• Title/Summary/Keyword: 관 결합

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Study on The Distribution of Applied 32P into Different Forms of P Compounds in the Soils During Incubation (논·밭 토양(土壤)에 시용(柴用)된 32P의 토양중(土壤中) 상이(相異)한 인산화합물(燐酸化合物)로의 분배(分配)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Hong, Jung-Kook;Hong, Chong-Woon;Park, Sang-Ji;Steenberg, Kjell
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 1979
  • The present work was carried out to study the fate of applied phosphorus labelled with $^{32}P$ and its availability to plants in soils subjected to different management practices. The results can be summarized as follows (Table 3): 1. The applied phosphorus was transformed into different phosphorus compounds in the soils depending upon the management practices and soil characteristics. 2. In the flooded paddy soil (pH 5.8) added P after one week of incubation was transformed into various fractions, the order of abundance being: Al-P> Ca-P$${\sim_\sim}$$Fe-P> Org.-P. After two weeks the order changed to: Fe-P> Al-P> Ca-P> Org.-P. The amounts of the Fe-P and Al-P fractions were found to increase from the second week of incubation whereas a decrease in Ca-P was noticed with the organic-P remaining constant. The amount of available P decreased from the first to the third week of incubation, but increased thereafter. 3. In the volcanic ash soil a major proportion of the applied phosphorus was found in the Fe-P fraction during the whole experimental period. The interconversions of the $^{32}P$ among the different phosphate fractions was not as evident as in the case of flooded rice soil. The recovery of applied P was low and remained constant throughout the incubation period. 4. In the upland soils relatively more of the applied phosphorus was found in the Ca-P fraction as compared with those of the other soils. As in the flooded paddy soil $^{32}P$ in the Ca-P fraction decreased with increasing incubation time, whereas in the Fe-P fraction it increased with time. The recovery of added phosphate as available P followed different patterns for the cultivated and the uncultivated soils. In the cultivated soils lit was relatively high and remained nearly constant during the whole incubation period. In the uncultivated soil on the other hand, it was high at the earlier time of incubation, but decreased with incubation time.

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Cencept of adaptability for heavy nitrogen in view of nitrogen metabolism -II. Nitrogen metabolism under the change of itrogen nenvironment (내비성(耐肥性)에 관(關)한 질소대사적(窒素代謝的) 개념(槪念) -II. 질소환경(窒素環境) 변화(變化)에 따른 질소대사(窒素代謝))

  • Yoon, Jong Hyuk;Park, Hoon;Cho, Sung Jin
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.49-53
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    • 1974
  • Varietal difference in nitrogen metabolism was investigated under water culture system with high (50 or 80ppm) and low (10 or 40 ppm) levels of nitrogen and with two-week minus nitrogen treatment at maximum tillering and heading stage using a leading local variety, Jinheung and high-yielding IR667 line (newly bred tropical variety). 1. In high nitrogen level Jinheung showed higher yield than IR667. vise versa in low nitrogen level. 2. Poor yield of IR667 at high nitrogen may be due to ammonium toxicity that was eliminated by minus nitrogen from culture solution. 3. IR667 was more sensitive to the change of nitrogen environment. 4. With high nitrogen medium Jinheung showed nigher nitrogen uptake and higher capacity of protein synthesis than IR667, and vise versa at low nitrogen medium. 5. From the above facts it could be concluded that Jinheung has higher metabolic adaptability for heavy nitrogen while IR667 has higher structural adaptability for heavy mitrogen and that better productive adaptability will be resulted in the combination of both characteristics.

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Ovarian Structure and Oogenesis of the Spiny Top Shell, Batillus cornutus (Lightfoot, 1786) (Gastropoda: Turbinidae) (소라, Batillus cornutus의 난소구조 및 난자형성과정)

  • Jung, Gui-Kwon;Park, Jung-Jun;Ju, Sun-Mi;Jin, Young-Guk;Lee, Jung-Sick
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2007
  • The ovarian structure and ultrastructural changes in germ cells during oogenesis of the spiny top shell, Batillus cornutus, have been investigated by light and electron microscopic observations. Specimens of the spiny top shell were collected from the subtidal zone of Wando, south coast of Korea. Spiny top shell was dioecious. The ovary was located on the surface of the hepatopancreas in the spiral posterior region. The ovary had greenish color in the gonadal mature season. The ovary comprised many ovarian lobules, and the ovarian lobule consisted of connective mesenchymal tissue and epithelial cells. Oogonium had a large nucleus with nucleolus of high electron density. In previtellogenic oocyte, small yolk granules of low electron density were scattered in the cytoplasm. Oocytes in the initial vitellogenic stage were connected with the ovarian lobule by egg stalk. The result of TEM observations showed that initial vitellogenic oocyte contained well-developed Golgi complex, endoplasmic reticula, tubular mitochondria and numerous yolk granules of various electron densities and sizes. The electron density, size and quantity of yolk granules which were distributed in the active vitellogenic oocyte were increased compared to the previous stage. Thickness of egg envelope in the late active vitellogenic oocyte was approximately 4.4 $[\mu}m$. Cytoplasm of ripe oocyte was filled with proteid yolk globules of high electron density and lipid yolk globules of low electron density. In this stage, the thickness of egg envelope was approximately 6.5 ${\mu}m$.

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Studies on the Manufacture of Fiber Pot and its Effect for the Good Transplanting (이식용(移植用)Pot의 제조(製造) 및 그 효과(効果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Ji Moon;Lee, Hwa Hyung;Kwon, Ki Won;Song, Ho Kyong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1980
  • This study was carried out to examine the substitution possibility into fiber pot instead of Jiffy pot for the good transplanting. Fiber pot was made of fiber, wood waste particle, and bark powder (10% of the particle weight) and also latex was added into the furnish as a binder. The pots were sprayed with just enough urea solution to prevent nitrogen deficiency of pot media coming from the breakdown of wood fiber in the pot wan during the plant growing. The utility of fiber pot was compared with that of Jiffy pot in the service test of two tree species under a green-house condition. The results obtained can be summarized as follows ; 1. Fiber pot made of 30% wood fiber+70% particle including 10% of bark powder, and 3%-latex has shown a good results like that of Jiffy pot in the sp. gr., tear factor and burst factor. For water absorption, fiber pot made of 50% fiber+50% particle, and 3%-latex got the best result. In the consideration of the above physical and mechanical properties of the fiber pot for good root penetration through the pot wall and facile handling, fiber pot made of 30% fiber+70% particle, and 3%-latex may be seemed to be good. 2. There were no harms in sapling growth in fiber pot as well as in Jiffy pot. The root penetration ability through the fiber pot was slightly inferior to that of Jiffy pot, and yet the pot damage through transportation seemed to be slighter in fiber pot than in Jiffy pot.

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The Pharmacology and the Clinical Use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (세로토닌 재흡수억제제의 약리학과 임상적용)

  • Lee, Min-Soo;Kim, Pyo-Han
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.205-217
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    • 1995
  • In comparison with tricyclic antidepressants(TCAs), one of the most interesting characteristics of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs) is its structural differences, reveals different pharmacological properties. The applications at the moment are most effective in clinical applications to depression. The limited result of the research to date on the various applications of SSRIs has not revealed the total potential and applicability of SSRIs. Therefore, attending physicians utilizing SSRIs do not know the full capabilities of the drug on patients and what the patients may reap in terms of benefit from its curing elements. Physicians must first try to understand the full potential of SSRIs and its potential applications for it to be effective on patients. recently, it has been determined that SSRIs and other drugs when administered together may be more effective in the healing process because SSRIs complements and aids in the enhancement and effect of the other drugs. This article is written to give attention to the reader of the pharmacological properties and the clinical use of SSRIs. It is the authors's hope that continuous research on the particular aspects of SSRIs can aid the clinicians in the use of this SSRIs.

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Effect of Eriobotryae folium extract on glucokinase and hexokinase activities of alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus mice (Alloxan 처리(處理) 당뇨병(糖尿病) 마우스의 췌장(膵臟) glucokinase 및 hexokinase에 대(對)한 비파엽(枇杷葉)의 효과(效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Jeong, Chang-Hwan;Yoon, Cheol-Ho;Jeong, Ji-Cheon;Kim, Cheorl-Ho
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 1997
  • We have investigated the in vivo. effect of an aqeuous extract from Eriobotryae folium on glucokinase and hexokinase activities of diabetes mellitus induced by alloxan. After 1 week of alloxan injection, the levels of serum glucose and insulin secretion were dramatically increased, however, the insulin secretion was decreased with administration of Eriobotryae folium. Alloxan injection allowed the serum glucose level increased and the level was decreased by Eriobotryae folium administration. Furthermore, it was observed that Eriobotryae folium was effective in recovering the levels of insulin secretion. Enzyme activities of the glucokinase and hexokinase were decreased by alloxan treatment. In contrast, Eriobotryae folium administration to the mice allowed proportional increasing. These results suggested that Eriobotryae folium is highly effective in treatment of diabetes mellitus induced by alloxan.

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The Effect of Calcium and Chitosan Metabolism to the Excretion of Radiostrontium in Mice (마우스에서 칼슘 및 Chitosan metabolism이 방사성스트론튬의 체외배출 효과에 미치는 명향)

  • Kim, Young-Ho;Bom, Hee-Seung;Kim, Ji-Yeul;Roh, Young-Bok
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 1997
  • Chitosan, a natural nontoxic chelator, was reported to reduce whole body retention of radiostrontium in mice. As calcium has a simillar chemical properties to strontium both of which be easily bound with hydroxyapatite structure, calcium can be either a competitor or enhancer to chitosan on the removal of radiostrontium. We compared the effect of chitosan and calcium on the excretion of ingested radiostrontium ($^{85}$Sr). Chitosan or calcium($Cacl_2$) and usual food was mixed as 1:99 by weight. The mixed food to chitosan (group 1) or calcium (group 2) were given orally for 30 days before $^{85}$Sr administration. In other groups, mixed calcium and chitosan solution (group 3), 1% calcium (group 4), or 1% chitosan solution (group 5) was given for 7 days immediately after oral administration of $^{85}SrC1_2$ ($0.25{\mu}Ci$). In control group, no chitosan or calcium were given. Either chitosan or calcium was effective on the removal of $^{85}Sr$ from mouse body(Table. 1). Addition of calcium on chitosan did not improve or deteriorate the effect of chitosan on the removal of $^{85}Sr$ from mouse body. In conclusion, calcium was similarly effective on the removal of $^{85}Sr$ from mouse body.

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Studies on Analysis of Factors for Soybean Yield Increase in Newly Reclaimed Soil (신개지(新開地)에 있어서의 대두증수(大豆增收) 요인분석(要因分析)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Cho, Jae-Yeung;Maeng, Do-Won
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 1974
  • This study was conducted to determine the effects of soybean cultivation on yield and other characters in a newly reclaimed soil. Four factois - (1) plant density (2) compost application (3) innoculation of nodule bacteria (Rhizobium japonicum) combined with lime application (4) NPK application-were examined in a 24 factorial experiments arranged in randomized complete block design with 4 replicates. Kangio variety was used and the results obtained are summarized as follows; (1) Dense plant population, Application of Compost and application of fertilizer (NPK) gave the yields 1.7, 1.4 and 2.1 times the check respectively. The Combinations of, dense $population{\times}compost$, dense $compost{\times}fertilizer$ (NPK), $population{\times}compost{\times}fertilizer$ (NPK), and dense $population{\times}compost{\times}nodule$ bacteria with $lime{\times}fertilizer$ (NPK) increased the yields by 2.0, 3.0, 2.6 and 5.4 times than the check respectively. But little effect on yield was noted in the treatment inoculated with nodule bacteria with lime. (2) In the case of higher yield, the increased weight of 100 seeds was found. (3) A markedly increased PH was observed in all of the plots under study after the completion of experiment. (4) The compost treatment and the ferttilizer (NPK) treatment greatly increased the organic matter, total nitrogen and the available phosphorus in the soil. (5) The variation in the grain yield appeared to have a close correlation with the content of available $P_2O_5$ in the soil.

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Evaluation of Quality Characteristics of Rice to Select Suitable Varieties for Porridge (간편식 죽 제조용 적합 품종 선정을 위한 쌀의 품질 특성 평가)

  • Lee, Kyung Ha;Woo, Koan Sik;Lee, Seuk Ki;Park, Hye Young;Sim, Eun-Yeong;Kim, Siju;Oh, Sea-Kwan;Cho, Donghwa;Kim, Hyun-Joo
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2017
  • This study undertook to evaluate the quality characteristics of rice, to select a variety suitable for porridge. Seven varieties of rice were studied: Dabo, Daebo, Samkwang, Sindongjin, Sukwang, Jinsumi and Haiami were investigated for proximate contents and physicochemical characteristics. The moisture and crude protein contents of the rice cultivars were in the range 11.26-12.66% and 5.34-6.47%, respectively. The amylose content was the highest in the Samkwang (20.83%), and lowest in Haiami (18.32%). The water binding capacity and solubility of Samkwang and Jinsumi cultivars were greater than those of the other samples. Hardness of rice and viscosity of porridge was the least in Samkwang and Sukwang. The pH of porridge in Samkwang and Jinsumi (7.04) was higher than the other varieties (6.80-7.03). The results of this study indicate that Samkwang and Jinsumi are suitable varieties for porridge. We expect this data will be useful in the manufacturing of porridge.

Physio-chemical studies on the seed browning in mature green peppers stored at low-temperature (Part 1) -Changes in between-step metabolites and substrates in the seed-browning effect- (녹숙(綠熟)고추의 저온저장(低溫貯藏)에 따른 종자갈변(種子褐變)에 관(關)한 생리화학적연구(生理化學的硏究) -제 1 보(第 1 報) 종자갈변(種子褐變)에 관계(關係)되는 기질(基質)과 중간대사성분(中間代謝成分)의 변화(變化)-)

  • Lee, Sung-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 1971
  • When a low-temperature treatment was given to a small sweet pepper variety Zairaisisi, the seed browning effect appeared soon. This change attracted the studies to determine and discuss the browning metabolites, polyphenolic compounds, and changes in their between-step components. (1) Chlorogenic acids were found as a polyphenolic compound in seed, whereas no flavanol-type polyphenol was observed. (2) There was sharp increase in total polyphenol content and chlorogenic acid with a low-temperature treatment. The contents of these substrates dropped below that of room-temperature treatment after the browning effect took place. (3) A marked increase in between-step metabolites phenylalanine, tyrosine, shikimic acid contents, and thus assumed activated shikimate pathway in this process. (4) It was suggested by determining the effect of specific metabolic inhibition and respiratory inhibitor administrations on enzymes that active biosynthesis of polyphenolic compounds takes place in shikimate pathway with combination of phosphoenolpyruvate and erythrose-4-phosphate connected to TCA cycle jaming after an active EMP pathway was gone through with sugars in pepper seeds at a low-temperature. (5) It was also suggested from the observation of increased K ion flow-out in pepper seeds with a low-temperature treatment that there is an abnormality in the plasma membrance.

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