• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간 복잡도

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Development of testing apparatus and fundamental study for performance and cutting tool wear of EPB TBM in soft ground (토사지반 EPB TBM의 굴진성능 및 커팅툴 마모량에 관한 실험장비 개발 및 기초연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Young;Kang, Han-Byul;Shin, Young Jin;Jung, Jae-Hoon;Lee, Jae-won
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.453-467
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    • 2018
  • The excavation performance and the cutting tool wear prediction of shield TBM are very important issues for design and construction in TBM tunneling. For hard-rock TBMs, CSM and NTNU model have been widely used for prediction of disc cutter wear and penetration rate. But in case of soft-ground TBMs, the wear evaluation and the excavation performance have not been studied in details due to the complexity of the ground behavior and therefore few testing methods have been proposed. In this study, a new soil abrasion and penetration tester (SAPT) that simulates EPB TBM excavation process is introduced which overcomes the drawbacks of the previously developed soil abrasivity testers. Parametric tests for penetration rate, foam mixing ratio, foam concentration were conducted to evaluate influential parameters affecting TBM excavation and also ripper wear was measured in laboratory. The results of artificial soil specimen composed of 70% illite and 30% silica sand showed TBM additives such as foam play a key role in terms of excavation and tool wear.

A study on the characteristics of tunnel deformation and support system according to tunnel portal reinforcement method (터널 갱구부 보강방법에 따른 터널 변형 및 지보재 응력특성에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Kyoung-Sun;Seo, Yoon-Sic;Kang, Si-On;Kim, Sang-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.625-639
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    • 2018
  • This study is about the reinforcing type of reinforcement method which is reinforced in tunnel portal of tunnel with bad ground condition. Generally, it is known that the horizontal reinforcement method is more effective than the conventional reinforcement method. However, as a limitation of the tunnel construction technology, it is being constructed by the superposition reinforcement method. In recent years, high-strength large-diameter steel pipes and horizontally oriented longitudes (L = 30.0~50.0 m) construction technology have been developed. Therefore, it is required to study reinforcement method of tunnel portal reinforcement method. Therefore, 3-D numerical analysis (Midas GTS NX 3D) was performed by setting the reinforcement method (No reinforcement type, overlap reinforcement type and horizontal reinforcement type) and ground condition as parameters. As a result, it was considered that the reinforcement effect was the largest as the horizontal reinforcement type of the reinforcement method was the smallest in the displacement and the support material stress. Based on the results of the numerical analysis, horizontal steel pipe grouting was applied to the actual tunnel site. The displacement of the tunnel portal and the stress of the support material occurred within the allowable values and were considered to ensure sufficient stability.

Equivalent Design Parameter Determination for Effective Numerical Modeling of Pre-reinforced Zones in Tunnel (터널 사전보강 영역의 효과적 수치해석을 위한 등가 물성치 결정 기법)

  • Song, Ki-Il;Cho, Gye-Chun
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.151-163
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    • 2006
  • Although various methods for effective modeling of pre-reinforced zones have been suggested for numerical analysis of large section tunnels, tunnel designers refer to empirical cases and literature reviews rather than engineering methods because ones who use commercial programs are unfamiliar with a macro-scale approach in general. Therefore, this paper suggests a simple micro-scale approach combined with the macro-scale approach to determine equivalent design parameters for effective numerical modeling of pre-reinforced zones in tunnel. This new approach is to determine the equivalent stiffness of pre-reinforced zones with combination of ground, bulb, and steel in series or/and parallel. For verification, 3-D numerical results from the suggested approach are compared with those of a realistic model. The comparison suggests that two cases make best approximation to a realistic solution: One is related to the series-parallel stiffness system (hereafter SPSS) in which bulb and steel are coupled in parallel and then connected to the ground in series, and the other is the series stiffness system (hereafter SSS) in which only bulb and steel are coupled in series. The SPSS is recommended for stiffness calculation of pre-reinforced zones because the SSS is inconvenient and time-consuming. The SPSS provides slightly bigger vertical displacement at tunnel crown in weathered rock than other cases and give almost identical results to a realistic model for horizontal displacement at tunnel spring line and ground surface settlement. Displacement trends on weathered rock and weathered soil are similar. The SPSS which is suggested in this paper represents the behavior mechanism of pre-reinforced area effectively.

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Development of a programming logic to estimate the wall friction coefficient in vehicle tunnels with piston effects (교통환기력이 작용하는 터널 내 벽면마찰계수 추정을 위한 프로그램 로직 개발)

  • Kim, Hyo-Gyu;Choi, Pan-Gyu;Ryu, Ji-Oh;Lee, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.39-53
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    • 2018
  • Generally, the total ventilation resistance coefficient in a tunnel consists of inlet/outlet loss coefficient, wall friction coefficient, and other loss coefficient caused by sudden expansion and contraction of cross-section, etc. For the tunnel before opening, when the running ventilation fan is stopped, the wind speed in the tunnel is reduced by the total ventilation resistance drag. The velocity decay method is comparatively stable and easy to estimate the wall friction coefficient in the pre-opening tunnel. However, the existing study reported that when the converging wind speed is a negative value after the ventilation fan stops, it is difficult to estimate the wall friction coefficient according to the velocity decay method. On the other hand, for the operating tunnel in which the piston effect acts, a more complex process is performed; however, a reasonable wall friction coefficient can be estimated. This paper aims at suggesting a method to minimize the measurement variables of the piston effect and reviewing a method that can be applied to the operating tunnel. Also, in this study, a new method has been developed, which enables to calculate an variation of the piston effect if the piston effect is constant with a sudden change of external natural wind occurring while the wind speed in the tunnel decreases after the ventilation fan stops, and a programming logic has been also developed, which enables dynamic simulation analysis in order to estimate the wall friction coefficient in a tunnel.

Scale Estimation of External Garden by Landscape Components and Fractal Structure in Seoseokjiwon(瑞石池園) (영양 서석지원(瑞石池園)의 경관요소를 통한 외원 규모 추정 및 프랙탈 구조(Fractal Structure))

  • Kil, Sung-Ho;Yang, Byoung-E
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2013
  • The studies of Korean traditional gardens have been a lot of diachronic approaches through ancient documents and on-site investigation. Previous research has focused on the characteristics that are inherent symbolism of the traditional landscape space, such as site characteristics. There are many studies for inner gardens, outer gardens and other influential ranges of gardens of the location characteristics. However, studies on the scale of external gardens were not satisfactory from a quantitative perspective. Unlike private life sphere, quantitative analysis was conducted on the role of a sphere of public community life for outer gardens. Visibility analysis was performed through the existing literature and GIS programs to estimate the magnitude of the outer garden. When it was compared with Min G. H.(1982) research, it is almost the same if it is estimated to focus on Buyoung -bong(芙蓉峯) and Ip-am(立巖). Also, as a result of the fractal structure for a variety of symbols in the garden, fractal dimension in landscape elements is relatively concentrated, unlike in other areas. Thus, the external scale can be a means of cultural property protection out of the crucial perspective for the inner garden. There has been consideration of the cooperation with the visual complexity using the concept of fractal structure as one of the elements of landscape analysis.

Study on the Development and Application of Image Viewer System (Image Viewer System의 개발 및 적용에 관한 고찰)

  • Yang, Oh-Nam;Seo, In-Ki;Hong, Dong-Ki;Kwon, Kyeong-Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The number of patients receiving radiotherapy has increased every year and will keep increasing in the future. Therefore, the technique of radiotherapy is developing from day to day, as a result of it, the quantities of image and data used for radiotherapy are also considerably increasing. Therefore, there have been many difficulties in storing, keeping and managing them. Then, we developed and applied this system for improving complicated work process as well as solving these problems with the collaboration Medical Information Team. Materials and Methods: We exported its image at R & V (Record and Verify: Varis vision, Varian, USA) system and planning system after giving some code to be able to access from management system(RO) for department of radiation oncology to PACS. And, we programmed their information by using necessary information among many information included in DICOM head. Results: All images and data generated by our working environment (Simulation CT, L-gram image and internal body structure, DRR, does distribution )were realized at PACS and it became to be possible for clear image to be printed from any computer in department of radiation oncology. Conclusion: It was inevitable to use film during radiotherapy for patients in the past, however, due to the development of this system, film-less system became to be possible. Therefore, the darkroom space and its management cost in relation to the development process disappeared and it became to be unnecessary for spending tangible and intangible financial expense including human resources, time needed for finding film storing space and film and purchasing separate storing equipment for storing images. Finally, we think this system would be very helpful to handle ail complicated processes for radiotherapy and increasing efficiency of overall working conditions.

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Design and implementation of Robot Soccer Agent Based on Reinforcement Learning (강화 학습에 기초한 로봇 축구 에이전트의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, In-Cheol
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.9B no.2
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2002
  • The robot soccer simulation game is a dynamic multi-agent environment. In this paper we suggest a new reinforcement learning approach to each agent's dynamic positioning in such dynamic environment. Reinforcement learning is the machine learning in which an agent learns from indirect, delayed reward an optimal policy to choose sequences of actions that produce the greatest cumulative reward. Therefore the reinforcement learning is different from supervised learning in the sense that there is no presentation of input-output pairs as training examples. Furthermore, model-free reinforcement learning algorithms like Q-learning do not require defining or learning any models of the surrounding environment. Nevertheless these algorithms can learn the optimal policy if the agent can visit every state-action pair infinitely. However, the biggest problem of monolithic reinforcement learning is that its straightforward applications do not successfully scale up to more complex environments due to the intractable large space of states. In order to address this problem, we suggest Adaptive Mediation-based Modular Q-Learning (AMMQL) as an improvement of the existing Modular Q-Learning (MQL). While simple modular Q-learning combines the results from each learning module in a fixed way, AMMQL combines them in a more flexible way by assigning different weight to each module according to its contribution to rewards. Therefore in addition to resolving the problem of large state space effectively, AMMQL can show higher adaptability to environmental changes than pure MQL. In this paper we use the AMMQL algorithn as a learning method for dynamic positioning of the robot soccer agent, and implement a robot soccer agent system called Cogitoniks.

A New Algorithm for the Interpretation of Joint Orientation Using Multistage Convergent Photographing Technique (수렴다중촬영기법을 이용한 새로운 절리방향 해석방법)

  • 김재동;김종훈
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.486-494
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    • 2003
  • When the orientations of joints are measured on a rock exposure, there are frequent cases that are difficult to approach by the surveyor to the target joints or to set up scanlines on the slope. In this study, to complement such limit and weak points, a new algorithm was developed to interpret joint orientation from analyzing the images of rock slope. As a method of arranging the multiple images of a rock slope, the multistage convergent photographing system was introduced to overcome the limitation of photographing direction which existing method such as parallel stereophotogrammetric system has and to cover the range of image measurement, which is the overlapping area between the image pair, to a maximum extent. To determine camera parameters in the perspective projection equation that are the main elements of the analysis method, a new method was developed introducing three ground control points and single ground guide point. This method could be considered to be very simple compared with other existing methods using a number of ground control points and complicated analysis process. So the global coordinates of a specific point on a rock slope could be analyzed with this new method. The orientation of a joint could be calculated using the normal vector of the joint surface which can be derived from the global coordinates of several points on the joint surface analyzed from the images.

Stereo Vision Based 3D Input Device (스테레오 비전을 기반으로 한 3차원 입력 장치)

  • Yoon, Sang-Min;Kim, Ig-Jae;Ahn, Sang-Chul;Ko, Han-Seok;Kim, Hyoung-Gon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.429-441
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    • 2002
  • This paper concerns extracting 3D motion information from a 3D input device in real time focused to enabling effective human-computer interaction. In particular, we develop a novel algorithm for extracting 6 degrees-of-freedom motion information from a 3D input device by employing an epipolar geometry of stereo camera, color, motion, and structure information, free from requiring the aid of camera calibration object. To extract 3D motion, we first determine the epipolar geometry of stereo camera by computing the perspective projection matrix and perspective distortion matrix. We then incorporate the proposed Motion Adaptive Weighted Unmatched Pixel Count algorithm performing color transformation, unmatched pixel counting, discrete Kalman filtering, and principal component analysis. The extracted 3D motion information can be applied to controlling virtual objects or aiding the navigation device that controls the viewpoint of a user in virtual reality setting. Since the stereo vision-based 3D input device is wireless, it provides users with a means for more natural and efficient interface, thus effectively realizing a feeling of immersion.

A Study on the Coordinate-based Intersection ID Composition System Using Space Filling Curves (공간 채움 곡선을 활용한 좌표 기반의 교차로 ID 구성 체계에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun il;Park, Soo hong;Kim, Duck ho
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.124-136
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    • 2019
  • Autonomous driving at intersections requires assistance by exchanging traffic information between traffic objects due to the intersection of various vehicles and complicated driving environment. For this reason, traffic information exchange between adjacent intersections is required, but the node ID representing the intersection in the Korean standard node link system have limitations in updating intersections and identifying location information of intersections through IDs due to the configuration system including serial numbers. In this paper, we designed a coordinate-based intersection ID configuration system created by processing and merging two-dimensional coordinates of intersections to include location information in the intersection ID. In order to verify the applicability of the proposed intersection ID, we applied a new intersection ID to domestic intersections and confirmed that there are no duplicate values. Coordinate-based intersection ID reduces data size by 60% compared to existing node ID, and enables spatial queries such as searching for nearby intersections and extracting intersections in specific areas in the form of boxes without GIS tools. Therefore, coordinate-based intersection ID is expected to be more scalable and utilized than existing node ID.