• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기하학적 요인

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Controlling Factors on the Development and Connectivity of Fracture Network: An Example from the Baekildo Fault in the Goheung Area (단열계의 발달 및 연결성 제어요소: 고흥지역 백일도단층의 예)

  • Park, Chae-Eun;Park, Seung-Ik
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.615-627
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    • 2021
  • The Baekildo fault, a dextral strike-slip fault developed in Baekil Island, Goheung-gun, controls the distribution of tuffaceous sandstone and lapilli tuff and shows a complex fracture system around it. In this study, we examined the spatial variation in the geometry and connectivity of the fracture system by using circular sampling and topological analysis based on a detailed fracture trace map. As a result, both intensity and connectivity of the fracture system are higher in tuffaceous sandstone than in lapilli tuff. Furthermore, the degree of the orientation dispersion, intensity, and average length of fracture sets vary depending on the along-strike variation in structural position in the tuffaceous sandstone. Notably, curved fractures abutting the fault at a high angle occur at a fault bend. Based on the detailed observation and analyses of the fracture system, we conclude as follows: (1) the high intensity of the fracture system in the tuffaceous sandstone is caused by the higher content of brittle minerals such as quartz and feldspar. (2) the connectivity of the fracture system gets higher with the increase in the diversity and average length of the fracture sets. Finally, (3) the fault bend with geometric irregularity is interpreted to concentrate and disturb the local stress leading to the curved fractures abutting the fault at a high angle. This contribution will provide important insight into various geologic and structural factors that control the development of fracture systems around faults.

A Study of Accident Models for Highway Interchange Ramps (고속도로 연결로의 교통사고 추정모형 연구)

  • Roh, Chang-Gyun;Park, Chong-Seo;Son, Bong-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2008
  • Although a good understanding of the relationship between highway traffic accidents and highway geometric features is fundamental in highway design and safety, the relationship is not well understood quantitatively. The overall goal of this paper is to formulate a reliable statistical model fitting to historical highway accident data. The model can be used to estimate the effect of road design elements on safety for the practical purposes of highway design applications. En route to achieving this goal, a number of specific research objectives were accomplished: investigate the major design elements affecting highway safety; review the existing modeling approaches in order to assess the relationship between safety and highway design features; and formulate a statistical model fitting to the accident data in order to estimate the interchange ramp junction accident frequency of rural highways.

Experiment on Camera Platform Calibration of a Multi-Looking Camera System using single Non-Metric Camera (비측정용 카메라를 이용한 Multi-Looking 카메라의 플랫폼 캘리브레이션 실험 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-No;Lee, Byoung-Kil;Eo, Yang-Dam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.351-357
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    • 2008
  • An aerial multi-looking camera system equips itself with five separate cameras which enables acquiring one vertical image and four oblique images at the same time. This provides diverse information about the site compared to aerial photographs vertically. The geometric relationship of oblique cameras and a vertical camera can be modelled by 6 exterior orientation parameters. Once the relationship between the vertical camera and each oblique camera is determined, the exterior orientation parameters of the oblique images can be calculated by the exterior orientation parameters of the vertical image. In order to examine the exterior orientation of both a vertical camera and each oblique cameras in the multi-looking camera relatively, calibration targets were installed in a lab and 14 images were taken from three image stations by tilting and rotating a non-metric digital camera. The interior orientation parameters of the camera and the exterior orientation parameters of the images were estimated. The exterior orientation parameters of the oblique image with respect to the vertical image were calculated relatively by the exterior orientation parameters of the images and error propagation of the orientation angles and the position of the projection center was examined.

A Case Study on Collapse Characteristics of Slope during Construction in the Chung-Cheong Area (시공 중 비탈면의 붕괴 특성에 대한 충청지역 사례연구)

  • Lee, Jundae;Bae, Wooseok
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2015
  • Most studies on slope collapsed have focused on collapse cases that occur on stabilized slopes in public use. Few studies have been conducted on the collapse characteristics of slopes that occur during construction before stabilization of the slope. In this study, detailed investigation was conducted for 79 sites where slope collapse occurred during or immediately after construction in the Chungcheong region, and their geometrical characteristics, collapse characteristics, design and reinforcement methods were evaluated. As a result of this analysis, it was found that the Chungbuk (CB) area was marked by plane-type collapse and surface layer collapse whereas the Chungnam (CN) area was marked by surface layer collapse or loss of sedimentary rocks. Furthermore, the major collapse factors of the Chungbuk region were joint alternations (53%) and weathering (25%), and the blocking due to multidirectional joints and foliation was also an influencing factor. In the phyllite area, too, the development of joints (55%) was a major factor, but the geological characteristics (36%) of sedimentary rocks such as faults and coaly shale also had considerable effects. Therefore, the geological, climatic, and environment characteristics were found to have affected the stability of slopes.

Automated Vinyl Green House Identification Method Using Spatial Pattern in High Spatial Resolution Imagery (공간패턴을 이용한 자동 비닐하우스 추출방법)

  • Lee, Jong-Yeol;Kim, Byoung-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2008
  • This paper introduces a novel approach for automated mapping of a map feature that is vinyl green house in high spatial resolution imagery Some map features have their unique spatial patterns. These patterns are normally detected in high spatial resolution remotely sensed data by human recognition system. When spatial patterns can be applied to map feature identification, it will improve image classification accuracy and will be contributed a lot to feature identification. In this study, an automated feature identification approach using spatial aucorrelation is developed, specifically for the vinyl green house that has distinctive spatial pattern in its array. The algorithm aimed to develop the method without any human intervention such as digitizing. The method can investigate the characteristics of repeated spatial pattern of vinyl green house. The repeated spatial pattern comes from the orderly array of vinyl green house. For this, object-based approaches are essential because the pattern is recognized when the shapes that are consists of the groups of pixels are involved. The experimental result shows very effective vinyl house extraction. The targeted three vinyl green houses were exactly identified in the IKONOS image for a part of Jeju area.

The Effect of Geometric Factors When Measuring Standard Count for Radioactive Iodine Thyroid Uptake Rate (표준계수 측정 시 기하학적 요인이 방사성 요오드 갑상선 섭취율에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Joo Young;Kim, Jung Yul;Oh, Ki Baek;Oh, Shin Hyun;Kim, Jae Sam;Lee, Chang Ho;Park, Hoon-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: It is certain that Radioactive iodine thyroid uptake(RAIU) rate should be measured with the standard counts considering the thyroid gland depth in enlarged thyroid patients for the variation from geometric factors. The purpose of this paper is to consider the effects of geometric factors according to detector to source distance and the effective thyroid depth on RAIU rate with experiment test. Materials and Methods: I-131 370 kBq ($10{\mu}Ci$) point source was measured by Captus-3000 thyroid uptake system (Capintec, NJ, USA) with a change Detector-Source Distance from 20 cm to 30 cm at an interval of 1 cm. And we changed the Neck phantom surface-Source Depth in the phantom with 1 cm, 2 cm, 5 cm using the neck phantom in order to reproduce the effective thyroid depth. Results: Every experimental group follows power curve as inverse square curve ($$R2{\geq_-}0.915$$). The average count rates in the case not using a phantom and the every case applied the effective thyroid depth using a phantom was not identical each other. There was significant fluctuations upon the effective thyroid depths applied the effective thyroid depth above 1 cm in $364.4 keV{\pm}10%$ energy ROI (p<0.01). There was not significant difference between the count rates of 1 cm and 2 cm in $364.4keV{\pm}20%$ and $637.1keV{\pm}6.2%$ (p=0.354, p=0.397). In assumed RAIU rate from regression equation, $364.4keV{\pm}20%$ was lower difference than $364.4keV{\pm}10%$ as 6.42% and 5.09% per 1 cm. Every change of count rate upon depth appears decreased line on Linear Regression, but the case of $284.3keV{\pm}10%$ increased only. And also, The graphs of coefficient of variation upon depth increased as straight line on every experimental group. Conclusion: The result appears that application of $364.4keV{\pm}20%$ energy ROI is more suitable for reducing error from the effective thyroid depth. And also, we can estimate the error of 20 cm should be highly reduced than 30 cm for Inverse Square Law. Therefore, If there is not information of the thyroid depth, it is considered that the error from thyroid depth can reduce through set up energy ROIs for $364.4keV{\pm}20%$, and increase Detector-Source Distances.

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A Block Disassembly Technique using Vectorized Edges for Synthesizing Mask Layouts (마스크 레이아웃 합성을 위한 벡터화한 변을 사용한 블록 분할 기법)

  • Son, Yeong-Chan;Ju, Ri-A;Yu, Sang-Dae
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.38 no.12
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2001
  • Due to the high density of integration in current integrated circuit layouts, circuit elements must be designed to minimize the effect of parasitic elements and thereby minimize the factors which can degrade circuit performance. Thus, before making a chip, circuit designers should check whether the extracted netlist is correct, and verify from a simulation whether the circuit performance satisfies the design specifications. In this paper, we propose a new block disassembly technique which can extract the geometric parameters of stacked MOSFETs and the distributed RCs of layout blocks. After applying this to the layout of a folded-cascode CMOS operational amplifier, we verified the connectivity and the effect of the components by simulating the extracted netlist with HSPICE.

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Failure Characteristics of Foundation System Reinforced with Stone Columns (쇄석말뚝으로 보강된 기초시스템의 파괴 거동)

  • Shin, Bang Woong;Bae, Woo Seok
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2001
  • The quantitative analysis of bearing capacity with stone column-mat is not ease because the bearing capacity of stone column is affected by so many parameters. The bearing capacity of stone column is mainly governed by horizontal resistance along the interface with soil. Also, this foundation system is affected by geometric factors such as column spacing, embedment ratio and failure surface inclination. Therefore, in this study, critical length and the effect of failure surface inclination was studied with single and group end bearing stone columns by loading tests. Results of model tests are compared to the present theoretical methods and are examined with FEM analysis.

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Construction of Roof Structure for Jeju Worldcup Stadium (제주월드컵경기장 지붕구조물의 시공)

  • Lee Ju-Young;Kim Chan-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.174-179
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    • 2002
  • The cable stayed roof structure of Jeju worldcup stadium is erected with correct prestressed force that is required by the structural engineer who designs this structure. This study evaluated and adapted the erection process of cable, the erection force and the measurement of cable force for Jeju worldcup stadium. The process of erection is required not only to calculate election force but also to check structural stability, post process, construction period and using cranes. Considering the site conditions and technical problems, this study can attain successfully the erection of cable stayed roof structure of Jeju worldcup stadium with allowable errors.

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A Study on Ground Behavior during Tunnel Excavation (터널 굴착시 지반거동에 관한 연구)

  • 신종호;유태성
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 1985
  • An extensive program of tunnel instrumentation has been Implemented in the construction of the Seoul Subway Line 3 and 4, in which the NATM was adopted as the main tunnelling technique. Among more than ten instrumented sections in the downtown area, five representative test sections were selected for analysis in this study, with an emphasis on the surface settlement and crown settlement. Variations of the surface and crown settlement. Variations of the governing factors, such as ground conditions, tunnel geometry, and construction conditions are described in this paper. Possible mechanisms for ground deformations occurring at different stages of tunnel construction are formulated, based on overall interpretation of the field observations and data obtained.

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