• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기관투자

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Philosophical Stances for Future Nursing Education (미래를 향한 간호교육이념)

  • Hong Yeo Shin
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.20 no.4 s.112
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 1981
  • 오늘 저희에게 주어진 주제, 내일에 타당한 간호사업 및 간호교육의 향방을 어떻게 정하여야 하는가의 논의는 오늘날 간호계 주변에 일어나고 있는 변화의 실상을 이해하는 데서 비롯되어져야 한다고 생각하는 입장에서 먼저 세계적으로 건강관리사업이 당면한 딜레마가 어떠한 것이며 이러한 문제해결을 위해 어떠한 새로운 제안들이 나오고 있는가를 개관 하므로서 그 교육적 의미를 정의해 보고 장래 간호교육이 지향해야할 바를 생각해 보려 합니다. 오늘의 사회의 하나의 특징은 세계 모든 나라들이 각기 어떻게 전체 국민에게 고루 미칠 수 있는 건강관리체계를 이룩할 수 있느냐에 관심을 모으고 있는 사실이라고 봅니다. 부강한 나라에 있어서나 가장 빈궁한 나라에 있어서나 그 관심은 마찬가지로 나타나고 있읍니다. 보건진료 문제의 제기는 발달된 현대의학의 지식과 기술이 지닌 건강관리의 방대한 가능성과 건강 관리의 요구를 지닌 사람들에게 미치는 실질적인 혜택간에 점점 더 크게 벌어지는 격차에서 발생한다고 봅니다. David Rogers는 1960년대 초반까지 갖고 있던 의료지식의 축적과 민간인의 구매력 향상이 자동적으로 국민 건강의 향상을 초래할 것이라고 믿었던 순진한 꿈은 이루어지지 않았고 오히려 의료사업의 위기는 의료지식과 의료봉사간에 벌어지는 격차와 의료에 대한 막대한 투자와 그에서 얻는 건강의 혜택간의 격차에서 온다고 말하고 있읍니다. 균등 분배의 견지에서 보면 의료지식과 기술의 향상은 그 단위 투자에 대한 생산성을 낮춤으로서 오히려 장애적 요인으로 작용해온 것도 사실이고 의료의 발달에 따른 일반인의 기대 상승과 더불어 의료를 태성의 권리로 규명하는 의료보호사업의 확대로 야기되는 의료수요의 급증은 모두 기존 시설 자원에 압박을 초래하여 전래적 의료공급체제에 도전을 가해 왔으며 의료의 발달에 건 기대와는 달리 인류의 건강 문제 해결은 더욱 요원한 과제로 남게 되었읍니다. 현시점에서 세계인구의 건강문제는 기아, 영양실조, 안전한 식수 공급 및 위생적 생활환경조성의 문제에서부터 가장 정밀한 의료기술발달에 수반되는 의료사회문제에 이르는 다양한 문제를 지니고 있으며 주로 각개 국가의 경제 사회적 여건이 이 문제의 성격을 결정짓고 있다고 볼수 있읍니다. 그러나 건강 관리에 대한 요구는 영구히, 완전히 충족될 수 없는 요구에 속한다는 의미에서 경제 사회적 발달 수준에 상관없이 모든 국가가 공히 요구에 미치지 못하는 제한된 자원문제로 고심하고 있는 실정입니다. 또 하나의 공통된 관점은 각기 문제의 상황은 달라도 오늘날의 건강 문제는 주로 의료권 밖의 유전적 소인, 사회경제적, 정치문화적인 환경여건과 각기 선택하는 삶의 스타일에 깊이 관련되어 있다는 사실입니다. 따라서 오늘과 내일의 건강관리 문제는 의학적 견지에서 뿐 아니라 널리 경제, 사회, 정치, 문화적 관점에서 포괄적인 접근이 시도되어야 한다는 점과 의료의 고급화, 전문화, 일변도의 과정에서 소외되었던 기본건강관리체계 강화에 역점을 둔 다양하고 탄력성 있는 사업전개가 요구되고 있다는 점입니다. 다양한 건강관리요구에 적절히 대처할 수 있기 위한 그간 세계 각처에서 시도된 새로운 건강관리 접근과 그 제안을 살펴보면 대체로 4가지의 뚜렷한 성격들로 집약할 수 있을 것 같습니다. 그 첫째는 건강관리사업계획 및 그 수행에 있어 지역 사회의 적극적 참여를 유도하는 일, 둘째는 지역단위의 일차보건의료에서 부터 도심지 신예 종합병원, 시설 의료에 이르기까지 건강관리사업을 합리적으로 체계화하는 일. 셋째로 의료인력이용의 효율화 및 비의료인의 훈련과 협조 유발을 포함하는 효과적인 인력관리에 대한 제안과 넷째로 의료보험 및 각양 집단 의료유형을 포함하는 대체 의료재정 운영관리에 관련된 제안들을 들 수 있읍니다. 건강관리사업에 있어 지역사회 참여의 의의는 첫째로 사회 경제적인 제약이 모든 사람에게 가능한 최대한의 의료를 모두 고루 공급하기 어렵게 하고 있다는 점에서 제한된 정부재정과 지역사회가용자원을 보다 효율적으로 이용할 수 있게 하는 자조적이고 자율적인 지역사회건강관리체제의 구현에 있다고 볼 수 있으며 둘때로는 개인과 가족 및 지역민의 건강에 영향하는 많은 요인들은 실질적으로 의료권 외적 요인들로서 위생적인 생활양식, 식사습관, 의료시설이용 등 깊이 지역사회특성과 관련되어 국민보건의 실질적 향상을 위하여는 지역 주민의 자발적인 참여가 필수여건이 된다는 점 입니다. 지역 단위별 체계적인 의료사업의 전개는 제한된 의료자원의 보다 합리적이고 효율적인 이용을 가능하게 하며 요구가 있을때 언제나 가까운 거리에서 경제 사회적 제약을 받지 않고 이용할 수 있는 일차건강관리망을 통하여 건강에 관련된 정보를 얻으며 질병예방, 건강증진 및 기초적인 진료의 도움을 얻을 수 있고 의뢰에 대한 제2차, 제3차 진료에의 길은 건강관리사업의 질과 폭을 동시에 높고 넓게 해 줄 수 있는 길이 된다는 것입니다. 인력 관리에 관련된 두가지 기본 방향으로서는 첫째로 기존보건의료인력의 적정배치 유도이고 둘째는 기존인력의 역할확대, 조정 및 비의료인의 교육훈련과 부분적 업무대체를 들수 있으며 이러한 인력관리의 기본 방향은 부족되는 의료인력의 생산성을 높이고 주민들의 자조적 능력을 강화시킨다는 데에 두고 있음니다. 대체적 의료재정운영안은 대체로 의료공급과 재정관리를 이원화하여 주민의 경제능력이 의료수혜의 장애요소로 작용함을 막고 의료인의 경제적 동기에 의한 과잉치료처치에 의한 낭비를 줄임으로써 의료재정의 투자의 효과를 증대하는 데(cost-effectiveness) 그 기본방향을 두고 있다고 봅니다. 이러한 주변의료 사회적인 동향이 간호교육의 미래상에 끼치는 영향은 지대한 것이라 봅니다. 첫째로 장래 세계인구의 건강문제는 정치, 사회, 경제, 환경적인 의료권 밖의 요인들에 의해 더욱 크게 영향 받는다고 전제한다면 건강문제해결에 있어서도 전통적인 의료사업의 접근에서 더나아가 문제발생의 근원이 되는 생활개선이라는 차원에서 포괄적 접근을 생각하여야 하고 이를 위해선 정치, 경제, 사회전반에 걸친 깊이있는 이해과 주민의 생활환경에 직접 영향하는 교통수단, 통신망 mass media, 전력문제, 농업경영방법 및 조직적 사회활동 등 폭넓은 이해가 요구된다고 봅니다. 둘째로, 지역사회참여의 의의를 인정한다면 지역민의 자발적 참여를 효과적으로 유발시킬수 있고 의료집단과 각종 주민조직과 일반주민들 사이에서 협조적으로 일할수 있는 역량을 기르기위한 교육적 준비가 요구된다고 봅니다. 셋째로, 지역주민의 건강관리 자조능력 강화를 하나의 목표로 삼는다면 치료자에서 교육자로, 지도자에서 촉진자로, 제공자에서 지원자료의 역할의 변화 내지 다양화를 요구하게 될 것이므로 그에 대처할 수 있는 준비가 필요하다고 봅니다. 넷째로, 생각되어야 할 점은 지역중심건강관리사업을 지향하는 보건의료의 이념적 방향과 그에 상응하는 구체적 접근방법을 효율적으로 적용하기 위해서는 종횡으로 연결되는 의사소통체계의 정립과 민활한 정보교환이 이루어질 수 있어야 한다는 점에서 의사소통의 구심체로서 역할할 수 있는 역량을 함양해야 할 교육적 과제가 있다고 봅니다. 마지막으로 생각되어야 할 점은 지역중심으로 전개될 건강관리사업은 건강증진 및 질병예방적 측면과 질병진료 및 회복과 재활에 이르는 종합적이고 포괄적인 사업이어야 한다는 점에서 종래 공공 의료부문과 사설의료기관 사이에 나누어져 있던 예방의학과 치료의학의 통합 뿐 아니라 정부주축으로 이루어 지고 있는 지역사회개발사업 및 농촌지도사업과 종교 및 각종 민간인 집단이 벌이고있는 사업들과의 전체적인 통합적 접근이 이루어져야 한다고 생각하는 입장에서 종래 간호교육이 강조하지 않던 진료의 의무와 대외적 조직활동에 대한 보완적인 교육조치가 요구된다고 봅니다. 간호의 학문체계로서의 입장은 오랜 역사를 두고 논의의 대상이 되어왔으나 아직까지 뚜렷이 어떤 것이 간호 특유의 지식체계이며 건강문제에 관련하여 무엇이 간호특유의 결정영역이며 이 결정과 그 결과를 어떠한 방법으로 치료적 행위로 옮길 수 있는가에 대한 확실한 답을 얻지 못하고 있는 실정이라고 봅니다. 다만 근래에 제시된 여러 간호이론들 속에서 공통적으로 이야기되어지고 있는 개념들로선 우선 간호학문을 건강과 질병에 관련된 인간의 전인적이고 전체적인 상황을 다루는 학제적 과학으로서보는 입장이 있고 따라서 생물신체적인 면 외에 정신심리적, 사회경제적, 정치문화적 환경과의 상호작용 속에서 인간의 건강과 질병문제를 생각한다는 지향을 갖고 있다고 말할 수 있겠읍니다. 간호교육은 간호계 내적인 학문적, 이론적 체계화의 요구에 못지않게 대민봉사하는 전문직으로서의 사회적 책임을 감당해야하는 중요과제를 안고있어 변화하는 사회요구에 효과적으로 대처해 나가야 할 당면문제를 안고 있읍니다. 간효역할 확대, 보건진료원훈련 등 이러한 사회적 요구에 대응하려는 조치가 되겠읍니다. 이러한 시점에서 간호계가 분명히 짚고 넘어가야 할 사실은 이러한 움직임들이 종래의 의사들의 외업무공급을 연장 확대하는 입장에 서서 간호의 특수전문직 명목을 흐리게 할수있는 위험을 감수할 것인지 아니면 가능한 대체방안을 갖고 간호전문직의 독자적인 진로를 개척하면서 다각적인 도전을 받아들일 준비를 갖추든지 그 방향을 뚜렷이 해야할 일이라 생각합니다. 저로서는 이미 잘 훈련된 간호원들과 조산원들의 교육적, 경험적 배경을 기반으로 지역사회 최일선 건강관리요원으로 사회적 효능을 다 할수 있는 일차건강관리간호조직의 구현을 대체방안으로 제시하고 싶습니다. 간호원과 조산원들의 훈련된 역량과 건강관리체제의 구조적 변화를 효과적으로 조화시킨다면 대부분의 세계인구의 건강문제는 해결가능하다고 보는 입장입니다. 물론 정책과 의료와 행정적지원이 활성화되어지는 환경속에서만 그 기대하는 결과가 확대되리라는 점 부언하는 바입니다. 마지막으로 언급하고 싶은 점은 바로 오늘의 주제 ''교육의 동역자-선생과 학생''이라는 개념입니다. 특히 상회정의적 입장에서 보는 의료사업전개에 지역민 내지 의료소비자의 참여를 강조하는 현시점에 있어 교육자와 학생이 교육의 현장에서 서로 동역자로서 학습의 책임을 나누는 경험은 아주 시기적으로 적합하여 교육적으로 지대한 의미를 갖는 것이라고 생각합니다. 이에 수반되어져야 할 역할의 변화에 수용적인 자세를 갖고 적극 실제적용하려 노력하는 선생앞에서 자주적 결정을 행사해본 학생이야말로 건강관리대상자로 하여금 같은 결정권을 행사할수 있도록 촉구하여 주민의 자조적 역량을 기르고 의료사업의 민주화, 인간화를 이룩할 수 있는 길잡이가 될 수 있으리라 믿는 바입니다.

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A Study on the Development of the Advertising Strategy and Public Service Announcement Materials for National Immunization (예방접종 홍보광고 전략개발 조사연구)

  • Oh, Kuk-Hwan;Lee, Moo-Sik;Kim, Byung-Hee;Na, Baeg-Ju;Kim, Keon-Yup;Hong, Jee-Young;Kim, Young-Taek;Go, Jae-Young;Kim, Young-Suk;Lee, Seok-Gu;Cho, Hyung Won
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.183-204
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    • 2005
  • Objectives: Immunization program is essential public health service under the national responsibility. One of the immunization service of national immunization program is advertising and public relation service, but research for that was rarely conducted. Therefore we conducted the survey for developing advertising strategy of immunization program in 21th century. Methods: Our study subjects were 242 health workers in immunization service department of 169 health centers and 1,193 carers who visited community health center for receiving immunization service of their children. The major questions were general characteristics of the subjects, perceived importance of immunization program, experience of advertising, knowledge and perception about immunization, and items about advertising strategy. Results: Frequently exposed materials in both health workers and carers were TV, community newspapers, and pamphlets. Health workers had high professional knowledges of immunization and carers had high perceptions for need and importance of immunization. Health workers preferred pamphlets and posters as advertising materials and carerers preferred TV and community newspapers. Both health workers and carers preferred green and yellow as advertising posters' color, active and healthy style of immunization advertising, and positive messages of campaign's slogans. Conclusions: Further researches should be conducted for precising long-term immunization advertising strategy in 21th century, and for this we need to develop advertising materials based on public needs and strategy, and evaluate the materials. The national immunization program should be activated throughout more investment of the budgets and human powers.

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A Study on the Profitability Enhancement of SI Business in Public and Finance Sector (공공(公共)/금융분야(金融分野) SI사업(事業)의 수익성(收益性) 향상(向上) 방안(方案)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Joo, Jeong-Soo;Jahng, Jung-Joo;Cho, Hurn-Jin
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.165-188
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    • 2010
  • Recently public and finance SI (system integration) industry is called as 4D (difficult, dangerous, dirty, dreamless) industry because of low profit, overtime works and poor motivation of employees. Even some people think at SI industry to be a labor intensive industry instead of a high technology industry. The current study considers outside environmental change of SI industry as well as inside capability enhancement of SI companies. The study adopted action research method with the author's expertise and experiences as a head of a major SI company in Korea. The current research framework suggests 5 areas of profitability enhancement that offers propositions and implications. 5 areas of profitability enhancement are (1) policy improvement, (2) business portfolio innovation (3) sales capability reinforcement, (4) delivery capability reinforcement, and (5) cost management innovation. The five areas include 11 propositional factors and 21 implementation plans which were chosen from the profitability perspectives of SI companies.In order to successfully execute propositions and implementation plans of the framework, 3 years is needed and after 3 years profitability are expected to increase 10% higher than the current level. The framework, propositions and suggestions in this study are expected to offer a real contribution for SI companies that want to enhance competitiveness and profitability. Future extension of the current study to benchmarking the competitiveness and profitability between local companies and global companieswill bring a solid attention from industry and academics.

Agricultural Technology Dissemination System in Africa and the ODA Implications for Korea (아프리카의 농업기술보급체계와 농업기술협력 전략 -에티오피아와 우간다를 중심으로-)

  • Hwang, Jae Hee;Woo, Soo Gon;Lee, Seong Woo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1045-1078
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of the present study is to improve the effectiveness of Korea's ODA projects on agricultural technology transfer to Africa. This study investigates agricultural extension system of African countries and provides a direction of the systematic strategies of the Korean ODAs on agricultural technology. This study pays particular attention on Africanization of agricultural technology transfer of the Korean ODA strategies. Unlike the previous studies focusing mainly on micro level investigation on the ODA strategy development, the present study incorporates the agricultural technology dissemination system of Ethiopia and Uganda in a macro perspective to develop a desirable form of the ODA strategy. The findings illustrate that the technology dissemination systems of the case countries have different characteristics depending on the function and organization of extension agency. And their functional capability and role segmentation by the extension agency are differently configured, too. In case of Ethiopia, top-down structure for the agricultural extension system has been built. Farmers' group and field agent of the information delivery system has expanded their participation into the system. However, we also find that the system of Ethiopia still lacks effective use of its existing technology, since it puts more emphasis on management aspects than improvement of agricultural productivity for farmers. On the other hand, even though Uganda has established participatory extension system that encompasses the entire agencies of the extension system, government efforts to enhance the extension system are still concentrated on expanding research functions rather than technical dissemination. The results imply that promoting and strengthening localization of the ODA strategy has to be developed to make localization policy of the Korean ODA. The present study concludes with some specific policy implications for necessary conditions of the agricultural development in African countries.

A Study on Changes of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem on Women Entrepreneurial Intentions (창업생태계 변화가 여성창업의지에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Hyejin;Park, JaeWhan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2015
  • Korea is one of low-ranked countries in women's economic participation rate among OECD nations because well-educated females are not participating in economic activities. Regardless of current state of our society, opening a business is being considered as a effective method for job creation. Also, increasing the number of female business founders can lead to female job creation which promotes even growth of foundation and job creation and augments women's economic activity rate. Therefore, this study suggests the direction of foundation and inspires foundation factors and aims at increasing social re-participation through vitalization of business foundation by women in career discontinuity. For this study, I carried out a survey targeting career interrupted women who have attained entrepreneurial education using five- point scale by Likert and analyzed with SPSS Windows 18.0. The analysis set up 3 hypotheses with independent variables of psychological traits, entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial environment and the dependent variable of entrepreneurial intention of the career interrupted women. Also, I looked if there is the modify effect when psychological traits and entrepreneurial education affect the entrepreneurial intention with entrepreneurial environment as a moderating variable. To summarize the positive analysis result, Firstly, all psychological traits, entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial environment had similar positive affects on career interrupted women's entrepreneurial intention. Secondly, when psychological traits and entrepreneurial education affect the entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial environment had similar effects as a moderating effect. This study implies that psychological traits, entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial environment are all important for the career interrupted women's entrepreneurial intention. There are so many women who are going through both professional experience and personal network's severance. Therefore, optimized entrepre neurship education must be provided to help those women return to economic activity considering their psychological traits. Additionally, we should put emphasis on producing the entrepreneurial environment that can positively convert others' perceptions and construct those women's personal network. There seems to be more productive information for the strategies which can induce those women's actual business foundation if the social problems of the women who have highly willing to open a business are treated in the future. Also, considering that psychological traits, entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial environment all have effect on entrepreneurial intentions, there should be more related follow-up study on this.

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The Political-Economic of Capitalism and its Effects on Spatial Dynamics (도시공간의 변화에 내재한 정치${\cdot}$경제적 논리의 규명-서울시 도심재개발을 대상으로-)

  • Park, Sun-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.213-226
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    • 1993
  • In Korea, the urban studies of geography have mainly dealt with such a series of research as system of urban place and internal structure of urban area. The existing studies have been carried out with ecological approach. Ecologists, now a days, regard organiation and transfor-mation of the urban space as the process of invasion, succession, and segregation. However it is more proper that cities should be considered not as fragmantary objects, as some ecologists insist, but as synthetic ones in social structure. This research, with adopting a case of the renewasl of central area in Seoul, tried to make it clear that the formation and transition of the city is a product of social structure and examined polical and economic logic which exists in variation of urban space in detail. The results of this study are as follows; Urban renewal of central area is closely related with production and reproduction in capitalist society. In urban center, as business activities had increased since 1973 due to decen-tralization of production process, the necessity of reorganizing the land use in existing central area accordingly increased. The urban renewal program of central area in Seoul was inrroduced under such situation. The urban renewal of central area reflecting the capital logic has changed the central area with six hundred year's tradition. From the urban renewal of central area, not only was the central area, which traditionally had been mixed with various fun-ctions, simplified into the unitary area of busi-ness, but also physical landscape changed. As the land lot in renewal area expanded into regular shape, buildings became larger and taller. The program tremendously raised the price of related area. Aiming at these profits caused by the raised price, a great number of capitalists participated in the program. And as the benefit ratio of the manufacture sector continuously dropped with the economic recession, the pro-gram was carried out much more vigorously. That was because the idle capital accumulated during the recession was invested in property sector and was self-proliferated. The urban renewal raised the land value of central area and drove out the people living in this area. The people moved into the whole parts of the city resulting diffused squatter settlements. And the urban changes in central area were results of the policy of municipal authorities, who supported and systematized the changes lawfully and administratively, as well as reali-zation of capital logic. Due to the renewal policies of central area in Seoul, much more renewals by the only capitalists were carried out than those by the people themselves living in that area. The integration of land ownership in the law of urban renewal shows the reason of that. Moreover, the law allows the third deve-loper to participate in the tasks and admits the land expropriation rights. The municipal autho-rities guaranteed the profitability of the tasks through finacial aid, tax benifit, and relaxation of regulations for construction. As examined above, the changes in the land use of urban space have been led not by the ecological process of development of the city itself, but by the restructuring of capitalism and the intervention of the government authorities.

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Study on the Legal Issues of New Draft of Civil Aviation Law in China (중국 민용항공법 개정 최근 동향과 주요 법적쟁점)

  • Lee, Hwa
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.177-214
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    • 2016
  • During more than 20 years of practice, Civil Aviation Law has experienced three times of amendments since it was enacted in 1995. But these revisions are limited to the technical level. The problems and limitations have become increasingly prominent in its implementation. Firstly, the civil aviation law is the result of interests game among several departments and some legal issues was left behind and the regulation was very vague as a result. Secondly, the process of aviation legislation is the process that the country has undergone profound changes and social transformation. The 20 years is long enough for the society to undergo tremendous changes and 1995 version of civil aviation law does not keep pace of development of economy. There was a serious lag between reality and the law. In order to actively promote the development of the aviation industry and overcome implementation issues of the Civil Aviation Law, Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) initiated modification procedure the law and published new draft of Civil Aviation Law in August 2016. The spirit of this modification is to learn and absorb new achievements of domestic and foreign legislation and the International Convention on civil aviation. Furthermore, the purpose of the revision is to provide favorable policy for the development of civil aviation industry and improve aviation safety and supervision, strengthen and protection of consumer rights and interests, to enhance the safety of civil aviation activities, and promote the development of general aviation. This revision concerned to the 78 articles which are revised or deleted and 24 articles added. The highlights of the draft include but not limited to the enhancement of security management, clarification of the main responsibility for production safety. And also it added the provisions related to the construction of effective tracking capability of public air transport enterprises and license system on the transport of dangerous goods. Compared with the existing civil aviation law, the draft has made a great improvements. But there are several deficiencies and limitations in the drafts. These problems need to be supplemented and perfected through further amendments in near future.

A Study on Responses of the Korean kidnapping Terror in overseas (한국인 해외인질납치테러 대응방안)

  • Jeong, Joon-Sik;Kim, Won-Ki
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.20
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    • pp.339-363
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    • 2009
  • The 9.11 demonstrated that terrorist attack could be more serious problem than the war in our modern life. No countries in the world have evaded being a target for terrorists today. As well as South Korea, the whole world must share attentions and responsibilities for fighting against the terrorism. Since the international terrorist groups have expanded their targets from Western countries to Koreans, civilian hostages are no longer other's affair; it became a serious threat to public. Increased Korean investment, trade, missionary, and travel overseas also expanded activity regions worldwide. It also result increased terrorist threats and possible abduction. The number of kidnapping crisis has increased since the terrorists use it as an effective method of sending a message. Piracy refers to a broad range of violent acts at sea, and has traditionally been regarded as common enemies. Piracy constitutes a great threat to the security of navigation as well as to the safety of vessels and crews. Lessons from hostage issues such as Korean hostage crisis in Somalia and Afghanistan show that it can cause criticism on moral issues if armed rescue missions fail or hostages are killed, so the governments and related corporations try to solve it by paying ransom. Terrorists and use these advantages in order to put a huge pressure on the governments. In this study we will look at essential characteristics and types of hostage abductions and recognition of national safety, lessons and solutions to previous Korean hostage cases in overseas. At the same time, it provides a guidelines of the direction in the fighting against terrorist groups and Piracy.

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The Situation and the Tasks of UK Rail Privatization, Focusing on after the Hatfield Accident (영국 철도 민영화의 현황 및 과제 (Hatfield사고 이후의 변화를 중심으로))

  • Lee, Yong-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.2 s.88
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2006
  • This paper examines the situation and tasks of UK rail privatization, especially focusing on after the Hatfield rail accident. Earlier research which focused on the UK's Privatization had little knowledge of the explanations for recent changes. Moreover they had difficulty making a direct comparison between national rail and the privatized rail. Therefore we aye left without a good explanation which has a comprehensive perspective. I attempt to show the change in the rail privatization Process and its outcome, focusing on after the Hatfield rail accident. This Paper argues that the UK's vail privatization process has a regulatory framework which is too complicated with overlapping responsibilities that brought about inefficiency, increasing costs and a superficial safety regime. Especially the planning of rail and infrastructure maintenance did not come to play an appropriate role. However after 2000, the government took charge of setting the strategy for railways, and the Office of Rail Regulation covered safety performance and cost. explain that these changes present a good opportunity to solve the problem of passing the buck for poor performance. Through the analysis, I find that the passenger rail network is well-suited to deliver long distance business and commuters and that the subsidy from the government is decreasing. However, performance, for example punctuality and reliability. should be improved. Especially the Hatfield rail accident caused a reduction in the satisfaction of passengers. In future. the problems of rising costs and monopoly franchise system should be addressed.

A Study on Development and Site selection of an AIRFIELD (경비행장 개발 및 입지선정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Yong
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.3-36
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    • 2015
  • As of end of 2014, the population engaging in aviation activities for leisure has reached approximately 13 million, where approximately 356 cases involve a general aircraft, 200 cases involve light aircraft, and 636 cases involve an ULM. The industry for leisure has become a very promising industry in line with rapidly rising living standards which are expected to further increase in the future. The demand for such services is expected to increase over time. The purpose of this paper is to review the development and site selection of airfields in anticipation of these developments in the industry. While the government also has experience in the review of airfield location and candidate sites, it is not the government that carries out the actual construction. As such, the feasibility of the site needs to be verified in terms of actual construction. This study identified factors for Site Selection of factors through a review of related documents and existing research reports. A questionnaire was also used to collect the views of experts in the field, which was then analyzed. The Research model was confirmed in the layered form for an AHP analysis. The factors for Site Selection were identified as the technical / operational factors and economic / political elements for a two-stage configuration. The third step consisted of technical and operational elements. The final step is was constructed a total of 11 elements (weather, surface conditions, obstacle limitation surface, airspace conditions, operating procedures, noise problems, environmental issues, availability of facilities, construction and investment costs, contribution to the local economy, accessibility, demand / the proximity of demand). The surveys are conducted for more than 10 General and light aircraft pilots, professionals, and instructor. The analysis results showed a higher level in the technical / operating elements (73.2%) in the first step, while the next step sawa higher level of the operational elements (30.9%) than the other. The factors for Site Selection were any particular elements did not appear high, the weather conditions (17.5%), noise problems (19.8%), the proximity of demand (6%), accessibility (5.7%), environmental issues (11.1%), availability of facilities (8%), airspace conditions (7.9%), obstacle limitation surface (12%), construction and investment costs (4.2%) and to operating procedures (4.9%), contribution to the local economy (3.8%).