• Title/Summary/Keyword: 계산 기하학

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Derivation of the Fisher information matrix for 3-parameters Weibull distribution using mathematica (매스매티카를 이용하여 3-모수를 갖는 와이블분포에 대한 피셔 정보행렬의 유도)

  • Yang, Ji-Eun;Baek, Hoh-Yoo
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2009
  • Fisher information matrix plays an important role in statistical inference of unknown parameters. Especially, it is used in objective Bayesian inference which derives to the posterior distribution using a noninformative prior distribution and is an example of metric functions in geometry. The more parameters for estimating in a distribution are, the more complicate derivation of the Fisher information matrix for the distribution is. In this paper, we derive to the Fisher information matrix for 3-parameters Weibull distribution which is used in reliability theory using Mathematica programs.

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SPOT Camera Modeling Using Auxiliary Data (영상보조자료를 이용한 SPOT 카메라 모델링)

  • 김만조;차승훈;고보연
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.285-290
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a camera modeling method that utilizes ephemeris data and imaging geometry is presented. The proposed method constructs a mathematical model only with parameters that are contained in auxiliary files and does not require any ground control points for model construction. Control points are only needed to eliminate geolocation error of the model that is originated from errors embedded in the parameters that are used in model construction. By using a few (one or two) control points, RMS error of around pixel size can be obtained and control points are not necessarily uniformly distributed in line direction of the scene. This advantage is crucial in large-scale projects and will enable to reduce project cost dramatically.

A Fast VQ Encoding Algorithm (고속 VQ 부호화 알고리즘)

  • Baek, Seong-Joon;Lee, Dae-Ryong;Jeon, Bum-Ki;Sung, Koeng-Mo
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we present a new fast VQ encoding algorithm. The proposed algorithm facilitates two characteristics of a vector, i.e., mean and variance to reject many unlikely codewords and save a lot of computation time. Since the proposed algorithm, which is based upon geometric considerations, rejects those codewords that are impossible to be the closest codeword, it provides the same results as a conventional exhaustive(or full) search algorithm. The simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

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Calculation of Geoidal Height refered to Bessel Ellipsoid From EGM96 Model (EGM96 모델을 이용한 Bessel 지오이드고의 계산)

  • 최경재;최윤수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 1999
  • In order to calculate geoidal height refered to Bessel ellipsoid, methods to translate geoidal heights from a certain coordinate system to an arbitrary system with the corresponding ellipsoid are studied. and geoidal heights refered to Bessel ellipsoid were computed from EGM96 Model refered to GRS80 using iteration method pro-posed in this paper. Transformation parameters between WGS84 and Bessel were calculated using geoidal heights computed from iteration method. The result of coordinate transformation(standard deviation) were 0.009 second in latitude and 0.006 in longitude and 0.393m in orthometric height.

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Line-of-Sight (LOS) Vector Adjustment Model for Restitution of SPOT 4 Imagery (SPOT 4 영상의 기하보정을 위한 시선 벡터 조정 모델)

  • Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, a new approach has been studied correcting the geometric distortion of SPOT 4 imagery. Two new equations were induced by the relationship between satellite and the Earth in the space. line-of-sight (LOS) vector adjustment model for SPOT 4 imagery was implemented in this study. This model is to adjust LOS vector under the assumption that the orbital information of satellite provided by receiving station is uncertain and this uncertainty makes a constant error over the image. This model is verified using SPOT 4 satellite image with high look angle and thirty five ground points, which include 10 GCPs(Ground Control Points) and 25 check points, measured by the GPS. In total thirty five points, the geometry of satellite image calculated by given satellite information(such as satellite position, velocity, attitude and look angles, etc) from SPOT 4 satellite image was distorted with a constant error. Through out the study, it was confirmed that the LOS vector adjustment model was able to be applied to SPOT4 satellite image. Using this model, RMSEs (Root Mean Square Errors) of twenty five check points taken by increasing the number of GCPs from two to ten were less than one pixel. As a result, LOS vector adjustment model could efficiently correct the geometry of SPOT4 images with only two GCPs. This method also is expected to get good results for the different satellite images that are similar to the geometry of SPOT images.

Development of Method for Selecting Anchoring Point within an Anchorage Using a Sampling-Based Exploration Algorithm (샘플링 기반 탐색 알고리즘을 활용한 정박지 내 투묘 지점 선정 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Hyukboem Ju;Daun Jang;Joo-sung Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.426-434
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    • 2024
  • In the global path finding of moving objects, the starting point and destination are essential prerequisites. In ship navigation, the potential destinations include not only docks but also anchorages used for various purposes such as waiting for ship entries and exits, and ship repairs. These anchorages are designed spaces customized to coastal environments, and to enable path finding, the destination can be considered the berthing location at which a ship anchors. Therefore, this study proposes a method for identifying berthing locations within these designated areas (anchorages) by exploring spaces not occupied by other ships, using sampling-based search algorithms such as PRM and computational geometry algorithms. Additionally, to validate the developed algorithms, simulations were conducted targeting No.11 anchorage in Mokpo Port, South Korea. The indicate that feasible berthing locations in unoccupied spaces can be identified. Additionally the results are expected to contribute to future ship decision-making and support anchorage management in vessel traffic services (VTS).

A study on pointing device system using stereo vision (스테레오 비전을 이용한 포인팅 디바이스에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Seung-Il;Hwang, Yong-Hyun;Lee, Byung-Gook;Lee, Joon-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose a new pointing device that is replaced a mouse as the pointing device with. For reducing the existing pointing device's problem which had marker and high-cost, we develop a new pointing device using computer vision like as a similar human vision system. The proposed system first carries out a real-time movement tracking system using image data which are segmented by color modeling, and finally does the pointing action by 3-D coordinate calculated from stereo geometry information resulting from stereo matching of the segmented region.

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Analysis of Filamentous Fungal Growth and Pellets Formation by Fractal Geometry (Fractal 기하학을 이용한 균사의 성장과 구체 형성의 특성 분석)

  • 류두현
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 1995
  • The morphology of fungal growth, which is an important variable for separability and rheological property of fermented medium, was quantified with fractal geometry Fractal dimensions were determined for submerged growth of two industrially important fungi, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oruzae. The tendency of pellet formation was related to the fractal dimension of fungi.

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Representation of Highlight in Cylindrical Indoor Scene (실내 원통형 영상에서의 하이라이트 표현 기법)

  • 권구주;신병석;한창호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2001.04b
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    • pp.622-624
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    • 2001
  • 영상기반 렌더링(image-based rendering) 기법은 전통적인 컴퓨터 그래픽 기법과는 다르게 장면 생성 시 복잡한 3차원 정보들을 2차원 영상들의 조합으로 표현하여 렌더링 하는 방법이다. 그 중에서 원통맵을 이용한 렌더링은 파노라마 영상을 이요해 관찰자에게 보다 빠르게 실시간으로 장면을 렌더링하여 보여준다. 이러한 영상기반 렌더링에서도 ㅅㄹ제감을 보다 더 높이기 위해서는 빛과 빛에 의해 생기는 그림자, 하이라이트의 역할이 매우 중요하다. 하지만 파노라마 영상의 경우 미리 촬영된 영상들을 사용하므로 실시간으로 동적인 광원의 변화와 그로인한 그림자와 하이라이트 부분을 표현하기 위해서는 변화된 영상들을 재촬영하여 새로운 파노라마 영상을 제작해야 한다. 본 논문에서는 OpenGL을 이용하여 실내 공간을 표현한 원통 영상 기반 환경 맵에서 광원의 위치변화에 의해 가상 하이라이트 (virtual highlight)의 움직임을 파노라마 이미지의 재 촬영 없이 몇 가지 기하학 정보만으로 계산하여 표현해 주는 방법을 제안한다.

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Automated CAE Evaluation of Electrostatic Micro Actuator (정전 마이크로 액츄에이터의 자동 CAE 평가)

  • Lee, Joon-Seong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1996.11a
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    • pp.711-715
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    • 1996
  • This paper describes an automated computer-aided engineering (CAE) system for micromachines whose size range 10 to 10$^3$${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$. An automatic finite element mesh generation technique, which is based on the fuzzy knowledge processing and computational geometry techniques, is incorporated into the system, together with one of commercial finite clement (FE) analysis codes, MARC, and one of commercial solid modelers, Designbase. The system allows a geometry model of concern to be a automatically converted to different FE models, depending on physical phenomena to be analyzed, i.e. electrostatic analysis, stress analysis, modal analysis and so on. The FE analysis models are then exported to the FE analysis code, and then analyses are performed. This system is successfully applied to an electrostatic micro actuator.

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