• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기생율

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Polydnavirus Replication and Ovipositional Habit of Cotesia plutellae (프루텔고치벌(Cotesia plutellae) 폴리드나바이러스 복제와 산란 습성)

  • Kim Yonggyun;Bae Sangki;Lee Sunyoung
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.43 no.3 s.136
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    • pp.225-231
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    • 2004
  • An endoparasitoid wasp, Cotesia plutellae, has been used for a biological control agent against the diamondback moth, Plutellae xylostella. It has a symbiotic polydnavirus in their reproductive tract, which is required for its successful parasitization. Here, we measured a specific replication time of the polydnavirus during female development of C. plutellae. We, also, analyzed the reproductive potentials of female C. plutellae under mating or different host conditions. At $25^{\circ}C$, pupal C. plutellae began to develop adult tissues such as compound eyes and wings since day 2. At day 5, all adult tissues including antennae were developed and were ready to emerge. With polyclonal antibody raised against C. plutellae polydnavirus, an immunobloting could confirm virus replication at day 4 during pupal stage. Virus particles could be visualized by transmission electron microscope in the oviduct lumen of day 5 pupae. After adult eclosion, venom gland and ovarian calyx increased in size, though ovarioles did not. Mated females layed large number of eggs (over $60\%$) at first 4 days during their mean longevity of ca. 8 days at $25^{\circ}C$. Unmated females showed less active ovipositional behavior, where all the eggs developed into males. C. Plutellae parasitized both P. xylostella and fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea. However, C. Plutellae developed faster and showed higher successful paarasitization in P. xylostella than in H. cunea.

Infestation Characteristics of Parasite (Ligula intestinalis) in Abdominal Cavity of Zacco platypus in the Small Stream of Korea (국내 중소하천에서 피라미 (Zacco platypus)의 복강 기생충 감염특성)

  • Shin, Jae-Ki;Kang, Bok-Gyoo;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.215-227
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    • 2016
  • In freshwater ecosystems, the types of fish parasites are diverse and routes of infection are complicated because they maintain the life cycle in a variety of host animals, The present study investigated the infestation characteristics of parasites occurring in abdominal cavity of Zacco platypus in Seom River from February to October 2007. At the same time, four streams (Gam Stream, Daepo Stream, Yangsan Stream, and Yulha Stream) were also surveyed for the reference of fish infection. Aquatic insects and shellfish predominated benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages by 90.4% and 7.7% of relative abundance, respectively. Aquatic insects were composed mostly of Ephemeroptera (46.8%) and Trichoptera (29.8%), and shellfish was Gastropods. Freshwater fish was most abundant Cyprinid and Z. platypus by 85.7% and 48.8%, respectively. Among waterfowl, Anas poecilorhyncha and Egretta garzetta were dominant in August. Fish parasites observed in the abdominal cavity of Z. platypus was classified as Ligula intestinalis, belonging to Phylum Platyhelminthes Cestoda Pseudophyllidae. L. intestinalis was observed from Z. platypus in October, as the number of one individual in the Seom River and fifteen individuals in the Yangsan Stream. Infection rate of plerocercoid ranged 1.4~15.8%. We discussed the relationship between the life cycle of the parasite and the host, and hope our results to be useful for understanding the ecology of the fish abdominal parasites in Korean river ecosystem.

Studies on Integrated Control of Citrus Pests (2) Control of ruby states (Ceroplastes rubens) on citrus by introduction of a parasitic natural enemy, Anicetus beneficus (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) (감귤해충의 종합적방제에 관한 연구(2) 루비붉은좀벌(Anicetus beneficus)도입에 의한 루비깍지벌레 (Ceroplastes rubens)의 방제효과)

  • Kim H.S.;Moon D.Y.;Lee S.C.;Kim H.S.;Lippold P. C.;Kim H.S.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.18 no.2 s.39
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    • pp.107-110
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    • 1979
  • An parasite, Anicetus beneficus was introduced from Japan to Jeju-do, Korea in 1975, and evaluated as a biological agent for control of the ruby scale, Ceroplastes rubens MASKELL. The results were as follows: 1. A major pest of citrus, ruby scale had one generation a year and hatched from late June to early August with the peak hatching in the middle of July. 2. A. beneficus was widely distributed in 16 citrus growing areas since released in 1975. 3. The pnupulation of ruby scales was considerably decreased by increasing of the parasites. Mean percent parasitism of A. beneficus was 1.7 in 1975, 14.1 in 1976, 31.0 in 1977 and 37.0 in 1978.

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Intestinal parasitic infections in the residents of an emigration camp in Tijiuana, Mexico (멕시코 티후아나 이민촌 거주자의 장내 기생충 감염 상태)

  • Sun HUH;Curie AHN;Jong-Yil CHAI
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.65-68
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    • 1995
  • We examined stool specimens of the residents in the emigi·ation camp in Tijuana, Mexico for helminth eggs or protozoan cysts with formalin-ethyl acetate concentration method in February and July 1992. Out of 92 examined samples, number of positive was 49 (53.3%). While number of cumulative positive was 66 (71.7%). Cysts of Entnmoeba coli (29.3%) Giardio lomblia (9.8%), Entamoebo histolytica (7.6%), and eggs of Tqenic app. (6.5) were most frequently observed. Filtered water supply and chemotherapy were required in this camp.

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A follow-up examination of intestinal parasitic infections of the Army soldiers in Whachon-gun, Korea (화천군 소재 일부 장병의 장내 기생충 감염율과 호르텐스극구흡충, Neodiplostomum seoulensis의 감염예)

  • Sun Huh;Soo-Ung Lee;Seung-Chul Huh
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.61-63
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    • 1994
  • A follow-up stool examination was done to know the status of intestinal parasitic infections in Army soldiers who were stationing in Whachon-gun, Kangwon-do, Korea in 1993. Of 233 examined soldiers, Infections with Clonorchis sinensis (0.4%), Metagonimus spp. (0.9%), Echinostomc honene (0.4%), Neoniplostomum seodenis (0.4) and Ginrdin lomblic (3/233) were found. S. honene and N. seouLensis infections were each 75th, and 27th cases in Korea. Regular control program of intestinal parasitic Infections might be able to contribute to diminish the prevalence rate in young Army soldiers in Korea.

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A Sample Design for Intestinal Parasitic Infection Survey (기생충 감염실태조사를 위한 표본설계)

  • Ryu Jea-Bok;Lee Seung-Joo;Jun Sung-Rae
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2005
  • We made a new sample design for intestinal parasitic infection survey in 2004. We used the 10% sample survey data of 2000 population and housing census as a survey population. Since the infection rates of intestinal parasitics are very low, we applied the relative risk and odds ratio instead of ordinary method such as t-test to study the characteristics from the 1997 survey data. In order to allocate samples to stratum, we used the compromise of Neyman allocation which is the average of three Neyman allocations. And also, we derive estimators and variance estimators of the estimators.

Infestation rate of head lice in primacy school children in Inchon, Korea (인천시의 한 국민학교 아동들의 머릿니 감염상)

  • 홍한기;김치문
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.243-244
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    • 1995
  • The survey of the head louse infestation of primary school children in Inchon city was carried out in May 26-27, 1995. Total number of the children surveyed were 1, 530. Four (0.5%) out of 768 boys were infested with nits or adults/nymphs of lice and 72 (9.4%) out of 762 girls were positive with those of lice. The infestation rate of lice for girls was 19 times higher than that of boys.

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A Survey on Bovine Fascioliasis in Gyeonggido: Prevalence Survey and Comparative Chemotherapeutical Experiments with Niclofolan and Bithional against Fasciola spp. and Paramphistomum spp. in Dairy Cat (유우의 간질 및 쌍구흡충 기생율과 간질 구충제 Niclofolan과 Bithionol의 야외응용시험)

  • Son Bong Whan;Bai Gill Han;Jo Jin Haeng;Park Young Soo;Kim Soo Jang
    • Journal of the korean veterinary medical association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 1977
  • A survey on prevalence and the efficiency of the field chemotherapeutical administration on fascioliasis-param-phistomiasis about 524 dairy cattles of 20 heards was carried out in the areas of the northern parts of the Gyeonggi-Do by means of fecal examin

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The distribution of the Pine Gall-midge(Thecodiplosis japonensis UCHIDA et INOUYE) in Seoul district (서울지방의 솔잎혹파리 분포조사)

  • Ko J. H.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.4
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    • pp.55-58
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    • 1965
  • This is a report that we investigated the distribution of Pine Gall-midge (Thecodiplosis japonensis UCHIDA et INOUYE) along the main roads in the vicinity of Seoul. 1. The Pine Gall-midge around the districts of Seoul spread to East-Northern direction, Kwang-Ju, Yang-Su, Su-Pa, Bong-il-Chun and Ko-Chon etc. 2. The factors responsible to the dispersal of Pine Gall-midge seemed to be with the direction of the wind during the period of adult emergence. 3. The parasitic rate of Isostasius seoulis on the Pine Gall-midge was very low except $13.6\%$ at Su-Pa district.

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Studies on the Fascioliasis of Cattle and Goats with Interdermal Reaction in Daejeon Area (피내반응법(皮內反應法)에 의한 대전지방(大田地方)의 축우(畜牛) 및 산양(山羊)의 Fascioliasis에 관한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Kim, Kyo-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.66-74
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    • 1977
  • To investigate the condition of infectious rate of fascioliasis in the farm animals. This survey was carried out, by the interdermal reaction from different animals, ages and pestures in Daejeon Suburbs and Cattle market and Abattoir. The average positive rate of infectious reaction were 31.0% in Korean Cattle, 38,7% in dairy Cattle, 33.8% in Korea native Goats and 26.9% in dairy Goat. The positive rate was higher at the age of 2~6 that compares with at age of yearling. From survey on the river side area, valley and wet area, the rate of positive was occured higher, than from plain, high land and in case of animals have not been grazing. And the detective rate of liver fluke among the positive reaction was occured 92.5% in Korean Cattle and 94.7% in Korea native Goat.

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