• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기생수

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건강을 지키는 현장-제5차 건국 장내기생충 감염율 실태조사

    • 건강소식
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    • v.16 no.11 s.168
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    • pp.2-5
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    • 1992
  • '71년부터 매 5년마다 실시되어 올해로 5번째를 맞는 전국 장내 기생충 감염율 실태조사의 가검물 수집이 이제 막바지에 이르고 있다. 기생충검사 무용론이 고개를 들고 있는 요즈음의 상황에서 새벽부터 밤늦게까지 가가호호를 방문하여 채변봉투를 나누어 주고, 또 대변을 수집해오는 일을 게을리하지 않았던 건협 시도지부직원들의 숨은 노력으로 큰 어려움없이 실태조사가 이루어질 수 있었음을 잊어서는 안될 것 같다. 그동안의 우리나라 기생충관리의 총 결산이 되고, 새로운 기생충관리의 총 결산이 되고, 새로운 기생충관리 방향 모색에 잇어 중요한 역할을 하게 될 이번 실태조사의 마지막날까지 지역주민들의 적극적 협조를 바라면서 실태조사 가검물 수집과정의 일들을 이번 호에 실어본다.

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동소종인 갈겨니 Zacco temmincki와 피라미 Z. platypus에 기생하는 아가미흡충 Paradiplozoon triorchidids 출현빈도

  • 윤길하;이완옥;김대희;김응오;이종윤
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.453-453
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    • 2000
  • 우리나라에 서식하는 담수어류는 약 200여종이며, 이중에는 산과 계곡이 많은 지형 및 기후 특성에 적응 분화한 특이한 종들도 많다. 그러나 환경파괴로 인하여 출현수가 격감하거나 별종의 위기에 처한 담수어류도 다수 존재한다. 따라서 이런 어종을 인공번식시켜 우리의 생물자원을 보존하기 위한 연구가 필요한 실정이다. 이런 단수어류중에 갈겨니Zacco temmincki와 피라미 Z. platypus는 잉어목, 잉어과에 속하는 소형 담수어로 우리나라의 서남해로 유입되는 하천에 자연분포하며, 산란기에는 아름다운 혼인색을 가지므로 관상어로서의 높은 가치를 가지고 있다.(중략)

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Two Cases of Imported Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Korea (중동에서 유입된 피부 리슈마니아증 2례)

  • 윤태영;은회철
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.327-330
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    • 1985
  • 사우디 아라비아에서 근무하고 귀국한 2펑의 한국인 남자가 피부의 궤양을 주소로 서울대학교 병원 피부과에 진찰을 받으러 왔다. 육안적으로 가괴를 형성한 궤양을 동반한 피부 결절로 4∼5개월을 경과한 병변이었다. 두 례 모두에서 조직 생검을 통해, 특징적인 조직의 파괴와 조직내 거식세포(histiocyte)의 세포질내 무편모성 리슈마니아 충체(amastigote 또는 Leishman body)를 관찰할 수 있었다. 이 예들은 문헌상 중동에서 국내로 유입된 피부 리슈마니아증의 제 17번째 및 18번째의 증례라 하겠다.

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Association of Prototheca with Bovine Mastitis (Prototheca에 의한 소 유방염 발생예)

  • 팔마헨드라;이창우
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.349-351
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    • 1997
  • 7세의 홀스타인 암소에서 엽록소가 없는 Prototheca에 의한 만성적인 진행성 유방 염의 발생에 대해 보고한다. 유방염 우유로 만든 습윤표본에서 명확한 세포벽과 내생포자를 갖고 있는 구형 내지 난원형의 병원체가 직접 관찰되었고, Sabouraud배지에서의 순수배양물 에 대해 Wright염색 및 PHOL염색을 했을 때 algae가 증명되었으며, nutrient배지에서 세균 이 중식하지 않아서 Prototheca가 유방염의 원인으로 제시되었다. 이 병원체는 자연상태에서 는 사물기생성이지만 감염원은 확실하지 않았다. algae와 진균의 형태학적인 연구를 하는데 있어서 PHOL염색액을 광범위하게 응용할 수 있음을 제시하였다. Prototheca의 ecology와 병원성을 규명하기 위해 더 많은 연구가 이루어져야 될 것으로 생각된다.

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Antibacterial Finish of Cotton Fabric with Silver Nanoparticles (은 콜로이드를 이용한 면직물의 항균가공)

  • 이은지;정성훈;이범수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Fiber Society Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.390-391
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    • 2001
  • 은의 항균작용은 예로부터 알려져 왔는데, 특히 천연섬유에 기생하는 세균(bacteria)과 곰팡이(fungi) 등의 미생물을 제거하여 질병유발, 악취, 제품의 오염 방지에 효과적이다. 은은 다른 가공제와 달리 소량으로 항미생물 효과를 얻을 수 있으므로 나노 사이즈의 은 입자를 농도별로 면직물에 처리하고 세탁에 대한 내구성을 알아보고자 하였다. 이에 따라, 소량으로도 항미생물 효과를 나타내는 최적의 공정을 구하고 은입자가 균일하게 처리되는 조건에서 가공제의 내세탁성을 조사하였다. (중략)

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A Case of Human Thelaziasis in Korea (인체 동양안충 감염 1례)

  • 류재숙;임경일
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.83-84
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    • 1987
  • 1983년 10월에 15세된 여자가 내원 수일 전부터 오른쪽 눈의 이물감과 소양증을 주소로 내원하였다. 며칠전 환자 자신이 오른쪽 눈에서 충체를 꺼냈으며, 내원하여 2마리를 적출하였다. 두 마리는 모두 자충이었으며 각각 길이 13.4mm, 폭 0.36mm와 길이 8.3mm, 폭 0.39mm였으며 구강의 길이는 각각 0.24mm, 0.31mm이었다. 표피의 가로주름이 식도부위에서는 1mm당 281개, 중앙부위는 172개, 후단부는 162개이었으며 충체 전단부터 질 입구까지의 길이는 0.44mm이었다. 이상의 소견으로 두마리 충체를 Thelazia callipaeda로 동정하였다. 이 동양안충 감염에는 한국에서 15번째이다.

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Studies on a Nematode, Anguillicola crassa Parasitic in the Air Bladder of the Eel (뱀장어 부레에 기생(寄生)하는 선충(線虫), Anguillicola crassa에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Young-Gill;Kim, Eul-Bae;Kim, Jong-Yeon;Chun, Seh-Kyu
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1989
  • In Korea, studies on a Nematode, Anguillicola crassa parasitic in the air bladder of eel are not yet reported. This reason led the author to study the parasitic species, state and life history of the A. crassa parasitized in the air bladder of eel in order to take effective control measures against its damage. The size of fully developed eggs was 80 to $92(86.7){\times}62$ to $71(67.4)\;{\mu}m$, larva was 210 to $240(225){\times}18$ to $23(20.6)\;{\mu}m$. The intermediate host of A. crassa was Thermocyclops hyalinus, it was capable for parasitizing the eel after 4 days of invasion and then the size of larva was 360 to $420(390){\times}28$ to $35(31)\;{\mu}m$. Fifty days after eel had ingested the Thermocyclops hyalinus infected with larva of A. crassa, the larvae matured into adult worms in the air bladder of eel. The size of detected adult worms was 7.3 to $31.0(16.5){\times}0.5$ to 2.2(1.2) mm, 4.9 to $13.3(8.3){\times}0.3$ to 0.9(0.4) mm. Investigating the morphology of the worms, they were identified as A. crassa. Monthly the parasitic rate of the worms in the eel was high in June, September and December, but low in January to March. After the investigation on the significance between non-parasitic fish and parasitic fish, it was not significant, therefore it can be considered that there is no effect of infection in the growth of eel. Any abnormality of eels air bladder tissue was not seen by the infection of A. crassa. At 25.0 to $26.7^{\circ}C$ of water temperature the death time of Thermocyclops hyalinus by masoten treatment was 14 hours in 0.5 ppm, 20 hours in 0.4 ppm, 22 hours in 0.3 ppm, 30 hours in 0.2 ppm and 42 hours in 0.1 ppm.

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Recovery rate, growth and development of Heterophyopsis continua in experimental chicks (병아리에서 Heterophuopsis continua의 충체 회수율 및 성장 발육)

  • 홍성종;이순형
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 1990
  • The growth and developmental pattern of H. continua was observed after experimental infection of their metacercariae to chicks. The recovery rate of worms from the chicks at 1 to 28 days post-infection(PI) was 12.8% in average. The rate remained fairly high for early 4 days of infection but decreased thereafter rapidly till 28 days PI. Most of the nukes, 91.9%, were recovered from the ileum of the chicks. In metacercariae, genital organs such as the ovary, testes, seminal vesicle, seminal receptacle and genital sucker were recognizable. At one day PI Mehlis'gland appeared, and at 2 days follicular vitellaria were observed. At 3 days PI, eggs were formed in the uterine tubule and increased in number as the worm grew old. The worms reached $2,990{\;}{\mu\textrm{m}}$ in length and $525{\;}{\mu\textrm{m}}$ in width at 28 days PI. Genital organs developed rapidly in early stages of infection but slowly thereafter to 28 days Pl, whereas non-genital organs developed steadily through the infection period. It was proved by this experiment that chicks should be a moderately suitable final host of H. continua.

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A case of subcutaneous paragonimiasis presented with pleural effusion (흉수를 동반한 피하조직 이소기생 폐흡충증)

  • Kim, Soo Young;Park, Sun Ju;Bae, Si Young;Cho, Young Kuk;Kim, Chan Jong;Woo, Young Jong;Choi, Young Youn;Ma, Jae Sook;Hwang, Tai Ju
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.760-765
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    • 2008
  • Paragonimiasis is a parasitic infection that occurs following the ingestion of infectious Paragonimus metacercariae from crabs or crayfish. Pulmonary paragonimiasis is the most common clinical manifestation of this infection, but several ectopic paragonimiasis cases have also been reported. Among them, cases of subcutaneous paragonimiasis are rare, especially in children. We report a case of subcutaneous paragonimiasis of the right abdominal wall with pleural effusion with hepatic involvement and without abnormal pulmonary infiltration in a boy aged 2 years and 5 months. He had eaten soybean sauce-soaked freshwater crabs (kejang) 6 months prior to complaining of right abdominal wall distension. On evaluation, right pleural effusion without abnormal pulmonary infiltration was detected, as well as blood eosinophilia, an elevated serum IgE level, pleural fluid eosinophilia and a positive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay that detected P. westermani antibody in the serum. Thoracentesis, praziquantel administration, and excision of subcutaneous lesions were performed. After treatment, the eosinophil count and serum IgE level were decreased, and the subcutaneous lesions did not recur. The frequency of paragonimiasis has decreased recently, but it is still prevalent in Korea. Paragonimiasis should be suspected if pleural fluid eosinophilia is associated with blood hypereosinophilia and a high level of serum IgE; however clinicians should obtain a thorough history of travel and food habits.

Toxoplasmacidal Effect of HL-60 Cells Differentiated by Dimethylsulfoxide (Dimethylsulfoxide로 분화시킨 HL-60 세포의 yoxoplasma 파괴 효과)

  • Choe, Won-Yeong;Nam, Ho-U;Yu, Jae-Eul
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 1988
  • In vitro culture of Toxoplasma gondii in HL-60 cells and cell-mediates immunity against Toxoplasma in dimethylsulfoxide(DMSO) -induced HL-60 cells, i.e., differentiation into granulocytes, were pursued. HL-60 calls were treated with various concentrations of DMSO, and 1.3%(v/v) for 3 day incubation was chosen as the optimal condition icy differentiation into granulocytes. The degree of differentiation was assayed in physiological and functional aspects in addition to morphological point. When treated with 1.3% DMSO for 3 days, HL-60 cells did not synthesiar DNA materials beyond background level, and showed active chemotactic response to chemotactic peptide, formal-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine(FMLP). Morphologically promyelocytes of high nuclearlcytoplasmic(NIC) ratio changed to granulocytes of relatively low WJC ratio. The relationships between HL-60 cells or DMSO-induced HL-60 cells and Toxoplasma were examined after stain with Giemsa and Buorescent dye (acridine orange). HL-60 cells did not show any sign of torso- plasmacidal activity but showed intracellular proliferation of Texoplasma to form rosette for 72 hr co-culture. In contrast, OMSO-induced HL-60 cells phagocytosed Toxoplasma within 1 hr, and performed a process of intracellular digestion of Toxoplasma thereafter. With the above results, it is suggested that phagosome-Iysosome fusion is one of the critical events for the parasitism by Toxoplasma or for susceptibility of host cells. The in vitro culture system of this study has offered a defined condition to study the protozoan parasite-host cell interactions.

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