• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공선조건

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Automatic Measurement Method of Traffic Signs Using Image Recognition and Photogrammetry Technology (영상인식과 사진측량 기술을 이용한 교통표지 자동측정 방법)

  • Chang, Sang Kyu;Kim, Jin Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2013
  • Recently, more accurate database information of facilities is being required, with the increase in importance of urban road facility management. Therefore, this study proposed how to automatically detect particular traffic signs necessary for efficient construction of road facility DB. For this study, central locations of facilities were searched, after recognition and automatic detection of particular traffic signs through an image. Then, coordinate values of traffic signs calculated in the study were compared with real coordinate values, in order to evaluate the accuracy of traffic sign locations which were finally detected. Computer vision technology was used in recognizing and detecting traffic signs through OPEN CV-based coding, and photogrammetry was used in calculating accurate locations of detected traffic signs. For the experiment, circular road signal(No Parking) and triangular road signal(Crosswalk) were chosen out of various kinds of road signals. The research result showed that the circular road signal had a nearly 50cm error value, and the triangular road signal had a nearly 60cm error value, when comparing the calculated coordinates with the real coordinates. Though this result is not satisfactory, it is considered that there would be no problem to find locations of traffic signs.

Bundle Block Adjustment of Omni-directional Images by a Mobile Mapping System (모바일매핑시스템으로 취득된 전방위 영상의 광속조정법)

  • Oh, Tae-Wan;Lee, Im-Pyeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.593-603
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    • 2010
  • Most spatial data acquisition systems employing a set of frame cameras may have suffered from their small fields of view and poor base-distance ratio. These limitations can be significantly reduced by employing an omni-directional camera that is capable of acquiring images in every direction. Bundle Block Adjustment (BBA) is one of the existing georeferencing methods to determine the exterior orientation parameters of two or more images. In this study, by extending the concept of the traditional BBA method, we attempt to develop a mathematical model of BBA for omni-directional images. The proposed mathematical model includes three main parts; observation equations based on the collinearity equations newly derived for omni-directional images, stochastic constraints imposed from GPS/INS data and GCPs. We also report the experimental results from the application of our proposed BBA to the real data obtained mainly in urban areas. With the different combinations of the constraints, we applied four different types of mathematical models. With the type where only GCPs are used as the constraints, the proposed BBA can provide the most accurate results, ${\pm}5cm$ of RMSE in the estimated ground point coordinates. In future, we plan to perform more sophisticated lens calibration for the omni-directional camera to improve the georeferencing accuracy of omni-directional images. These georeferenced omni-directional images can be effectively utilized for city modelling, particularly autonomous texture mapping for realistic street view.

Automatic Extraction of Buildings using Aerial Photo and Airborne LIDAR Data (항공사진과 항공레이저 데이터를 이용한 건물 자동추출)

  • 조우석;이영진;좌윤석
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.307-317
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents an algorithm that automatically extracts buildings among many different features on the earth surface by fusing LIDAR data with panchromatic aerial images. The proposed algorithm consists of three stages such as point level process, polygon level process, parameter space level process. At the first stage, we eliminate gross errors and apply a local maxima filter to detect building candidate points from the raw laser scanning data. After then, a grouping procedure is performed for segmenting raw LIDAR data and the segmented LIDAR data is polygonized by the encasing polygon algorithm developed in the research. At the second stage, we eliminate non-building polygons using several constraints such as area and circularity. At the last stage, all the polygons generated at the second stage are projected onto the aerial stereo images through collinearity condition equations. Finally, we fuse the projected encasing polygons with edges detected by image processing for refining the building segments. The experimental results showed that the RMSEs of building corners in X, Y and Z were 8.1cm, 24.7cm, 35.9cm, respectively.

Evaluation of Initial Moisture Content Effect and Microorganisms Activity in Small-scale Composting Equipment (소규모 퇴비화 장치에서 초기 함수율의 영향 및 분리 균주의 활성도 평가)

  • Juea, Se-Hong;Kong, Sun-Hyung;Choi, Kwang-Soo;Jeun, Hong-gea;Kim, Chang-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 1997
  • Because food waste have high moisture content, landfill or incineration is not most suitable. The reuse of food waste by composting contribute to solve resourse, environmental, aglicultural problems. The purpose of this research is to optimise operating conditions and to develop new microorganisms for recycling of food waste by ultilizing small-scale composting equipment. The reduction rate of food waste was 75~85% by weight, and it was coincided with moisture reduction. When initial moisture was 25%, 45% and 60%, C/N ratio on based net weight was 9.8, 10.7 and 11. 8, respectively. And it was suitable for composting. But, The developed microorganism, PNU2, was better than existing commercial seed in the activity based on $CO_2$ concentration.

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Hybrid Camera System with a TOF and DSLR Cameras (TOF 깊이 카메라와 DSLR을 이용한 복합형 카메라 시스템 구성 방법)

  • Kim, Soohyeon;Kim, Jae-In;Kim, Taejung
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.533-546
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a method for a hybrid (color and depth) camera system construction using a photogrammetric technology. A TOF depth camera is efficient since it measures range information of objects in real-time. However, there are some problems of the TOF depth camera such as low resolution and noise due to surface conditions. Therefore, it is essential to not only correct depth noise and distortion but also construct the hybrid camera system providing a high resolution texture map for generating a 3D model using the depth camera. We estimated geometry of the hybrid camera using a traditional relative orientation algorithm and performed texture mapping using backward mapping based on a condition of collinearity. Other algorithm was compared to evaluate performance about the accuracy of a model and texture mapping. The result showed that the proposed method produced the higher model accuracy.

Creating Mosaic Image of the Korean Peninsula from CORONA Imagery (CORONA 영상을 이용한 한반도 지역 모자이크 영상 제작)

  • Song, Yeong-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.13 no.4 s.34
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2005
  • The urbanization of Korea has been rapidly progressed since 1960, but satellite imagery have provided the information only after 1975. Recently released CORONA imagery is one of the few source of satellite image which can provide 1960's topographic information of the Korean Peninsular. It can be applied to change detection in various fields such as urban, forest, and environmental planning. In this research mosaic image of past Korean Peninsular using CORONA imagery in the 1960s were generated. A polynomial equation and a modified collinearity equation were applied for geo-referencing and a comparative analysis was conducted. In this research the 2nd polynomial equations were used for geo-referencing of CORONA imagery. After carrying out geo-referencing, mosaic image was generated using Erdas Imagine. It is assumed that this result image is very useful for various fields such as generation of thematic maps, urban planning, and change detection.

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The Measurement of Coastal Sand Dune's Height using Digital Photogrammetry (디지털 사진측량에 의한 해안사구의 고도값 측정)

  • 김민호;유근배;조봉환
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.317-329
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    • 2002
  • Coastal landforms such as sand beach and coastal sand dune are changing dynamically, and the research about them is being conducted. Conventionally the leveling method has been applied to measuring heights of dynamic morphological surface in coastal landforms. We applied the photograrmmetric method which was not considered to measure the heights on coastal sand dune’s profile to calculating the heights of coastal sand dune; that is, the heights of unknown points on coastal sand dune’s profile was reckoned from the digital photographs’stereo pairs through bundle adjustment and backward transform of collinearity condition equation. we used six GCPs to perform bundle adjustment. After backward transform the error of heights between surveyed value and computed value was estimated around 10cm. In general, the pole is not adamantly fixed on the surface of coastal sand dune because of its softness, and then the disturbance of coastal sand dune adjoining surveyed area can be made in small area. Digital photogrammetry can solve the problem which conventional leveling method has, and be replaced it.

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Experimental Study for Establishing Rail Grinding Period in the Urban Railway (도시철도 레일연마주기 산정을 위한 시험적 연구)

  • Sung, Deok-Yong;Go, Dong-Chun;Park, Yong-Gul;Kong, Sun-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.447-454
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    • 2010
  • The defects of rail head induced by fatigue and deterioration are mainly classified by two types ; one occurred on the surface of rail head the another occurred on the inner rail head. This study performed the surface irregularity measurement of rail head according to the passing tonnage in the urban railway. Also, we carried out microscopic structure test, chemical component test and micro-hardness test for the specimen which is the used rail on metro line by accumulated passing tonnage. As a result of this study, for new rail, it should be performed initial grinding in order to remove 0.3mm of de-carbonized layer. The preventive-cyclic grinding for preventing RCF defects is proposed two options : grinding by the whole line and grinding by specified sections.

Development of Joint Survey System using Photogrammetric Technique (사진측량기법에 의한 절리조사 시스템 개발)

  • Son, Youngjin;Kim, Jaedong;Jeong, Wansoon;Kim, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Ki-Seog
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2014
  • In this study, a joint survey system was developed to efficiently analyze geometrical characteristics of joint structures in rock mass using photogrammetric technique. The system includes both hardware and software. The hardware consists of a high resolution image camera for photographing image of a surface of rock body, a direction controlling system for adjusting the attitude of camera, and a digital compass for measuring the rotation angle of camera. The software was also developed in order to analyze the orientation, density, mean length of joints revealed on the images of rock surfaces. The software developed in this study was named as JointeXtractor. As applying this system into several field measurements, the orientation, density, mean length of joints could be quantitatively measured through analyzing the images of rock surfaces, in which the case of a difficult-to-access area was especially included for the test of the system.

Automatic Extraction of 3-Dimensional Road Information Using Road Pavement Markings (도로 노면표지를 이용한 3차원 도로정보 자동추출)

  • Kim, Jin-Gon;Han, Dong-Yeub;Yu, Ki-Yun;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.4 s.31
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we suggest an automatic technique to obtain 3-D road information in complex urban areas using road pavement markings. This method is composed of following three main steps. The first step is extracting the pavement markings from aerial images, the second one is matching the same pavement markings in two aerial images, and the last one is obtaining the 3-D coordinates of those using EOP(exterior orientation parameters) of aerial images. Here, we focus on the first and second step because the last step can be performed by using the well hewn collinearity condition equation. We used geometric properties and spatial relationships of the pavement markings to extract the lane line markings on the images and extracted arrow lane markings additionally using template matching. And then, we obtained 3-D coordinates of the road using relational matching for the pavement markings. In order to evaluate the accuracy of extraction, we did a visual inspection and compared the result of this technique with those measured by digital photogrammetric system.

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