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The Effect of Supply Chain Dynamic Capabilities, Open Innovation and Supply Uncertainty on Supply Chain Performance (공급사슬 동적역량, 개방형 혁신, 공급 불확실성이 공급사슬 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.481-491
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    • 2018
  • As the global business environment is dynamic, uncertain, and complex, supply chain management determines the performance of the supply chain in terms of the utilization of resources and capabilities of companies involved in the supply chain. Companies pursuing open innovation gain greater access to the external environment and accumulate knowledge flows and learning experiences, and may generate better business performance from dynamic capabilities. This study analyzed the effects of supply chain dynamic capabilities, open innovation, and supply uncertainty on supply chain performance. Through questionnaires on 178 companies listed on KOSDAQ, empirical results are as follows: First, integration and reactivity capabilities among supply chain dynamic capabilities have a positive effect on supply chain performance. Second, the moderating effect of open innovation showed a negative correlation in the case of information exchange, and a positive correlation in the cases of integration, cooperation and reactivity. Third, two of the 3-way interaction terms, "information exchange*open innovation*supply uncertainty" and "integration*open innovation*supply uncertainty" were statistically significant. The implications of this study are as follows: First, as the supply chain needs to achieve optimization of the whole process between supply chain components rather than individual companies, dynamic capabilities play an important role in improving performance. Second, for KOSDAQ companies featuring limited capital resources, open innovation that integrates external knowledge is valuable. In order to increase synergistic effects, it is necessary to develop dynamic capabilities accordingly. Third, since resources are constrained, managers must determine the type or level of capabilities and open innovation in accordance with supply uncertainty. Since this study has limitations in analyzing survey data, it is necessary to collect secondary data or longitudinal data. It is also necessary to further analyze the internal and external factors that have a significant impact on supply chain performance.

A cognitive survey on the Diversification of class year from Junior Colleges by Changing Educational Environment-Focused on Health Sciences Departments (교육환경 변화에 따른 전문대학 수업 연한 다양화에 대한 인식조사 - 보건계열학과 중심으로)

  • Park, Cheolin;Park, Su-Jin;Kwon, Soon-Mu;Kim, Won-Gi;Chang, Ki-whan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.186-196
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    • 2018
  • Junior colleges are higher education institutions that have played a major role in the economic development of Korea by providing the necessary human resources for its industrial development. Recently, however, they have experienced difficulties due to the reduction in the number of students. Therefore, it is time for junior colleges as a representative higher vocational education institution to change their role in this rapidly changing environment, and adopt a survival strategy through mutual cooperation and competition. The purpose of this study was to analyze the current state of the national health universities, to investigate the policy changes adopted by colleges and universities, and to utilize the results as data. This study analyzed the current status of health science colleges nationwide and investigated the policy changes as well as the directions presented to the colleges, in order to use the results as the basic data to promote the diversification of the class periods and degree programs. This study surveyed 636 professors from health sciences departments and industry workers from May 1 to May 30, 2017. 70.7% of the respondents supported the transition of the existing three-year systems of the health science departments to four-year systems. The reason for this is that it is possible to strengthen the field practice and personality education of the students by having a sufficient number of class periods, and to provide them with an equal educational background. The most anticipated effect of the transition to a four-year system is to improve the social status of medical personnel and to improve the educational environment of the colleges/universities. Moreover, the universities, associations of medical personnel and Ministry of Education are expected to play a leading role in the transition to the four-year system. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that a more systematic and advanced vocational education system for the training of professional healthcare workers is needed in the upcoming fourth Industrial Revolution era. Also, this transition is expected to actively foster the education of advanced health care workers thanks to the diversification of the degree programs through the adjustment of the class periods which can be completed by general university (4-year) graduates.

The Analyses of Geographers지 Roles and Demands in Korean GIS Industries (GIS 산업에 있어서 지리학의 역할 및 수요에 대한 분석)

  • Chang Eun-mi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.643-664
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    • 2004
  • This study aims to review what geographers have contributed to GIS industries and national needs. To-be-geographers and geographers are expected to meet the gap between what we have teamed in school and what we have to do after graduation. The characteristics of GIS industry in the 1990 are summarized with approximate evaluation of the contribution of geographers in each stage. Author introduced the requirement for the licenses of geomatics and geospatial engineering experts and the other licenses, which are important to get a job in GIS industry from 2003 to 2004. A set of questionnaire on the user's requirements was given to GIS people in private companies and public GIS research centers and analyzed. Author found that they put an emphasis on hands-on experiences and programming skills. no advantages or geography such as capability or integration and inter-disciplinary collaboration were not appreciated. The prospects for the GIS tend to be positive but the reflectance of the prospect was not accompanied by at the same degree of preference for geography. Most government strategies for the next ten years' GIS focus on new-growth leading industries. SWOT(strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) analysis of geography for GIS industry will give some directions such as telematics, regional marketing strategies with web-based GIS technology, location based service. That means intra-disciplinary study in geography will evoke the potentiality of GIS, compared with interdisciplinary studies.

Analysis of Actual Condition on Subcontracting System in Korean Automotive Industry (자동차산업(自動車産業)의 하도급제(下都給制) 실태분석(實態分析))

  • Kim, Joo-hoon;Cho, Kwan-haeng
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.69-96
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    • 1991
  • Economic circumstances of enterprise began to change after a series of democratization measures in 1987. Accompanied with it, competitive advantage of enterprise began to change as well. By that time Korean enterprises had a competitive advantage based on low wages of labor. Abrupt and steady upsurge in wage, however, weakened competitive advantage based on low wages, upward revaluation of won currency caused by surplus in BOP strengthened upward trend in price increase of export products. An urgent problem in Korea economy is, therefore, to find 'new' competitive advantage. For the time being preserving competitiveness based on cost advantage must inevitably remain our basic strategy in industrial policy. While cost advantage in the past referred to low wage level, this cost advantage must have foundation on the improvment in producing technology, which will increase labor productivity and decrease unit cost of products. Besides, other measure to improve competitiveness can be considered such as increasing the extent of production automation, self-development of new products, and spread and strengthening subcontracting system among various enterprises. In this paper we tried to perceive how subcontracting system as a form of intercompany division of labor operates and to which direction this system proceeds responding to the recent changes in economic circumstances. Speaking more concretly, we tried to perceive how large the gap of bargaining power between mother-company and subcontracting company is and how effectively subcontracting company's technical power contributes to mother-company. Facing up to weakeening of competitiveness, how stably is the partnership between mother-company and subcontracting company established and what measures are being prepared to retore the weakened competitiveness. In conclusion the result of investigation through the questionaire on subcontracting system is positive, from which we can infer the optimistic view of restoring Korean economy's competitiveness.

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Military Competition and Arms Control in Space (우주상 군비경쟁과 군비통제)

  • Shin, Dong-Chun;Cho, Hong-Je
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.203-237
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    • 2011
  • Since USSR successfully launched its satellite "Sputnik"in 1957, many countries including US and USSR began military use of space, and engaged in arms race in space, which is against spirit and ideals of peaceful use of space as common heritage of mankind stipulated in many treaties such as Outer Space Treaty. With worsening Cold War between East and Western Bloc, this military use of space and arms race in space has been intensifying. Regarding the ideals of peaceful use of space, it is interpreted that military use of space is possible unless it does not have the purpose of aggression. The military use of space may have diverse forms such as attacking satellites in space, or attacking from satellites, making use of present and future technologies available which should include the use of nuclear and kinetic/hyper-speed weapons, laser, particle beams, near explosion, disturbance weapons in different directions (i.e., surface to space, space to space, and space to surface). Arms control is being implemented by the efforts of many countries in different formalities including legislature of international treaties under the auspices of UNCOPUOS and prohibition of weapons of mass destruction. Taking outstanding examples aiming at arms control by international community, there are confidence building measures (CBM), strengthening implementation of existing treaties, partial ban of nuclear tests, countryand regional approach, comprehensive approach and measures having legally binding force. While U.S. has surpassed other countries concerned in the area of military useof space, it withdrew from OST in early 2000s, thereby raising concern of international community. It requires concerted efforts of cooperationand implementation by international society to make sure peace of mankind and environmental conservation through arms control in space. Observing de facto possession of nuclear weapons by North Korea following series of nuclear tests and launching satellites, and efforts of launching rockets by South Korea, it is strongly needed for both countries to take part in arms control efforts by international community.

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Health Improvement; Health Education, Health Promotion and the Settings Approach (건강 향상: 건강 교육, 건강 증진 및 배경적 접근)

  • Green, Jackie
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Health Promotion Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.111-129
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    • 2004
  • This paper develops the argument that the 'Healthy Cities Approach' extends beyond the boundaries of officially designated Healthy Cities and suggests that signs of it are evident much more widely in efforts to promote health in the United Kingdom and in national policy. It draws on examples from Leeds, a major city in the north of England. In particular, it suggests that efforts to improve population health need to focus on the wider determinants and that this requires a collaborative response involving a range of different sectors and the participation of the community. Inequality is recognised as a major issue and the need to identify areas of deprivation and direct resources towards these is emphasised. Childhood poverty is referred to and the importance of breaking cycles of deprivation. The role of the school is seen as important in contributing to health generally and the compatibility between Healthy Cities and Health Promoting Schools is noted. Not only can Health Promoting Schools improve the health of young people themselves they can also develop the skills, awareness and motivation to improve the health of the community. Using child pedestrian injury as an example, the paper argues that problems and their cause should not be conceived narrowly. The Healthy Cities movement has taught us that the response, if it is to be effective, should focus on the wider determinants and be adapted to local circumstances. Instead of simply attempting to change behaviour through traditional health education we need to ensure that the environment is healthy in itself and supports healthy behaviour. To achieve this we need to develop awareness, skills and motivation among policy makers, professionals and the community. The 'New Health' education is proposed as a term to distinguish the type of health education which addresses these issues from more traditional forms.

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A Case Study on Mechanism Factors for Result Creation of Informatization of IT Service Company (IT서비스 기업의 정보화 성과 창출을 위한 메커니즘 요인 사례 연구)

  • Choi, Hae-Lyong;Gu, Ja-Won
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2017
  • In the meantime, research on corporate informatization focuses on the completeness of information technology itself and its financial effects, so there is insufficient research on whether information technology can support business strategy. It is necessary to verify whether the management strategy implementation of the company can be led through the informatization of the enterprise and the relation between the main mechanism factors and the informatization performance. In this study, what a mechanism factor is applied in the process of result creation of informatization from three mechanism perspectives such as selecting mechanism, learning mechanism and coordinating mechanism with cases of representative domestic IT company and what an importance mechanism factors have been ascertained. This study results in 8 propositions. For a main agent of companies, securement of information capability of organizations has been selected to realize informatization results and investment of informatization has been selected to solve organizational decentralization problems as the most important factor. Additionally, as competition in the industry gets fierce, investment on informatization has been changed to a utility way of implementation of strategies and decision on investment has been made through the official process and information technology. Differentiated company capability has been made based on acquisition of technical knowledge and company information has been expanded to its whole employees through the information system. Also, informatization change management and outside subcontractor management have been acknowledged as an important adjustment factor of company. The first implication of this study is that since case studies on mechanism factors that preceding studies on informatization results did not empirically cover have directly been dealt with based on experiences of executives in charge of business and in charge of informatization, this study can provide practical views about factors that should be mainly managed for informatization results of IT companies. Secondly, since ser-M framework has been applied for IT companies for the first time, this study can academically contribute to companies in other fields about main mechanism factors for result creation of informatization based on deeper understanding and empirical cases.

Factors Required to Sustain Pastoral Farming Systems and Forage Supply In Winter-Cold Zones in Canada (캐나다의 동계한냉지역에 있어서 초지개발과 조사료 공급의 활성화에 필요한 요인)

  • Kunelius, H.T.;Fraser, Joanna
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 1992
  • Forage grasses and legumes ar$\varepsilon$ the mam component of livestock diets in Canada. There are over 30 million ha of grassland in Canada and there is a large, undeveloped land base in fringe areas suitable for forage production. The short growing s season limits the grassland farming to the southern p parts of Canada. The win!er season is long and in most parts of Canada cold temperatures, fr$\varepsilon$ezmg, and thawing, and diseases exert sever$\varepsilon$ stress on overwintering forage plants. The development of persistent cultivars is essential for sustained production particularly in the fringe areas with short growmg s$\varepsilon$ason. The seasonality of dry matter production is a result of high growth rates in early summ$\varepsilon$r and low dry matter accumulation in late summer and fall. Innovative management practIces a and cultivars with improved regrowth capacity are n necessary to overcome such skewed production pattern and to extend effiectlVe grazmg season l Improved pasture production is an important part of reducing costs in livestock operations and remaining competitive. It is suggested that applying available technology would increase pasture productivity and reduce d$\varepsilon$pendence on stored feeds thus improving profitability of small producers in particeular. Reducing nutrient losses during harv$\varepsilon$stmg, s storage, and feeding is essential for improved production efficiency during confinement. The devclopment of low cost and labor saving methods of ensiling is critical for improved efficiency and profitability of forage based enterprises Livestock industries must respond to consumer preferences for low fat and cholesterol foods. Research and development of entire production systems is emphasized for dev$\varepsilon$loping viabl$\varepsilon$ enterprises. It is increasingly difficult to secure resources for r$\varepsilon$search, education, and extension, and alliane$\varepsilon$s and cooperation must expand among organizations with interests in forage based livestock systems.

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Analysis of Evaluator's Role and Capability for Institution Accreditation Evaluation of NCS-based Vocational Competency Development Training (NCS 기반 직업능력개발훈련 기관인증평가를 위한 평가자의 역할과 역량 분석)

  • Park, Ji-Young;Lee, Hee-Su
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.131-153
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to derive evaluator's role and capability for institution accreditation evaluation of NCS-based vocational competency development training. This study attempted to explore in various ways evaluator's minute roles using Delphi method, and to derive knowledge, skill, attitude and integrity needed to verify the validity. To the end, this study conducted the Delphi research for over three rounds by selecting education training professionals and review evaluation professions as professional panels. From the results, roles of evaluators were defined as the total eight items including operator, moderator-mediator, cooperator, analyzer, verifier, institution evaluator, institution consultant, and learner, and the derived capabilities with respect to each role were 25 items in total. The area of knowledge included four items of capabilities such as HRD knowledge, NCS knowledge, knowledge of vocational competency development training, and knowledge of training institution accreditation evaluation, and the area of skill comprised fourteen items of capabilities such as conflict management ability, interpersonal relation ability, word processing ability, problem-solving ability, analysis ability, pre-preparation ability, time management ability, decision making ability, information comprehension and utilization ability, comprehensive thinking ability, understanding ability of vocational competency development training institutions, communication ability, feedback ability, and core understanding ability. The area of attitude was summarized with the seven items in total including subjectivity and fairness, service mind, sense of calling, ethics, self-development, responsibility, and teamwork. The knowledge, skill and attitude derived from the results of this study may be utilized to design and provide education programs conducive to qualitative and systematic accreditation and assessment to evaluators equipped with essential prerequisites. It is finally expected that this study will be helpful for designing module education programs by ability and for managing evaluator's quality in order to perform pre-service education and in-service education according to evaluator's experience and role.

Assessment of an Optimum Biochar Application Rate for Tomato(Solanum lycopersicum L.) Cultivation (토마토 재배를 위한 바이오차 최적시용 비율 평가)

  • Park, Do-Gyun;Hong, Seung-Gil;Jang, Eunsuk;Shin, Joung-Du
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2019
  • Objective of this study was to evaluate an optimum biochar application rate and estimate the carbon sequestration based on the soil chemical properties and growth responses for biochar application during tomatoes cultivation. The treatments consisted of control as recommended application rates of fertilizers, 0.01%, 0.03%, 0.05%, and 0.07% of biochar application(w/w, biochar:soil). For effects of soil chemical properties, the $NO_3-N$contents in the soil were peaked at 9 days after transplanting. But there was not significant difference(p>0.05) among the treatments during cultivation periods. However, $NH_4-N$ contents in the biochar treatment were lower than the control until 14 days of transplanting. $P_2O_5$ contents in the biochar treatments were lower than that of the control until 19 days after transplanting except 0.01% of biochar application plot. $K_2O$ contents in soils treated with 0.01% and 0.03% of biochar were higher until 6 days after transplanting than that in the control. For N use efficiency of biochar application, it was observed that the 0.05% biochar application plot was highest among the treatments. The highest carbon sequestration was estimated at $2.83mg\;kg^{-1}$ for 0.03% of biochar application. However, it is considered that the optimum biochar application rate was 0.05% for tomato cultivation, considering the growth characteristics and yield components.