• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공동형

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성인병 뉴스 제316호

  • The Korea Association of Chronic Disease
    • The Korean Chronic Disease News
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    • no.316
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2007
  • 충남 금산군 보건소 송기철 소장/“건강한 생활, 쾌적한 환경, 건강을 걸읍시다”/선진국형 당뇨병치료 시범사업 실시/‘응급의료 인프라’지속적 개선/국내 당뇨병환자 269만명 추정/암 관리사업 연구협력 활성화/노인 인구집단 성병 감염실태 조사/하루 전 국민 5.4%가 의료기관 이용/대한피부과학회‘피부건강 10계명’/의약품 공정거래 자율준수프로그램 도입/‘레보텐션’가처분 결정 취소 판정/LG생명-다케다, 비만치료제 공동연구/“건강도시 건강수도 금산”/맞춤형 방문건강관리사업/“가장 손쉽고 좋은 운동, 건강의 비결은 걷는데 있습니다”/부실한 인적 자본, 미래 위한 건강투자 시급/

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중수도 보급 활성화를 위한 시책 방안

  • 김두환
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • s.65
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    • pp.95-108
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    • 1995
  • 환경부는 장기적인 물부족현상심화와 수돗물 활용이 크게 늘어날 것에 대비해 현행 수도법상 권장 사항으로 되어 있는 중수도 제도를 의무화시키는 방안을 마련하기로 했다. 환경부는 중수도제도가 의무화될 경우 하루 평균 1천톤 이상의 물을 사용하는 각종 공장과 5백톤 이상 쓰는 백화점$\cdot$호텔 등 대형건물 그리고 3백세대 이상의 아파트 등 공동주택 등을 적용대상으로 잡고 있다. 또한 환경부는 절수를 생활화한다는 차원에서 중수도 제도의 보급 확대와 함께 절약형 수도용구의 사용과 절약형 수세식 변기 설치를 의무화할 방침이다. 본고는 제일컨설팅주관으로 서울 다이내스티호텔 회의실에서 개최된 중수도 시스템의 보급 시공 기술 세미나 내용을 전면 발췌한 것이다.

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「지능형 마이크로 시스템」 개발사업의 현장

  • Jang, Jae-Yeol
    • The Science & Technology
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    • no.7 s.410
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2003
  • 기술로 세계 시장을 선점하기 위한 정부의 전략기술개발 사업인 '21세기 프런티어 연구개발사업'이 추진 3년만에 조금씩 성과를 나타내고 있다. 프런티어 사업은 현재 총 19개 과제로 10년간 연구가 진행되는 장기과제로 구성되어 있다. 연구개발은 과학기술부와 민간이 공동으로 수행하며 여러 연구 주체가 참여한다. 과제별로 사업단이 구성돼 총괄, 지휘, 통합하는 역할을 한다. 그 첫 번째로 1단계 연구를 끝낸 '지능형 마이크로시스템 개발사업' (사업단장 박종오, 한국과학기술연구원)의 성과와 전망을 알아본다.

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지능형생산시스템(IMS) 기술 개발을 위한 국제 IMS 프로그램과 국내 추진 현황

  • 이영수;최병욱;이현정
    • ICROS
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 1997
  • 본 글에서는 21세기를 대비한 차세대생산시스템으로 일컬어지는 지능형생산시스템(IMS: Intelligent Manufacturing System)의 기술 개발을 위해 국제공동연구로 진행되고 있는 "국제 IMS 프로그램"을 소개하고 우리나라의 추진현황에 대해서도 설명한다. 제 2절에서는 국제 IMS 프로그램의 개요로서 추진배경, IMS의 목표, 참가국 및 추진체계, 자금운영 방법 등에 대해 설명한다. 제 3절에서는 국제 IMS 프로그램에서 수행하는 프로젝트들을 소개하며, 국내의 IMS 추진전략 및 주요활동 등을 제 4절에서 설명한다.

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A Study on the Reinforcement Case of Bridge Foundation in the Limestone Cavity with CGS Method (CGS 공법 적용 석회암 공동지역의 교량기초보강 사례 연구)

  • Park, Sungsu;Hong, Jongouk;Chun, Byungsik
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2013
  • Limestone typically forms large caverns such as reticular caverns or limestone caves, and also forms sinkhole and doline. These caverns cause different settlement when constructing roads, dams, etc. because the foundation cannot sustain the upper structures. So it is necessary to reinforce foundation such as cavern filling method, etc. In this study, ground reinforcement for structure foundation was carried out using CGS method in limestone cavity area and evaluation of reinforcement effect from engineering viewpoint was conducted through the field test. Among others, boring test was carried out to identify the ground structure and engineering characteristics. After CGS reinforcement, boring test was conducted for supplementary verification, and with reinforcement core taken during boring test, rock test was carried out to identify the physical properties of reinforcement material. After applying CGS method, rock test of the typical specimen, among reinforcement cores, taken from boring test was carried out and physical properties of the reinforcement was identified. As a result of compressive test of core sample, material inside the cavity was filled properly, indicating compressive strength of 12.2~19.2(MPa) which was evaluated acceptable. Thus the limestone cavity proved to have been reinforced successfully.

Mechanical Stability Analysis to Determine the Optimum Aspect Ratio of Rock Caverns for Thermal Energy Storage (열에너지 저장용 암반 공동의 최적 종횡비 결정을 위한 역학적 안정성 해석)

  • Park, Dohyun;Ryu, Dongwoo;Choi, Byung-Hee;Sunwoo, Choon;Han, Kong-Chang
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.150-159
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    • 2013
  • It is generally well known that the stratification of thermal energy in heat stores can be improved by increasing the aspect ratio (the height-to-width ratio) of the stores. Accordingly, it will be desirable to apply a high aspect ratio so as to demonstrate the good thermal performance of heat stores. However, as the aspect ratio of a store increases, the height of the store become larger compared to its width, which may be unfavorable for the structural stability of the store. Therefore, to determine an optimum aspect ratio of heat stores, a quantitative mechanical stability assessment should be performed in addition to thermal performance evaluations. In the present study, we numerically investigated the mechanical stability of silo-shaped rock caverns for underground thermal energy storage at different aspect ratios. The applied aspect ratios ranged from 1 to 6 and the mechanical stability was examined based on factor of safety using a shear strength reduction method. The results from the present study showed that the factor of safety of rock caverns tended to decrease with the increase in aspect ratio and the stress ratio of the surrounding rock mass was influential to the stability of the caverns. In addition, the numerical results demonstrated that under the same conditions of rock mass properties and aspect ratio, mechanical stability could be improved by the reduction in cavern size (storage volume), which indicates that one can design high-aspect-ratio rock caverns by dividing a single large cavern into multiple small caverns.

From Closed Community to Open Community -Weakening of Relation-Based Welfare and Searching for Alternatives- (닫힌 공동체로부터 열린 공동체로 -연복지의 쇠퇴와 그 대안의 모색-)

  • Hong, Kyungzoon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.65 no.2
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    • pp.179-201
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    • 2013
  • Since the 1960s, Korean welfare regime has been characterized by developmental welfare regime, of which invisible welfare programs like relation-based welfare are one of core elements. Developmental welfare regime of Korea has been dismantled after 1990s by the internal and external pressures. Focusing on the declines of relation-based welfare, this study examines the dismantle of developmental welfare regime of Korea. Since the late-1990s, the roles of inter-family income transfer and public income transfer are significant changed in terms of each share of total household income and each contribution of poverty alleviation. In other words, the role of public welfare has been growing while that of relation-based welfare has been decreased in the last twenty years. For the sake of a successful welfare regime transition in Korea, redistributional function of public welfare is quite important, but the development of reciprocal social economy and open community are also needed. Because, at this time and in this place, traditional welfare state building strategy is not proper in many aspects. However, it is impossible to achieve the development of reciprocal open community by restoration of relation-based welfare which has been already declined. This study regards enlargement of social economy or third sector as a development of reciprocal open community, and insists that cooperatives are especially worthy of notice.

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The Effect of Green Roof Load on the Structural Design of Roof Slab of LH Housing and Service Facilities (옥상녹화하중이 LH 공동주택 및 부대복리시설의 옥상층 슬래브 설계에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Bum-Sik;Kwon, Hyuck-Sam;Kim, Jung-Gon;Kim, Ji-Hyeon
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2016
  • This paper contains structural analysis and design regarding how three types of green roof load affect roof slab design of LH housing and facilities. Based on the Structural analysis, an appropriate Roof slab rebar guideline and roof slab thickness have been set up for the green roof load which takes effect on structural design of roof slab. Result of structural analysis and design has been made as follows. Roof slabs can arrange the slab rebar(D10) within the 200~250mm disregarding the types of the green roof load and the pattern of green roof load; also, slab thickness can be designed within 150mm. Moreover, even if the concrete design strength of roof slab changes to 24, 27, and 30MPa, D10 rebar can still be arranged within 200~250mm, and 150mm for slab thickness. Two-way slab of commercial building was appeared to be arranged by slab rebar(D10) within 200mm and 150mm for slab thickness disregarding the soil type or the soil thickness of green roof.

Capacity Building Programs for Emerging Countries by the Korean Regional Innovation Model: Policy Analysis and Suggestions (한국형 지역혁신모델의 신흥국 전수사업 : 정책분석과 제안)

  • Kim, Hak-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2018
  • Recently, emerging countries have been paying attention to Korean economic development policy, trying to adopt the Korean regional innovation model. Korea is also interested in exporting its regional innovation model and enhancing economic cooperation with those countries. This paper aims to analyze the capacity-building programs of the Korean regional innovation model for emerging countries and suggests policies for it. For this purpose, the local innovators' participation patterns in the process of collaborative learning/networking/interaction are investigated with a focused group-interview method. From an analysis of the programs supported by Korean organizations, this study finds that the correlation coefficient between the training time of capacity building and the participation rate of local members' collaborative learning is very high (0.975). Since the correlation coefficient between the participation rates of collaborative learning and networking is relatively low (0.667), a policy to link local collaborative learning to networking should be provided. As the correlation coefficient between the participation rates of networking and interaction is high (0.950), networking is a key to regional innovation. This study recommends activity programs to promote networking among local innovators, rather than training and consulting programs. As introduced in the Chungnam Techno Park case, this study suggests that the capacity-building program should include programs to initiate a collaborative learning network, to create a local-demand, regional innovation model, and to operate the regional innovation platform, which should be done by local innovators in the emerging countries.

A Study on the Role of Service Design in Creating Resident-driven Safe Community (주민주도형 안전 공동체 조성에 있어 서비스디자인의 역할 탐색)

  • Jeon, Young-Ok
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.407-414
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    • 2017
  • With an increase in urban crimes in various forms, this study is intended to analyze the effectiveness of the service design that presented a new model resolving crime risks through differentiated thinking paradigm and problem approaches. The empirical case addressed in this study is 'the project to create resident-driven safe community in Duryu-dong, Dalseo-gu, Deagu though service design'. This project is evaluated as having prepared a prevention-oriented local safety system through a preemptive and resident-centered process. The project was promoted as a 'natural monitoring capacity building program' for residents to prevent local crimes, a 'social role expansion program' for local safety, and 'crime prevention environment design', which provides comprehensive solutions for residents' safety. Here, designers act as exerts in designing a task-based platform that can be driven by residents rather than a visual environment improver, and reorganizing the local ecosystem by expanding the opportunities for residents to interact. This case identifies the role of service design as binding the solidarity of local residents beyond the improvement of the crime environment and giving them the potential capacity to maintain a safe living space in relation to a safety issues of community.