• 제목/요약/키워드: 국가간협정

검색결과 114건 처리시간 0.031초

The Problems and Countermeasures of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism (투자자-국가간 분쟁해결제도의 문제점과 대응방안)

  • HONG, Sung-Kyu
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    • 제68권
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    • pp.89-121
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    • 2015
  • Investor-State Dispute Settlement(ISDS) grants a foreign investor the right to access an international arbitrator, if he believes actions taken by a host government are in breach of commitments made in an investment agreement or an investment treaty. The arbitration procedure of ICSID is made specifically to resolve investment disputes, so most of investment disputes have been settled in accordance with the procedure. Owing to limitation of dispute settlements through the ICSID arbitration procedure, several investment dispute conciliation schemes have been emerged as alternatives. In the case of a conciliation, the conciliation procedure will be in progress based on arbitrary agreement between parties, and if both parties agree on a conciliation program, then the arbitrary execution rate is relatively higher than that of arbitration procedures. In addition, it is evaluated that the time duration of conducting a conciliation procedure is in general rather short in 8 to 24months, and its incumbent cost is also rather inexpensive. Most of all, through amicable settlement of a dispute between a foreign investor and a host state, the foreign investor may continue his investment activities without a hitch, while the host state may invite more investment without any risk of losing its external credibility. In conclusion, it is desirable to lead any investment dispute between a foreign investor and a host state settle in accordance with the dispute settlement procedure as specified in the relevant investment agreement. In addition, to make the foreign investor continue his investment activities, it will be necessary to provide a separate investment dispute conciliation system aside from such arbitration procedures to cope any unexpected incident flexibly.

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A Study of the Workfare Reform in Britain : with Special References to the Ideological Change of Labour Party (영국의 근로복지(Workfare) 개혁에 관한 연구 : 노동당의 이념적 변화를 중심으로)

  • Moon, Jin-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • 제56권1호
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    • pp.45-70
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    • 2004
  • This study purports to explain the difference between the welfare reform of Britain and that of either European countries or USA. For this purpose, Chapter two documents and reviews the inter-party debates around the Clause Four in the Labour Constitution, and duly ascertains the role of the reciprocity principle in the development of New Labour Project. Then, Chapter three argues that this reciprocity principle guides and controls the whole process of workfare reform of the Labour Government since 1997. Finally, Chapter four concludes that the salient features of the British workfare reform originated from recent changes of the British political climates, that is, the ideological change of the Labour Party.

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국제우주법의 기본특성과 정책환경 분석

  • Ju, Seong-Hwan
    • Satellite Communications and Space Industry
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 1994
  • Outer Space is existing as the opening-up frontier. The space activities included benefit-and-risk are now confronted with the challenge of arriving at just and effective rules for the use of space serving many technical, practical and conflicting legal, economic, political and military interests. Therefore many governments have developed domestic and international policies to respond to the opportunities and constraints engendered by space exploration and exploitation. the challenges of outer space toward the 21st century are being internationalized, commercialized, and privatized, militarized through the international cooperation and competition in space activities. For the future of mankind, futhermore the right to live of humankind, we must be positively interested in international space law which may give rise to international repercussions. I suggeste that many issues be resolved by international coordinating organization.

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Analysis on CC Evaluation Demand and Selection of IT Security Products to be evaluated under CC Scheme in Korea (CC 평가수요 분석 및 차기 평가대상 제품군 선정)

  • 오흥룡;염흥열
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.79-95
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    • 2004
  • The Common Criteria can be used as a guideline for one CCRA member to avoid re-evaluating IT security products which were already evaluated by other CCRA members. In this paper, we have analyzed the evaluated IT security products under CC scheme in several nations, such as Unite States, Great Britain and Australia. and defined new category of the IT security products for the domestic CC evaluation. And we have analyzed the domestic and international market on the information security products, have conducted a poll to receive opinions and demands of the Korean industries for Korea policy decision maker to select the possible IT security products which will be evaluated in Korea under CC scheme. As a conclusion, we have selected 15 IT products based on the response to a poll by the industries, the market size, the evaluation amount demanded by the user, manufacturer, and evaluator, to select the possible IT security product under CC schemes in Korea during next 5 years. Moreover, the characteristics, the benefit, and the demerit of the selected IT products were analyzed. This paper can be used as a guideline document for Korea policy decision maker to select the IT products to be evaluated under CC scheme in Korea for next 5 years.

Strengthening International Collaboration for Counter-Piracy Efforts - Focusing on Counter-Piracy Operations Off the Coast of Somalia - (해적퇴치를 위한 국제공조 확대 방안 - 소말리아 해적퇴치 방안을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Duk-Ki
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권31호
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    • pp.251-293
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    • 2013
  • 해적은 공해상 해상안전을 위협 한다는 점에서 '인류공동의 적'으로 규정되어 모든 국가가 이를 규제할 수 있는 보편적 관할권이 행사되는 범죄이다. 한국을 포함한 아시아 지역 국가들은 말라카해협 통항에 관해 깊은 이해관계를 갖고 있어 해적 소탕에 대한 의지가 강한 편이다. 이러한 의지는 2006년 '아시아해적퇴치정보공유센터(ReCAAP ISO)'의 창설에 밑거름이 되었으며, 아시아 지역에서 해적이 출현하면 동 센터를 통해 17개국 회원국으로 즉시 통보되고, 주변국의 해경과 해군이 유기적인 작전을 통해 해적을 효율적으로 퇴치하고 있는 모범사례다. 그러나 2009년 소말리아 내란에 따른 무정부 상태가 지속되면서 소말리아 및 아덴만에서의 해적활동이 극성을 부리기 시작했으며, 선박납치 행위가 급증하자 세계 각국에서 함정과 항공기를 파견하여 해적퇴치 활동을 전개하고 있으나 근절되지 않을 뿐만 아니라 해적의 활동해역이 확대되고 있다. 이러한 배경 하에 시작된 본 연구는 연구결과를 중심으로 다음과 같은 대응 방안을 제시한다. 첫째, 소말리아 해적의 근본원인은 국가의 붕괴에서 비롯된 치안부재와 열악한 경제사정 등 내부적인 요인이 크기 때문에 다국적 해군 활동으로 인한 근본적인 해적퇴치에는 한계가 있다. 따라서 국제적인 차원에서 '지역협력협정'체결은 물론, 소말리아 국가재건을 위한 노력이 함께 이루어지는 종합적인 대책이 필요하다. 그러나 보다 더 근본적인 해결책은 유엔차원에서 빠른 시간 내에 소말리아가 정치적 안정을 유지할 수 있도록 정치적 차원에서의 지원이 필요하며, 해적과 테러리스트가 연계됨으로써 국제문제로 확대되지 않도록 하는 노력도 병행되어야 한다. 둘째, 해적문제는 특정국가에만 해당되는 것이 아니라 초국가적인 문제임을 감안하여 유엔안전보장이사회 결의 제1851호에서 '지역 센터' 설립을 권고하고 있는 것처럼 2006년 아시아 국가들이 설치한 ReCAAP ISO와 같은 형태의 지역국가 간 협력기구 또는 유엔 차원의 해적 전담기구를 설치하여 국제사회 공조 하에 해적에 대처하는 방안을 추진하는 것이 필요하다. 셋째, 최근 발생하고 있는 해적행위는 주로 항구 등 내수, 영해 등 연안국의 관할권이 행사되는 지역에서 발생하고 있어 유엔해양법상의 규정은 이러한 '해적' 퇴치에 더 이상 효율적이지 못하다. 국제사회는 이러한 문제점을 인식하여 국제해사기구 (IMO) 등 국제기구를 통해 영해내의 해적 처벌을 위해 최선의 노력을 기울이고 있다. 향후 궁극적으로는 유엔해양법협약의 개정을 통해 법적인 문제점이 개선되어야 한다. 넷째, 전술적인 측면에서도 지상에 기지를 두고 있는 해적들의 지도부가 그 동안 쌓아 놓은 네트워크를 이용하여 다국적 해군에 대한 정보를 수집하고 대응방안을 강구함으로써 나름대로의 생존전략을 구사할 것으로 예상된다. 특히, 선박을 납치한 후 소말리아 연안으로 이동하면서 해군함정과 대치하는 과정에서 해적들이 살상을 당하는 사례가 증가함에 따라 지금까지는 피랍된 선박의 선원을 단순히 해적활동에 참여시키거나, 항해지원을 위한 목적 등으로만 활용했는데, 앞으로는 해적들의 인명피해를 최소화하기 위해서라도 선원들을 방패막이로 활용할 가능성이 더욱 높아질 것으로 예상된다. 따라서 참가하는 해군함정 또는 부대간 해적들의 활동 관련 정보를 공유하는 등 사전에 정보를 획득하기 위한 협력을 강화해야 한다. 다섯째, 한국군함이 삼호주얼리호를 납치했던 소말리아 해적을 한국까지 대리고 와서 처벌하는 것은 불합리하고, 많은 문제점을 야기할 수 있기 때문에 향후 해적처벌을 위한 국제사법기구의 설치가 요구된다. 회원국 분담금으로 운영되는 유엔에 산하기관을 설치하여 소말리아 인접국에서 해결하도록 적극적인 노력을 경주할 필요가 있다. 마지막으로, 선박회사에서도 자국 선박이 위험구역으로 지정된 해역을 항해할 경우를 대비해서 선박자동식별 시스템 구축을 확대하고, 해적이 선박에 승선했을 경우를 대비해서 안전구역(citadel)을 설치하여 선원의 안전을 확보하는 등의 대책이 필요하다. 본 연구를 통해 해양안보는 어느 특정국가에게만 주어진 것이 아니며, 해적행위도 특정 국가의 선박을 대상으로 하는 것이 아니므로 각국 정부간 공동의 협력과 국제사회의 공조가 반드시 실현될 때 해적의 위협으로부터 선박의 안전과 국제사회의 평화가 실현될 수 있다는 것을 강조하고자 한다.

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Discriminatory Financial Measures on Non-Cooperative Jurisdictions and their Compatibility with the WTO GATS: Focus on the Appellate Body Report on Argentina-Financial Services (조세투명성에 협력하지 않는 국가에 대한 차별적 금융조치의 WTO GATS 합치성 - Argentina-Financial Services 상소기구보고서에 대한 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoo, Hee Jin
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.95-124
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    • 2017
  • The dispute analysed in this article concern eight measures taken by Argentina regarding finance, taxation, foreign exchange, and registration. The dispute centered on whether these measures were in violation of the Member's obligations under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), namely most-favored national treatment, national treatment and market access, and whether they are justified by Article XIV and Article 2(a) of the Annex on Financial Services. Important arguments raised in the dispute include whether the services and the service providers of cooperative and non-cooperative countries and/or Argentina subjected to the measures are like for the purposes of Article II and Article XVII of the GATS, whether the regulatory aspects of the measures are to be considered in determining the inconsistency with Article II and Article XVII of the GATS, and whether the measures are justified in that they were taken in accordance with the national laws and regulations aimed at implementing the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes and the Financial Action Task Force. The essence of this dispute lies in the balance of each Member's right to regulate commercial and/or financial activities and its obligations under the GATS. The Appellate Body tried to strike such a balance in its assessment of: (i) likeness of services and service suppliers, (ii) no less favorable treatment under Articles II and XVII, and (iii) the scope of measures under Article 2(a) of the Annex on Financial Services. This article aims to provide an analysis of the Appellate Body's findings, giving light to the relevant jurisprudence and scholars' writings.

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A Study Seeking the Practical Implementation of the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Project (황해광역해양생태계 프로젝트의 실효성 확보에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-kyung;Kown, Suk-jae;Lee, Sang-il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • 제27권7호
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    • pp.987-994
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    • 2021
  • The Yellow sea, as described in article 123 of UNCLOS, is semi-enclosed sea surrounded by the Republic of Korea, the People's Republic of China and North Korea. In addition, the Yellow Sea is one of the 66 large marine ecosystems as it contains large amounts of marine resources. According to article 194 of UNCLOS, states should be aware of rights and duties with respect to the protection and preservation of the marine environment to be engaged with countries directly as regional entity or indirectly. Therefore, the legal blank is urgent in terms of trans-boundary environmental pollutant issues. The UNDP has conducted a project called Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME) which has reached the 2nd phase. The project has some notable achievements, namely performing joint activities on analysis of diagnostic trans-boundary issues in collaboration with China and South Korea, developing a strategic action plan based on TDA, and establishing regional strategic action plan. However, on the other hand, the project could not reflect the full participation of North Korea as a state party. As a result, the project has a limitation on effective implementation of RSAP. Therefore, this study focuses on the suggestion of a legally-binding trilateral treaty as a blue print for the next, 3rd phase of the project. By analyzing the best practice of the Wadden Sea Trilateral Treaty case, the study verifies the validity of legislative measures on establishing and managing a legally-binding trilateral YSLME Commission. By suggesting a three phase treaty, incorporating a joint declaration by establishing the commission, the signing of the treaty, and formulating an umbrella convention and implementation arrangement, the study expects to guarantee the consistency and sustainability of the trilateral treaty regardless of political issues pertaining to North Korea.

A Study on Transborder Data Flow of Personal Information: Policy Suggestion based on EU's Approach (국경간 개인정보 이전 규제에 대한 개선방안 연구: EU사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyuk;Kim, In-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.1013-1023
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    • 2016
  • Transborder data flow(TBDF) of personal information in Korea has been limited by current Privacy law which request data subject to give consent. As the IT industry is growing at an incredible rate, there is a need to review the existing law to cope with growing industrial demand and increasing numbers of international data transfer. The transfer of personal data overseas not only allow businesses providing IT services including finance, internet, e-commerce to thrive, but also impact every aspect of our lives which are increasingly depended on these technology. Transmitting personal data across borders raises serious questions of privacy protection and restriction of business operation. In ordrer to promote interoperability of personal data in international environment, a considerable amount of research and debate needs to be taken before implementing a sound policy. This paper presents a need for a sound TBDF policy in Korea by examine the main policy challenges associated with TBDF. Finally, the paper identify policy suggestions based on European Union's approach as they have successfully implemented TBDF policy that balanced data privacy and economic agenda.

An Empirical Analysis on the Appeal Case of Origin Verification for Korean Import Goods Using Bootstrapping Technique (부트스트랩 기법을 활용한 한국 수입 상품의 원산지검증 불복사례 실증분석)

  • Kim, Jong-Hyuk;Heo, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Suk-Chul
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • 제42권4호
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    • pp.93-114
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    • 2017
  • Under the FTA agreement, preferential tariffs between FTA members will result in tariff reductions. In order to ensure the stable use of the FTA tariff system, it is necessary for the customs authorities to determine whether the origin goods are clearly applicable. This study analyzed the procedure of appeal according to the origin verification system based on the decision made by Korea Customs Service and Tax Tribunal. From this, we examined whether the rate of re-claiming a case rejected in the 'Review System of the Legality Before Taxation' differs. In addition, we carried out a quantitative analysis using bootstrapping technique in order to overcome the scarcity cases of verification of origin among FTA members. The implications of this paper are summarized as follows: First, we tested the hypothesis that the re-claiming rate of Western countries is higher. Second, some issues represented higher re-claiming rate. Third, there was no significant difference between the verification group and the re-claiming rate. Finally, even if an applicant makes a claim again, there is a possibility of being rejected again.

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An Empirical Research on the COO Performance effect from the Brand equity and COO Capacity (브랜드 가치와 원산지 역량이 원산지 제도 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증적 연구)

  • Kwon, Seung Ha;Hyun, Hwa Jung
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.131-150
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    • 2016
  • Recently, as most companies are getting globalized, global sourcing of raw materials are also provided actively. Since each country has different, strict and complex rules-of-origins, importance of COO(country-of-origin) is increasing more and more. This study was surveyed with 127 manufacturing companies in South Korea. The purpose of this study is to verify the effect relationship how brand equity and COO capacity impact on the COO performance. The research hypothesis and model was derived from the basis of existing theory and empirical research, and obtained the following results. Firstly, brand equity of the COO showed positive (+) effect on the COO information capacity and product brand equity showed positive (+) effect on the COO management capacity. Secondly, the COO information capacity showed positive (+) effect on the COO management capacity. Lastly, product brand equity and the COO information capacity showed positive (+) effect on the COO performance. This study is differentiated from previous research information by empirically evaluating the relationship between the brand equity and the COO. This study contributed to academic by examining the research on the COO management in South Korea and also practically suggested the direction how manufacturing company in South Korea is to take the advantage of the brand equity and the COO capacity.

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