• Title/Summary/Keyword: 국가경찰

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Review on the Cooperative Policing System in Japan (일본의 민경협력치안제도에 대한 고찰 및 시사점)

  • Kim, Gyoo-Sik;Choi, Eung-Ryul
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.36
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    • pp.29-55
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    • 2013
  • In modern society, citizen's expectation about policing levels have been rising over time and it limited resources of the police to deal with the security services are insufficient. Until now, the state monopoly of the police activity was changing to subject of a variety in cooperation with public security system. The citizens considers community not the destination to police enforce the law but space for effective policing partners. Japanese police focus on cooperation oriented policing to strengthen the police and local residents with crime prevention for a long time. Also, the community through a variety of problem-solving policing activities to identify problems such as anxiety and anguish of the people. The legal basis for cooperative policing activity is that Nagaoka city crime prevention regulation in 1979. In recent years, Tokyo local government legislated the safe town development regulations(東京都安全 安心まちづくり條例) and set up the hot-spot area to promote the safety of public facilities. Cooperative policing not police intervention for crime prevention but national policy for the city reclamation in Japan. Police as well as the Ministry of Land and Transport, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, Prime Minister and all government departments thread safe city, crime prevention, and has been working to make the safe city. Japan's cooperative policing is a system that receives the most attention and greater implications.

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Effects of Police Officers's Values to the Police Organization (경찰관의 가치관이 경찰조직에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Sin, Seong-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.376-383
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    • 2009
  • Individual values exert strong influence on attitudes, behaviors and lifestyles of a person. Furthermore, Individual values predict personal world views and can predict behavior and behavioral predispositions in the organization. So, individual values influence the organization strongly. And, organizational culture in police is affected by the values of police officers. The aim of this study is to make use of the theory of human values developed by Rokeach as a theoretical framework to evaluate value preferences among police officers in Korea and have a thorough grasp of the point of sameness and difference with two studies. In this study, I analyze data and make a comparative study of values with preceding studies I find that police officers regard personal values as more important than social values. A noticeable finding of this study is the middle ranking of the value of equality among police officers. It's different result with other studies. And, the value of national security is the low ranking among police officers. It's the same result with preceding studies.

A Study on the Police Station for Adoption of Local Police System (지역경찰관서 설치에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chan-Hyeok;Jung, Eui-Rom
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.536-543
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    • 2018
  • In 2003, the local police system was adopted, and the personnel and installation of local police agencies were subsequently changed. According to the "Police Law", local police station shall be established under the control of chief of police department, and the criteria for the installation of local police stations were to take into consideration of population, administrative districts, area, geographical characteristics, traffic and other conditions. The chief of local police has the authority to install district police station according to the "National Police Agency and its Organization". However, it is hard to say they were applied. Futhermore, it is inappropriate to apply the laws and regulations equally across the nation. Also, it has been criticized for its difficulties of patrolling, the weakened relationship with local residents, and poor quality of security services in rural areas. Therefore, this study suggests that the criteria for the installation of the police station should be made through a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of the areas and security needs.

A Study on efficiency of security police through cooperation with private sector (민간영역과의 공조에 의한 경비경찰 효율화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyeok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.20
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    • pp.119-140
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    • 2009
  • It seems that security police's business to secure safety of state and citizens has existed since the mankind began to create a community. State was not fully responsible for such security business from the beginning. The business was carried out autonomously by the private sector for a long period. However, as the state system had been strengthened, the public sector absorbed the function. But in the modern society where various risks exist, safety of society could not be guaranteed only by public police. Accordingly, cooperation with the private sector is indispensable. In the limit of public police, autonomous organization of security companies and general citizens is expanding its scope. As a result, they should exercise partnership as a tripod to build social safety net. Security police failed to secure manpower exclusively responsible for security, despite various businesses and excessive mobilization. Accordingly, their professionalism and ability to cope with crisis are being questioned. In particular, efficiency of security police is becoming a more urgent issue in an era of international terrorism. Private sector can be classified into security companies and private autonomous organization. In case of security companies, the problem is quality and business ability of guards compared to a rapid external growth such as quantitative expansion and advancement into various businesses. In terms of pure private activity, the necessity of understanding of public police activity and conditions for organizational and continuous activity should be prepared. To tide over such problems and effectively achieve the common goal, changes in the method of employment, new establishment of security police department, and strengthening of professionalism and crisis management ability are necessary in the public police sector. In case of security companies, improvement of relations with public police through joint education, strengthening of business ability and activation of business cooperation through these matters are necessary. To maximize activity of pure private sector, it needs to establish reserve police, manage such private autonomous organization and bolster publicity with citizens.

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Searching for Change of Policing in Multicultural and Multiethnic Age (다인종.다문화 시대와 경찰활동 변화의 모색)

  • Lee, Hyo-Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.9
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    • pp.148-155
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    • 2007
  • Meeting 21th century's globalization info-age, as well as material interchange between the country, comings and going of people and the stream of capital, the transmission of information are consisting vigorously. The interchange of Human and material, which pass over frontier, becomes important stepping-stone that can make run rich life to us. The interior of a country in staying foreigners are increasing. But, Actually Policing is short of police-educations and police-training. In accordance with in studies are check up point that policing for a change in foreigners for the sake.

Study on Implementation Measures of Provincial Self-governing Police System : Focusing on the Implication from Enlargement of Work Scope of Self-governing Police of Jeju Province (광역자치경찰제의 정착방안에 관한 연구 - 제주자치경찰의 사무확대에 대한 시사점을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Seong-Hee
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.59
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    • pp.37-69
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    • 2019
  • According to viewpoints of researchers and stakeholders, various opinions can be suggested on self-governing police system. Therefore, success of Korean self-governing police system will be defending on how to balance among conflicting values such as Empowerment, Political neutrality, Financial issues, Comprehensive competence in maintaining public safety. Before the launching of self-governing police system nation-wide, the experience of Jeju provincial police will be valuable model case. In specific, enlargement of work scope of self-governing police in Jeju province which has been introduced since last year will be a useful reference. There is more pessimism about self-governing police of Jeju province so far. However, this perspective is mostly based on the issue regarding hardwares such as manpower, equipment, law and organization. Issues regarding softwares such as organizational culture, operation system and work process need more attention to evaluate self-governing police system properly. To mark the first year after enlargement of work scope of Jeju police, this study demonstrate the overall result and implications of self-governing police of Jeju province based on documents, statistics, reports and media reports. In result, several preconditions are needed to implement the self-governing police system nation-wide successfully. 1. Strengthen the link between local government and local police 2. Establish the foundation for collaboration of state and local police 3. Enhance the aspect of citizen autonomy in local level 4. Reinforcing the capability of handling situation of state and local police 5. Invigorating the inter-organizational working group to operate self-governing police system effectively. The self-governing police system is unclosed topic to discuss. After this study, in-depth studies should be followed with more resources. Particularly, additional perspective including redundancy and equity need to be considered regarding self-governing police. By getting with the changes of macroscopic trends - lowbirth and aging, the fourth industrial revolution and possible reunification of north and south Koreas - these studies should suggest the long-term blueprint of self-governing police system of Korea.

Study on the police's protection·support of victims-declaring the Victims Protection years (피해자보호원년을 선언한 경찰의 범죄피해자 보호·지원에 관한 연구)

  • Gong, Jung-Sik
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.45
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    • pp.7-35
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    • 2015
  • South Korea's socioeconomic status is high enough to support services for the protection of crime victims. Until now, the Ministry of Justice was the only institution to protect and support the victims, but recently the national police is included. This is considered preferable, since the police is the one to contact the victims first- they can provide immediate support after the incident. Several limits in current laws and crime protection system exist. Therefore, given the importance of protecting victims, model of public-private joint forms should be considered. In premise of establishing a new relationship between the public-private joint system of justice and the maintenance, the range of police's involvement with crime supports will be determined. In the case of developed countries, the police and private organizations maintain close cooperation, appearing as substantial care and support for crime victims. Therefore this study reviews the problems in crime victim protection, assistance from the police stage, and suggest the improvements as follows. The first is to redefine the role of the police who first contacted in the crime victims protection support, the second is to establish a permanent cooperation framework, such as victims specialized police, victims protection agency, the third is to develop services for victim protection available from the police stage, and the fourth, opening Victim Support Center functioning as a temporary accommodation or safety zone for the personal protection of victims. The fifth is to regularize solution conference for victims' protection, and the sixth is to divide of roles in state organization government in charge of victim's protection and local government responsible for victim's support.

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A Speculation on The Independence of Police Investigational Right In Terms of Public Law (경찰수사권독립 논의의 공법적 검토)

  • Oh Tae-Kon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2005
  • Sixty years have passed since the police system was established in Korea. So far, there have been consistent discussions on independence of police investigational rights. Political powers have mentioned its independence as one of their public commitments and specifically, it has been a big issue in respect to establishment of the current participation government. The issues involved in investigational rights were derived from the regulations as follows: 'Prosecutors shall manage investigation(No. 195. the Criminal Procedure Act) and 'The police shall be guided by prosecutors in respect to investigation'(No. 195. the Criminal Procedure Act). President No Mu-hyun proposed he would take care of the issues involved in investigational rights at an interview. This study speculates investigational right systems of countries that follow continental law system and English law system and more valid investigational right system based on the guaranty of human rights and the principle of power division to find reasonable suggestions on independence issue.

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A Study on the Role of the National Police Agency Library Analyzed from a Macroscopic Perspective: Focusing on PEST Analysis (거시적 관점으로 분석한 경찰청 도서관 역할에 관한 연구: PEST 분석을 중심으로)

  • Roh, Yoon-ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.251-276
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    • 2021
  • In 2021, the Korean National Police Agency is facing a critical time as it meets a period of drastic changes such as the introduction of autonomous police system, the reform of its criminal investigation system, and its great transformation to a truly responsible investigative agency in keeping with the inauguration of the National Office of Investigation. This study carries out PEST analysis, which is a macro environmental analysis technique, and examines the current situation of operating the libraries of metropolitan-city and provincial police agencies and affiliated institutions, in order to suggest the role and function of the Korean National Police Agency's libraries in the fourth industrial revolution era. Based on the findings, this study classifies the essential components of a library into facilities, books, and librarians, i.e. spatial composition, book composition, and human resources, in addition to library operational governance establishment and future-oriented library services; and proposes the future-oriented roles of the National Police Agency's libraries in the fourth industrial revolution era.

A Study on Policing Based on Crime Intelligence in UK (영국의 범죄정보 기반 경찰활동에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Kwang-ho;Kim, Moon-kwi
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.54
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    • pp.101-125
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    • 2018
  • In the police, crime intelligence is the basis of decision making for police's original activities in response to crime. Police decision making is done in various ways such as investigation and prevention of individual cases, allocation of resources, organization prioritization, etc. The purpose of this study was to investigate the activities of the UK policing in analyzing crime intelligence and to reflect them in the policing and to draw implications for the comparison with the Korean police. The UK operates a central police agency based on the local police system, and establishes a National Intelligence Model (NIM) system that operates crime intelligence throughout the country. In order to respond to crimes and risks through coordination and cooperation, rather than by centralized police activities, the intelligence department of the police agencies should not only prevent and suppress crime through the analysis of integrated crime information, but also make police decision-making. In contrast, the Korea police operate crime intelligence, such as statistics, case intelligence, and there is no integrated way to use it. In addition, there are few cases in which the organizational decision - making based on crime intelligence is utilized efficiently and systematically. For development, it is necessary to construct an integrated management system and analysis organization for crime intellgence. Criminal Intelligence Analysis Organizations should seek to reorganize the role of the current intelligence department or to operate a separate analysis system through the information system while maintaining the current role of each department.