• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기생수

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The Studies on the Bionomics of the Florida Wax Scale, Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock(Coccidae) on Persimmon Tree (감나무에 기생하는 Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock(Coccidae)의 생태에 관하여)

  • Han Kyo Pil;Lee Eui Soon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.3
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 1964
  • The authors studied on the bionomics of the Florida wax scale, Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock and bionomics of two kind of parasites which attack on this Florida wax scale in 1963 to 1964. 1. Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock was heavily infested on the persimmon tree planted in the southern part of Korea, specially at the center of Taegu city. Parasitic ratio of important parasite of Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock, Microterys clauseni was $66.67\%$ and appeared low parasited ratio at the center of the city. 2. The developed eggs of the Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock was appear며 from mid-May to early July. The peak of it was late-May to early June. Average stored eggs inside of a body is 2030. $2030.77\pm0.49.$. 3. The hatching period of the Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock begins from early June to early July. Mid-June was the peak period of it. Pupation period of the male was August 14 to September 7 and adult was emerged on August 20 to September 8. Mean longevity for adult male was 3 days in August but 4 days in September. 4. On the differences of the body- length parasited on the three host plants, persimmon, platanus, and trifoliate orange, the body length parasited on the persimmon was the largest, medium on platanus and the smallest on the trifoliate orange. 5. Microterys clauseni H. Compere parasite on tile Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock with 5 generations in a year. Hibernate in the body of the host as tan·at stage. The first adult appears in middle April. Fifteen days was required for one generation in $21^{\circ}$. The authors observed on the form ovary, female with 6 ovarioles, and mean number of eggs per female was $47.19\pm0.55$. 6. On the parasited individuals of the Microterys clauseni H. Compere a larva was the most numerous and was found 2 individuals or 4 individuals parasite on the one Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock. 7. Coccophagus app. parasited on the only male body of the Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock. The parasitic ratio was $14.831\%$ on persimmon tree in Taegu city.

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Gate Driver Design for GaN FET Minimizing Parasitic Inductances (기생 인덕턴스를 최소화한 GaN FET 구동 게이트 드라이버 설계)

  • Bu, Hanyoung;Cho, Younghoon
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2018.07a
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    • pp.448-449
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    • 2018
  • 최근, WBG 반도체 소자에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행됨에 따라 고속 스위칭으로부터 발생되는 문제점들을 해결하기 위한 여러 방안들이 제시되고 있다. WBG 반도체 소자의 안정적인 고속 스위칭을 실현하기 위해서는 게이트 드라이버 내에 존재하는 기생 인덕턴스를 최소화하는 것이 가장 중요하다. 본 논문에서는 layout의 최적화 설계를 통해 GaN FET 구동용 게이트 드라이버 내의 기생 인덕턴스를 최소화할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고 설계를 통해 만들어진 게이트 드라이버를 실험을 통해 스위칭 특성을 분석하였다.

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Optimization of Broadband Antenna Parasitic Elements for TACAN (TACAN용 광대역 안테나 기생소자 최적화)

  • Park, Sang Jin;Koo, Kyung Heon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.483-491
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    • 2015
  • This paper describes the design optimization of parasitic elements used for TACAN broadband antenna. We deployed parasitic elements arranged in a circular array to electronically rotate the antenna instead of employing a mechanically rotated antenna to generate the composite radiation pattern of 15 Hz and 135 Hz including bearing information and to meet the harmonic contents specification of MIL-STD-291C. We performed the simulation for optimization of the parasitic elements and fabricated the antenna composed of 16 parasitic elements of 15 Hz and 63 parasitic elements of 135 Hz. With harmonics magnitude reduction by increasing the number of steps using vector composition of the reflectors, the measured result meets the specification of MIL-STD-291C.

Parasitylenchus orthotomici sp. n. (Tylenchida: Allantonematidae) from Orthotomicus angulatus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), with Note on Parasitism (소나무뿔나무좀(Orthotomicus angulatus) (딱정벌레목 : 나무좀과)에서 발견된 천적선충 신종과 기생율)

  • ;Harry K. Kaya;Patrick Shea
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-3
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    • 1989
  • Parasitylenchus orthotomici sp. n. is described as a nematode parasite of Orthotomicus an¬gulatus in Korea. In a sample of 170 beetles randomly collected from Pinus densiflora S. et. Z, 51. 8% were parasitized by nematodes. The number of nematodes per bark beetle was ranged from 1 to 97. The parasitisms of F, generation were ranged from 43.2% to 52%. There was no positive tendency in nematode parasitism between sun-side and shade-side.

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진드기와 이(I)

  • 송덕진
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    • v.34 no.12 s.398
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    • pp.126-127
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    • 2002
  • 닭에서 진드기(mite)와 이(lice)는 가장 일반적인 외부기생충이다. 이(lice)는 닭의 피, 깃털, 피부, 비듬 등을 영양분으로 살아간다. 미국 캘리포니아 대학(University of Califonia)에서의 실험에 의하면 이(lice)를 효과적으로 퇴치하기 위해서는 이(lice)종류를 정확히 확인한 후 그에 알맞은 약제를 선택해야 효과를 볼 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 조류에 기생하는 진드기들은 모두가 동일 종(種)인 반면, 이(lice)는 닭, 칠면조, 꿩, 비둘기, 메추리에 기생하는 종이 모두 다르다. 이들외부 기생충들은 감염정도가 심할 경우 축체의 건강을 해치고 생산성을 저하시킬 뿐만아니라 폐사까지도 가져 올 수 있다. 이(lice)와 진드기를 퇴치하기 위해서는 닭뿐만 아니라 시설물에까지 살충제를 살포 해야한다. 우선 이들 외부기생충의 종을 알아낸 후 약제 선택을 해야 하는데. 예를 들면, 이(lice)와 진드기 모두에 효과적인 약제를 사용 할 수 있으나 진드기의 생활 주기는 이(lice)보다 짧기 때문에 사용시기를 달리 해야 한다.

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Parasitism of Trichogramma evanescens and T. ostriniae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to Eggs of the Asian Corn Borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (조명나방(Ostrinia furnacalis) 알에 대한 쌀좀알벌(T. evanescens)과 T. ostriniae의 기생특성)

  • Jung Jin Kyo;Park Jong Ho;Im Dae Joon;Han Tae Man
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.44 no.1 s.138
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2005
  • Parasitism of the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma evanescens, to its main host insect, the Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis in Korea was compared with that of T. ostriniae that is the dominant species in China on the same host insect. Parasitoid adults of both species emerged more than 50 percent within 4 hours after lights-on in 16L/8D photo period regime and showed a circadian rhythm of emergence. The developmental period from oviposition to emergence in both parasitoids was ca. 11 days and there were no significant differences between the two species and between female and male of each species, either. Both species also showed superparasitism even when the parasitic rates in one egg mass were below 100 percent. Both species oviposited by 5 days after emergence, and maximum longevities of each female adult of both species were 8 day for T. evanescens and 6 day for T. ostriniae. The total number of eggs parasitized by T. evanescens was ca. 38 eggs and ca. 31 eggs by T. ostriniae. Newly emerged female parasitoid laid eggs on about $50\%$ of the host insect egg mass, and the parasitism decreased with the adult age of egg parasitoids in both species. The sex ratio of two species was female-biased about $80\%$.

Study on the Cercaria of Trematodes Parasitized in the Marine Gastropods, Batillaria cumingii CROSSE (해산복족류, Batillaria cumingii CROSSE 에 기생한 흡충류의 유충에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Gil;Choi, Ji-Sung
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.197-204
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    • 2005
  • This study was performed to understand morphological features and classification of different species of cercaria parasitized in Batillaia cummingi, a marine gastropod. Samples were collected from April 2004 to February 2005 in the mud flat of Naecho-do, which is located in the estuary of the Geum river of the Yellow Sea. The mud flat temperature of the study area ranged from 6$^{\circ}C$ to 27$^{\circ}C$ all around the year. Two species of cercaria, Pygidiopsis summus and Cercaria pseudogranifera, were detected through the gonad examination of the gastropod. The minimum and maximum infection rates of Pygidiopsis summus were 0.67% in October and 20.67% in August, respectively. However, P. summus was not detected in December. The infection rate of Cercaria pseudogranifera showed from 9.3% in June to 66.0% in December. These data indicate that Batillaia cummingi should be added as the intermediate host of these parasites.

Studies on the Important Nematodes in Korea 1. Some Nematodes Found in the Soil around the Root of Floral Plants in the Green-house (우리나라 농업상 중요한 선충류에 관한 연구 (I) 온실화훼류의 근부에서 발생되는 수종의 선충에 관하여)

    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.2
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 1963
  • 최근 농작물에 대한 각종 선충류의 피해가 주목되어 있는 실성에 비추어 필자는 선충류연구의 기초적 과제로서 온실내의 화훼류 근부에서 발견되는 선충류 중 농업상 비교적 중요하다고 인정되는 종류와 그밖에 몇 종류에 대하여 형태적인 특징을 기술하였다. 즉 취급된 종류들은 다음과 같다. 1. Meloidogyne arenaria Chitwood 2. Scutellonema coheni Andrassy 3. Paurodontus gracilis Thorne 4. xiphinema americaum Cobb 5. Rhabditis sp 6. Cephalobus sp 7, Diplogaster sp 그리고 이상 7종류의 기주식물 및 기생정도를 보면 Meloidogyne arenaria Chitwood는 Begonia에 만 기생하였고 그밖에 화훼류에는 기생을 볼수 없었다. Scutellonema choeni Andrassy는 꽃치자, 소펄, 이마리 리스, 제브리나에 가장 많이 발견되었고, Paurodonthus gracilis Thorne는 동백나무, 청목. 지내고사리, 카네이션, 충에서 가장 많이 발견되었다. 그리고 Xiphinema americanum Coob는 산호수, 서향, 코피나무, 시크라맨, 용설란, 동백 등에서만 발견되었으나 그중에 용설란, 동백에서 가장 많이 볼 수 있었다. Rhabditis sp.는 초본류 화훼류의 대부분에서 발견되었으나 그중에도 산세배리아에서 가장 많았다 Diplogaster sp는 대부분의 화훼류에서 발견되었으며 그중에 크로톤에 비교적 많았다. Cephalobus sp.는 전반적으로 발견되었으며 발견정도는 모두 비슷하였다. Monhystera app. , Mononchus spp. , Dorylaimus app. 등도 조사란 과반수의 화훼류들에서 발견되었으나 특히 많이 발견되는 화훼류는 없었다. 이상 선충류중 근류를 형성하여 피해가 가장 주목되는 Mceloidogyne arenaris Chitwood에 대해서 온실내에서 그의 유일한 기주식물인 Begonia의 품종별 기생정도를 비교조사한 결과 semperflorens 품종에 가장 기생률이 높았고 metarica 품종은 중정도였으며 erytholopylla와 argento-guttata 품종들에는 기생이 없었다. 이 점은 매우 의의있는 사실로서 앞으로 더욱 연구할 과제로 삼았다. 끝으로 Sanceberia에서 많이 발견되는 Rhabditis sp를 $18^{\circ}C$, $25^{\circ}C$, $30^{\circ}C$, $35^{\circ}C$의 동온도별의 incubator에서 사육한 결과 본 종의 생육적온이 $30^{\circ}C$라는 사실을 알았다.

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A Study on the Biology of Primary Parasites of the Cow-pea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch (Aphididae, Homo.) and its Hyperparasites (아카시아진딧물에 기생하는 진디벌과 이의 중기생봉에 관한 연구)

  • Chang Young-Duck;Youn Young-Nam
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.22 no.4 s.57
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    • pp.237-243
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    • 1983
  • A biological study was done on primary parasites and hyperparasites of cow-pea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch, collected from Mt. Gyeryong and Daejeon area during the period from April to September 1983 was. The results of mummification of primary parasites, host selectivity between primary parasites and hyperparasites and ratio of mummification, no. of ar chegonia and longevity of important species were obtained as follows; Eight species of Aphidiidae were identified and listed and four of them, Binodoxys nearactaphidis Mackauer, Lipolexis scutellaris Mackauer, Lysiphlebus salicaphis(Fitch)and Trioxys hokkaidensis Takada found for the first time in Korea. Among the 509 mummies collected in the field, adult Aphidiid and adult hyperparasites were $44.8\%,\;and\;43.8\%$, respectively. Lysiphlebus ambiguus, Lysiphlebus salicaphis, Lysiphlebia japonica and Lipolexis scutellaris were a few of important species attacking cow-pea aphid and the rate of their occurrences were $31.6\%,\;18.8\%,\;16.7\%\;and\;11.4\%$, respectively. All the hyperparasites collected from cow-pea aphid were recorded for the first time in Korea; those were Lygocerus testaceimonus Kieffer, Protaphelinus nikolskajae (Jasnosh), Eucoila sp., Gastranscistrus sp., Ardilea convexa(Walker), Asaphes vulgaris Walker. Among the collected hyperparasites, Eucoila sp., A. vulgaris and A. Convexa were dominant species and their occurence rate was $39.9\%,\;34.1\%\;and\;19.7\%$, respectively. As a results of analysis on parasite-hyperparasite interrelationship in cow-pea aphid, Lipolexis scutellaris was attacked from 3 out of 6 hyperparasites and the others was attacked from almost all the hyperparasites. Lysiphlebus ambiguus was higher than Lysiphlebia japonica in the ability of parasitism. There was no difference between Lysiphlebus ambiguus(272) and Lysiphlebia japonica(279) in number of archegonia, but L. ambiguus$(66.9\%)$ was higher than L. japonica$(43.0\%)$ in the rate of mummification to archegonia. The longevity of Aphidiidae and hyperparasites was investigated by feeding honey. The results showed that hyperparasites had lived 15.8 to 21. 5 days, while Aphiidiidae lived only 2 to 3 days.

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Use of Parasites for Stock Analysis of Salmonid Fishes (연어과 어류의 계군분석을 위한 기생충의 활용)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ho
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.112-120
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    • 2007
  • This paper reviews the use of parasites as 'biological tags' for studying stock analysis of salmonid fishes. Numerous definitions of stock concepts exist, but most of them essentially define a group of fish as having similar biological characteristics and being self-reproducing as stocks. It is important to manage fish stocks for human consumption and sustainable production and especially for salmonid fishes. Because these fry are considered as each country's property, it is necessary to identify and discriminate each fish stock in the open sea. Methods of separating fish stocks are very diverse. Artificial tags, parasites, otoliths scales and genetic characters have been used for stock analysis and each method has advantages and disadvantages. Of these parasites can be good biological tags because they are applied by nature at no cost. Parasites can be infected with susceptible host fishes when they enter into certain areas. Then if they move to the outside and are caught researchers can infer that the fish had been in the endemic area for a period of time during their life. Hence the host fish can be considered as naturally 'tagged' by parasites. However, if they do not pass the parasites-endemic. area, they will harbour no parasites. Therefore, researchers can discriminate each fish stocks and trace their migration routes with these biological tags. In this paper, several examples on the use of parasites as biological tags for studying salmonids, as well as other species, are listed. The advantages and limitations of parasites as biological tags are also discussed. Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), the main salmonid species migrating to Korea, is distributed all around the North Pacific. Korean chum salmon are generally thought to move to the Sea of Okhotsk, the western North Pacific and the Bering Sea. However, there is no clear information on the distribution and migration pathways of Korean chum salmon, and no markers exist for separating them from others yet. Recent Korean chum salmon stock analysis including parasites information are mentioned.