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A Study on the Classification of Fault Motors using Sound Data (소리 데이터를 이용한 불량 모터 분류에 관한 연구)

  • Il-Sik, Chang;Gooman, Park
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.885-896
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    • 2022
  • Motor failure in manufacturing plays an important role in future A/S and reliability. Motor failure is detected by measuring sound, current, and vibration. For the data used in this paper, the sound of the car's side mirror motor gear box was used. Motor sound consists of three classes. Sound data is input to the network model through a conversion process through MelSpectrogram. In this paper, various methods were applied, such as data augmentation to improve the performance of classifying fault motors and various methods according to class imbalance were applied resampling, reweighting adjustment, change of loss function and representation learning and classification into two stages. In addition, the curriculum learning method and self-space learning method were compared through a total of five network models such as Bidirectional LSTM Attention, Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network, Multi-Head Attention, Bidirectional Temporal Convolution Network, and Convolution Neural Network, and the optimal configuration was found for motor sound classification.

Design of Motor-driven Traveling System for High Clearance Working Machinery based on Tractive Performance and Hill Climbing Ability (견인 및 등판 성능을 통한 고소작업기계의 모터 주행장치 설계)

  • Lee, Sangsik;Jang, Seyoon;Kim, Taesoo;Nam, Kyoucheol;Park, Wonyeop
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.257-265
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    • 2016
  • In this study, an optimal design for motor-driven track type traveling system applied into high clearance working machineries in orchard is proposed. Tractive performance and hill climbing ability were predicted and evaluated for the optimal motor traveling system by taking into account of soil characteristics in orchard utilizing the high clearance working machineries. Design criteria for tractive performance were based on the traction force calculated from tractive effort subtracted by motion resistance, while hill climbing ability had its design criteria that fulfill the climbing 20% slope ground at a speed of 3km/h. Based on the evaluation results of traction and climbing ability, two DC48V, 4500rpm, 1.6kW AC motors were independently applied to both left and right side of orbits; each motor is designed to transmit power on driving sprocket of track type traveling system via 50:1 reduction gear ratio. The motor-driven track type traveling system developed in the study found to have 396 kgf of tractive force, which is 12.5% higher than climbing resistance at orchard soil having 20% slope ground (352 kgf), demonstrating sufficient tractive performance and hill climbing ability.

Treatment for Class II Division I Malocclusion Using Cervical Headgear and Hotz Appliance: A Case Report (Cervical Headgear와 Hotz 장치를 이용한 II급 I류 부정교합의 치료 : 증례 보고)

  • Cho, Yongjae;Kim, Seonmi;Choi, Namki
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2016
  • Many types of orthopedic appliances have been developed and used for the treatment of class II malocclusion in pediatric dentistry. Headgear is one of the extraoral appliances, which is used for the purpose of preventing the overgrowth of maxilla. Hotz appliance is used in couple with a cervical headgear for the expansion of maxilla and retraction of maxillary incisors. This case report is about the orthodontic treatment of three patients with class II division I malocclusion. These young patients were given orthopedic treatment in combination with a cervical headgear and Hotz appliance. After the treatment using these extraoral and intraoral appliances, succeeding treatments were practiced considering individual needs as follows: fixed orthodontic appliance for mandibular anterior crowding, Class II activator for retention and additory orthopedic treatment and the retention with Hotz appliance. Young patients with Class II division I malocclusion reported in this study received the orthodontic treatment using a cervical headgear and Hotz appliance as well as appropriate succeeding treatment afterward. All patients received improved convex profiles and lip protrusions by retracting maxilla and maxillary incisors.

Design and Construction of the Sprout Trimmer for a 3-Wheel Riding Type Cultivating Vehicle (3륜 승용관리기용 순 지르기 작업기 설계 제작)

  • Choi, Il Soo;Choi, Yong;Lee, Beom Seob;Ji, Keum Bae;Yun, Young Tae;Yoo, Soo Nam
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.75-75
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    • 2017
  • 3륜 승용관리기는 4륜 승용관리기에 비하여 작업기를 복부에 장착함으로 작업의 정밀도, 편이성, 관측의 용이성 향상과 함께 지상고 제고, 차폭 조절, 조향 등의 성능 개선을 기할 수 있다. 국내에서는 3륜 승용관리기용 복부 장착 부속작업기가 거의 개발되어 있지 않으며, 특히 두류 재배에 있어서 일관기계화 작업을 위한 관리작업기의 개발이 매우 필요한 실정이다. 콩의 순 지르기 작업은 콩이 지나친 생육을 한 경우 미리 줄기의 윗부분을 제거하는 저심처리를 해주면 곁가지들의 왕성한 생육을 유도하여 많은 꼬투리를 얻고 쓰러짐도 줄어들어 수량을 높일 수 있다. 순 지르기 작업은 보통 낫이나 배부식 예취기를 이용하여 작업함으로 노동력이 많이 들고 작업부담이 심하여 개선이 필요한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 3륜 승용관리기에 적합한 복부장착형의 순 지르기 작업기를 설계 제작하였다. 3륜 승용관리기용 순 지르기 작업기는 승용관리기의 복부 PTO에서의 구동력 전달을 위한 연결 조인트, 중간축, 기어 전동기구, 구동축으로 구성된 동력전달부, 2 조의 원판형 작업 날, 다양한 조간거리에 적응을 위한 조간조정 나사부, 3륜 승용관리기에의 부착을 위한 프레임 및 부착보조 작업기 이동용 바퀴장치 등으로 구성 설계 제작하였다. 원판형 칼날은 시판 중인 예취기의 외경 305 mm, 칼날 톱니 수 90개의 초경 비트 부착 날을 사용하였다. 작업 날의 승강높이는 150~540 mm 범위로 조절하도록 하였다. 조간거리의 조절범위는 수동나사에 의하여 660~860 mm 범위로 무단조절 할 수 있도록 하였다. 순 지르기 작업기는 3륜 승용 관리기 복부의 평행링크에 부착되므로 작업기의 이동 및 부착 편이를 위하여 이동용 바퀴를 설치하였다. 제작된 순 지르기 작업기의 크기는 길이${\times}$${\times}$높이가 $514{\times}1138{\times}810mm$, 중량은 약 100 kg으로 제작되었다.

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An Empirical Study on Effects of Global Alliance Activities on Alliance Innovations of Korean Companies (한국기업의 글로벌 제휴활동이 제휴혁신에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구)

  • Jeong, Jong-Sik
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.229-248
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    • 2011
  • The increasing complexity of business and social settings bas lead to innovation becoming a strategic imperative. The need for innovation in the quest for competitive advantage also means that firms must be dynamic and flexible. This is often achieved through collaborative arrangements such as strategic alliances or strategic network Many organizations form alliances by leveraging their resources to gain access to the partner's skills and capabilities; ultimately to enhance innovation and performance. We demonstrate empirically that the "chain of innovation" is central to the process of innovation in global alliances. This chain comprises the creativity and learning processes and knowledge stock in alliances. Our empirical analysis is based on a survey of alliances that resulted in 114 responses. For management, this research bas significant potential in guiding attention to the chain of innovation, to better manage the overall process of innovation in alliances. Our work shows that more effective creativity and learning processes and a greater knowledge stock lead to a more effective alliance innovation process. Managers therefore, need to concentrate on creating environments wherein the processes of creativity and learning are fostered, increasing the alliance knowledge stock and in turn, increasing innovative output via an effective innovation process.

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Implementation of Multiple Nonlinearities Control for Stable Walking of a Humanoid Robot (휴머노이드 로봇의 안정적 보행을 위한 다중 비선형 제어기 구현)

  • Kong, Jung-Shik;Kim, Jin-Geol;Lee, Bo-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.215-221
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    • 2006
  • This paper is concerned with the control of multiple nonlinearities included in a humanoid robot system. A humanoid robot has some problems such as the structural instability, which leads to consider the control of multiple nonlinearities caused by driver parts as well as gear reducer. Saturation and backlash are typical examples of nonlinearities in the system. The conventional algorithms of backlash control were fuzzy algorithm, disturbance observer and neural network, etc. However, it is not easy to control the system by employing only single algorithm since the system usually includes multiple nonlinearities. In this paper, a switching Pill is considered for a control of saturation and a dual feedback algorithm is proposed for a backlash control. To implement the above algorithms, the system identification is firstly performed for the minimization of the difference between the results of simulation and experiment, and then the switching Pill gains are determined using genetic algorithm with some heuristic approach. The performance of the switching Pill controller for saturation and the dual feedback for backlash control is investigated through the simulation. Finally, it is shown that the implemented control system has good results and can be applied to the real humanoid robot system ISHURO.

A Study on the Design of Prediction Model for Safety Evaluation of Partial Discharge (부분 방전의 안전도 평가를 위한 예측 모델 설계)

  • Lee, Su-Il;Ko, Dae-Sik
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2020
  • Partial discharge occurs a lot in high-voltage power equipment such as switchgear, transformers, and switch gears. Partial discharge shortens the life of the insulator and causes insulation breakdown, resulting in large-scale damage such as a power outage. There are several types of partial discharge that occur inside the product and the surface. In this paper, we design a predictive model that can predict the pattern and probability of occurrence of partial discharge. In order to analyze the designed model, learning data for each type of partial discharge was collected through the UHF sensor by using a simulator that generates partial discharge. The predictive model designed in this paper was designed based on CNN during deep learning, and the model was verified through learning. To learn about the designed model, 5000 training data were created, and the form of training data was used as input data for the model by pre-processing the 3D raw data input from the UHF sensor as 2D data. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the accuracy of the model designed through learning has an accuracy of 0.9972. It was found that the accuracy of the proposed model was higher in the case of learning by making the data into a two-dimensional image and learning it in the form of a grayscale image.

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Maturation, Sex Ratio and Sex-reversal of Red Spotted Grouper, Epinephelus akaara (붉바리의 성숙과 성비 및 성전환)

  • Lee, Chang-Kyu;Hur, Sung-Bum;Ko, Tae-seung;Park, Seung
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.573-580
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    • 1998
  • Red spotted grouper, Epinephelus akaara is distributed in the south and west coasts of Korea. The natural stocks of the fish are decreasing sharply year by uear because of reckless overfishing. This research was carried out to understand general informations on maturation, sex composition and sex-reversals of the fish. Annual fishing uields of red spotted grouper in the castal area of Byonsan Peninsular of Kora decreased over 10% from 1992 to 1994. The main fishing season was from May to July with fishing gear of Hand-lines. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) and condition factor were highest on early and late July, respectively, thus main spawning reriod was assumed from late July to early August. The relationship between total length (X) and body weight (Y) for wild adults was represented as a regression, Y=$0.0169X^{2.9705}$, ($r^2$=0.96). Frequency of sex of wild red spotted gouper showed that the number of female below 38cm in total length was more than that of male, and hermaphrodite mainly occurred from 28cm to 32cm in total length the frequency of male and female were almost same. Also hermaphrodite occurred mainly between 25~29cm. Sex reversal ration of the adults reared in a tank for a year with different sexual compositions revealted that the frequency of female reversed from male was more than that of male reversed from female at 1:1 and 1:2 stocking densities of female and male, respectively. Also, about 20% of female was reversed to male when all females were reared. And the size of the fish reversed to male was larger than that of non-reversed female.

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