• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공유 의도

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A Study on Problem and Improvements of Registration System in Water Leisure Crafts (수상레저기구 등록 시스템의 문제점과 개선 방안)

  • Yang, Young-Cheol;Lee, Jae-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.273-282
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the origin and status of the registration system of water leisure craft to suggest an improvement plan for the ocean leisure industry. To identify the transition of the registration system, related water leisure craft, registration procedures and revised acts from "water leisure safety act", which was established in the early 2000 and enacted since then were examined. To understand the problems raised, the management of the registration system and related other systems were analyzed. The results were as follows. First, the registration system was designed just to check the number of registrations of water leisure craft so it does not provide various and useful information that administrators and registrants want. Second, it is impossible to utilize and reconstruct the information regarding water leisure craft. In addition, the current registration system does not have a data sharing system with the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs so self-governing administrations are not connected to each other or to other electronic government systems. To resolve these problems, the construction of a new registration system is required. The new registration system of water leisure craft should facilitate not only processing registration files and administration work, but also multiple electronic governmental services that provide the water leisure users with useful information and encourage them to learn about their craft management and so on.

A Study on the Intelligence Information System's Research Identity Using the Keywords Profiling and Co-word Analysis (주제어 프로파일링 및 동시출현분석을 통한 지능정보시스템 연구의 정체성에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Seong Jeong;Kim, Min Yong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to find the research identity of the Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society through the profiling methods and co-word analysis in the most recent three-year('2014~'2016) study to collect keyword. In order to understand the research identity for intelligence information system, we need that the relative position of the study will be to compare identity by collecting keyword and research methodology of The korea Society of Management Information Systems and Korea Association of Information Systems, as well as Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society for the similar. Also, Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society is focusing on the four research areas such as artificial intelligence/data mining, Intelligent Internet, knowledge management and optimization techniques. So, we analyze research trends with a representative journals for the focusing on the four research areas. A journal of the data-related will be investigated with the keyword and research methodology in Korean Society for Big Data Service and the Korean Journal of Big Data. Through this research, we will find to research trends with research keyword in recent years and compare against the study methodology and analysis tools. Finally, it is possible to know the position and orientation of the current research trends in Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society. As a result, this study revealed a study area that Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society only be pursued through a unique reveal its legitimacy and identity. So, this research can suggest future research areas to intelligent information systems specifically. Furthermore, we will predict convergence possibility of the similar research areas and Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society in overall ecosystem perspectives.

An Importance-Performance Analysis of Beauty shop's physical evidences and Revisit Factors (뷰티케어 전문 샵의 물리적환경과 재방문의 의도요인에 대한 IPA 분석)

  • Heo, Jeong-Rock;Cho, Jeong-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.255-263
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to study the service physical environment, customer satisfaction and returning intention of beauty shop. Structured questionnaires and interviews were conducted to investigate these correlations and analyzed by IPA method. The physical environment in the beauty shop was analyzed as an important factor in creating an environment that can stimulate the emotional part of the customers. It is found that the atmosphere, the emotional atmosphere and the installation of the auxiliary facilities are important factors in the physical environment. Customer satisfaction was found to increase satisfaction with employees' intention, such as satisfaction with employees. The customer 's revisit intention shows that they are trying to communicate and share their experiences through customer satisfaction. It was found that it is important to meet customers' emotional needs through improving the physical environment of the stores and to improve the emotional satisfaction of customers based on this. Strategic implications for attracting customers in the beauty shop suggest that increasing satisfaction with existing customers is an important strategy in securing not only existing customers but also prospective customers.

The Limitations of Holocaust Narratives and the Possibility of Healing Narratives Suggested by Smith's Fires in the Mirror ('홀로코스트' 서사의 한계와 스미스의 『거울 속에 반영된 분노』에 제시된 치유 서사의 가능성)

  • Jung, Sun-kug
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.43
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    • pp.377-404
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, I intend to focus on the 1991 racial tension and violence portrayed in Anna Devear Smith's book Fires in the Mirror, which was published in book form in 1993. I make use of a series of interviews with many of those involved in the conflicts, which were based on the Jewish Holocaust and the history of African American enslavement. In Crown Heights, the black community and the Jewish community have each suffered terrible losses, but individuals and communities become rhetorically attached to foundational historical traumas that lie at the center of each group's cultural identity rather than try to understand each other's pain. Smith lets this rhetoric dominate Fires in the Mirror by putting contradictory monologues side by side in order to show how discourses on 'slavery' and 'the Holocaust' still have control over specific ethnic communities. My intention is not to delve into the conflict between the Jewish and black communities exclusively. Rather, I attempt to form an understanding of the problems of the critical/theoretical tenets proposed by 'the rhetoric of holocaust,' including the Jewish Holocaust and the black experience of enslavement. Such an understanding will help us see the failure in the theories, illuminating the ways that such rhetoric should have recognized its own violence and helped to forge a new relationship between racism and anti-Semitism. Fires in the Mirror mirrors back to us the ways that 'the Holocaust' betrays the possibility of error to indicate its own susceptibility to blindness. The cracks brought forth by conflicting narratives enable readers to observe wounds being healed and the possibility of new narrative looming up.

The Development of Lesson Reflection through the Lesson Reflection Sharing Case in the Secondary School Mathematics Class (중등 수학 수업에서의 나눔 사례를 통한 수업 성찰문 개발 연구)

  • Hwang, Hye Jeang;Moon, Du Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.369-390
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    • 2021
  • It would be reasonable as a teacher to make efforts not only to reflect on the class on their own but also to improve the teacher' teaching e pertise by reflecting on the class with fellow teachers through lesson reflection sharing. This paper attempted to develop a lesson reflective framework that can provide standards and focus for lesson reflection and lesson sharing. First, based on the class evaluation criteria of previous studies, class reflection elements and a draft of lesson reflection were prepared. In a class conducted on 27 third graders at C High School where the co-researcher worked as a teacher, four peer teachers at the same high school were required to write personal opinions on the class based on the draft of lesson reflection. Based on this, lesson sharing was conducted, and modifications of the lesson reflection framework were developed by analyzing the case of class sharing. The implications of this paper indicate the need to clarify the perspective of viewing the lesson by sharing the intention of each question in advance. In addition to writing lesson reflections, it is necessary to share classes simultaneously.

A Philosophical Study on the Agency of the Home Economics Teachers as Agent from a Critical Science Perspective (비판과학 관점의 주체로서 가정과 교사 행위주체성에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Ji Sun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.27-44
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    • 2021
  • This study is to identify the concept of action from the critical science perspective and to explore the agency of home economics teachers for the purpose of teacher education. The context and various characteristics of home economics teacher' agency were identified in terms of philosophy and teacher education. The results of the study indicates, first, the concept of action refers to an activity of individuals involving one's own intentions, and include the ability to reveal a unique identity that aims to reach a set purpose and decision, and this can be identified by mutual meaning in the public sphere. Second, teacher agency is influenced by a teacher's professional experiences and cultural and structural aspects, and it can create an environment which can promote self-directed and cooperative relationships among individuals and communities. Therefore, home economics teachers should be able to reasonably judge, contemplate, and act through reflections on the circumstances and consequences in which their agency is exercised. Third, home economics teachers can reflect and think critically about the values, roles, and sense of purpose of home economics education based on agency. Teachers should focus on the process of achieving their agency rather than on completing it, and they can continuously develop it through a perceived shared understanding among teachers. Therefore, the conceptualization of the agency of home economics teachers is to understand the practice revealed in a teacher's actions. This requires environmental support in school settings because it acts as a mechanism for strengthening the thinking and reflection of teachers through the creation of interactive environments in which professional knowledge and experiences can be shared.

A Study on the Factors Affecting Continuous Use of AI Speaker Using SNA (SNA를 이용한 AI 스피커 지속적 사용에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석 연구: 아마존 에코 리뷰 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young Bum;Cha, Kyung Jin
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.95-118
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    • 2021
  • As the AI speaker business has risen significantly in recent years, the potential for numerous uses of AI speakers has gotten a lot of attention. Consumers have created an environment in which they can express and share their experiences with products through various channels, resulting in a large number of reviews that leave consumers with a variety of candid opinions about their experiences, which can be said to be very useful in analyzing consumers' thoughts. Using this review data, this study aimed to examine the factors driving the continued use of AI speakers. Above all, it was determined whether the seven characteristics associated with the intention to adopt AI identified in prior studies appear in consumer reviews. Based on customer review data on Amazon.com, text mining and social network analysis were utilized to examine Amazon eco-products. CONCOR analysis was used to classify words with similar connectivity locations, and Connection centrality analysis was used to classify the factors influencing the continuous use of AI speakers, focusing on the connectivity between words derived by classifying review data into positive and negative reviews. Consumers regarded personality and closeness as the most essential characteristics impacting the continued usage of AI speakers as a result of the favorable review survey. These two parameters had a strong correlation with other variables, and connectedness, in addition to the components established from prior studies, was a significant factor. Furthermore, additional negative review research revealed that recognition failures and compatibility are important problems that deter consumers from utilizing AI speakers. This study will give specific solutions for consumers to continue to utilize Amazon eco products based on the findings of the research.

An Analysis of Road User Acceptance Factors for Fully Autonomous Vehicles : For Drivers and Pedestrians (완전 자율주행자동차에 대한 도로이용자 수용성 요인 분석 : 운전자 및 보행자를 대상으로)

  • Jeong, Mi-Kyeong;Choi, Mee-Sun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.117-132
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze factors that affect road users' acceptance of fully autonomous vehicles (level 4 or higher). A survey was done with drivers of general cars and pedestrians who share roads with fully autonomous vehicles. Five acceptability factors were selected: trust towards technology, compatibility, policy, perceived safety, and perceived usefulness. The effect on behavioral intention was analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The perceived safety and trust towards technology were found to be very important in the acceptance of fully autonomous vehicles, regardless of the respondent, and policy was not influential. Compatibility and perceived usefulness were particularly influential factors for drivers. In order to improve the acceptance by road users, securing technical completeness of fully autonomous vehicles is important. Certification and evaluation of the safe driving ability of fully autonomous vehicles should be thoroughly performed, and based on the results, it is necessary to improve the perception by road users. It is necessary to positively recognize fully autonomous vehicles through education and publicity for road users and to support their smooth interaction.

A Study on the (맹사성 <강호사시가>의 짜임새)

  • Yang Hee-Chan
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.21
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    • pp.143-164
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify that 'Kanghosasiga' is the Ynsijo which has general unification of the content and having general unification is based. on the using one definite frame. although 'Kanghosasiga' used different subject matters that have characteristics of four season in forming one theme. The definite frame is divided into two frames, inner frame and outer frame. Outer frame is common in four works, and it represents the place in which the speaker lives(강호), speaker (이몸), relationship between speaker and the king(군은), the condition of 'kangho' and speaker. And in this paper, the generative condition of phrases is so analyzed that the compression and the simplicity of expression are explained, and the purpose of generative phrases is so analyzed that satisfaction at life is represented. It is considered if it is possible to extended to '태평성대(the happy era)' in the social view. Inner frame is the detail structure of content of the work. Each of the first, second, third of the verses of four works have common structure. After analyzing each content, the characteristic of 'Kanghosasiga' was explained. The first of verses of 'Kanghosasiga' represent gusto of the four season. The second is constructed with 'the clause that functions as instruction' because 'speaker' that is the words that functions as index, and represents in detail gusto of the first. The third is connotative expression connected with the second. The third implies purpose that the writer try to gain private living with formal viewpoint. The structure of the inner frame of 'Kanghosasiga' shows a process; 'introducing season' $\to$ 'gusto about season' $\to$ 'enjoying with season' $\to$ 'peace in mind'. The first of verses of 'Kanghosasiga' is the clue of the second. The second is the reaction of the first. The third has character as estimation of the forepart. The structure of the outer frame can be shown if the structure of the inner frame has '감군은‘(being grateful to king's grace). ultimate purpose of the writer is to praise king's administration.

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The Difference between the Interpretations of Korean Language Experts and Science Education Experts on the Cognitive Domain of Science Achievement Standards: Focus on 'Explain' (과학과 교육과정 성취기준의 인지적 영역에 대한 국어교육전공자와 과학교육전공자의 해석 차이:설명하기를 중심으로)

  • Song, Eunjeong;Je, Minkyeong;Cha, Kyungmi;Yoo, Junehee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.371-382
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    • 2017
  • The texts in the national science curriculum documents are expected to be interpreted in the same meaning as that of the authors. In this study, the science achievement standards in national curriculum documents were examined through an analysis of the differences between the interpretations of Korean language education experts and science education experts. Three Korean language education experts designed and utilized an analysis framework on science curriculum standards from their viewpoints while three science education experts utilized TIMSS cognitive domain framework to analyze the 2009 Korean revised science curriculum achievement standards. The differences between interpretations of both groups were analyzed qualitatively through interviews. First of all, the two groups seemed to have different meanings for terms such as "explain," "analyze," "define," and "cause and effect." The science achievement standards described by general verbs like "explain" were interpreted in various ways. The verb "explain" that appears many times in the science achievement standards seem to be representing the "describe" subsections in the framework of Korean language education expert rather than the "explain" subsections of the framework of science education experts. Science education experts seemed to focus on prepositional phrases, which indicate inquiry process, while Korean language education experts seemed to focus on objective phrases. Moreover, the science education experts would interpret the achievement standards based on their background knowledge while the Korean language education experts would interpret them based on the structure of the sentences. This study suggests that achievement standards should specifically indicate the levels and scopes of cognitive domain as well as the knowledge domain. Also, integrations of achievement standards in cognitive domains of Korean language and science subjects should be considered.