• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기술.전문적 역량

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효과적인 공학 설계교육에 대하여

  • Choi Byeong-Hak;Jeong Byeong-Gil;Lee Gyeong-U
    • Ingenium
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2004
  • 입문공학$\rightarrow$전공기초$\rightarrow$CAD$\rightarrow$해석프로그램$\rightarrow$센서 설계로 구성되는 흐름도로부터 각전공 능력은 전문기능보다는 공학의 가치를 부여하는 창희적 설계 역량에 중점을 두어야 함을 보였다. $\blacktriangleright$결국 담당 교수나 흐름 체계를 구성하는 학제는 일반적이고 보편적인 공학 설계 기술을 포함하는 고유하고 창의적인 새로운 교육체계를 스스로 계획해야 한다. $\blacktriangleright$담당 교수가 꾀하는 교육은 학부 모든 학년을 관통하는 일관성을 가지고 이론과 설계 실습을 병행한 형태로 수행해되어야 한다. $\blacktriangleright$공학 교육에서 현장성을 배제하면 큰 실효가 없으므로 제품과 생산성에 대한 설계 또한 중요하다$\blacktriangleright$이것은 산업체 현장 적응성을 키우는 교육 목적에도 부합하지만 학생 스스로 창의적 아이디어를 도출하고 이것을 제품으로 만들어내는 역량을 도모하는 것에 더 큰의미를 두는것이 바람직하다. 현대 공학기술이 빠르게 발전하는 것을 고려한다면 담당교수와 교육흐름 체계는 항상 변화를 추구해야 한다. 이것이 공학 교육을 통한 공학 설계 창의성 개발의 성공을 이룰 수 있는 기반인 것으로 판단된다.

A Convergence Study on the Core Competencies of students: G university (G 대학 대학생 핵심역량 설정에 관한 융합연구)

  • Kim, Chang-Gyu;Jang, Kee-Duck;Chun, Yeol-Eo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2018
  • This research is based on core competency in order to provide diverse educational opportunities and to train compatible human resources according to industrial change. The research set up the core competency of university students according to document research and the importance of core competency of students, professors, faculty and parents. As a result, a total of 14 competencies were deducted by importance and validation from enrolled students, graduated students and professors. A total of 5 core competencies and 14 detailed competencies were deducted. Creativity, problem solving ability, self-directed overall problem solving abilities, expertise ability, data processing ability, technology application according to industry, consideration and serving character, community service, communicational ability, self-management, inter personal relationship, foreign language ability, global, leadership and competence were the 14 elements of this research. Based on the result of this study, it is necessary to improve the competence of university students by applying them to the curriculum development and operation and to find out the extent of the students competence enhancement through the development of future capacity measuring tools.

Influence of Critical Thinking Disposition, Self-esteem, Creative Convergence Competency on Professional Self-concept in Nursing Students (간호대학생의 비판적 사고성향, 자아존중감, 창의융합역량이 간호전문직 자아개념에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Hae-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of a disposition towards critical thinking, self-esteem, creative convergence competency, and professional self-concept as factors affecting the professional self-concept of nursing students. This study was conducted on 326 nursing students between July 1st and July 30th, 2020. The data was collected by self-reporting questionnaires and analyzed with the SPSS/Win19.0 program using the descriptive statistics t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression. The mean score of critical thinking disposition was 3.39±0.02, self-esteem 3.46±0.03, creative convergence competency 3.33±0.02, and professional self-concept 3.07±0.02 in nursing students. There was a significant positive correlation between professional self-concept and critical thinking disposition (r=.748, p<.001), self-esteem (r=.642, p<.001), and creative convergence competency (r=.707, p<.001). The significant factors influencing professional self-concept were critical thinking disposition, self-esteem and creative convergence competency, which explained 67.8% of the variance. Therefore, this study suggests that there is a need for a strategy that increases critical thinking disposition, self-esteem, and creative convergence competency to improve professional self-concept in nursing students.

The Effects on the Performance of High-tech Startups by the Entrepreneurial Competency (기술창업기업의 기업가 역량이 기업성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Um, Hyeon Jeong;Yang, Young Seok;Kim, Myung Seuk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.19-34
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    • 2021
  • The government budget for promoting startup have been skyrocketed as catching up with increasing demands for high-tech startup by disruptive innovation resulted from rapid technology change. However, major trend of startup have still fallen on self-employed type of startup due to the lack of expertise and fund in spite of desperate government policy efforts. In reality, the access to high-tech startup has been very limited and too high huddle to would-be entrepreneur. This paper implement empirical analysis on the effects of entrepreneur competency and satisfaction level to government support, considering these as the KSF for the growth and success of high-tech startup, to the performance of the company. In particular, it focus on defining unique characteristics of high-tech startup through differential proving by the backgrounds of entrepreneur such as major, R&D experience, patent possession, CTO possession. This research carry out survey to 217 entrepreneurs in high-tech company in Daejon and Daegue at R&D Special Innopolis Zone. Research results are as follow. First, entrepreneurial achievement competencies, conceptualization competencies, network competencies and market recognition competencies positively affect the financial and non-financial performance and organizational and technical competencies, while organizational and technological competencies only positively impact on non-financial performance. Second, the satisfaction level of government support showed a positive moderating effect on entrepreneurial achievement competencies and financial performance, while no significant effect in other competencies. Third, positive differential effect by the technological background of entrepreneur such as Major, R&D experience, patent possession, CTO possession) have been confirmed. This paper deliver several significant implications and contributions, First, it propose classified and systematized entrepreneur competency through the domestic and foreign literature reviews. Second, it proves the need for the wider spread of team based startup culture rather then sole startup. Third, it also proves the important role of technological background of entrepreneur among the characteristics of high-tech startup.

Zombie Firms and Performance of R&D Support Programs for Small and Medium Enterprises (한계기업과 중소기업 R&D 지원 성과)

  • Kam, Ju-sik;Jung, Taehyun
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1474-1492
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    • 2018
  • This study empirically analyzes the direct effects of government support for SMEs (project success) and indirect effects (sales growth) focusing on the differences between financially difficult firms (so-called 'zombie' firms) and 'normal' firms. If the zombie firm has a problem in technology development (success of the project) and the economic resilience capability (sales growth), then excluding them from the government's R&D support programs would enhance the overall efficiency of the programs. If not, government R&D could complement the market failure and play a positive role in revitalizing marginal firms. In this study, we collected data about 7,575 firms who participated in seven government R&D programs in 2013 and 2014. As a result of the logistic regression analysis, we did not find evidence that the likelihood of success for zombie firms was lower than that for the normal firms. However, the tendency of sales growth after the project was smaller for the zombie firms than for the normal firms. For zombie firms, we also found that firms that succeeded in the project were more likely to increase sales than those that failed.

A Proposal of Cybersecurity Technical Response Job Competency Framework and its Applicable Model Implementation (사이버보안 기술적 대응 직무 역량 프레임워크 제안 및 적용 모델 구현 사례)

  • Hong, Soonjwa;Park, Hanjin;Choi, Younghan;Kang, Jungmin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.1167-1187
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    • 2020
  • We are facing the situation where cyber threats such as hacking, malware, data leakage, and theft, become an important issue in the perspective of personal daily life, business, and national security. Although various efforts are being made to response to the cyber threats in the national and industrial sectors, the problems such as the industry-academia skill-gap, shortage of cybersecurity professionals are still serious. Thus, in order to overcome the skill-gap and shortage problems, we propose a Cybersecurity technical response Job Competency(CtrJC) framework by adopting the concept of cybersecurity personnel's job competency. As a sample use-case study, we implement the CtrJC against to personals who are charged in realtime cybersecurity response, which is an important job at the national and organization level, and verify the our framework's effects. We implement a sample model, which is a CtrJC against to realtime cyber threats (We call it as CtrJC-R), and study the verification and validation of the implemented model.

Development of Core Competency Model for Adult College Students (성인대학생의 핵심역량모형 개발)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Kim, Jin-Sook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.389-395
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to develop a core competency model for adult college students. For this purpose, the core competencies of adult college students were derived by analyzing domestic and foreign literature studies. And the Delphi survey was conducted for the validity of core competencies. The SPSS 18.0 program was used for analysis. As results of the analysis, there are 11 core competencies of adult college students derived: communication, problem-solving and meta, interpersonal, personal management and development, digital information literacy, major knowledge, citizenship, convergence, character, professional job, and global. The core competency model of adult college students was developed by assigning numbers from 01 to 11 based on the results of the Delphi survey. Core competencies of adult college students were organically linked, so the cultivation of one core competency affects other core competencies.

A Survey for the Development of Professional Industrial Technology Protection : Focusing on key status and job path analysis (국내 산업기술보호 전문인력 육성을 위한 실태조사 : 주요 현황 및 직무 경로 분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim Mi Hee;Jung Yu Han
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2023
  • The management of professional manpower with expertise in performing specific tasks can be said to be a very important issue at the national level. Recently, interest in industrial technology protection experts continues to expand, but difficulties are growing due to the lack of policy evidence. Considering these points, this study conducted a fact-finding survey on personnel in charge of industrial technology protection, and through this, quantitative, qualitative, and job path analysis were performed for related job performers. These results are considered to be significant in that they can be used as basic information for fostering industrial technology protection experts in the future.

Specialized manpower trainning system for Technology-friendly game graphic designer (기술친화형 게임그래픽디자이너 인력양성 특성화 방안)

  • Lee, Wan-Bok;Ryu, Seuc-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.257-262
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    • 2017
  • The success or failure of the Korean game industry is a key issue for the creation of competent and talented human resources for the production of competent contents. The purpose of this study is to elucidate how to characterize and educate human - friendly game graphic designers with global competitiveness. The success of multi-disciplinary education will be maximized when cooperation with the responsible professors, the active will of the professor, the educational vision of the school, and real-time and active administration are supported In this study, based on the analysis of demand and supply of the human resources in the game industry, we found out that the game industry requires specialized manpower of technology-friendly game graphic designer who has the creativity, practical. application ability, and the international competency. In addition, we suggested ways of linking the curriculum with the local industries and related organizations such that they could be well educated as experts in related fields.

The education plans of power substation operation parts for enhancement of practical ability (변전분야 실무능력 제고를 위한 교육과정 개편 방안)

  • Jeong, Kyu-Won;Jang, Sung-Ik;Kim, Gi-Il;Song, Choong-Ki;Min, Byeong-Wook
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.756-757
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    • 2007
  • 본 논문에서는 지속적인 대형고장 재발에 따른 근원적 고장예방대책으로 실질적인 위기대응훈련과 변전분야 근무 직원의 역량강화를 위해 변전분야 교육과정을 현장실습 및 사례위주 실무중심토론식 수업으로 개편하는 방안에 대하여 연구하였다. 그리고 실설비와 연계된 모의고장 시뮬레이터 실습교육장을 구축하고, 변전설비 축소형 모듈을 제작하여 주요 변전설비를 실제로 조립하면서 설비에 대한 이해를 고취시키고자 한다. 교육내용과 목표가 중복되는 유사교육과정을 통폐합하여 변전교육의 효율화를 도모한다. 또한, EMTP 전문반과 같은 특화된 전문기술교육과정을 개설을 추진하며, 전문자격증 취득을 위한 과정을 개발하여 교육수요자의 요구사항이 반영되는 교육을 실현하고자 한다.

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