• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공동현상

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Analytical Framework for the Impact of Technical Change on Business Model Innovation (기술 변화의 영향을 고려한 비즈니스모델 혁신 분석 틀)

  • Lim, Hong-Tak;Han, Jeong-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2019
  • The paper proposes an analytical framework for the impact of technical change on business model innovation. Based upon the examination of the relationship between the mission of business and technology, it introduces classification of technology-based business models such as problem-solving model, production model and network model, respectively employing intensive technology, interlinked technology and mediating technology as a key technology. The discussion of various cases of business model innovation shows that the impact of digital technology is first translated into the value generation in terms of efficiency or effectiveness. These new values then enable a new business model which is based on a different key technology through business model shift, expansion, unbundling, or platform. Quite often those business model changes involves system-wide innovation. The framework for the analysis of the impact of technical change on business model innovation is presented with directions for future research.

Recent clinical trials with ultrasound induced blood-brain barrier opening (초음파 기반 혈뇌장벽 개방에 관한 최신 임상시험 연구 현황)

  • Park, Juyoung
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.564-569
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    • 2022
  • Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) is the brain protecting system blocking the inflow of harmful substances into brain parenchyma from brain blood vessel. However, the BBB has a negative effect on the treatment of various brain diseases such as Alzheimer's dementia or brain tumors because it also prevents drug delivery into brain parenchyma. To overcome this problem, a brain drug delivery technique using Focused Ultrasound (FUS) which allows BBB to be temporarily opened by inducing the acoustic cavitation effect of microbubbles has been developed. Thus far, various studies using the FUS technique has been conducted to improve drug delivery efficiency, and therefore, this paper discusses recently developed drug delivery technologies using the FUS-induced BBB opening.

Investigating the Causes and Control Measures for Precipitated Suspended Solids in the Underground Reservoir Tank in an Apartment (공동주택 지하저수조 내 침전된 부유성 고형물의 발생원인 및 제어방안)

  • JunYoung Jang;JooWon Kim;KiPal Kim;HyunSang Shin;ByungRan Lim
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2023
  • The reservoir tank in an apartment is crucial for maintaining the quality of drinking water after it has undergone treatment. Investigating the water quality and potential contaminants in the reservoir tank is essential to ensure the safety of the drinking water. This study examined the water quality and precipitated suspended solids that accumulate at the bottom of the reservoir tanks in four apartments located in Gyeonggi province. As a result of the water quality investigation, turbidity increased proportionally to the distance from the water treatment plant (WTP) to the household. Heavy metals were also detected in the reservoir tank inlet but not in the water supplied from the WTP. The precipitated suspended solids (SS) in the reservoir tank contain high levels of heavy metals and total organic carbon (TOC). The precipitated SS mainly consists of Al, Mn, and Fe, which are expected to be a combination with turbidity-inducing substances. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed the presence of γ-FeO(OH), MnO2, and β-Fe2O3 in the SS. Additionally, F-EEM analysis indicates that the dissolved organic matter in the SS is mainly derived from a natural water source and microorganism activities, including metal-oxidizing bacteria and biofilms that can absorb metal ions. Based on these findings, several countermeasures can be taken to prevent the inflow of SS into the household, including regularly cleaning the reservoir tank, replacing or cleaning old pipes in the water supply system, and implementing monitoring and filtering systems to manage the SS.

Water Quality Variation and Corrosion Index Characteristics of Underground Reservoir in Apartment (공동주택 지하저수조의 수질변화 및 부식성 특성)

  • JunYoung, Jang;JooWon, Kim;YuHoon, Hwang;KiPal, Kim;HyunSang, Shin;ByungRan, Lim
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.275-281
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    • 2022
  • To maintain water quality after water treatment, monitoring whether the quality of treated tap water quality changes is essential. However, current investigations are insufficient to prevent secondary contamination in drinking water supply systems. This study investigated Gyeonggi's e apartment where a red water problem occurred and monitored the water quality and corrosiveness of the overall water supply system to the apartment from June 2021 to April 2022. In a comparison of drinking water quality after water treatment and the influent of the reservoir, turbidity and heavy metal concentrations were increased and residual chlorine was decreased due to increases in temperature. Correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that a low level of residual chlorine may cause the abscission of Mn2+ and Fe2+ through microorganism activation, which also causes a high level of turbidity. The corrosion index (LI) in the influent of the reservoir tank was increased due to Ca2+ and temperature. These results indicate that the corrosiveness of drinking water and the deterioration of drinking water quality were mainly increased between the drinking water treatment plant and the reservoir tank's influent. The findings provide clear evidence that it is essential to manage water supply systems and reservoir tanks to prevent the secondary contamination of drinking water.

Effect of University Closure on the Prices of Nearby Apartments -In the Case of Dong-Pusan College- (대학의 폐교지정이 주변 지역 공동주택 가격에 미치는 영향 -동부산대학교를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Min Kyu;Kim, Hyunsoo;Choi, Yeol
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.273-279
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    • 2022
  • In a recent decade, university closures have been a critical regional issue as a total of 17 universities have been closed while many more are facing closure in Korea. The local impact of university closures in the regions with declining populations has been far more detrimental and considered as one of the significant factors of the declining local economy, especially in the neighboring residential sectors. This study has taken an empirical approach to investigate the local impact of university closure on the housing market through a case of Dong-Pusan College in Busan, Korea. The study utilized Difference-in-Difference (DiD) to analyze the housing prices in proximity to the university and identified several factors associated with the local decline in the housing market in relation to university closure.

Evaluation of Sleeper Supporting Condition for Railway Ballasted Track using Modal Test Technique (모달시험기법을 이용한 자갈궤도의 침목지지조건평가)

  • Jung-Youl Choi;Tae-Jung Yoon;Jee-Seung Chung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.537-542
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    • 2023
  • Recently, deformation of operating railway structures has occurred due to adjacent excavation works such as new structures and utility tunnel expansion concentrated around downtown areas. However, most of them are focused on structural review, repair and reinforcement of structures. A review of the Track is insufficient. In particular, in the case of the gravel track on the earthwork subgrade, the subgrade and the ballast are not solidified. A slight level of deformation can cause ballast relaxation. Sleeper support conditions may lead to unstable conditions. Sufficient safety must be ensured. In addition, it is a track type with a high risk of train derailment due to unstable support conditions. In this study, the correlation between the deformation characteristics of gravel tracks and track support performance according to subgrade deformation is experimentally and analytically verified. In addition, an evaluation technique that can evaluate the condition of the gravel track and the track support stiffness is presented.

A Study on the Policy and Legal issues of Urban Regeneration (도심재생의 정책 및 제도에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Jun-mo;Park, Jung-min
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.1D
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2008
  • The CBDs of major cities in Korea have been deteriorating because of the hollowing-out phenomenon caused by decades-long urban sprawl. The weakening of CBD triggered various efforts to revitalize the area; and several cities have launched regeneration policies in recent years. The purpose of this study is to investigate key factors to revitalize CBD area with reference to various experiences of foreign and domestic countries. This study consists of follows. At first, it analyzes theoretic backgrounds of urban regeneration such as new urbanism; and implements case studies of England, USA, and Japan with respect to their relevant laws and policies. Second, it investigates domestic cases of so-called Newtown projects being implemented in Seoul and Dajeon. We focused on the analysis of strategies and characteristics of housing redevelopment as well as regional center revitalization projects happening in these cites. Lastly, we proposed future directions of urban regeneration in Korea based upon the comparative studies of various cases discussed in this study. The study concludes that diverse efforts in terms of project implementation, planning, and money raise are required for successful urban regeneration in Korea.

Modeling of rock dilation and spalling in an underground opening at depth (대심도 지하공동에 발생하는 암반의 팽창 및 스폴링 현상 모델링)

  • Cho, Nam-Kak;Lee, Yong-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents both numerical and physical modeling approaches for the dilation and spalling of rock recognized as typical process of rock around an underground opening at depth. For physical approach, laboratory testing of rectangular beams using a synthetic rock was used to investigate the onset of dilation and spalling. The beams are axially compressed and subjected to 4-point bending to provide non-uniform compressive stresses which are similar to the maximum tangential stress distribution around circular openings. Discrete element numerical analyses using commercial code $PFC^{2D}$ (Particle Flow Code) were performed to evaluate the stress path at various locations in the beams. The findings from these approaches suggest that the onset of dilation in laboratory tests appears to be a good indicator for assessing the stress magnitudes required to initiate spalling.

Establishment of digital twin based water resources management platform (디지털 트윈 물관리 플랫폼 구축 및 고도화)

  • Cho, Wan Hee;Chae, Byung Soo;Kwon, Moon Hyuck;Kim, Jin Gon;Kim, Ki Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.115-115
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    • 2022
  • 2020년 역대 최장의 기간을 기록한 장마는 8월초 기록적인 폭우와 홍수로 이어지면서 전국 곳곳에 많은 인명과 재산피해 등 커다란 상처를 남겼다. 최근의 재해 발생 및 특성을 살펴보면 수자원 시설물의 운영·관리 기준의 한계를 벗어난 극단적 기후 현상의 규모와 발생빈도가 급격하게 증가하는 추세가 나타나고 있다. 이처럼 기후위기의 영향으로 집중호우, 극한가뭄 등의 발생빈도와 그 강도가 급증하는 상황에서 실제상황을 보다 신속, 정확하게 모니터링하고 예측하여 물관련 재해를 예방하고 대처하는 것은 무엇보다 시급한 과제라 할 수 있다. 또한 세계 각국은 코로나19로 인한 패러다임의 변화에 대응하고 경제위기 극복을 위해 산업 전반에 걸쳐 디지털 전환을 가속화 하고 있다. 정부도 코로나19로 촉발된 위기 극복을 위해 한국판 뉴딜의 대표과제로 디지털 트윈 사업을 추진하고 있다. K-water는 정부의 디지털 전환 정책에 발맞추어 기후위기에 따른 물관리의 복잡성, 불확실성에 대응하고 효율성과 신뢰도를 제고하기 위해 섬진강유역을 대상으로 디지털 트윈 물관리 플랫폼 구축을 추진하였다. 본 플랫폼은 유역내 기상·수문 관측자료를 실시간으로 모니터링하고 홍수, 가뭄, 수질, 댐안전 등 다양한 이슈를 사전에 시뮬레이션하여 결과를 3차원 지형에 표출하고 이에 대한 피드백을 통해 최적의 의사결정을 지원하는 체계로 구성되어 있다. K-water는 물관리 디지털 전환을 위하여 섬진강유역 구축을 기반으로 5대강 유역을 대상으로 플랫폼 구축을 확대할 예정이며, 댐하류·지류 합류부 등 재해 취약지역까지 아우르는 종합적인 물관리 의사결정의 One-System 플랫폼 구축을 확대할 예정이다. 이를 통해 유역 전체의 수문상황을 실시간으로 파악 및 신속하게 대응하고, 정확성이 향상된 의사결정으로 보다 효율적이고 안전한 물관리 기반을 마련하고자 한다. 또한 본 플랫폼에 기반한 디지털 물관리 기술 선도로 새로운 물산업 생태계를 조성하고, 민간기업과의 핵심기술 공동개발 등 기술협력을 통해 디지털 물산업 기술 경쟁력 확보에도 기여하고자 한다.

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Study on the Effect of the Education by the Elderly on the Intergenerational Integration (노인에 의한 교육프로그램의 세대통합 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Jung-Don
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.15-33
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    • 2005
  • This study was aimed at examining the effect of the intergenerational program on the attitudes and intimacy between the elderly and children. The pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was used. The subjects were 232 old persons and 1,687 infants or children. The experimental programs was composed of 232 programmes focused on the education by the elderly and each program was implemented for three months and over. The results of this study showed that the attitude toward other generation of the elderly and children was changed significantly positive and the intimacy between two generations was increased significantly higher after participating in the experimental programmes. Based on the results, the various long-term intergenerational programmes need to be developed and implemented.