• Title/Summary/Keyword: 남성 양육

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A Study on Double-Care and Multiplicity of Caring Experiences among Women Aged 30s to 40s in Korea (한국 30대~40대 여성의 이중돌봄 현실과 돌봄경험의 다중성에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Dayoung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.209-230
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    • 2014
  • The study is to show the prevalence of double-care burdened households who care simultaneously for children(under 6) and provide invalid elderly care for aging parents among women aged 30s to 40s in Korea. The study aims to place care as ordinary needs for our whole lifetime, not as a special happening to a certain age group at specific period. Also, study attempts to reveal that care experiences include both burden and pleasure, and that care relationship, such as care giver-receiver-assistants(second-helpers), strongly affects the diversity of caring experience. Results are as follows. 38.1% of the survey respondents report that they are/have ever been the double-care burdened households who carry both child care under 6 and elderly care suffering from health problems in the past or the present. If including those who expecting the double burden of care in the near future, the prevalence rate goes up to 54.9%. As hypothesized, caring includes both pleasure and burden. The order of pleasant feelings is child care> parents care>in-law parents care, and that of burden is in reverse. However, caring relationship has a strong influence on pleasure or agony of the caring experience. The association between the relationship and the experience, which is expressed by pleasure or pain, occurs to both daughter-parents and in-laws. Interestingly, the caring experiences by daughter to her parents tend to go more burdensome because their husbands do not commit their identity as carer aid, with no additional caring effort for their in-laws. In conclusion, some policy suggestions for double care problems are provided.

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An Exploratory Study on the Working Poor: the Definition of the Working Poor and Their Characteristics (근로빈곤층에 대한 탐색적 연구: 개념정의와 실태파악)

  • Hong, Kyung-Zoon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.119-142
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to explore and describe of the reality of working poor in Korea. In spite of the increasing attention to the working poor, usual definitions of the working poor have some measurement questions. The definition of the working poor should focus on the key dimensions of work and poverty. This study defines working poor as all "persons who have devoted prior 6 months to working or looking for work and who lived in families with incomes below the poverty threshold". This study also defines poverty threshold based on the both concept of absolute and relative poverty. According to this definition, the working poor are almost equally divided between men and women and the majority of them are of prime working age. These characteristics of working poor are seems to be quite different from common sense. Also, serious deficiencies of human capital contribute to the employment problems of the working poor. Their education levels are much less than those of the working non-poor. The distributions of the employment status, occupation, and industry show also that the working poor are highly concentrated in a few low-wage jobs.

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Familism and Welfare Consciousness in Korea (가족주의 가치관에 따른 한국인의 복지의식 연구 : 서울지역 기혼자를 중심으로)

  • Yang, Ok-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.51
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    • pp.229-256
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    • 2002
  • This study is about the relationship between traditional familism and welfare consciousness in Korea. Traditional familism is known as the value that most Koreans share with, and the impeding value for welfare program development. Strong family solidarity and family-centered perception among Koreans influences other social values and ideology. Especially, care of the family members is understood as a family duty and responsibility. And this inhibits Koreans to develop welfare consciousness and further to develop welfare programs at the governmental level. Thus, this study purposes to explore the relationship between the two. The sample of 1,131 men and women was selected in Seoul area. As a result, traditional familism is found to be quite influential to welfare consciousness among Koreans. First, perception of welfare institution is strongly related with welfare consciousness. The respondents in high familism group showed low welfare consciousness. Second, state-friendly welfare responsibility was shown low in the group of high familism for the aged and youth. In the same context, for the disabled and the unemployed, state-friendly welfare responsibility was shown high in the group of low familism. Lastly, the relationship between familism and the welfare need was not apparent. Such results make possible to conclude that traditional familism among Korean is still influential to welfare consciousness and welfare ideology. However, although this conclusion should not be used for an excuse to avoid state responsibility but used as a tool to develop a welfare model to strengthen family function as one solid family.

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The Relationship between Traditional Gender Role Attitudes of Fathers with Young Children on Perceived Maternal Gatekeeping Roles: The Mediating Effect of Paternal Depression (영유아기 자녀가 있는 아버지의 전통적인 성역할태도와 아버지가 인식한 어머니 문지기 역할의 관계: 아버지 우울의 매개효과)

  • Lee, Seul-Ki;Yoo, Sung-Kyung;Bang, Ji-Won
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.23-41
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to examine the mediating effects of paternal depression on the relationship between traditional gender role attitudes and the perceived maternal gatekeeping roles of fathers with young children. For this purpose, a survey was conducted by 366 married fathers who raises at least one child who is under seven years old. Mplus 7.0 was used to analyze the structural equation model, and the result showed that higher traditional gender role attitudes relate to more depressive symptoms, higher perceptions of maternal gate closing and lower perceptions of maternal gate opening. Also, more depressive symptoms were related to higher perceptions of maternal gate closing and lower perceptions of maternal gate opening. Additionally, the partial mediation effects of depression were observed in the relationship between traditional gender role attitudes and maternal gate keeping. Based on the findings, implications for therapeutic interventions were discussed, and recommendations for future research are presented.

Features of International Marriage of Vietnamese Immigrant Women and Plans for Institutional Improvement (베트남결혼이주여성의 혼인의 특징과 국제결혼의 제도적 개선 방안)

  • Moon, Heung-Ahn
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.44
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    • pp.757-799
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    • 2013
  • Ever since Korea and Vietnam reestablished diplomatic relations, the two countries'bond has become stronger than ever, augmenting the range of exchange between them in almost every possible field including politics, economy, society, and culture at such a high speed. Among many, an increase in number of Vietnamese immigrant women in international marriage is worthy of close attention. Since 2010, Vietnamese has topped the proportion of total foreign women married to Korean men, having surpassed Chinese. Nonetheless, the quick international marriage between Korean men and Vietnamese women, which usually happens without sufficient time to get to know about different cultures and languages, has not only raised problems for people concerned, but numerous social issues as well. Recognizing these problems, a number of government departments have provided various support on policies and legal issues toprotect multicultural families as a means of social integration and settlement support. Nevertheless, the support policies until now have been generalizing all of the immigrant women in international marriage as people subject to protection. Thus, considering every immigrant women as people in need, and trying to help them with various social issues have caused the government a high cost and low efficiency. This thesis emphasizes the point that through the cases of Vietnamese immigrant women in international marriage, there should be a specific support plan for specific people in need, reflecting various traits of different cultures and societies, in order to ease their settlement in Korea. Moreover, it suggests detailed plans for improvements on legal and institutional problems. Although the Vietnamese government forbids commercial agents for international marriage, many of agencies are still active and to help the immigrant women, who desire to return and resettle in Vietnam in case of divorce, this thesis suggests legal and institutional remedies for Korean and Vietnamese government. The composition of the thesis follows below: Part II on social and cultural traits of international marriage between Korean men and Vietnamese women. Part III on institutional problems and plans for improvements regarding settlement of immigrant women in international marriage. Part IV on legal and institutional problems and plans for improvements regarding divorced immigrant women and their return to Vietnam. Part V on conclusion. Divorce is not a flaw anymore nowadays, but in case of Vietnamese immigrant women ininternational marriage, an inadequate legal system hampers their resettlement process. Cases of not being ableto remove their own names from the family register due to poor financial and legal abilities are often identified and it is both the Vietnamese and Korean governments'duty to acquit their ethical responsibilities by seeking ways to institutionally and financially support them.