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An Adaptive FIHS Fusion Using Spatial and Spectral Band Characteristics of Remote Sensing Image (위성 영상의 공간 및 분광대역 특성을 활용한 적응 FIHS 융합)

  • Seo, Yong-Su;Kim, Joong-Gon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2009
  • Owing to its fast computing capability for fusing images, the FIHS(Fast Intensity Hue Saturation) fusion is widely used for fusion purposes. However, the FIHS fusion also distorts color in the same way such as the IHS(Intensity Hue Saturation) fusion technique. In this paper, a FIHS fusion technique(FIHS-BR) which reduces color distortion by using the ratio of each spectral band and an adaptive FIHS fusion(FIHS-SABR) using spatial information and the ratio of each spectral band are proposed. The proposed FIHS-BR fusion reduces color distortion by adding different spatial detail improvement values for each spectral band. The spatial detail improvement values are derived from the ratio of spectral band. And the proposed FIHS-SABR fusion reduces more color distortion by readjusting the spatial detail improvement values for each spectral band according to the ratio of the spectral bands. The spatial detail improvement values are derived adaptively from the characteristics of spatial information of the local image. To evaluate the performance of the proposed FIHS-BR fusion and FIHS-SABR fusion, a computer simulation is performed for IKONOS remote sensing image. Results from the experiments show that the proposed methods have less color distortion for the forest regions which reveal severe color distortion in the traditional FIHS fusion. From the evaluation results of the characteristics of spectral information for fused image, we show that the proposed methods have best results.

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Vulnerability assessment on the location of industrial complex considering climate change -Focusing on physical and economic features of province·industrial complex - (산업단지의 입지적 요건을 고려한 기후변화 취약성 평가 - 지자체 및 산업단지의 물리적·경제적 특성에 집중하여 -)

  • Kim, Yoonjung;Lee, Dongkun;Seo, Changwan;Ryu, Jieun;Chae, Yeora;Baek, Gyounghye;Bae, Chae-Young
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.627-637
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    • 2013
  • 기후변화가 산업단지에 미치는 영향은 지자체에까지 확산될 수 있으며 물리적, 경제적인 영향이 미쳐지므로 어떠한 물리적, 경제적 변수에 의해 산업단지의 피해가 초래되는지 규명될 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 국가 산업단지를 대상으로 산업단지 및 입지 시군구의 물리적, 경제적 특성을 기반으로 한 기후변화 취약성 평가를 수행하고 산업단지 입지에 영향을 미치는 시간, 공간별 극한기후를 규명하고자 하였다. 산업단지의 극한기후에 의한 취약성은 IPCC에서 제안한 상향식 취약성 평가 방법을 따라 분석되었으며 전력요구도, 위험지역유무 등 단지의 물리적 입지조건과 입지 지자체의 기반시설 현황, 지자체와 산업단지의 경제적 특성 등이 평가 기준으로 연구되었다. 기후노출, 민감도, 적응 능력의 항목별 가중치와 항목내 변수들의 가중치 분석에 AHP가 적용되었다. 본 연구는 홍수, 가뭄, 혹서, 혹한, 해수면상승에 대해 취약 입지 시군구를 밝혔고 홍수와 가뭄, 혹서와 혹한별로 대비되는 취약성 결과가 나옴을 고찰하였다. 또한, 각 극한기후별로 적응능력 함양이 시급한 시군구를 밝혀 지자체 차원의 노력이 필요한 시군구를 규명하였다. 서울시 금천구는 산업단지 입지에 가장 취약한 지역으로 나타났으며 홍수, 혹한에서 높은 취약성을 보임이 분석되었다. 한편, 극한기후의 발생에도 불구하고 전반적으로 낮은 취약성을 보인 산업단지 입지 지자체는 광주광역시, 전라북도 익산, 제주시 등으로 분석되었다. 따라서 본 연구는 산업단지의 업종에 따라 적합하지 않은 입지 지역을 규명하였으며 향후 산업단지 입지의 잠재 기후변화 영향을 고려한 의사결정을 지원할 수 있다.

A Study on the Establishment of Course evaluation model in the Cadastral Field (지적분야 과정평가모형 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Yong-Su;Choi, Seung-Young
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.297-312
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    • 2016
  • The current government strives to train those supposed to drive the national economy, and bridge the gap between qualification and industrial sites through competency-based qualification systems, not the educational background. In this regards, the government is planning to adopt the course evaluation qualification system. The course evaluation qualification system, on a basis of the NCS, is a system to qualify certain people completing the education and training fulling a specific requirement for a national technical qualification in case they meet the internally and externally assessed criteria. This can be seen as an attempt to practically link between job training and qualifications. The NCS model and learning module in the cadastral field are already utilized as the training and eduction in the specialized school and colleges. However, the current national technical qualification system is considered as a main system because the course evaluation qualification system has not been introduced yet. This study analyzed the process of the course evaluation qualification system, and conducted a survey to solicit feedback on introduction of course evaluation qualification system, Besides, the NCS evaluation model is presented in order for the introduction of course evaluation qualification system in the cadastral fields.

Convergence Analysis on Policy Decision Making Factor of Local Construction Planning Phase by Using Unstructured Data in point of the Technology and Culture (비정형 데이터 분석을 통한 기술과 문화의 융합적 관점의 지역 건설기획단계 정책의사결정 영향요인 분석)

  • Park, Eun Soo;Kim, Ji Eun
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.23
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    • pp.149-162
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    • 2016
  • Here are background, method, scope, main contents of this research. As the interests increased in recent about the construction in complex and diverse areas, construction is locally connected to human life like to coexistence of the technology and culture. The local development should not be fragmentary construction to improve local recycling ability. Local society should be inherited by modern cultural perspective through a variety of local culture and coexistence. Effective decision making analysis is necessary to build a livable area with a combination of high-tech industry. For this reason, this paper will study the political analysis for decision making at the planning stage of construction in point of fusion of technology and culture by using unstructured data analysis. Conclusion is as in the following. Local planning stage of construction describes diverse meanings of intangible and intangible factors as political factor. Technology factors have various qualitative and quantitative factors in construction field. Understanding decision making at the planning stage of construction means not only visible 'technology factor' such as structure, method, shape, and so on, but also invisible 'culture factor' such as spirit of age, religion, learning, and life-style reflected in formation process of space, and insight of brain power about art.

The Instructional Design Using Storytelling in Home Economics Education (가정교과에서의 스토리텔링(storytelling)을 활용한 수업 설계 방안)

  • Kim, Eun-Jeung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.143-157
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    • 2011
  • It is a story through which people share their ideas and express their thoughts. Storytelling is temporally and spatially interconnected narration that consists of characters, background, its beginning and its conclusion. Furthermore, the story in storytelling is a means of delivering culture and history; thanks to the development of various media, delivering and exchanging the story are conducted in a variety of forms. Due to the technological advancement, the way storytelling is done has changed, which was a method called digital storytelling. This storytelling has been frequently used in education; that is, teachers utilize stories to communicate their thoughts. As receivers, students understand a shade of meaning and the role of language, thus reorganizing the important factors in the context of meaningful events. However, in practice the classes are so teacher-centered that the role of students are relegated to that of passive learners, thus debilitating the interaction between participants; as a result, this situation shows serious limitations in that it does not improve students' practical skills. Despite this situation, home economics has attempted to broaden students' practical knowledge and has enabled them to acquire procedural knowledge as its main objectives in the context of the entire life. To overcome this problem, this study attempts to demonstrate the lesson model utilizing the storytelling where the lively participation in the process and results of learning can increase learners' self-confidence and responsibility. This lesson model is believed to facilitate the communication among participants including teachers and students. Through this alternative teaching method, learners can participate in the process of learning so that they can acquire practical knowledge: this method can be a step-stone for further development. In conclusion, the development of curriculum and lesson plans should be encouraged.

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The Spatial Characteristics of Vertical Accretion Rate in a Coastal Wetland - In case of Sunchon bay estuarine marsh, south coast of Korea - (해안습지 성장률의 공간적 특성에 관한 연구 - 순천만 염하구 해안습지를 사례로 -)

  • Park, Eui-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.153-168
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    • 2000
  • An estuarine marsh is semi -inclosed inlets, located between coastal and terrestrial environment. The sediment transport by river and tide through tidal river and vertical accretion by sediment accumulation are important processes in estuarine marsh. An analysis of the vertical accretion rate at various time scale is important work for understanding and managing coastal environments. The purpose of this study is to determin the spatial characteristics of vertical accretion rate in an estuarine marsh, Sunchon Bay, in the southern coastal region of Korean peninsula. The methods of analysis are sedimentation rate by individual tidal cycle, annual accretion rate, concentration of total suspended load in water column. Spatial characteristics of sedimentation rate by individual tidal cycle was investigated using 30 filter paper traps. Sedimentation rate by individual tidal cycle at levee edge was higher than that at back marsh. The sedimentation rate decreased with distance from estuarine front. Levee effect and proximity to the turbidity maximum zone result in a higher sedimentation rate in the levee edge. There is a weak relation-ships between tidal regime and sedimentation rate by individual tidal cycle. Spatial cahracteristics of annual accretion rate was investigared using 30 artificial marker plots. Annual accretion rate at back marsh($1.5{\sim}3.5cm/yr$) was higher than that at tidal river levee edge($0.8{\sim}3.0cm/yr$). Total suspended load (TSL) concentrations in water column also indicate this spatial characteristics of annual accretion rate. TSL concentration in water column leaving the vegetation part dramatically decreased. There is a very strong relationship between the concentration of suspended load and accretion rate. These results indicate that annual accretion rate is controlled by vegetation cover and proximity to the turbidity maximum zone. This difference of spatial characteristics of vertical accretion rate ar various time-scale was due to the fact that surface sediment of levee edge was eroded by tide and other factors. The major findings are as follows. First, the spatial characteristics of vertical accretion rate are different from various time-scale. Second, the major mechanism for the vertical accretion rate in this region is suspended load trapping by vegetation. Third, this region is primarily a depositional regime over the time-scale of the present data Fourth, this estuarine marsh is accreting at rates beyond other area.

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A Study on The New Conceptual Faucet Design to Which Flow-meter is attached (유량 측정기기 부착 수전금구 디자인에 관한 연구)

  • 박성룡
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.351-362
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    • 2004
  • Generally, they respond to a phenomenon, with their any way, which they have looked at in their surroundings, and also put into their action successively and variously according as what it is. A person who has not so much problems in experiential education added to mental and physical ability prefers controlling his manner by himself as seeing, listening and feeling to being cured it by other physical support. Meanwhile, even though there are tools that we use conveniently in everyday life, it is sometimes required that user is able to control his action by himself with a certain interactive function to deal with a accidental situation. For example, in the home, when they were cooking, washing dishes and taking a bath they would not often control their minds on how to act about flowing water through the faucet going back and forth between saving and easygoing. By reasons of those statements, the project has been studied to propose the new conceptual faucet which digital technology is applied to, for recognizing the volume of water flowed through water pipe as counting it with built-in flow meter, and then saving water as controling the water-flow with faucet lever. It means that homemakers can observe the flow rate of water from the faucet placed in front of the sink in kitchen and control it right away for saving water. For studying this project, the kinds and features of the various flow-meters that measure the volume of water-flow were researched and analyzed for taking a reasonable type to the new ideal faucet. According to this analyzing, turbine-flow-meter was selected as appropriate form for the digital display-built-in faucet that would be presented in this project. As the next step, the basic structure was created for developing a new conceptual faucet. Finally two models have been presented through several steps for making the suitable shape to the new style faucet.

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Development of an anisotropic spatial interpolation method for velocity in meandering river channel (비등방성을 고려한 사행하천의 유속 공간보간기법 개발)

  • You, Hojun;Kim, Dongsu
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.50 no.7
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    • pp.455-465
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    • 2017
  • Understanding of the two-dimensional velocity field is crucial in terms of analyzing various hydrodynamic and fluvial processes in the riverine environments. Until recently, many numerical models have played major roles of providing such velocity field instead of in-situ flow measurements, because there were limitations in instruments and methodologies suitable for efficiently measuring in the broad range of river reaches. In the last decades, however, the advent of modernized instrumentations started to revolutionize the flow measurements. Among others, acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) became very promising especially for accurately assessing streamflow discharge, and they are also able to provide the detailed velocity field very efficiently. Thus it became possible to capture the velocity field only with field observations. Since most of ADCPs measurements have been mostly conducted in the cross-sectional lines despite their capabilities, it is still required to apply appropriate interpolation methods to obtain dense velocity field as likely as results from numerical simulations. However, anisotropic nature of the meandering river channel could have brought in the difficulties for applying simple spatial interpolation methods for handling dynamic flow velocity vector, since the flow direction continuously changes over the curvature of the channel shape. Without considering anisotropic characteristics in terms of the meandering, therefore, conventional interpolation methods such as IDW and Kriging possibly lead to erroneous results, when they dealt with velocity vectors in the meandering channel. Based on the consecutive ADCP cross-sectional measurements in the meandering river channel. For this purpose, the geographic coordinate with the measured ADCP velocity was converted from the conventional Cartesian coordinate (x, y) to a curvilinear coordinate (s, n). The results from application of A-VIM showed significant improvement in accuracy as much as 41.5% in RMSE.

Effect of verbal and nonverbal communication of middle school sports club instructor on trust of instructor and class commitment (중학교스포츠클럽 지도자의 언어적·비언어적 의사소통이 지도자신뢰 및 수업몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Chae-ouk;Seo, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.267-277
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    • 2021
  • This study was done with collected and analyzed data using the convenient sampling method on 349 middle school students located in the metropolitan area in order to verify the effect of instructors verbal and nonverbal communications on instructor trust and class commitment in middle school sports clubs. As a result of analyzing the collected data, First, as a result of correlation analysis using the total number of items between sub-factors of latent variables, all correlation coefficients showed a positive (+) significant relationship. Second, as a result of the effect of verbal and nonverbal communications on instructor trust, it was found that the influence of spatial language, appearance language, body language, and linguistic factors were significantly explained in order. Third, as a result of the effect of verbal and nonverbal communications on class flow, it was found that class commitment was significantly explained in the order of appearance language, spatial language, and linguistic factors. Fourth, as a result of the influence of instructor's trust on class commitment, it was found that only the exercise capacity factor significantly explained class commitment. This study provides basic academic data to plan and create interactions with school sports club instructors and students.

Parallelization of Raster GIS Operations Using PC Clusters (PC 클러스터를 이용한 래스터 GIS 연산의 병렬화)

  • 신윤호;박수홍
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.213-226
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    • 2003
  • With the increasing demand of processing massive geographic data, conventional GISs based on the single processor architecture appear to be problematic. Especially, performing complex GIS operations on the massive geographic data is very time consuming and even impossible. This is due to the processor speed development does not keep up with the data volume to be processed. In the field of GIS, this PC clustering is one of the emerging technology for handling massive geographic data effectively. In this study, a MPI(Message Passing Interface)-based parallel processing approach was conducted to implement the existing raster GIS operations that typically requires massive geographic data sets in order to improve the processing capabilities and performance. Specially for this research, four types of raster CIS operations that Tomlin(1990) has introduced for systematic analysis of raster GIS operation. A data decomposition method was designed and implemented for selected raster GIS operations.

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