• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근사 기법

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Research on Variable Girder Types and Tendon Arrangement of PSC Box Girder Bridges by using the Optimum Design (최적설계에 의한 PSC 박스 거더교의 변단면 거더유형과 긴장재 배치에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2006
  • This study performed the optimum design of balanced and unbalanced span length bridges with many variable Girder types by using the optimum design program to minimize the cost for PSC box girder bridge of the full staging method. The objective of this study is to present tendon's application direction about complicated construction hereafter by studying about optimum tendon arrangement that is worked in each variable Girder type. This program used SUMT procedure and Kavlie's extended penalty function to allow infeasible design points in the process. Powell's direct method was used in searching design points and Gradient Approximate Method was used to reduce design hours.

Regional Projection Histogram Matching and Linear Regression based Video Stabilization for a Moving Vehicle (영역별 수직 투영 히스토그램 매칭 및 선형 회귀모델 기반의 차량 운행 영상의 안정화 기술 개발)

  • Heo, Yu-Jung;Choi, Min-Kook;Lee, Hyun-Gyu;Lee, Sang-Chul
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.798-809
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    • 2014
  • Video stabilization is performed to remove unexpected shaky and irregular motion from a video. It is often used as preprocessing for robust feature tracking and matching in video. Typical video stabilization algorithms are developed to compensate motion from surveillance video or outdoor recordings that are captured by a hand-help camera. However, since the vehicle video contains rapid change of motion and local features, typical video stabilization algorithms are hard to be applied as it is. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to compensate shaky and irregular motion in vehicle video using linear regression model and vertical projection histogram matching. Towards this goal, we perform vertical projection histogram matching at each sub region of an input frame, and then we generate linear regression model to extract vertical translation and rotation parameters with estimated regional vertical movement vector. Multiple binarization with sub-region analysis for generating the linear regression model is effective to typical recording environments where occur rapid change of motion and local features. We demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach on blackbox videos and showed that employing the linear regression model achieved robust estimation of motion parameters and generated stabilized video in full automatic manner.

Equivalent Design Parameter Determination for Effective Numerical Modeling of Pre-reinforced Zones in Tunnel (터널 사전보강 영역의 효과적 수치해석을 위한 등가 물성치 결정 기법)

  • Song, Ki-Il;Cho, Gye-Chun
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.151-163
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    • 2006
  • Although various methods for effective modeling of pre-reinforced zones have been suggested for numerical analysis of large section tunnels, tunnel designers refer to empirical cases and literature reviews rather than engineering methods because ones who use commercial programs are unfamiliar with a macro-scale approach in general. Therefore, this paper suggests a simple micro-scale approach combined with the macro-scale approach to determine equivalent design parameters for effective numerical modeling of pre-reinforced zones in tunnel. This new approach is to determine the equivalent stiffness of pre-reinforced zones with combination of ground, bulb, and steel in series or/and parallel. For verification, 3-D numerical results from the suggested approach are compared with those of a realistic model. The comparison suggests that two cases make best approximation to a realistic solution: One is related to the series-parallel stiffness system (hereafter SPSS) in which bulb and steel are coupled in parallel and then connected to the ground in series, and the other is the series stiffness system (hereafter SSS) in which only bulb and steel are coupled in series. The SPSS is recommended for stiffness calculation of pre-reinforced zones because the SSS is inconvenient and time-consuming. The SPSS provides slightly bigger vertical displacement at tunnel crown in weathered rock than other cases and give almost identical results to a realistic model for horizontal displacement at tunnel spring line and ground surface settlement. Displacement trends on weathered rock and weathered soil are similar. The SPSS which is suggested in this paper represents the behavior mechanism of pre-reinforced area effectively.

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Development of a Freeway Travel Time Estimating and Forecasting Model using Traffic Volume (차량검지기 교통량 데이터를 이용한 고속도로 통행시간 추정 및 예측모형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 오세창;김명하;백용현
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2003
  • This study aims to develop travel time estimation and prediction models on the freeway using measurements from vehicle detectors. In this study, we established a travel time estimation model using traffic volume which is a principle factor of traffic flow changes by reviewing existing travel time estimation techniques. As a result of goodness of fit test. in the normal traffic condition over 70km/h, RMSEP(Root Mean Square Error Proportion) from travel speed is lower than the proposed model, but the proposed model produce more reliable travel times than the other one in the congestion. Therefore in cases of congestion the model uses the method of calculating the delay time from excess link volumes from the in- and outflow and the vehicle speeds from detectors in the traffic situation at a speed of over 70km/h. We also conducted short term prediction of Kalman Filtering to forecast traffic condition and more accurate travel times using statistical model The results of evaluation showed that the lag time occurred between predicted travel time and estimated travel time but the RMSEP values of predicted travel time to observations are as 1ow as that of estimation.

Analytical Evaluations of the Retrofit Performances of Concrete Wall Structures Subjected to Blast Load (폭발하중을 받는 콘크리트 벽체 구조물의 보강 성능에 대한 해석적 분석)

  • Kim, Ho-Jin;Nam, Jin-Won;Kim, Sung-Bae;Kim, Jang-Ho;Byun, Keun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2007
  • In case of retrofitting a concrete structure subjected to blast load by using retrofit materials such as FRP (fiber-reinforced polymer), appropriate ductility as well as raising stiffness must be obtained. But the previous approximate and simplified models, which have been generally used in the design and analysis of structures subjected to blast load, cannot accurately consider effects on retrofit materials. Problems on the accuracy and reliability of analysis results have also been pointed out. In addition, as the response of concrete and reinforcement on dynamic load is different from that on static load, it is not appropriate to use material properties defined in the previous static or quasi-static conditions to in calculating the response on the blast load. In this study, therefore, an accurate HFPB (high fidelity physics based) finite element analysis technique, which includes material models considering strength increase, and strain rate effect on blast load with very fast loading velocity, has been suggested using LS-DYNA, an explicit analysis program. Through the suggested analysis technique, the behavior on the blast load of retrofitted concrete walls using CFRP (carbon fiber-reinforced polymer) and GFRP (glass fiber-reinforced polymer) have been analyzed, and the retrofit capacity analysis has also been carried out by comparing with the analysis results of a wall without retrofit. As a result of the analysis, the retrofit capacity showing an approximate $26{\sim}28%$ reduction of maximum deflection, according to the retrofit, was confirmed, and it is judged ate suggested analysis technique can be effectively applicable in evaluating effectiveness of retrofit materials and techniques.

A DNA Index Structure using Frequency and Position Information of Genetic Alphabet (염기문자의 빈도와 위치정보를 이용한 DNA 인덱스구조)

  • Kim Woo-Cheol;Park Sang-Hyun;Won Jung-Im;Kim Sang-Wook;Yoon Jee-Hee
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.263-275
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    • 2005
  • In a large DNA database, indexing techniques are widely used for rapid approximate sequence searching. However, most indexing techniques require a space larger than original databases, and also suffer from difficulties in seamless integration with DBMS. In this paper, we suggest a space-efficient and disk-based indexing and query processing algorithm for approximate DNA sequence searching, specially exact match queries, wildcard match queries, and k-mismatch queries. Our indexing method places a sliding window at every possible location of a DNA sequence and extracts its signature by considering the occurrence frequency of each nucleotide. It then stores a set of signatures using a multi-dimensional index, such as R*-tree. Especially, by assigning a weight to each position of a window, it prevents signatures from being concentrated around a few spots in index space. Our query processing algorithm converts a query sequence into a multi-dimensional rectangle and searches the index for the signatures overlapped with the rectangle. The experiments with real biological data sets revealed that the proposed method is at least three times, twice, and several orders of magnitude faster than the suffix-tree-based method in exact match, wildcard match, and k- mismatch, respectively.

Generation Method of Expression Space for Realtime Facial Expression Control of 3D Avatar (3차원 아바타의 실시간 얼굴표정제어를 위한 표정공간의 생성방법)

  • Kim Sung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.109-111
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    • 2006
  • 본 논문은 애니메이터로 하여금 얼굴 표정들의 공간으로부터 일련의 표정을 선택하게 함으로써 3차원 아바타의 표정을 실시간적으로 제어할 수 있도록 하기 위한 표정공간의 생성방법에 관하여 기술한다. 본 시스템에서는 약 2400여개의 얼굴 표정 프레임을 이용하여 표정공간을 구성하였다. 본 기법에서는 한 표정을 표시하는 상태표현으로 얼굴특징 점들 간의 상호거리를 표시하는 거리행렬을 사용한다. 이 거리행렬의 집합을 표정공간으로 한다. 그러나 이 표정공간은 한 표정이 다른 표정까지 이동할 때 두 표정간의 직선경로를 통해 이동할 수 있는 그런 공간이 아니다. 본 기법에서는 한 표정에서 다른 표정까지 거쳐 갈 수 있는 경로를 캡쳐된 표정 데이터로부터 근사적으로 유추한다. 우선, 각 표정상태를 표현하는 거리행렬간의 거리가 일정 값 이하인 경우 두 표정을 인접해 있다고 간주한다. 임의의 두 표정 상태가 일련의 인접표정들의 집합으로 연결되어 있으면 두 표정간에 경로가 존재한다고 간주한다. 한 표정에서 다른 표정으로 변화할 때 두 표정간의 최단경로를 통해 이동한다고 가정한다. 두 표정간의 최단거리를 구하기 위해 다이내믹 프로그래밍 기법을 이용한다. 이 거리행렬의 집합인 표정공간은 다차원 공간이다. 3차원 아바타의 얼굴 표정 제어는 애니메이터들이 표정공간을 항해할 때 실시간적으로 수행된다. 이를 도와주기 위해 표정공간을 차원 스케일링 기법을 이용하여 2차원 공간으로 가시화하였고, 애니메이터들로 하여금 본 시스템을 사용하여 실시간 표정 제어를 수행하게 했는데, 본 논문은 그 결과를 평가한다.참여하는 빈들 간의 관계를 분석하여 워크플로우에 대한 성능 측정이 가능하도록 한다. 또한 제안된 메트릭을 통하여 EJB 어플리케이션의 성능 향상을 도모할 수 있도록 한다.로 표면 위로 자라났고, 부종은 창상 밑 조직까지 감소하였으며, 육아조직은 교원질 섬유로 대체되었다. 창상 유발 21일 후, 다른 창상에 비해, HG 처치창은 유의적으로 창상 표면이 거의 재생성 상피로 덮였으며, 육아조직은 창상 유발 14일 후와 비교해서 유의적으로 교원질 섬유로 대체되었다. 위의 모든 결과에서 보듯이, 개에서 전층피부 창상의 처치 시 HG의 사용은 HC와 생리 식염수에 비해 창상치유 복구기의 치유 속도를 촉진하는 것으로 사료된다.시범학교의 자녀를 들 부모들은 환경관련문제에 대한 의식 및 환경관련 제품에 대한 구매행동의 변화가 두드러지게 나타났다.EX>$d^{2+}$ + SA처리구는 두 화합물의 이중 효과에 의해 전반적인 생리 활성을 억제하여, 결국에는 식물의 고사를 유도하는 것으로 사료된다.목에 대한 보안'이 가장 중요한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 솔루션 선정요인에 관한 중요도를 e-마켓플레이스의 유형과 산업 별로 평가해보았는데, 여기에서 밝혀진 중요도를 통해 e 마켓플레이스를 구축하고 자 하는 기업은 솔루션을 자체 개발하거나 구입할 때 올바른 의사결정을 할 수 있다. 그리고 솔루션을 제공하려는 기업측면에서는 e-마켓플레이스를 구축하고자 하는 기업에게 유형과 산업별로 적절한 솔루션을 제공할 수 있다.순환이 뇌대사 및 수술 후 신경학적 결과에 보다 유익한 효과를 제공해 줄 수 있음

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A Study on Field Seismic Data Processing using Migration Velocity Analysis (MVA) for Depth-domain Velocity Model Building (심도영역 속도모델 구축을 위한 구조보정 속도분석(MVA) 기술의 탄성파 현장자료 적용성 연구)

  • Son, Woohyun;Kim, Byoung-yeop
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.225-238
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    • 2019
  • Migration velocity analysis (MVA) for creating optimum depth-domain velocities in seismic imaging was applied to marine long-offset multi-channel data, and the effectiveness of the MVA approach was demonstrated by the combinations of conventional data processing procedures. The time-domain images generated by conventional time-processing scheme has been considered to be sufficient so far for the seismic stratigraphic interpretation. However, when the purpose of the seismic imaging moves to the hydrocarbon exploration, especially in the geologic modeling of the oil and gas play or lead area, drilling prognosis, in-place hydrocarbon volume estimation, the seismic images should be converted into depth domain or depth processing should be applied in the processing phase. CMP-based velocity analysis, which is mainly based on several approximations in the data domain, inherently contains errors and thus has high uncertainties. On the other hand, the MVA provides efficient and somewhat real-scale (in depth) images even if there are no logging data available. In this study, marine long-offset multi-channel seismic data were optimally processed in time domain to establish the most qualified dataset for the usage of the iterative MVA. Then, the depth-domain velocity profile was updated several times and the final velocity-in-depth was used for generating depth images (CRP gather and stack) and compared with the images obtained from the velocity-in-time. From the results, we were able to confirm the depth-domain results are more reasonable than the time-domain results. The spurious local minima, which can be occurred during the implementation of full waveform inversion, can be reduced when the result of MVA is used as an initial velocity model.

Reliability Prediction of Failure Modes due to Pressure in Solid Rocket Case (고체로켓 케이스 내압파열 고장모드의 신뢰도예측)

  • Kim, Dong-Seong;Yoo, Min-Young;Kim, Hee-Seong;Choi, Joo-Ho
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.635-642
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, an efficient technique is developed to predict failure probability of three failure modes(case rupture, fracture and bolt breakage) related to solid rocket motor case due to the inner pressure during the mission flight. The overall procedure consists of the steps: 1) design parameters affecting the case failure are identified and their uncertainties are modelled by probability distribution, 2) combustion analysis in the interior of the case is carried out to obtain maximum expected operating pressure(MEOP), 3) stress and other structural performances are evaluated by finite element analysis(FEA), and 4) failure probabilities are calculated for the above mentioned failure modes. Axi-symmetric assumption for FEA is employed for simplification while contact between bolted joint is accounted for. Efficient procedure is developed to evaluate failure probability which consists of finding first an Most Probable Failure Point(MPP) using First-Order Reliability Method(FORM), next making a response surface model around the MPP using Latin Hypercube Sampling(LHS), and finally calculating failure probability by employing Importance Sampling.

Analysis of Interface Problem using the MLS Difference Method with Interface Condition Embedment (계면경계조건이 매입된 이동최소제곱 차분법을 이용한 계면경계문제 해석)

  • Yoon, Young-Cheol
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 2019
  • The heat conduction problem with discontinuous material coefficients generally consists of the conservative equation, boundary condition, and interface condition, which should be additionally satisfied in the solution procedure. This feature often makes the development of new numerical schemes difficult as it induces a layered singularity in the solution fields; thus, a special approximation is required to capture the singular behavior. In addition to the approximation, the construction of a total system of equations is challenging. In this study, a wedge function is devised for enriching the approximation, and the interface condition itself is embedded in the moving least squares(MLS) derivative approximation to consistently satisfy the interface condition. The heat conduction problem is then discretized in a strong form using the developed derivative approximation, which is named as the interface immersed MLS difference method. This method is able to efficiently provide a numerical solution for such interface problems avoiding both numerical quadrature as well as extra difference equations related to the interface condition enforcement. Numerical experiments proved that the developed numerical method was highly accurate and computationally efficient at solving the heat conduction problem with interfacial jump as well as the problem with a geometrically induced interfacial singularity.