• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공동현상

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Cyclic Structural Characteristics of Thermal Bridge Breaker Systems embedded in Reinforced Concrete Slabs (벽-슬래브 접합부에 매립된 열교차단장치의 반복하중에 대한 거동특성 평가)

  • Shin, Dong-Hyeon;Oh, Moung-Ho;Kim, Young-Ho;Kim, Hyung-Joon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.511-521
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    • 2015
  • The thermal bridge occurring in a building influences its thermal performance and durability. The domestic typical multi-unit residential buildings suffer thermal losses resulting from thermal bridges of the balcony slab. To minimize the thermal loss between inside and outside of the balcony slab, thermal bridge breaker(TBB) systems have been developed and applied in building construction. Although thermal bridge breaker systems for reinforced concrete(RC) wall-slab joints can improve the thermal performance of a building, it is necessary to verify the structural performance of TBB systems whether they provide proper resistance for cyclic loading. In order to investigate the structural characteristics of TBB systems embedded in RC slabs, cyclic tests of wall-slab joints were performed by applying two reversed cycles at each up to 30 cycles. The test results show that the RC slabs embedding TBBS systems can present excellent structural performance and the maximum moment capacity, energy dissipation capacity and ductility of TBBs systems are enhanced compared to those of the typical RC slabs.

연구개발의 세계화와 외국인 연구 인력의 활용 전략

  • 임덕순
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technology Innovation Society Conference
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    • 1999.11c
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    • pp.521-543
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    • 1999
  • 최근 과학기술 혁신 활동의 세계화 현상과 함께 한국의 연구개발 활동도 점차 세계화되고 있다. 그러나 한국의 연구개발 활동의 세계화 현상 및 바람직한 방향에 관한 연구는 별로 없다. 세계화에 따라 국내 연구개발 자원의 유출현상도 발생하지만, 해외 연구개발 자원을 활용할 수 있는 기회도 증가한다. 본 논문에서는 연구개발 활동의 세계화에 관한 흐름 및 개념을 제시하고, 국내 외국인 연구 인력의 활용 현황 및 활용성과 영향 요인을 조사하여 외국인 연구인력 활용 방안을 탐색하였다. 외국과의 연구자 교류는 1996년 현재 유입이 약 4,300명, 유출이 약 16,000명으로 유출이 크지만, 많은 규모는 아니다. 국내 활용 외국인 연구자의 경우 1998년에는 주춤하였지만 꾸준한 증가 추세에 있다. 외국인은 비선진국, 특히 러시아 및 중국의 연구자들을 많이 활용되고 있다. 활용 분야는, 기초, 응용, 개발 연구별로 고루 분포되어 있으며, 상대적으로 정보 전자통신, 에너지 및 자원 분야에서 활용을 많이 하고 있었다. 외국인 연구자들이 참가한 프로젝트는 한국에서 기술도입기나 기술성장기에 해당하는 프로젝트들이 거의 대부분이었다. 월평균 급여는 1,500,000원부터 2,300,000원 정도의 범위에 속했다. 활용 기간을 보면 50%이상이 1년 미만이었으며 2년 이상은 약 10%정도 수준으로 단기간 활용을 위주로 하고 있는 편이다. 외국인 연구자 활용의 이유로써는 외국인 연구자가 가지고 있는 과학기술 지식을 흡수하거나 공동으로 신기술 지식을 개발하려는 목적 등이 지원제도 이용 차원이나, 해외 연구 네트워크 구축, 단순한 연구인력 충원 차원 등의 목적보다 많은 것으로 나타났다. 이는 기초과학 수준이 높은 북방권 국가들의 과학자들이 주로 활용되고 있다는 점에서도 잘 알 수 있으며 우리의 과학기술 약점을 보완하는 원천으로써 외국인 연구 인력이 대안이 되고 있음을 시사한다. 본 연구에서는 한국 연구 조직에서 일하는 외국인 연구자들의 동기 및 성과에 영향을 미치는 많은 요인들을 확인할 수 있었다. 상관관계, 분산분석, 회귀분석 등을 통해 활용 성과에 미치는 영향 요인들을 도출하였다. 설문 분석을 통하여 동기 및 성과 사이에는 강한 상관관계가 존재하는 것을 확인할 수 있었으며 이는 전통적인 동기 이론들과 부합한다. 대부분의 변수가 동기 및 성과에 동시에 영향을 미치는 것으로 조사되었으며 그중에서도 조직 협력 문화, 외국인 연구자의 의사소통 및 협력성, 외국인 연구자의 연구 능력 관련 변수들 및 연구 프로젝트의 기술수명주기, 외국인 연구자의 기존 기술지식의 흡수 등이 가장 중요한 변수로 나타났다. 이는 우리가 주로 중국 및 러시아 과학자들을 활용하여 상업화하는 외국인 연구인력 활용 패턴과도 일치하는 결과이다. 즉 우호적인 조직문화를 가지고 있는 연구 조직에서, 이미 과학기술 지식을 많이 가지고 있고 연구 능력도 높은 외국인 과학기술자를, 한국에서 기술이 태동 또는 성장하고 있는 연구 분야에서 활용하는 것이 가장 성과가 좋다는 사실을 확인시켜 주고 있다. 국내에서 최초로 수행된 본 연구는 외국인 연구 인력의 활용 성과가 매우 높으며, 우리의 과학기술혁신시스템을 보완하는 유효한 수단으로써 외국인 연구 인력이 중요한 대안이 될 수 있음을 발견하였다. 외국인 연구 인력을 잘 활용하기 위하여 문제점 및 개선방안을 활용 환경, 연구 인력이 중요한 대안이 될 수 있음을 발견하였다. 외국인 연구 인력을 잘 활용하기 위하여 문제점 및 개선 방안을 활용 환경, 연구 인력관리. 인력 교류사업, 외국인 과학자 지원 창구 등으로 나누어서 정리하였다. 연구시설, 주거시설 등의 하드웨어적 환경에 대한 개선도 중요하지만 연구 인력의 관리 능력 제고, 인력 교류 사업의 개선, 정보 제공 등 소프트웨어적인 활용 능력을 제고하는데 정책적인 관심을 기울이는 것이 중요하다고 판단된다.

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In about Solution for Improvement in the Private Security Sector research (민간경비 구성요인에 따른 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Oh
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.16
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    • pp.265-282
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    • 2008
  • This research aims to provide a solution for the improvement of private security according to the change in criminal environment. The main cause of crime can be found in the anti-functional dimensions including value set disorder, social phenomenon variation, information-based, globalization and urbanization. In this environment, the private security sector has dramatically increased in a quantitative viewpoint, but it is insufficient in a qualitative viewpoint. This paper recognized this problem and demonstrates a solution for improvement through classifying elements of private security into relevant legislation, education institutions, security companies and security associations. The analysis result is a follows: First, motivation and satisfaction rate of escort and security related major has shown to be high. However, respondents evaluated the guard educational institution negatively. Second, the motivation of entering into the private security sector for internal staffs has shown to be positive and sound. However, the job satisfaction rate has shown to be low due to excessive competition, negative perception of occupation and low earning. Third, respondents gave an average mark to the Security Association's management and operation. In addition, the mutual-aid project received the same mark. Negative feedbacks were given to the protection of member's interest and to association operation and policy, while positive feedbacks were given to the degree of member's cooperation towards association policies.

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A Study on the Effect Analysis Which the Activation Plan by Ttransferring Government Building Reaches in the Neighboring Area (공공청사 이전에 따른 활성화 방안이 주변지역에 미치는 영향분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Gu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.2D
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    • pp.275-286
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    • 2009
  • As a government building transferred to the outskirts of a city, it's easy to foresee a doughnut effect from advancement process of the city. In the case of Busan city comparing different cities a doughnut effect is being advanced seriously. To the access method for a city center activation the possibility which there will be a various branch, but in this research we analyzed factors of the stagnation in the public Government building neighboring area. And then made a proposal for the city activation plan by transferring the public Government building, analyze influence to surrounding areas using factor analysis. Hence, the object of this paper is to propose a plan for the activation of existig city and evaluates it which is presented consequently. In the case of Dongrae government office, a problem of the neighboring area and condition of present were surveyed and causes of the stagnation in existing city analyzed. Consequently the important five factors were extracted as follows; 1) historical and the cultural factor, 2) factor of creating the special street, 3) urban planning factor, 4) factor of transferring government office.

A Study on Aspects of Vital Capitalism Represented on Film Contents (영상 콘텐츠에 나타난 생명자본주의적 관점에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Byoung-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 2019
  • After Marx, the issues regarding human labour have been the alienation towards production means and the distributive justice. Fourth industrial revolution and development of AI(Artificial Intelligence) opened the possibility of a independent production and economy system absolutely excluding against human nature and labour. Using robots and AI will deepen demarcation between living things and one not having life, separating the intelligence from the consciousness. At present, so called pre-stage of post human, seeking interests for life, new social relationship and new community will be increased as well. We can understand that interests for small community, self-sufficiency, dailiness, food and body in this context is increasing too. Representative trend towards this cultural phenomena is called as the 'Kinfolk culture.' Work-life balance, 'Aucalme', 'Hygge', 'So-Hwak-Haeng'(a small but reliable happiness) are the similar culture trends as. Vital capitalism, presented by O-Yong Lee, seeks focusing onto living things principles, e.g. 'topophilia', 'neophilia', and 'biophilia' as the dynamics looking for the history substructure, not class struggle and conflicts. He also argues the 'Vital Capitalism' be regarded as a new methodology to anticipate a social system after post human era. G. Deleuze said "arts is another expression method for existential philosophy. It gives a vitality onto philosophy and gives a role to letting abstract concept into definite image." We can find a lot cases arts' imagination overcomes critical point of scientific prediction power in the future prediction. This paper reviews ideas and issues of 'vital capitalism' in detail and explorers imaginating initial ideas of vital capitalism in the film 'Little Forest.'

Using Fuzzy Set-Quality Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to Explore the Factors Influencing on the Hindrance to Tourist Resident's Quality of Life (퍼지셋 질적 비교 분석(fsQCA)을 활용한 관광지 거주민들의 삶의 질 저하에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구 )

  • Hyunae Lee;Hee Chung Chung;Juyeon Ham;Namho Chung
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.113-133
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    • 2019
  • Gentrification, caused by residents who are being forced out due to the rise of rent with vitalization by an excessive increase of city tourists and Touristification, meaning of phenomenon of residents' migration caused by residential area turning into tourist attraction have recently pointed out as a global problem. In Korea, the phenomenon such as environmental pollution, the rise of land value and rent, and the weakening of community culture in Jeju island and Bukchon Hanok Village has appeared as well. This phenomenon has become a serious problem by hindering resident's quality of life. In this circumstance, Smart tourism city has been regarded as a solution of these problems. Hence, this study chose Busan city, which has been designated as a smart city since 2015, and examined the complex impacts of the economic benefits, social costs, environmental substantiality, cultural benefits, and technical effects derived from tourism development on the residents' deteriorated quality of life based on Fuzzy-set Qualitative Analysis (fsQCA). As a result, three patterns of the hindrance to residents' quality of life were derived. If social costs of tourism development are perceived to be large, the residents perceive deteriorated quality of life, even if they recognize essential benefits (technological and economic benefits) (Pattern #1) or secondary benefits (environmental and cultural benefits) (Pattern #2) of tourism development. In addition, some residents were found not to recognize any benefits of tourism development (Pattern #3).

A phenomenon Study on Acceptance Universe of K-pop Audience : Focused on Group Aespa's Universe Case (K-pop 수용자의 세계관 수용 현상 연구 : 그룹 에스파의 세계관 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Nakyung
    • Trans-
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    • v.12
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    • pp.173-222
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    • 2022
  • This thesis examines the 'universe' acceptance phenomenon, currently used as a content strategy in the K-pop field, from the perspective of K-pop audiences, and then attempts to identify their experience of acceptance and the meaning of the universe. For this, tweets related to the universe acceptance experience of Aespa, the group utilizing the universe as a content strategy the most actively, were collected, and this data was analyzed according to a phenomenological approach, an approach to explore the structure of personal experience and the essence of a phenomenon. As a result of analyzing using Moustakas' method, the semantic structure of the universe acceptance phenomenon of K-pop audiences was derived based on 21 thematic units. It was found that current K-pop audiences are experiencing active cultural consumption rather than unilateral or passive through acceptance of the universe. This means that K-pop audiences have the characteristics of active audiences that produce meaning, interact with other fans, and exert influence on outside of community. At the same time, these characteristics affect acceptance of the universe. Simultaneously, through active acceptance experience, it is found that K-pop audiences give a new meaning in the K-pop universe, as "marketing assets", "fandom community assets", and "K-pop industry expansion assets." Among them, the recognition of 'marketing assets' was reaffirmed as a basis for supporting related previous studies. In addition, it derived the new values of the universe in the K-pop field by discovering the meaning of "fandom's specific assets" and "assets of the K-pop industry for expansion". These meanings had not been found that previous studies from the producers' point of view. And then, for the purpose of expanding the value of the universe in the future, it was discussed the direction of the new meaning of the universe. Finally, this study is meaningful in that it revealed the semantic structure of the universe acceptance phenomenon and discovered a new meaning of the universe in the K-pop field. Additionally, it was intended to contribute to expanding the field of research by suggesting various follow-up studies from various perspectives.

Management Guidelines on the Large Old Trees as the Natural Monuments in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi Province through the Analysis of the Growing Environment (생육환경 분석을 통한 서울·인천·경기지역 천연기념물 노거수의 관리방안)

  • Lee, Seung Je
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.88-99
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to formulate management guidelines for Natural monumental old trees in Korea through survey of tree vigor and analysis of growing environments. A total of 20 old trees designated as natural monuments in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi Province were surveyed. The biological characteristics were surveyed with 4 items of species, ages and height of trees. The surrounding environments were surveyed with 2 items of location types and surroundings. The root conditions were surveyed with 2 items of denudation and molding depth. The health conditions were surveyed with 5 items of withering rate, cavity size, bark breakaway rate, damages by blight and insects, and growing tips. The soil conditions were surveyed with 6 items of PH, organic contents, valid phosphoric acid, transposal cations(K, Ca) and soil compaction. On the basis of outcomes of these research items, mutual relations among locations, growings and soil conditions of old trees were analyzed by carring out cross tabulation, correlation, and simple and multiple regression. Management guidelines were presented searching the factors effecting on the health of the monumental old trees. On the biological characteristics, the old trees designated as natural monuments were Pinus bungeana(4 trees), Juniperus chinensis(3 trees), Ginkgo biloba(3 trees), Poncirus trifoliata(2 trees). Actinidia arguta, Wisteria floribunda, Thuja orientalis, Quercus mongolica, Sophora japonica, Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Zelkova serrata, and Pinus densiflora. The tree height ranged from 4.2 to 39.2m, and root collar rounds ranged from 1.01 to 15.2m. On the surrounding environments, The location types ; Gardens(4), historical sites(5), residental sections(3) open agricultural fields(3), mountain hills(3), and near ocean beaches(1) and stream site(1). The surroundings ; 75% denudation of roots, molded more than 10cm except 4 trees(25%). On the health conditions, 1)Withering rate ; Ginkgo biloba(20%) in Yongmoon temple, (5%) in Saki-ri, kanwha-gun, and others had no withering rate. 2) Cavity size ; all subject had $5{\sim}100cm^3$ of cavity. 3) Bark breakaway rate ; Pinus bungeana in Soosong-dong, in the shrine of Confucius, in Samchung-dong, especially high rate of cavity(5~50%) in Seoul area and in Saki-ri, Kangwha-gun were high 45% brakeaway rate. 4) Damages by blight and insects was slight due to managements. 5Growing tips ; In cases of Juniperus chinensis in Changdeok palace and SunnogDang, seoul, growing tips were 1/2, presumably cause by air pollution, and in cases of Fraxinus rhynchophylla in Paju city and Pinus densiflora in BacksaDorip-ri, Icheon city, growing tips were fine, presumably because there were no moldings. On the Soil conditions, Soil pH ranged from 5.2 to 8.3, organic matter contents from 12% to 56%, phosphorus contents from 104 to 618ppm, soil compaction ranged from 7 to 28mm( among them, Denudation was severe with 21~28mm soil compactions in cases of Pinus bungeana in Soosong -dong, Thuja orientalis in Samchung -dong, Ginkgo biloba in the shrine of Confucius and in Yongmoon temple.) Results of cross tabulation, correlation, and regression analysis showed that molding depth was the most serious factor to deteriorate the tree vigor and cambium conductivity. In addition, soil acidity, organic matter contents, disease and insect damages and cambial detachment were also related to the tree vigor. Additional research of these relationships will be needed to conduct more detailed studies. Based on the relationships between the tree vigor and growing environments, it is considered that old trees should be managed to give them more growing spaces and less abuses. Also, molded soils should be removed and further soil-molding around the tree collar should be prohibited. For the construction of systematic management and removal of harmful factors, appropriative management according to spices, persistent monitering of damaged cases and construction of management system through the accumulation of data on the relationships of soil conditions are required.

A Preservation of Traditional Landscape through Co-Prosperity in Local Communities - In Case of "Terraced Paddy Fields of Gacheon Village, Namhae", Scenic Site - (지역공동체 상생을 통한 전통경관 보전방안 - 명승 남해 가천마을 다랑이 논을 사례로 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to preserve the sustainable traditional landscape of the "Terraced Paddy Fields of Gacheon Village, Namhae". To this end, the changes in the traditional landscape and its factors were analyzed, and a conservation plan was sought to coexist with local communities. The results are as follows; First, the traditional scenery of "Terraced Paddy Fields of Gacheon Village, Namhae" is characterized by stonework built on a steep topography to secure cultivated land and narrow rice fields. To this end, local communities have maintained the traditional landscape through their long-established traditional knowledge, but after the designation of cultural heritage, the unique landscape of the "Terraced Paddy Fields of Gacheon Village, Namhae" changed as standardized stone construction methods were applied. Recently, the Cultural Heritage Administration recognized these problems and returned to the direct repair system of local communities, so cultivated land is regaining the scenery of the past. Second, the factors that changed the traditional landscape of the "Terraced Paddy Fields of Gacheon Village, Namhae" were largely found to be a decrease in voluntary conservation consciousness, a limited management range of preservation society, a decrease in agricultural population, and a lack of skilled traditional skills. After the designation of cultural heritage, expectations for policy support by the state or local governments accelerated the damage as existing farmland was neglected, and the lack of agricultural population also resulted in the same result. The preservation society is making efforts to preserve it, but the phenomenon of excessive and insufficient management personnel is intensifying. Conflicts between residents due to profit polarization have spread to the problem of escalating. In addition, there are concerns about the loss of traditional knowledge such as step farming technology and stone construction functions. Third, to suggest a win-win plan with local communities for preserving the traditional landscape, it is necessary to seek the ways to expand farming participants and generate profits through the placement of professional careers and public-private linkage system. In addition, it is desirable to improve the profit distribution system through the preservation society to strengthen the management authority and induce participation. And a support system is required for education on the transmission of terraced farming technology and stone construction functions.

Evolution of Relationship Marketing in the New Reality: Focused on the Pervasiveness of Digital New Media and the Enlargement of Customer Participation (21세기 새로운 현실에서 Relationship Marketing의 진화: 디지털 뉴미디어 환경의 보편화와 고객 참여의 고도화를 중심으로)

  • Lim, Jong Won;Cho, Ho Hyeon;Lee, Jeong Hoon
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.105-137
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    • 2012
  • After relationship marketing emerged as a new approach in the marketing field in the 1980s, it has been widely studied in the United States, Europe and Asia. Rapid environmental changes and global competition has made it inevitable for companies to consider their relationships with the environment more closely. Under these circumstances, relationship marketing has held a position as a pivotal paradigm in the field of strategy as well as in marketing. In addition, relationship marketing has overcome the limitations of a traditional marketing research while providing richer implications in company's marketing activities. The paradigm shift to relationship marketing has brought fundamental changes in a marketing point of view. First, in philosophical aspects, unlike past research which focused solely on customer satisfaction, organizational relationship parameters which focuses on trust and commitment has become key elements of successful relationship marketing while shifts in thoughts naturally take place from adaptive marketing to strategic marketing. Second, in structural aspects, the relational mechanism of governance such as network structure with a variety of relational partners has emerged as a new marketing organization from the previous simple structure focusing on the micro-economic, marketbased trading between seller and customer. Third, in behavioral aspects, it proposed the strategic course of the action of gaining an advantage over the competition on the individual firm level by focusing on building long-term relationships and considering partnership with the components in the entire marketing system, rather than with one-time transaction-centric action between a seller and a customer. Fourth, in the aspects of marketing performance, marketing performance was sought through the long-term and cooperative relationship with various stakeholders, including customers in the marketing system, focusing on the overall competitive advantage based on relationship rather than individual performance of individual companies' marketing activities, such as market share and customer satisfaction. However, studies of relationship marketing were mostly centered in interorganizational relationships focusing on the relational structure and properties of commercial sector in the marketing system. Paradoxically, the circumstance of the consumer's side that must be considered is evolving again in relationship marketing. In structural aspects, a community, as the new relationship governance structure in the digital environment, and in behavioral aspects, the changing role of consumer participation demanding big changes in the digital environment engaged in the marketing system. The possibility of building a relationship marketing community for common value creation is presented in terms of organization of consumers with the focus on changing marketing environment and marketing system according to the new realities of the 21st century- the popularity of digital environments and the diffusion of customer participation. Therefore, future research of relationship marketing must seek for a truly integrated model including all of the existing structure and properties of the research oriented relationship from both the commercial and consumer sector.

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