To establish a system for sperm swim-up separation through sucrose layer, indiscreet sperm migration should sufficiently to block but movement of sperm shouldn't inhibit. Thus, the effects of sucrose levels in sucrose layer, incubation times and types of sucrose layer on sperm separation were examined. And the results obtained were as follows; 1. Layer of 10mM sucrose inhibited sperm swim-up migration through sucrose layer. 2. Incubation for 25 minutes without sucrose layer significantly increased sperm swim-up migration. However, incubation for 10 minutes to induce swim-up through sucrose layer significantly stimulated sperm migration and maintained sperm movement. 3. There was no significant difference between Type I and Type II in barrier effect of sucrose layer. However, sucrose layer of Type II with shorter distance of barrier was efficient for sampling. To elucidate a function of follicular fluid on sperm chemotaxis using in vitro system of sucrose layer of Type II and incubation for 10 minutes, the effects of dilution, heat treatment, and protein and lipid extracts of follicular fluid on sperm swim-up separation were examined. And the results obtained were as follows; 4. Follicular fluid stimulated sperm migration and movement, and significantly-attracted capacitated-sperm at 10% level. 5. Follicular fluid heated at 55$^{\circ}C$ for 30 minutes maintained the effect of follicular fluid stimulating sperm migration and movement. 6. Follicular protein stimulated sperm movement that was reduced by filtration of the protein. 7. Follicular lipid didn't significantly stimulate sperm migration and movement. 8. Both of follicular protein and lipid reduced the effect of follicular fluid stimulating sperm migration and movement. In conclusion, sucrose layer could be used for a barrier against indiscreet sperm migration by swim-up. And follicular fluid stimulated migration and movement of sperm and attracted capacitated-sperm through sucrose layer. Especially, heat-resistant protein of follicular fluid stimulated sperm migration.
The engineered barrier system of high-level radioactive waste disposal must maintain its performance in the long term, because it must play a role in slowing the rate of leakage to the surrounding rock mass even if a radionuclide leak occurs from the canister. In particular, it is very important to clarify gas dilation flow phenomenon clearly, that occurs only in a medium containing a large amount of clay material such as a bentonite buffer, which can affect the long-term performance of the bentonite buffer. Accordingly, DECOVALEX-2019 Task A was conducted to identify the hydraulic-mechanical mechanism for the dilation flow, and to develop and verify a new numerical analysis technique for quantitative evaluation of gas migration phenomena. In this study, based on the conventional two-phase flow and mechanical behavior with effective stresses in the porous medium, the hydraulic-mechanical model was developed considering the concept of damage to simulate the formation of micro-cracks and expansion of the medium and the corresponding change in the hydraulic properties. Model verification and validation were conducted through comparison with the results of 1D and 3D gas injection tests. As a result of the numerical analysis, it was possible to model the sudden increase in pore water pressure, stress, gas inflow and outflow rate due to the dilation flow induced by gas pressure, however, the influence of the hydraulic-mechanical interaction was underestimated. Nevertheless, this study can provide a preliminary model for the dilation flow and a basis for developing an advanced model. It is believed that it can be used not only for analyzing data from laboratory and field tests, but also for long-term performance evaluation of the high-level radioactive waste disposal system.
Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the competitive characteristics of weeds with direct-seeded rice. In both dry- and water-seeded rice a weeds) started to grow over the plant height of rice from 45 days after seeding, and there was a great difference in plant height between rice and weeds from 75 days after seeding. Dry weights of weeds drastically increased from 30 days after seeding in both dry- and water-seeded rice, and the increase of dry weight was faster in dry-seeded rice than in water-seeded rice with time. Although weeds competed with rice at earlier growth stages, they did not reduce rice yields and its components until competition period of 75 days after seeding. Required period of weed free at the beginning of the season was 30 to 45 days from seeding in order to avoid any yield loss. The numbers of panicle per plant, spikelets per panicle, grain weight and yield of rice in dry-seeded rice had highly negative correlations with the growth ratios of Echinochloa crus-galli, Ludwigia prostrata, Cyperus difformis, Bidens frondosa, and Cyperus serotinus. In water-seeded rice, the number of plants, panicle per plant, spikelets per panicle and yield had highly negative correlations with growth rate of Echinochloa crus-galli, but the percentage of filled spikelet had negative correlation with Cyperus difformis. Research indicated that in direct-seeded rice weed competition with rice started from 30 days after seeding and significant yield loss by weed competition occurred from 75 days after seeding.
A mixed farming system that includes organic rice production and freshwater fish farming is being called into attention in Korean agricultural industry and rural areas in order to improve farm management and environmental conservation. This study was conducted to evaluate the environmental and ecological value of such mixed farming practices. Expert assessment and rapid assessment method (RAM) of wetland evaluation were employed for this study. Experts have responded that biodiversity conservation including amphibian and reptile habitat (2.39), aquatic insect habitat (2.36), Fishery habitat (2.34), vegetation diversity (2.13), avian habitat (2.05), and experience and education were the most important function of mixed farming. The wetland function evaluation conducted using modified RAM indicated that rice-fish mixed system showed improvements in most of the evaluated functions, compared to the conventional rice paddies. The overall wetland function of rice paddies in rice-fish mixed system was greatly improved as compared with the conventional rice paddies. Rice paddies are known to play an important role in biodiversity maintenance, and provide ecosystem services such as climate modulation and carbon reduction. Rice-fish mixed system of farming may not only improve various ecosystem services of rice paddies, but may increase farm income through value added fish farming, as well as promotion of social services such as education and maintenance of tradition. Additional research is needed for quantitative analysis of the values gained from the most improved wetland function when mixed farming system is actually put into practice, and to utilize the results in advertising of the organic rice, and in various sectors such as food, education and direct payment policy.
In France, there are many forms of organizations based on the intercommunal solidarity for city development and management. The purpose of the collaboration among Communes is to achieve high quality and well-equipped service-delivery system through co-operation of public services needed grand finances : water supply and sewage system and waste disposal system etc. The cooperation among French Communes and its effects, even though these were owing to the existing French local administration system, continued throughout regional co-management and social co-development process. This study suggested some characteristics and implications of the collaborative-style French new-town development and management organizations focused on the EPA, SAN and CA. First, the role of developmental corporation like EPA and its collaborative structure of decision-making are meaningful, because in these ways many related Communes could share a goal of new town development. Second, the way of new town corporation (SAN) is important in the sense of enabling the Communes to collaborate with each others while maintaining autonomy, so those are not simply state-directed objects, which was very difficult in the former French local administration system. Finally, transforming to CA (Communautes d'agglomeration:city community), EPA as an intercommunal corporation is possible to extend its purpose to the domain of regional planning including new town and periphery areas and change its position to a subject which can practice Commune's sustainable development according to stages of city's development and maturity. The most important implication of this study on urban development in Korea is that administrative consultative council or association among local governments and related authorities need to be established and effectively operate because multi-stakeholders could share a goal of urban development and management through that.
Purpose : To obtain the uniform dose at limited depth to entire surface of the body, the dose characteristics of degraded electron beam of the large target-skin distance and the dose distribution of the six-dual electron fields were investigated Materials and Method : The experimental dose distributions included the depth dose curve, spatial dose and attenuated electron beam were determined with 300 cm of target-skin distance (TSD) and full collimator size (35*35 $cm^2$ on TSD 100 cm) in 4 MeV electron beam energy. Actual collimated field size of 105 cm * 105 cm at the distance of 300 cm could include entire hemibody. A patient was standing on step board with hands up and holding the pole to stabilize his/her positions for the six-dual fields technique. As a scatter-degrader, 0.5 cm of acrylic plate was inserted at 20 cm from the body surface on the electron beam path to induce ray scattering and to increase the skin dose. Results : The full width at half maximum(FWHM) of dose profile was 130 cm in large field of 105*105 $cm^2$ The width of $100\pm10\%$ of the resultant dose from two adjacent fields which were separated at 25 cm from field edge for obtaining the dose unifomity was extended to 186 cm. The depth of maximum dose lies at 5 mm and the 80$\%$ depth dose lies between 7 and 8 mm for the degraded electron beam by using the 0.5 cm thickness of acrylic absorber. Total skin electron beam irradiation (TSEBI) was carried out using the six dual fields has been developed at Stanford University. The dose distribution in TSEBI showed relatively uniform around the flat region of skin except the protruding and deeply curvatured portion of the body, which showed excess of dose at the former and less dose at the latter. Conclusion : The percent depth dose, profile curves and superimposed dose distribution were investigated using the degraded electron beam through the beam absorber. The dose distribution obtained by experiments of TSEBI showed within$\pm10\%$ difference except the protruding area of skin which needs a shield and deeply curvatured region of skin which needs boosting dose.
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of local climatic conditions on the annual increment of Korean white pine planted in Gapyung and Yaungdong. For this, stand variables such as mean DBH, mean height, basal area per hectare, and volume per hectare by stand age were measured and summarized for each locality. Based on these statistics, annual increments for 8 years from stand age 10 to 18 were calculated for each of stand variables. A topoclimatological technique which makes use of empirical relationships between the topography and the weather in study sites was applied to produce normal estimates of monthly mean, maximum, minimum temperatures, relative humidity, precipitation, and hours of sunshine. Then, the yearly climatic variables from 1990 to 1997 for each study site were derived from the spatial interpolation procedures based on inverse- distance weighting of the observed deviation from the climatic normals at the nearest 11 standard weather stations. From these estimates, 17 weather variables such as warmth index, coldness index, index of aridity etc., which affect the tree growth, were computed on yearly base for each locality. The deviations of measured annual increments from the expected annual increments for 8 years based on yield table of Korean white pine were then correlated with and regressed on the yearly weather variables to examine effects of local climatic conditions on the growth. Gapyung area provides better conditions for the growth of Korean white pine in the early stage than Youngdong area. This indicates that the conditions such as low temperature, high relative humidity, and large amount of precipitation provide favor environment for the early growth of Korean white pine. A ccording to the correlation and regression an analysis using local climatic conditions and annual increments, the growth pattern of Gapyung area corresponds to this tendency. However, it was found that the relationship between annual increments and local climatic conditions in Youngdong area shows different tendency from Gapyung. These results mean that the yearly growth pattern could not sufficiently be explained by climatic conditions with high variance in yearly weather variables. In addition, the poor growth in Youngdong area might not only be affected by climatic conditions, but also by other environmental factors such as site quality.
Kim, Soo-Ock;Kim, Dae-Jun;Kim, Jin-Hee;Yun, Jin-I.
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
This study was carried out to evaluate a possible change in freeze risk for 'Changhowon Hwangdo' peach buds in three major peach growing areas under the future climate projected by RCP8.5 emission scenario. Mean values of the monthly temperature data for the present decade (2000s) and the future decades (2020s, 2050s, 2080s) were extracted for farm lands in Icheon, Chungju, and Yeongcheon-Gyeongsan region at 1km resolution and 30 sets of daily temperature data were generated randomly by a stochastic process for each decade. The daily data were used to calculate a thermal time-based dormancy depth index which is closely related to the cold tolerance of peach buds. Combined with daily minimum temperature, dormancy depth can be used to estimate the potential risk of freezing damage on peach buds. When the freeze risk was calculated daily for the winter period (from 1 November to 15 March) in the present decade, Icheon and Chungju regions had high values across the whole period, but Yeongcheon-Gyeongsan regions had low values from mid-December to the end of January. In the future decades, the frequency of freezing damage would be reduced in all 3 regions and the reduction rate could be as high as 75 to 90% by 2080's. However, the severe class risk (over 80% damage) will not disappear in the future and most occurrences will be limited to December to early January according to the calculation. This phenomenon might be explained by shortened cold hardiness period caused by winter warming as well as sudden cold waves resulting from the higher inter-annual climate variability projected by the RCP8.5 scenario.
This paper is a study of the changing nature of software for virtual Cyborg self and the virtual body that occur in the game from a philosophical point of view. Looking broadly, the cyborg concept refers to the combination of man and machine. Specifically, there is a hardware cyborg organism to combine human and restoration of machine In addition, there is software cyborg by electronic the human brain of converting a virtual body. Virtual games are cases software-Cyborg applied. In the game , There seems to have characteristics of virtual body and ego that different from general cyborg meaning. To analyze the features, I applied the concept of software-cyborg of Hans morabek and the multiple selves in cyberspace properties of Kim Sun-Hee. generally, software cyborg cloning the brain type tended to invalidate the body due to the nature of the virtual world. But If you look at third-person's view and the game character that made from real actors, it is pursuing the realism of photographic images and it stressed the need for a virtual body in order to maintain the psychological identity of the player. And, The game player crosses the eight characters to choose while completing the mission. This is a big role in the reality ego leads to the desired final ending with the selection and experience to be experienced as self-replication to multiple. These cyber multi-ego looks for an active and positive features compared to the multi-ego in the real world and highlights the advantages of the software cyborg. Game The characteristics of the final result varies depending on the selection of the player. The life and death of a friend is determined by the relationship between the characters friendship. In this case, the virtual self is empirically through trial and error, moral, and try to select the desired setting the standard for intuitive and self own choice. Also It can be fused to the knowledge of multiple selves as one step is formed by a high spiritual introspection. This process is a positive interpretation of the world and their own forms of mental reflection through self-overcoming human, Nietzsche is said that the process is Wibeomenswi.
The safety related components in the nuclear power plant should be designed to withstand the seismic load. Among these components the integrity of reactor internals under earthquake load is important in stand points of safety and economics, because these are classified to Seismic Class I components. So far the modelling methods of reactor internals have been investigated by many authors. In this paper, the dynamic behaviour of reactor internals of Yong Gwang 1&2 nuclear power plants under SSE(Safe Shutdown Earthquake) load is analyzed by using of the simpled Global Beam Model. For this, as a first step, the characteristic analysis of reactor internal components are performed by using of the finite element code ANSYS. And the Global Beam Model for reactor internals which includes beam elements, nonlinear impact springs which have gaps in upper and lower positions, and hydrodynamical couplings which simulate the fluid-filled cylinders of reactor vessel and core barrel structures is established. And for the exciting external force the response spectrum which is applied to reactor support is converted to the time history input. With this excitation and the model the dynamic behaviour of reactor internals is obtained. As the results, the structural integrity of reactor internal components under seismic excitation is verified and the input for the detailed duel assembly series model could be obtained. And the simplicity and effectiveness of Global Beam Model and the economics of the explicit Runge-Kutta-Gills algorithm in impact problem of high frequency interface components are confirmed.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.