• 제목/요약/키워드: 고해상 분석

검색결과 950건 처리시간 0.022초

The Analysis of Evergreen Tree Area Using UAV-based Vegetation Index (UAV 기반 식생지수를 활용한 상록수 분포면적 분석)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • 제47권1호
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2017
  • The decrease of green space according to the urbanization has caused many environmental problems as the destruction of habitat, air pollution, heat island effect. With interest growing in natural view recently, proper management of evergreen tree which is lived even the winter season has been on the rise importantly. This study analyzed the distribution area of evergreen tree using vegetation index based on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Firstly, RGB and NIR+RG camera were loaded in fixed-wing UAV and image mosaic was achieved using GCPs based on Pix4d SW. And normalized differences vegetation index (NDVI) and soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) was calculated by band math function from acquired ortho mosaic image. validation points were applied to evaluate accuracy of the distribution of evergreen tree for each range value and analysis showed that kappa coefficient marked the highest as 0.822 and 0.816 respectively in "NDVI > 0.5" and "SAVI > 0.7". The area of evergreen tree in "NDVI > 0.5" and "SAVI > 0.7" was $11,824m^2$ and $15,648m^2$ respectively, that was ratio of 4.8% and 6.3% compared to total area. It was judged that UAV could supply the latest and high resolution information to vegetation works as urban environment, air pollution, climate change, and heat island effect.

An Analysis of Landcover Change and Temporal Landscape Structure in the Main Ridge Area of the Baekdu Daegan Mountain System (백두대간 마루금 지역의 시계열적 토지피복 변화 및 경관구조 분석)

  • Oh, Jeong-Hak;Kim, Young-Kul;Kwon, Jino
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze contemporary changes of landcover patterns and landscape structure in order to provide basic data and methods for sustainable management and conservation in Baekdu Daegan region using GIS and landscape indices. According to the results based on the pattern analysis of landcover changes using the change detection matrix between 1975 and 2000, addition on $3.6km^2$ became urbanized areas. Otherwise, $85.7km^2$ of forest area shift into agriculture($72.2km^2$) and grass area($10.1km^2$) for the vegetables in highland condition and stock farm. According to the landscape structure analysis using landscape indices, forest areas were unstable forest structures because of fragmentation. Thus, to improve forest ecosystem, significant amount of forest through a new forest management policy considering local environmental conditions are needed. And, the connectivity of forests in local regions should be considered as well.

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Analysis of Eye-safe LIDAR Signal under Various Measurement Environments and Reflection Conditions (다양한 측정 환경 및 반사 조건에 대한 시각안전 LIDAR 신호 분석)

  • Han, Mun Hyun;Choi, Gyu Dong;Seo, Hong Seok;Mheen, Bong Ki
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.204-214
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    • 2018
  • Since LIDAR is advantageous for accurate information acquisition and realization of a high-resolution 3D image based on characteristics that can be precisely measured, it is essential to autonomous navigation systems that require acquisition and judgment of accurate peripheral information without user intervention. Recently, as an autonomous navigation system applying LIDAR has been utilized in human living space, it is necessary to solve the eye-safety problem, and to make reliable judgment through accurate obstacle recognition in various environments. In this paper, we construct a single-shot LIDAR system (SSLs) using a 1550-nm eye-safe light source, and report the analysis method and results of LIDAR signals for various measurement environments, reflective materials, and material angles. We analyze the signals of materials with different reflectance in each measurement environment by using a 5% Al reflector and a building wall located at a distance of 25 m, under indoor, daytime, and nighttime conditions. In addition, signal analysis of the angle change of the material is carried out, considering actual obstacles at various angles. This signal analysis has the merit of possibly confirming the correlation between measurement environment, reflection conditions, and LIDAR signal, by using the SNR to determine the reliability of the received information, and the timing jitter, which is an index of the accuracy of the distance information.

A Study on Method of Automatic Geospatial Feature Extraction through Relative Radiometric Normalization of High-resolution Satellite Images (고해상도 위성영상의 상대방사보정을 통한 자동화 지향 공간객체추출 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Gook;Lee, Hyun-Jik
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • 제36권5_2호
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    • pp.917-927
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    • 2020
  • The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Korea is developing a CAS 500-1/2 satellite capable of photographing a GSD 0.5 m level image, and is developing a technology to utilize this. Therefore, this study attempted to develop a geospatial feature extraction technique aimed at automation as a technique for utilizing CAS 500-1/2 satellite images. KOMPSAT-3A satellite images that are expected to be most similar to CAS 500-1/2 were used for research and the possibility of automation of geospatial feature extraction was analyzed through relative radiometric normalization. For this purpose, the parameters and thresholds were applied equally to the reference images and relative radiometric normalized images, and the geospatial feature were extracted. The qualitative analysis was conducted on whether the extracted geospatial feature is extracted in a similar form from the reference image and relative radiometric normalized image. It was also intended to analyze the possibility of automation of geospatial feature extraction by quantitative analysis of whether the classification accuracy satisfies the target accuracy of 90% or more set in this study. As a result, it was confirmed that shape of geospatial feature extracted from reference image and relative radiometric normalized image were similar, and the classification accuracy analysis results showed that both satisfies the target accuracy of 90% or more. Therefore, it is believed that automation will be possible when extracting spatial objects through relative radiometric normalization.

Discontinuity Analysis Using Well Log Methods from a Borehole-PABH1 in the Pungam Sedimentary Basin (풍암퇴적분지 내 시추공 PABH1에서 불연속면에 대한 물리검층방법의 적용)

  • 김영화;장승익;김중열;현혜자
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.261-273
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    • 1998
  • Multiple well log analysis technique consisting of geophysical well log and geological core log has been made to analysis the discontinuities of a test borehole-PABH1 located in Pungam sedimentary basin, Sosok, Hongchon-gun, Kangwon Province. Well log methods consist of normal resistivity log, focussed log, single point resistance log, SP log, gamma log, natural gamma log as well as acoustic televiewer log and borehole television log. Core scanning technique was used as an aid for geological core log. The analysis was made by comparing firstly the televiewer and core discontinuities, and then the results from conventional geophysical log analysis were compared to those from core log and acoustic televiewer log. Fractures deduced from the acoustic televiewer log coincide well with discontinuities shown on the core and conventional geophysical logs. Particularly close coincidence could be observed between fractures derived from acoustic televiewer and conventional geophysical log analysis. It has been noted that the geophysical logs such as, caliper, resistivity, density and high resolution gamma gamma curves are effective in delineating the fractures. For example the ratio between density and resistivity (BRD/SHN) provides also an alternative indicator for discerning the fracture condition in the study area.

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Economic Analysis of Typhoon Surge Floodplain that Using GIS and MD-FDA from Masan Bay, South Korea (MD-FDA와 GIS를 이용한 마산만의 태풍해일 범람구역 경제성 분석)

  • Choi, Hyun;Ahn, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.724-729
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    • 2008
  • In the case of 'MAEMI', the Typhoon which formed in September, 2003, the largest-scale damage of tidal wave was caused by the co-occurrence of Typhoon surge and full tide. Until now Korea has been focusing on the calculating the amount of damage and its restoration to cope with these sea and harbor disasters. It is essential to establish some systematic counterplans to diminish such damages of large-scale tidal invasion on coastal lowlands considering the recent weather conditions of growing scale of typhoons. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to make the counterplans for prevention against disasters fulfilled effectively based on the data conducted by comparing and analyzing the accuracy between observation values and the results of estimating the greatest overflow area according to abnormal tidal levels centered on Masan area where there was the severest damage from tidal wave at that time. It's necessary utilize data like high-resolution satellite image and LiDAR(etc.) for correct analysis data considering geographical characteristics of dangerous area from the storm surge. And we must make a solution to minimize the damage by making data of dangerous section of flood into GIS Database using those data (as stated above) and drawing correcter damage function.

A case study of ground subsidence analysis using the InSAR technique (InSAR 기술을 이용한 지반침하분석 사례연구)

  • Moon, Joon-Shik;Oh, Hyoung-seok
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2022
  • InSAR (Interferometry SAR) technique is a technique that uses complex data to obtain phase difference information from two or more SAR image data, and enables high-resolution image extraction, surface change detection, elevation measurement, and glacial change observation. In many countries, research on the InSAR technique is being conducted in various fields of study such as volcanic activity detection, glacier observation in Antarctica, and ground subsidence analysis. In this study, a case of large ground settlement due to groundwater level drawdown during tunnelling was introduced, and ground settlement analyses using InSAR technique and numerical analysis method were compared. The maximum settlement and influence radius estimated by the InSAR technique and numerical method were found to be quite similar, which confirms the reliability of the InSAR technique. Through this case study, it was found that the InSAR technique reliable to use for estimating ground settlement and can be used as a key technology to identify the long-term ground settlement history in the absence of measurement data.

The Establishment of a High Resolution(1Km×1Km) Wind Energy Map Based on a Statistical Wind Field Model (통계적 바람장모형에의한 고해상도(1Km×1Km)풍력에너지지도 작성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hea-Jung;Kim, Hyun-Sik;Choi, Young-Jean;Byon, Jae-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.1157-1167
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    • 2010
  • This paper details a method for establishing a wind energy map having($1Km{\times}1Km$) resolution. The map is essential for measurement and efficiency-testing of wind energy resources and wind site analysis. To this end, a statistical wind field model is estimated that covers 345,682 regions obtained by $1Km{\times}1Km$ lattices made over South Korea. The paper derives various characteristics of a regional wind energy resource under the statistical wind field model and estimates them to construct the wind energy map. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, based on TMY(typical meteorological year) wind data of 76 weather station areas, shows that a Log-normal model is adequate for the statistical wind field model. The model is estimated by using the wind speed data of 345,682 regions provided by the National Institute of Meteorological Research(NIMR). Various wind energy statistics are studied under the Log-normal wind field model. As an application, the wind energy density(W$/m^2$) map of South Korea is constructed with a resolution of $1Km{\times}1Km$ and its utility for the wind site analysis is discussed.

Future Projection of Changes in Extreme Temperatures using High Resolution Regional Climate Change Scenario in the Republic of Korea (고해상도 지역기후변화 시나리오를 이용한 한국의 미래 기온극값 변화 전망)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Mi;Baek, Hee-Jeong;Park, Su-Hee;Kang, Hyun-Suk;Cho, Chun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • 제47권2호
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    • pp.208-225
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    • 2012
  • The spatial characteristics of changes in extreme temperature indices for 2070-2099 relative to 1971-2000 in the Republic of Korea were investigated using daily maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) temperature data from a regional climate model (HadGEM3-RA) based on the IPCC RCP4.5/8.5 at 12.5km grid spacing and observations. Six temperature-based indices were selected to consider the frequency and intensity of extreme temperature events. For validation during the reference period (1971-2000), the simulated Tmax and Tmin distributions reasonably reproduce annual and seasonal characteristics not only for the relative probability but also the variation range. In the future (2070-2099), the occurrence of summer days (SD) and tropical nights (TR) is projected to be more frequent in the entire region while the occurrence of ice days (ID) and frost days (FD) is likely to decrease. The increase of averaged Tmax above 95th percentile (TX95) and Tmin below 5th percentile (TN5) is also projected. These changes are more pronounced under RCP8.5 scenario than RCP4.5. The changes in extreme temperature indices except for FD show significant correlations with altitude, and the changes in ID, TR, and TN5 also show significant correlations with latitude. The mountainous regions are projected to be more influenced by an increase of low extreme temperature than low altitude while the southern coast is likely to be more influenced by an increase of tropical nights.

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Evaluation of Hydrometeorological Components Simulated by Water and Energy Balance Analysis (물수지와 에너지수지 해석에 따른 수문기상성분 평가)

  • Ji, Hee Sook;Lee, Byong Ju;Nam, Kyung Yeub;Lee, Chul Kyu;Jung, Hyun Sook
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제47권1호
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study is to evaluate TOPLATS land surface model performance through comparison of results of water and energy balance analysis. The study area is selected Nakdong river basin and high resolution hydrometeorological components of which spatio-temporal resolution is 1 hr and 1 km are simulated during 2003 to 2013. The simulated daily and monthly depth of flows are well fitted with the observed one on Andong and Hapcheon dam basin. In results of diurnally analysis of energy components, change pattern throughout the day of net radiation, latent heat, sensible heat, and ground heat under energy balance analysis have higher accuracy than ones under water balance analysis at C3 and C4 sites. Especially, root mean square errors of net radiation and latent heat at C4 site are shown very low as 22.18 $W/m^2$ and 7.27 $W/m^2$, respectively. Mean soil moisture and evapotranspiration in summer and winter are simulated as 36.80%, 33.08% and 222.40 mm, 59.95 mm, respectively. From this result, when we need high resolution hydrometeorological components, energy balance analysis is more reasonable than water balance analysis. And this results will be used for monitor and forecast of weather disaster like flood and draught using spatial hydrometeorological information.