• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기업성장 전망

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Structural Adjustment of Domestic Firms in the Era of Market Liberalization (시장개방(市場開放)과 국내기업(國內企業)의 구조조정(構造調整))

  • Seong, So-mi
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.91-116
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    • 1991
  • Market liberalization progressing simultaneously with high and rapidly rising domestic wages has created an adverse business environment for domestic firms. Korean firms are losing their international competitiveness in comparison to firms from LDC(Less Developed Countries) in low-tech industries. In high-tech industries, domestic firms without government protection (which is impossible due to the liberalization policy and the current international status of the Korean economy) are in a disadvantaged position relative to firms from advanced countries. This paper examines the division of roles between the private sector and the government in order to achieve a successful structural adjustment, which has become the impending industrial policy issue caused by high domestic wages, on the one hand, and the opening of domestic markets, on the other. The micro foundation of the economy-wide structural adjustment is actually the restructuring of business portfolios at the firm level. The firm-level business restructuring means that firms in low-value-added businesses or with declining market niches establish new major businesses in higher value-added segments or growing market niches. The adjustment of the business structure at the firm level can only be accomplished by accumulating firm-specific managerial assets necessary to establish a new business structure. This can be done through learning-by-doing in the whole system of management, including research and development, manufacturing, and marketing. Therefore, the voluntary cooperation among the people in the company is essential for making the cost of the learning process lower than that at the competing companies. Hence, firms that attempt to restructure their major businesses need to induce corporate-wide participation through innovations in organization and management, encourage innovative corporate culture, and maintain cooperative labor unions. Policy discussions on structural adjustments usually regard firms as a black box behind a few macro variables. But in reality, firm activities are not flows of materials but relationships among human resources. The growth potential of companies are embodied in the human resources of the firm; the balance of interest among stockholders, managers, and workers of the company' brings the accumulation of the company's core competencies. Therefore, policymakers and economists shoud change their old concept of the firm as a technological black box which produces a marketable commodities. Firms should be regarded as coalitions of interest groups such as stockholders, managers, and workers. Consequently the discussion on the structural adjustment both at the macroeconomic level and the firm level should be based on this new paradigm of understanding firms. The government's role in reducing the cost of structural adjustment and supporting should the creation of new industries emphasize the following: First, government must promote the competition in domestic markets by revising laws related to antitrust policy, bankruptcy, and the promotion of small and medium-sized companies. General consensus on the limitations of government intervention and the merit of deregulation should be sought among policymakers and people in the business world. In the age of internationalization, nation-specific competitive advantages cannot be exclusively in favor of domestic firms. The international competitiveness of a domestic firm derives from the firm-specific core competencies which can be accumulated by internal investment and organization of the firm. Second, government must build up a solid infrastructure of production factors including capital, technology, manpower, and information. Structural adjustment often entails bankruptcies and partial waste of resources. However, it is desirable for the government not to try to sustain marginal businesses, but to support the diversification or restructuring of businesses by assisting in factor creation. Institutional support for venture businesses needs to be improved, especially in the financing system since many investment projects in venture businesses are highly risky, even though they are very promising. The proportion of low-value added production processes and declining industries should be reduced by promoting foreign direct investment and factory automation. Moreover, one cannot over-emphasize the importance of future-oriented labor policies to be based on the new paradigm of understanding firm activities. The old laws and instititutions related to labor unions need to be reformed. Third, government must improve the regimes related to money, banking, and the tax system to change business practices dependent on government protection or undesirable in view of the evolution of the Korean economy as a whole. To prevent rational business decisions from contradicting to the interest of the economy as a whole, government should influence the business environment, not the business itself.

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A Study on the Strategies of Korean-Liner Shipping Companies for Coping with the Opening of a Shipping Route between China and Korea (한.중항로 개방에 따른 국적선사의 대응전략 연구)

  • Lee, Choong-Bae;Bae, Chang-Ho;Yang, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.289-315
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    • 2008
  • In Korea-China shipping route, the level of freight rate has been maintained very low for last two decades not only because supply of shipping capacity is higher than its demand but also because the route was regulated by the two governments. An examination is made of the effects of openness of Korea-China Liner Shipping Route on competitiveness of Korean-flag Liner Shipping companies. This task is undertaken by detailing the development of the cargo sharing respectively by shipping companies of each country. Then it is suggested the ways to cope with the new environmental changes in Korea-China liner shipping route for the future by examining the future strategies for Korean-flag companies by in-depth interviews with major shipping companies.

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Overseas Construction Order Forecasting Using Time Series Model (시계열 모형을 이용한 해외건설 수주 전망)

  • Kim, Woon Joong
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2018
  • Since 2010, Korea's overseas construction orders have seen dramatic fluctuations. I propose causes and remedies for the industry as a whole. Orders have recorded an annual average of $63.8 billion dollars from 2011 to 2014, reaching its highest at $71.6 billion dollars(2010) which marked the peak of Korea's overseas construction. However, due to a decline in international oil prices, starting in the last half of 2014, Korea's overseas construction orders have followed suit recording $46.1 billion dollar in 2014, $28.2 billion dollars in 2016, and $29.0 billion dollars in 2017. Facing uncertainty in Korea's overseas construction market, caused by continued slow growth of the global economy, Korean EPC contractors are at a critical point in regards to their award-winning capabilities. Together with declining oil prices, the challenges have never been bigger. To mitigate the challenges, I would suggest policy direction as a way to grow and develop the overseas construction industry. Proper counterplans are needed to foster Korea's overseas construction industry. Forecasting total order amount for overseas construction projects is essencial. Analyzing contract award & tender structure and its changing trends in both overseas and world construction markets should also be included. Korea has great potential and global competitiveness. These measures will serve to enhance Korea's overall export strategy in uncertain overseas markets and global economy.

Economic Effects of Agreement on Trade in Services under the Korea-ASEAN FTA - A CGE Approach - (CGE모형을 이용한 한-아세안 FTA 서비스무역협정의 경제적 효과분석)

  • Ko, Jong-Hwan
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.419-448
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    • 2008
  • The objective of this study is to conduct a quantitative assessment of potential impacts on the Korean economy of Agreement on Trade in Services Under the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Among the Governments of the Republic of Korea and the Member Countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations which was signed on 21 November 2007 using a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model. Tariff equivalents of services were calculated on the basis of concessions made in the Agreement between Korea and ASEAN member countries. The empirical analysis shows that Korea is to get an additional gain in real GDP of 0.04 percent and in welfare of US$106 million, with an increase in per capita utility of 0.03 percent. Total exports and imports of Korea are to rise by US$179 million and $191 million, respectively, causing a trade deficit of $12 million. Korea's exports to ASEAN member countries will increase by $108 million and Korea's imports from them will rise by $278 million, giving rise to a trade deficit of $170 million.

$CO_2$ Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Technology Development in Europe

  • Pettersen, Jostein;Neksa, Petter
    • The Magazine of the Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2002
  • $CO_2$ 20세기 초 천연 냉매 $CO_2$는 광범위하게 사용되었지만 프레온계 냉매의 출현으로 1940년경부터 $CO_2$냉매는 사용이 제한되었다. 그러나 반 세기 동안 사라졌던 $CO_2$냉매는 1980년 후반에 노르웨이 과학 기술대학 (NTNU)과 북구 최대 민간연구소 (SINTEF)의 Lorentzen 교수에 의해 $CO_2$천연 냉매 사용을 재고하게 되었다. 프레온계 냉매의 환경적 논쟁이 쟁점이 되면서 천연 냉매 사용을 재고하게 되었다. 특히 비가연성과 비유독성으로 인한 $CO_2$냉매가 주목을 받고 있다. 초월임계 사이클레서의 고압 제어에 대한 새로운 개념은 Lorentzen 교수와 동료 연구원에 의해서 특허로 제안되었다. 이에 대한 상업적 권리를 Norsk Hydro사는 1990년에 얻었고,1990년대 초반에 NTNU/SINTEF의 공동 연구개발 프로그램을 통해 기술 경쟁력과 실현 가능성이 검증되었다. 현재 연구소에서는 최초로 초월임계 $CO_2$사이클을 이용한 상업용 온수 열펌프 시스템, 2003년 시작할 연료전지 전기 자동차에 대한 연구를 수행하고 있다. NTNU/SINTEF에서 개발된 $CO_2$기술은 Hydro-SINTEF 공동 벤처 기업인 Shecco기술회사를 통해 제조업자에게 허가된다. 본 고에서는 NTNU/SINTEF에서 수행하였거나 수 중인 과제들을 중심으로 유럽의 $CO_2$시스템의 결과와 주요 개발 범위를 정리하였으며, 특히 작동유체로서의 $CO_2$냉매의 특징을 간단히 설명하고, 온 수 열 펌프, 자동차용 공조기 및 열 펌프, 상업 냉동기 등이 기술되었다. 그 외 압축기 위주의 요소기술 개발에 관한 내용도 기술되었고, 차세대 기술 경향과 전망에 대해서도 제시되었다. 제시되었다.성균 350$\times$$10^4$ CFU균, 방선균 434$\times$$10^4$ CFU균, 진균 676$\times$$10^4$ CFU균으로 진균의 개체수가 비교적 높게 나타났으며, 비산불지역에서는 호기성균 328$\times$$10^4$ CFU균, 방선균 319$\times$$10^4$ CFU균, 진균 461$\times$$10^4$ CFU균으로 진균의 개체수가 높게 나타났다. 토양미생물은 호기성균, 방선균, 진균 모두 비산불지역 보다 산불지역에서 많이 나타났다. 본 조사지역에서 호기성균은 활엽수림보다 침엽수림에서 많게 나타났으며, 방선균과 진균은 침엽수림보다 활엽수림에서 많이 나타났다.효과와 이를 이용한 자기냉동의 방법 그리고 최근에 이루어진 새로운 진전에 대해 소개하고 공기조화 및 냉동분야에의 적용 가능성을 전망해 보고자 한다.및 도입 등 선주들에게 다양한 선박건조자금을 제공하여 내수기반 확충에도 노력해야 할 것 이다.있었다., 인삼이 성장될 때 부분적인 영양상태의 불충분이나 기후 등에 따른 영향을 받을 수 있기 때문에 앞으로 이에 대한 많은 연구가 이루어져야할 것으로 판단된다.태에도 불구하고 [-wh]의미의 겹의문사는 병렬적 관계의 합성어가 아니라 내부구조를 지니지 않은 단순한 단어(minimal $X^{0}$ elements)로 가정한다. 즉, [+wh] 의미의 겹의문사는 동일한 구성요 소를 지닌 병렬적 합성어([$[W1]_{XO-}$ $[W1]_{XO}$ ]$_{XO}$)로 그리고 [-wh] 의미의 겹의문사는 중복된 발은을 지닌 한 단어로 ([W]$_{XO}$ )

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Future Development of Genetics and the Broiler (BROILER 육종기술의 전망)

  • 오봉국
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1981
  • In trying to predict the effect of genetics on the broiler in the year 2000, this is a relatively short period of time as far as broiler genetics in concerned. Modern broiler genetics started around 1945 and tremendous gains when made in past 35 years. Futher improvements on broiler will depend on the evolution and revolution: 1. Evolution: (1) Growth rate has been made 4-5% per year. (2) Feed conversion has improved approximately 1% per year. (3) Abdominal fat is becoming a major complaint in broiler. (4) Because of the changing life-style, broiler meat sales in the future will be more and more in cut-up form. (5) Breeding for stress resistance and selection for docile temperament can be important in order to funker improve fled efficiency. (6) In female parent stock, reproduction characteristics are in many can negatively correlated with the desired broiler traits. (7) Egg production and hatchability in moot commercial parent nod m at a fairly high level. (8) In male parent stock, the heavier and mon super-meat-type male lines are desired to Product better broilers. 2. Revolution: Trying to forecast revolutionary change in broiler genetics is highly speculative, as sudden change are aften unpredictable. (1) Species hybridization, such as a turkey-chicken cross (2) Biochemical tools, such as blood typing. (3) Mutation breeding by radiation or chemical mutagentia. (4) Broiler breeding would be to change the phenotypic appearance by single gene, such as naked, wingless. (5) Changes in production techniques. such as growing in cage or growing in filtered air positive pressure houses.

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The 'One Belt One Road' Initiative and Development of Inland Port in China (중국 '일대일로' 이니셔티브와 내륙항의 발전)

  • Lee, Choong Bae;Lee, Jong Chul
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2017
  • China has achieved rapid economic growth in the late 1970s with economic reform and open-door policy. China's economic growth began initially in the eastern coastal areas and from the 2000s expanded to the western and northeastern regions where the economy was relatively underdeveloped. In particular, in 2013 'One-Belt One Road' initiative proposed by Xi Jinping, the current General Secretary of the Communist Party of China is not only a key strategy for China's advancement into the world and also provides important opportunities for the development of these backward regions. Inland Port is the inland logistics hub and plays a crucial role in enhancing access to maritime ports as well as access to adjacent inland countries. Therefore, a number of inland ports have been developed and operated in order to enter into overseas markets and secure resources in the northeastern and western regions of China. This study aims to examine the role and development of inland port in 'One-Belt One Road' scheme. In conclusion, 'One-Belt One Road' will further increase the role of inland port, and in response, the development of inland port will play a pivotal role in one belt one road initiative. In this respect, Korean companies need to consider plans to participate in the development and operation of inland ports in China, which would provide opportunities to spread Northern markets including China, Russia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe.

A Study on Economic Effects of Liberalization of Services Industry in a Korea-U.S. FTA: A Dynamic CGE Model (동태CGE모형을 이용한 한-미 FTA 서비스분야 협상 타결의 경제적 영향분석)

  • Ko, Jong-Hwan
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.695-728
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to conduct a quantitative assessment of potential economic impacts on the Korean economy of the concessions of the Korea-U.S. FTA (KORUS FTA) which was signed on April 1, 2007 using a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, with all sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing sectors and services industry, considered for simulations. In addition, the timing of trade liberalization based on the concessions agreed on in the KORUS FTA talks for all sectors is explicitly considered. Major findings of this study are that Korea' real GDP would rise by 4.67%~4.99% by 2023 and the contribution of liberalization of services trade to Korea's economic growth would be 0.3%~0.62% points. Trade liberalization in service sectors would lead to lowered import prices and an increase in FDI, which are to contribute to an higher output and exports of sectors which make an intensive use of imported inputs and finally a higher economic growth of the Korean economy as a whole. For that to happen, a ratification of the KORUS FTA by the National Assembly of Korea and the U.S. Congress is required.

A Study on Change Orders in Overseas Construction using Feature Selection - Focus on Plant Construction in the Middle East - (Feature Selection을 활용한 해외 건설의 공사변경 관리에 관한 연구 - 중동 플랜트 건설프로젝트를 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Sunyoung;Yeom, Chunho
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2021
  • This paper looks into how to enhance construction project management, focusing on the change order, which is often considered one of the major causes for construction delays, disputes, and claims in the middle east construction. First, this paper categorizes the major causes of change orders. It suggests a detailed classification standard for affecting factors resulting from change orders based on a case study result of an on-going construction project in the Middle East. In particular, this paper presents a method to apply a machine learning-based feature selection to quantify the importance of change order triggers and affecting factors. As a result, the case study identifies six major change order triggers and eight affecting factors. Also, a meaningful relationship between change order triggers and affecting factors by each category is presented. This paper will contribute to setting a clear guideline for change order management for the international plant construction field while helping prevent construction delays and cost run-ups by reducing the time required for change order resolution between project owners and contractors.

A Study on the Entry of the Domestic Cold Chain Industry into the UN Procurement Market (국내 콜드체인 산업의 유엔 조달시장 진출방안)

  • Shin, Seok-Hyun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.333-345
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    • 2021
  • Amid the rapidly changing logistics environment and demand changes in the post-corona-19 era, the importance of the cold chain logistics sector is being highlighted. The scope of cold chain is not limited to food, but is expanding to various fields such as pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, and flowers. The demand on the storage and transportation of corona vaccines is rapidly increasing. The rapid increase in domestic low-temperature facility construction and renovation may lead to the saturation of the cold chain related industry in the future and slow growth. In preparation for this, it is necessary to accumulate infrastructure know-how using IT technologies, and to consider entering into the UN procurement market as a potential niche market, by taking advantage of Korea's recent global status. The demand for cold chain in the UN procurement market is increasing mainly in underdeveloped countries, and it is expected to continue to grow. In this paper, the capabilities of domestic cold chain related companies were analyzed, domestic and overseas cold chain logistics market trends and overseas market entry status were investigated. An in-depth survey was conducted to present strategies for domestic cold chain logistics related companies to enter the UN procurement market.