• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공항환경

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World Logistics Evolution & Marketing Strategy for Korea's Enhanced Port Competition (세계물류발전과 한국의 항만경쟁력 강화를 위한 마케팅 전략)

  • Gim, Jin-Goo
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.363-384
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    • 2008
  • This study aims at improving Korea's competitiveness in port logistics through marketing strategy with integrating the conceptual approach into the empirical one and combining both the oldest military treatise and the newest evaluating model in social science that was applied by the HFP(hierarchical fuzzy process) model enhanced by the KJ method. The empirical results of this study show Busan in the middle among subject ports. At present, Korea plays a reciprocal role in the port market in East Asia, but in the medium- and long-term, Korea's ports will vie together with most major ports in the East Asian region. A descriptive investigation shows that Korea's developing tasks in port logistics must be considered in the context of the direction for developing port policies, the necessity of expanding port facilities in the capital region, securing the sufficient traffic volume through the establishment of the hinterland linking system and its positive utilization, and reforming the direction for developing the global logistics through increased port competitiveness. In the short- and medium-term, Korea must use the opportunity factor of 'Growth and open door policy of China' as a geoeconomic advantage and to utilize Korea's ports as a gate to Chinese foreign trade. With the rise of China's economy, China also plays a significant role in both port and airport markets. Hence, the linking system between the two must be established to meet the expanding traffic volume, especially in the capital area. Moreover, it is necessary for Korea to secure port logistics through the establishment of the hinterland linking system and its positive utilization. The great accomplishment of this paper is to present strategies to increase Korea's port competitiveness in the rapidly changing environments of world logistics with the focus on both the oldest military strategic treatise and the newest empirical method in social science. In order to reinforce this study, it needs further compensative research because the evaluation structure could be subdivided with more extensive and precise criteria.

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A Study on the Reality and Improvement of Autonomous Police System in Jeju Special Self-Government Province (제주자치경찰 시스템의 실태와 발전모델에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Chul-Ok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.14
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    • pp.485-516
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    • 2007
  • Jeju Special Self-Government Province adopted an autonomous police system for the first time since 60 years in Korean police. The purpose of autonomous police system is to offer a police service to be suitable in regional conditions. But Jeju autonomous police system for nearly one year after adoption is criticized to be established on the ground of political reason but not local decentralization. Actually Jeju autonomous police has not a clear cut jurisdiction and operation scope because of the jurisdiction duplication between national and autonomous police. The original task is confined on environment and sightseeing so on given to administration police for local self-government. So criminal investigation authority on general crimes is not to Jeuju autonomous police on account of special judicial police. First, it is the structural rationalization of Jeju autonomous police system. It speaks that Jeju provincial police bureau and police station have to be as national police institution, on the other hand, patrol district station and police box have to be as autonomous police institution. Of course, functional division has to be followed. National police performs managing all the assembly and demonstration by the management law on assembly and demonstration including the suppression against any large scale demonstration and disturbance, also the investigation on serious crimes just as international crimes and broaden area crimes including all the felony. Together national police performs the duty concerned to all the foreign affairs and national securities in along with the investigation on traffic accidents. On the other hand, autonomous police performs the function for citizen's life safety as crime prevention and the enforcement on the violation against police operation law, together the traffic management and the regulation on traffic violations. and the investigation on minor crime as simple violence or petty larceny including the management on local big events. Second, the budgetary of autonomous police is rationalized by the share of budgeting between Korean government and Jeju special self-government province. Third, urgent arrest authority on general crime and the rights of claims for the summary trial on minor crimes are given to autonomous police. Of course, this problem is resolved naturally in case of giving the investigation rights to autonomous police on minor crimes.

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A Study on Development and Site selection of an AIRFIELD (경비행장 개발 및 입지선정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Yong
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.3-36
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    • 2015
  • As of end of 2014, the population engaging in aviation activities for leisure has reached approximately 13 million, where approximately 356 cases involve a general aircraft, 200 cases involve light aircraft, and 636 cases involve an ULM. The industry for leisure has become a very promising industry in line with rapidly rising living standards which are expected to further increase in the future. The demand for such services is expected to increase over time. The purpose of this paper is to review the development and site selection of airfields in anticipation of these developments in the industry. While the government also has experience in the review of airfield location and candidate sites, it is not the government that carries out the actual construction. As such, the feasibility of the site needs to be verified in terms of actual construction. This study identified factors for Site Selection of factors through a review of related documents and existing research reports. A questionnaire was also used to collect the views of experts in the field, which was then analyzed. The Research model was confirmed in the layered form for an AHP analysis. The factors for Site Selection were identified as the technical / operational factors and economic / political elements for a two-stage configuration. The third step consisted of technical and operational elements. The final step is was constructed a total of 11 elements (weather, surface conditions, obstacle limitation surface, airspace conditions, operating procedures, noise problems, environmental issues, availability of facilities, construction and investment costs, contribution to the local economy, accessibility, demand / the proximity of demand). The surveys are conducted for more than 10 General and light aircraft pilots, professionals, and instructor. The analysis results showed a higher level in the technical / operating elements (73.2%) in the first step, while the next step sawa higher level of the operational elements (30.9%) than the other. The factors for Site Selection were any particular elements did not appear high, the weather conditions (17.5%), noise problems (19.8%), the proximity of demand (6%), accessibility (5.7%), environmental issues (11.1%), availability of facilities (8%), airspace conditions (7.9%), obstacle limitation surface (12%), construction and investment costs (4.2%) and to operating procedures (4.9%), contribution to the local economy (3.8%).

A Study on Aviation Safety and Third Country Operator of EU Regulation in light of the Convention on international Civil Aviation (시카고협약체계에서의 EU의 항공법규체계 연구 - TCO 규정을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Koo-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.67-95
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    • 2014
  • Some Contracting States of the Chicago Convention issue FAOC(Foreign Air Operator Certificate) and conduct various safety assessments for the safety of the foreign operators which operate to their state. These FAOC and safety audits on the foreign operators are being expanded to other parts of the world. While this trend is the strengthening measure of aviation safety resulting in the reduction of aircraft accident. FAOC also burdens the other contracting States to the Chicago Convention due to additional requirements and late permission. EASA(European Aviation Safety Agency) is a body governed by European Basic Regulation. EASA was set up in 2003 and conduct specific regulatory and executive tasks in the field of civil aviation safety and environmental protection. EASA's mission is to promote the highest common standards of safety and environmental protection in civil aviation. The task of the EASA has been expanded from airworthiness to air operations and currently includes the rulemaking and standardization of airworthiness, air crew, air operations, TCO, ATM/ANS safety oversight, aerodromes, etc. According to Implementing Rule, Commission Regulation(EU) No 452/2014, EASA has the mandate to issue safety authorizations to commercial air carriers from outside the EU as from 26 May 2014. Third country operators (TCO) flying to any of the 28 EU Member States and/or to 4 EFTA States (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland) must apply to EASA for a so called TCO authorization. EASA will only take over the safety-related part of foreign operator assessment. Operating permits will continue to be issued by the national authorities. A 30-month transition period ensures smooth implementation without interrupting international air operations of foreign air carriers to the EU/EASA. Operators who are currently flying to Europe can continue to do so, but must submit an application for a TCO authorization before 26 November 2014. After the transition period, which lasts until 26 November 2016, a valid TCO authorization will be a mandatory prerequisite, in the absence of which an operating permit cannot be issued by a Member State. The European TCO authorization regime does not differentiate between scheduled and non-scheduled commercial air transport operations in principle. All TCO with commercial air transport need to apply for a TCO authorization. Operators with a potential need of operating to the EU at some time in the near future are advised to apply for a TCO authorization in due course, even when the date of operations is unknown. For all the issue mentioned above, I have studied the function of EASA and EU Regulation including TCO Implementing Rule newly introduced, and suggested some proposals. I hope that this paper is 1) to help preparation of TCO authorization, 2) to help understanding about the international issue, 3) to help the improvement of korean aviation regulations and government organizations, 4) to help compliance with international standards and to contribute to the promotion of aviation safety, in addition.