• Title/Summary/Keyword: 김기태

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A prosodic cue representing scopes of wh-phrases in Korean: Focusing on North Gyeongsang Korean (한국어 의문사 작용역을 나타내는 운율 단서: 경북 방언을 중심으로)

  • Yun, Weonhee;Kim, Ki-tae;Park, Sunwoo
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2020
  • A wh-phrase in an embedded sentence may have either an embedded or a matrix scope. Interpretation of a wh-phrase with a matrix scope has tended to be syntactically unacceptable unless the sentence reads with a wh-intonation. Previous studies have found two differences in prosodic characteristics between sentences with matrix and embedded scopes. Firstly, peak F0s in wh-phrases produced with an F0 compression wh-intonation are higher than those in indirect questions, and peak F0s in matrix verbs are lower than those in sentences with embedded scope. Secondly, a substantial F0 drop is found at the end of embedded sentences in indirect questions, whereas no F0 reduction at the same point is noticed in sentences with a matrix scope produced with a high plateau wh-intonation. However, these characteristics were not found in our experiment. This showed that a more compelling difference exists in the values obtained from subtraction between the peak F0s of each word (or a word plus an ending or case marker) and the F0s at the end of the word. Specifically, the gap between the peak F0 in a word composed with an embedded verb and the F0 at the end of the word, which is a complementizer in Korean, is large in embedded wh-scope sentences and low in matrix wh-scope sentences.

Processing and Storage of Spinach Products Using Cook-chill and Sous Vide Methods (Cook-Chill 및 Sous Vide 방법에 의한 시금치 식자재의 가공 및 저장)

  • 김기태;구경모;백현동;류은순;이동선
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.1095-1101
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    • 2001
  • Spinach was minimally processed into the unseasoned side dish to be used for Korean food service industry, using the techniques of cook-chill and sous vide. Spinach was blanched at 10$0^{\circ}C$ for 6 minutes, vacuum-packaged in the unit of 500 g by plastic film of low gas permeability, pasteurized at 9$0^{\circ}C$ and then cooled rapidly at 3$^{\circ}C$. The chilled products were then stored at 3 and 1$0^{\circ}C$ with measurement in their quality. Six log cycle (6D) inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes and 13 log (13D) thermal destruction of Streptococcus faecalis were compared as two pasteurization conditions, which corresponded to heating for 22.8 and 30.0 minutes at 9$0^{\circ}C$, respectively. Milder heat processing based on 6D process of L monocytogenes gave better quality of color, texture, ascorbic acid and chlorophyll than the conditions of 13D process of S. faecalis. Any microbial growth in total aerobic, psychrophilic and anaerobic bacteria was not observed until 8 days at 1$0^{\circ}C$ and 14 days at 3$^{\circ}C$, which might be regarded as strict guidelines of shelf life. Storage times based on the changes in physical and chemical quality were longer than those based on strict microbial quality in case of the products pasteurized by 6D process of L. monocytogenes. The seasoned vegetables prepared from sous vide processed spinach were found to be inferior in sensory quality to those from freshly blanched one.

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Performance Comparison of Out-Of-Vocabulary Word Rejection Algorithms in Variable Vocabulary Word Recognition (가변어휘 단어 인식에서의 미등록어 거절 알고리즘 성능 비교)

  • 김기태;문광식;김회린;이영직;정재호
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2001
  • Utterance verification is used in variable vocabulary word recognition to reject the word that does not belong to in-vocabulary word or does not belong to correctly recognized word. Utterance verification is an important technology to design a user-friendly speech recognition system. We propose a new utterance verification algorithm for no-training utterance verification system based on the minimum verification error. First, using PBW (Phonetically Balanced Words) DB (445 words), we create no-training anti-phoneme models which include many PLUs(Phoneme Like Units), so anti-phoneme models have the minimum verification error. Then, for OOV (Out-Of-Vocabulary) rejection, the phoneme-based confidence measure which uses the likelihood between phoneme model (null hypothesis) and anti-phoneme model (alternative hypothesis) is normalized by null hypothesis, so the phoneme-based confidence measure tends to be more robust to OOV rejection. And, the word-based confidence measure which uses the phoneme-based confidence measure has been shown to provide improved detection of near-misses in speech recognition as well as better discrimination between in-vocabularys and OOVs. Using our proposed anti-model and confidence measure, we achieve significant performance improvement; CA (Correctly Accept for In-Vocabulary) is about 89%, and CR (Correctly Reject for OOV) is about 90%, improving about 15-21% in ERR (Error Reduction Rate).

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A Multi-Epoch, Simultaneous Water and Methanol Maser Survey Toward Intermediate-Mass Young Stellar Objects

  • Bae, Jae-Han;Kim, Kee-Tae;Youn, So-Young;Kim, Won-Ju;Byun, Do-Young;Kang, Hyun-Woo;Oh, Chung-Sik
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.83.1-83.1
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    • 2011
  • We report multi-epoch, simultaneous 22 GHz water and 44 GHz Class I methanol maser line survey towards 180 intermediate-mass young stellar objects, including 14 Class 0, 19 Class I objects, and 147 Herbig Ae/Be stars. We detected $H_2O$ and $CH_3OH$ maser emission towards 16 (9%) and 10 (6%) sources with one new $H_2O$ and six new $CH_3OH$ maser sources. The detection rates of both masers rapidly decrease as the central (proto)stars evolve, which is contrary to the trends in high-mass star-forming regions. This suggests that the excitations of the two masers are closely related to the evolutionary stage of the central (proto)stars and the circumstellar environments. $H_2O$ maser velocities deviate on average 9 km s-1 from the ambient gas velocities whereas $CH_3OH$ maser velocities well match with. For both maser emissions, large velocity difference (${\mid}v_{H2O}-v_{sys}{\mid}\;>\; 10kms^{-1}\; and\;{\mid}v_{CH3OH}-v_{sys}{\mid}\;>\;1kms^{-1}$) is mostly confined to Class 0 objects. The formation and disappearance of $H_2O$ maser lines are frequent and the integrated intensities of them change up to two orders of magnitude. In contrast, $CH_3OH$ maser lines usually show no significant change in the intensity, shape, and velocity. This consistent with the previous suggestion that $H_2O$ maser emission originates from the base of an outflow while 44 GHz Class I $CH_3OH$ maser emission arises from the interaction region of the outflow with the ambient gas. The isotropic maser luminosities are well correlated with the bolometric luminosities of the central the objects. The fitted relations are $L_{H2O}=1.71{\ast}10^{-9}(L_{bol})^{0.97}$ and $L_{CH3OH}=1.71{\ast}10^{-10}(L_{bol})^{1.22}$.

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The Relation between Pullout Load and Compressive Strength of Ultra-High-Strength Concrete (초고강도 콘크리트의 인발하중과 압축강도와의 관계)

  • Ko, Hune-Beom;Kim, Ki-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2018
  • The pullout test, a nondestructive testing(NDT), for pre-installed inserts is perhaps the most widely used technique to estimate the in-situ compressive strength of concrete. It measures the force needed to pullout a standardized metal insert embedded into concrete members. The pullout test was certified by the American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM) and Canadian Standards Association(CSA) as a reliable method for determining the strength of concrete in concrete structures under construction. To easily estimate the strength of ultra-high-strength concrete, a simplified pullout tester, primarily composed of a standard 12mm bolt with a groove on the shaft as a break-off bolt, an insert nut, and a hydraulic oil pump without a load cell, was proposed. Four wall and two slab specimens were tested for two levels of concrete strength, 80MPa and 100MPa, using a simplified pullout tester with a load cell to verify the advantages of the pullout test and simplified pullout test. The compressive strength of concrete, pullout load, and the rupture of the break-off bolt were measured 11 times, day 1 to 7, 14, 21, 28, and 90. The correlation of the pullout load and the compressive strength of each specimen show a higher degree of reliability. Therefore, a simplified pullout test can be used to evaluate the in-place strength of ultra-high-strength concrete in structures. The prediction equation for the groove diameter of the break-off bolt(y) with the concrete strength(x) was proposed as y=0.0184x+5.4. The results described in this research confirm the simplified pullout's utility and potential for low cost, simplicity, and convenience.

Effective Performance Analysis of Disease-oriented Translational Research from a Point of View of Biotechnology (생명공학기술적 관점에서 질병중심 중개연구의 효율적 성과분석에 대한 실증연구)

  • Cheon, Su-Hwan;Jung, Sung-Chul;Je, Young-Tae;Kim, Gi-Tae;Kim, Myung-Hwan;Park, Seong-Ho;Jeon, Hye-Kyoung;Kwon, Jun-Young;Kim, Dong-Il;Kim, Dong-Seok;Lee, Kyung-Min;Sun, Kyung
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2012
  • Recently, translational research (TR) in health technology (HT) has been considered as an emerging alternative research system for the improvement of human health. TR from bench to bedside involves a strong bidirectional relationship between basic science discovery and clinical practice. To support R&D planning and policy in HT effectively, the performance of TR programs was analyzed and evaluated in a R&D project on health and medical technology. TR programs were classified into three parts: unilateral TR, bilateral TR and multilateral TR. Bibliometrics and citation analysis were performed to assess research papers and gather information for the performance analysis of TR programs. In addition, both quantitative and qualitative analysis were successfully carried out using ISI Web of Science, Google Scholar Citations, SCOPUS and Knowledgematrix. In conclusion, the performance analysis of TR programs could significantly improve the efficiency of R&D plans, R&D management and evaluation for a safe and healthy life.

Environmental monitoring system research based on low-power sensor network (저전력 센서네트워크 기반 환경모니터링 시스템 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Tae;Kim, Dong-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.807-810
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    • 2011
  • The sensor network technology for core technology of ubiquitous computing is in the spotlight recently, the research on sensor network is proceeding actively which is composed many different sensor node. USN(Ubiquitous Sensor Network) is the network that widely applies for life of human being. It works out to sense, storage, process, deliver every kind of appliances and environmental information from the stucktags and sensors. And it is possible to utilize to measure and monitor about the place of environmental pollution which is difficult for human to install. It's studied constantly since it be able to compose easily more subminiature, low-power, low-cost than previous one. And also it spotlights an important field of study, graft the green IT and IT of which the environment and IT unite stragically onto the Network. The problem for the air pollution in the office or the indoor except a specific working area is the continuously issue since the human beings have lived in the dwelling facilities. Measures for that problem are urgently needed. It's possible to solve for the freshair of outside with enough ventilation but that is the awkward situation to be managed by person. This study is the system engineering to management for indoor air condition under the sensor network. And research for efficiently manage an option.

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Continuous Production of Authentic Human Growth Hormone from Methionyl Human Growth Hormone Using the Column Reactor of Immobilized Aminopeptidase M (고정화 Aminopeptidase M 컬럼 반응기를 이용한 메치오닐 인간성장호르몬으로부터 천연형 인간성장호르몬의 연속생산)

  • 이성희;김기태
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.283-291
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    • 1995
  • The characteristics of aminopeptidase M(ApM) immobilized covalently on Cellufine Formyl and the continuous production of authentic human growth hormone(hGH) from methionyl human growth hormono(met-hGH) using the column reactor packed with immobilized ApM were investigated. Immobilized ApM with the proportion of 2.3mg ApM per 1g Cellufine Formyl gel had the highest met-hGH conversion activity. The optimum pH(7.0) and temperature($55^{\circ}C$) showed no appreciable difference between free and immobilized enzymes and the optimum temperature in continuous operation of the column reactor was also found to be $55^{\circ}C$. Under the conditions at which met-hGH was converted completely to hGH, the yield and productivity were about 77% and 0.8mg hGH/ml$.$h, respectively. In two column reactors of different sizes, met-hGH was converted to hGH with the same conversion rates and hGH yields at the same space velocities. The half-life of the reactor systems at $45^{\circ}C$ and $55^{\circ}C$ were projected from the continuous operations for 90 days to be 225 days and 81 days, respectively.

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The Effect of the Public Pension and the Old-Age Preparation on the Life Satisfaction of the Elderly with Disabilities who have Paid Jobs: Focusing on Mediating Effects of Self-esteem (임금근로 고령 장애인의 공적 연금과 노후준비가 생활만족도에 미치는 영향: 자아존중감의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Gi Tae;Kim, Hae Seong;Song, Jin Yeong;Jeong, Jong Hwa
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.85-106
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of the public pension and the old-age preparation on the life satisfaction of the elderly with disabilities who have paid jobs, focusing on mediation effects of self-esteem. The data of "the 8th year Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled" of 2016 surveyed by the Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled was used. Among the 5,092 people with disabilities, who are 60 or older and who are employed for paid jobs, only 296 cases were finally selected and analyzed by using SPSS 20.0 Version. The results of this study are as follows: First, public pension is a factor that increases the life satisfaction of the population. The elderly with disabilities who have paid jobs and well prepared for the old-age are more likely to have higher life satisfaction. Second, self-esteem did not seem to mediate between public pension and life satisfaction. Third, self-esteem have proven to mediate between old-age preparation and life satisfaction. This study is meaningful in terms of finding mediating factors such as public pension, revitalization of old-age preparation and self-esteem as part of raising life satisfaction of the elderly with disabilities.

Path to Poverty of Sick Workers and Fictional Korean Social Security (아픈 노동자는 왜 가난해지는가? - 아픈 노동자의 빈곤화과정과 소득보장제의 경험)

  • Lee, Sophia Seung-yoon;Kim, Ki-tae
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.113-150
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzes how workers become impoverished and have their jobs less stabilized after they suffer from non-job-related sickness. Given that South Korea lacks sickness benefits, which most of OECD member states legislate and implement except US and Switzerland, this study examines its impact on laborers' job stability and povertization in Korea. The researchers have conducted in-depth interviews with nine former or present laborers who have the experiences and four experts on the issue in July-September, 2017 for the qualitative analysis. It is found that laborers, after becoming aware of their sickness, at first endure their pain without informing their employers not to lose their jobs. The attititude is observed especially among non-standard laborers, because sickness more often leads to job loss for them than for standard laborers. After workers have to leave their jobs due to their sickness in the end, they have no choice but to keep working in less stable jobs to compensate for income losses. They become gradually impoverished with their social capital like family bond declining. We observe laborers who are eligible for industrial accident insurance compensation could not benefit from the system because some employers refrain from the legal reporting duty. Due to this illegal practices, some industrial accident victims unduly lose their jobs due to "non-job-related sickness". Second, some employers report to the authority that their sick laborers have left their jobs 'voluntarily' even when they have quitted it without their volition, in which case the newly unemployed are not eligible for unemployment benefits. Large holes in Korea's safety nets for those suffering from multiple risks of sickness and unemployment.