve with shoulder line, it needs to consider enough ease of shoulder and upper arm. For making patterns of power shoulder look jacket, it need to consider arm hole line, shoulder length, shoulder point position, sleeve cap height and sleeve width with interpretation design facts. In this study, through the analysis clothing construction method of power shoulder jacket, it is of help to pattern making for various power shoulder design items.

Morphological Characteristics and Germination Conditions of Seeds in Arabis pendula L. (늘어진장대(Arabis pendula L.) 종자의 형태적 특성 및 발아조건)

  • Shin, So Lim;Lim, Yun Kyung;Kwon, Hyuk Joon;Kim, Yu Ri;Kim, Soo-Young
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.50-57
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to investigate the morphological characteristics and optimal germination conditions in seeds of Arabis pendula L., a traditionally edible and medicinal plant. The external seed shape was circular-obovate with narrow wings and dark brown. The seed length and width were 1.25 mm and 1.47 mm, respectively. The seeds were exalbuminous and the embryo was a bent type. Seed germination was the highest (49.7%) at $20^{\circ}C$ under dark conditions among the various temperature and light conditions applied. However, under the dark condition, the seedling was weak, overgrown, and the cotyledons were small and folded. To improve the germination and growth of seedlings, the seeds were pre-treated with $GA_3$ solutions of varying concentrations (0, 200, 500, and 1,000 mg/L). The seed germination and seedling growth were effectively improved by $GA_3$ pre-treatment. The germination rate was the highest (97.3%), mean germination time was the shortest (8.1 days), and a vigorous growth of seedlings was observed upon pre-soaking the seeds in 500 mg/L $GA_3$ solution. In conclusion, the best method for germination was pre-soaking in 500 mg/L $GA_3$ ($4^{\circ}C$, dark, 24 h) and incubating the seeds at $20^{\circ}C$ for 15 days.

A reappraisal of the Acer wilsonii complex and Related Species in China (중국 Acer wilsonii 와 근연분류군의 분류학적 재검토)

  • Eom, Hyun Joo;de Jong, Piet C.;Chang, Chin-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.329-337
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    • 2011
  • The Acer wilsonii complex including A. wilsonii, A. tutcheri, and A. confertifoilum is distributed in southern China. Morphological variation was examined to delimit the species and to determine whether recognition at the specific level was warranted. Univariate and bivariate statistical methods, based on data taken from herbarium specimens, were used to examine morphological variation between and within species. This study showed that A. tutcheri differed from A. wilsonii by its rather short inflorescence, small leaf blades, and three leaf lobes with distinctive serrate leaf lobes. In contrast, there was virtually no separation of taxa with respect to the paniculate-corymbose or short paniculate inflorescence between A. confertifolium and A. tutcheri, suggesting that A. confertifolium morphologically resembled A. tutcheri and is a rather smaller form of it. Circumscription of Acer wilsonii has been quite troublesome, because the important holotype and isotype specimens contained different species under the same number and were misleading with respect to the correct application of the name. Furthermore, lobation is very weak within ser. Sinensia, but diversified inflorescences usually occur in China. A three lobed leaves species, A. wilsonii, represents the reduction in lobation without any modification of panicle inflorescences and seems to be closely related to A. sinense. However, A. tutcheri, which shows a reduction in panicle inflorescence with four petals and sepals, may not be closely related to A. sinense. Three lobed taxa may not correctly reflect the true relationship within ser. Sinensia. The designated lectotype of A. wilsonii, line drawings of representative leaves of related species, a key, and distribution maps of these taxa are presented.