• 제목/요약/키워드: 경제적 자원 기여도

검색결과 455건 처리시간 0.027초

Corrosion resistance and crystal growth mechanism of Mg films prepared on steel substrate and hot dip aluminized steel by PVD sputtering method (PVD 스퍼터링법에 의해 강판 및 용융알루미늄 도금강판 상에 제작한 Mg 코팅막의 결정성장 메커니즘과 내식특성)

  • Park, Jae-Hyeok;Lee, Seul-Gi;Park, Jun-Mu;Mun, Gyeong-Man;Yun, Yong-Seop;Jeong, Jae-In;Lee, Myeong-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 한국표면공학회 2018년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.115-115
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    • 2018
  • 철강재는 대량 생산이 가능하며 경제성이 뛰어나고 기계적 성질도 우수하므로 다양한 산업 분야에서 널리 사용되고 있다. 그러나 철강재는 부식 환경에 취약하기 때문에 그 용도에 따라 다양한 내식성을 부여하는 표면처리를 적용하고 있다. 일반적으로 이러한 철강 재료에 대한 내식성 표면처리로는 습식공정을 이용한 아연(Zn)도금 표면처리가 널리 적용되고 있다. 그러나 최근에는 이러한 습식공정으로 인해 발생하는 자원소모 및 환경적인 문제와 더불어 고내식성 표면처리 소재에 대한 수요가 증가함에 따라 이러한 단점을 극복할 수 있는 새로운 소재 및 기술 개발에 대한 관심이 증대되고 있다. 이러한 관점에서 기존의 습식표면처리 공정을 건식으로 대체 또는 병행하고, 현행 아연소재를 대체할 수 있는 코팅소재로써 알루미늄(Al) 이나 마그네슘(Mg)으로 대체하는 방법이 시도되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 강판의 내식성을 향상시키기 위한 방법으로 기존의 습식 표면처리 공정에서 용이하지 않은 마그네슘을 이용하여 건식 PVD 프로세스에 의해 코팅막의 제작을 시도하였다. 그리고 코팅막 제작 조건 중에서 공정압력이 코팅막의 결정배향성에 미치는 영향과 내식성과의 상관관계를 규명하고자 하였다. 즉, 여기서는 강판 및 용융알루미늄 도금강판 상에 스퍼터링법에 의해 Ar 가스에 의한 공정압력을 2, 10 및 50 mTorr로 조절하면서 마그네슘 코팅막을 $2{\mu}m$ 두께로 각각 제작하였다. 이때 제작한 막의 표면 모폴로지 관찰(SEM) 및 결정구조 분석(XRD) 결과에 의하면, 강판 및 용융알루미늄도금강판 상에 제작한 코팅막들은 공통적으로 공정압력이 증가할수록 그모폴로지의 결정립의 크기가 작고 치밀한 구조로 변하였다. 또한 그때 형성된 코팅막의 결정구조는 표면에너지가 상대적으로 높은 Mg(002)면 피크의 점유율이 감소하고 표면에너지가 낮은 Mg(101)면 피크의 점유율이 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 그리고 공정압력이 증가할수록 Mg 격자 간 면 간격(d-value)이 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 이상에서 제작한 마그네슘 코팅막의 결정성장 과정은 본 진공 플라즈마 PVD 공정중 증착가 더불어 흡착역할을 하는 Ar의 움직임에 따라 설명 가능하였다[1,2]. 코팅막의 양극분극(Polarization)측정 결과에 의하면, 공정압력이 높은 조건에서 제작한 막일수록 부동태 특성이 우수하여 내식성이 향상되는 경향을 나타내었다. 특히, 공정압력이 상대적으로 높은 50 mTorr 조건에서 제작된 코팅막이 표면 마그네슘 결정의 크기가 조밀하고 결정구조는 Mg(002)면과 Mg(101)면의 상대강도 비가 유사하여 내식성 가장 우수하였다.

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Comparison of Korean and Japanese Attitude forward Tree Burial and Suitable Tree Burial for Korean Current State - Based on Questionnaire Survey - (한국과 일본 수목장의 의식비교를 통한 한국의 적합한 수목장에 대한 연구 - 설문조사 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kwon, Oh-Kyu
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • 제45권3호
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2011
  • In Korea, most of the locations of the cemeteries and burial vault are in forest lands. The utilization of forest land for this particular purpose is very inefficent and considered to be a serious problem. National government (Forest Service), local governments (Incheon city), and religious corporation (eunhoe Temple) are creating new burial methods to solve the inefficiency in forest utilization. In this study, awareness of Koreans and Japaneses on tree burial problems were compared. Based from the results of the survey, more than 80% of the respondents are aware of the problems. However, the burial culture in Korea still has many problems. Operation and management of tree burial is not being done by experts and sufficient information regarding to this type of burial still needs to developed. To solve these problems, eco-friendly burial, which is considered as new funeral culture, is now being created. In the case of Ichinoseki City in Iwate prefecture in Japan, improving the residential environment greatly affected the tree burial practices. This town was chosen for this study due to its characteristics of being a tourism area which greatly affecting the economy of this town. Another study site of this study was located in Sangju city. The changing social environement and the perception of the people regarding on the services being provided to the people were examined thru questionnaire survey. Specifically, this study analyzed the practices and beliefs of the people regarding the tree burial culture.

Policy Change and Innovation of Textile Industry in Daegu·Kyungbuk Region (대구·경북지역 섬유산업의 정책변화와 혁신과제)

  • Shin, Jin-Kyo;Kim, Yo-Han
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.223-248
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    • 2012
  • This study analyses support policy and structural change of textile industry in Daegu Kyungbuk region, and suggests major issues for textile industry's innovation. In Daegu Kyungbuk, it was 1999 that a policy, so called Milano Project, in order to promote a textile industry was devised. In 2004, the Regional Industrial Promotion Plan was devised. The plan was born from a view point of establishing a regional innovation system and of promoting the innovative clusters under a knowledge based economy. After then, the Regional Industry Promotion Project or Regional Strategic Industry Promotion Project became a core of regional textile industrial policy. Research results indicated that the first stage Milano project (1999-2003) showed both positive and negative effects. There were no long-term development plan, clear vision and strategy. But, core industrial infrastructure for differentiated product development, such as New product Development Support Center and Dyeing Design Practical Application Center, was constructed. The second stage Daegu Textile Industry Promotion Plan (2004-2008) displayed a significant technological performance and new product sales with the assistance of Kyungbuk province. Also, textile industry revealed positive fruits such as financial structure, productivity, and profitability as a result of strong restructuring. In industrial structure, there was a important change from clothe textile material to industry textile material. Most of textile companies did not showed high capability in CEO's technology innovation intention, entrepreneurship, R&D and human resource competency in compare with other industry. We suggested that Daegu Kyungbuk has to select and concentrate on the high-tech textile material and living textile for sustainable development and competitiveness. We also proposed a confidence and cooperation based innovation network and company oriented innovation cluster.

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Contract Farming Through a Cooperative to Boost Agricultural Sector Restructuring: Evidence from a Rural Commune in Central Vietnam (베트남 농업구조개혁과 협동조합의 계약영농: 중부베트남의 농촌을 사례로)

  • Duong, Thi Thu Ha;Kim, Doo-Chul
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.109-130
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    • 2022
  • The Vietnamese government has proposed contract farming through a new type of cooperative as an institutional innovation which aims to restructure the agricultural sector. However, policy changes often impact farmers, who bear the primary effects of the transition process. Understanding households' strategies for land use and livelihood is crucial for policymaking in the agricultural development field. This study was conducted in the rural Binh Dao commune in Central Vietnam. We analyzed household members' labor force changes and their livelihood behaviors after their participation in a contract farming scheme using qualitative analysis methods combined with geographic information system (GIS) support, based on secondary data and in-depth interviews of 190 farmers. Simultaneously, we created a digital map of the cooperative's production area to investigate changes in land use and production activities. The findings show that contract farming shaped the vertical coordination of the value chain from the farmers to the cooperative and agricultural product trading companies. Subsequently, it encouraged land use and labor efficiency due to mechanical support. In addition, it also increased productivity and protected farmers from market risks. However, despite its positive effects on agricultural productivity in this case, the contract farming scheme could not achieve the restructuring of the rural labor force toward non-agricultural sectors. Ironically, farmers in the Binh Dao commune tended to increase cultivable land during the agricultural restructuring program, rather than switching their labor forces to non-agricultural sectors. The lack of stable non-farming job opportunities in rural Vietnam results in challenges to the efficiency of agricultural restructuring programs. Consequently, farmers in the Binh Dao commune are still smallholder farmers, depending on the family labor force.

The Study on Quantifying and Evaluating for the Functions of Flood Control and Fostering Water Resources in Agriculture (농업의 홍수조절기능과 수자원함양기능 계량화 및 가치평가에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Myung-Chul;Kang, Ki-Kyung;Hyun, Byung-Geun;Yun, Hong-Bae;Eom, Ki-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • 제41권2호
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2008
  • In order to share the understanding agricultural multifunctionality with people, we carried out quantification and monetary evaluation for controlling flood and fostering water resources function in paddy and upland farming in Korea. The amount of water controlling flood and fostering water resources function in paddy farming was much greater than that in upland. The quantification of flood control function could be estimated by sum of the height of dike and water infiltrated during the flooding periods in paddy farming, and water excepting runoff water from precipitation at flooding time in upland farming. As results of estimation of flood control function, the amounts of water controlling flood have been evaluated as $294mm\;year^{-1}$ in paddy farming and $72.6mm\;year^{-1}$ upland farming, and was calculated 3.71 billion MT on a nation basis in 2006. When it was carried out monetary estimation as the cost of dam construction and the depreciation expense by using replacement cost method, flood control functions in paddy and upland were evaluated as 44,338.9 and 7,221.5 billion won, respectively. Comparing with previous reports, monetary value was analyzed much to increase because of rising price cost recently. Fostering water resource functions were also quantified in paddy and upland farming as the amount of water keeping and infiltrating water during the cultivation. In the basis of estimation model, it was showed that paddy and upland farming had been estimated to have $414.28mm\;year^{-1}$, $18.7mm\;year^{-1}$, respectively. They were also calculated to 4.49 and 0.137 billion MT on a nation basis in 2006, respectively. The economic values of fostering water resources function in paddy and upland farming were also estimated to 1,769.4 and 52.8 billion won, respectively, as replacing the amount of water to the cost of drinking water in 2006. There were differences by much to the amounts of controlling flood function and fostering water resource between paddy and upland farming. It means that paddy farming more play an important role in environment than upland farming in Korea.

Research Trends in Off-Site Construction Management : Review of Literature at the Operation Level (국외 오프사이트 건설 관리 연구 동향 : 작업 단계 수준에서의 문헌 연구)

  • Jang, JunYoung;Chen, Hao;Lee, Chansik;Kim, TaeWan
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.114-125
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    • 2019
  • Off-Site Construction (OSC) is a new construction method based on factory production. OSC (Off-Site Construction) is a new construction method based on factory production. Researches such as OSC-related design and production standardization, transport methods are actively conducted in the U.S., UK and other parts of the world as this new method has an edge over existing methods in terms of productivity, economy and quality. As the emergence of this new area requires reasonable management, an analysis of the scope of construction project management is required accordingly. Therefore, this research analyzed the study trends and relationships at the CM/PM range's "Operation level" to identify areas of study, relationship between studies and deficiencies in current research. This study carried out a comprehensive literature review of the OSC (CM/PM) research by analyzing 94 papers in Operation level as of September 3, 2018, and the analysis results are as follows. (1) Working stage level researches have been increasing rapidly since 2006. (2) Non-volumetric type is contributing most significantly at work stage level. In the building sector, it has been identified that problems such as residential: living, quality issues, non-residential: economic difficulties, factory: productivity problems have been addressed. (4) The Non-volumetric pre-assembly type dealt with the economic feasibility of residential and non-residential buildings, whereas the modular type was studied in regards to assembly quality. (5) From 2006, project management areas (e.g., quality, human resources, risks) have been expanded. It is expected that this research will help find new areas of research for OSC. If the analysis is carried out to the level of the industrial, corporate and project phases in the future, it is deemed that the overall research flow and area of the OSC industry can be identified.

A Study on Importance Setting of Activation Elements in Domestic Tourist Destinations Regeneration Consequent on the Cause of Stagnation or Decline (정체·쇠퇴원인에 따른 국내 관광지 재생 활성화 요소의 중요도 설정 연구)

  • Kim, Jung Jae;Lee, Kyung Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제44권6호
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2016
  • Currently, 230 domestic tourist destinations have been designated, established, and operated in accordance with the Tourism Promotion Act. According to the results of preceding research, more than 30% of them have been getting into the stagnation or decline stage. This is becoming a burden to local governments operating and managing tourist destinations, making it necessary to seek resolution measures. Thus, this study determined the activation elements of stagnant/declined tourist destinations regeneration to deal with problems of domestic stagnant or declined tourist destinations and also to regenerate rational and sustainable tourist destinations. This study conducted a survey with experts based on causes for stagnation and decline of domestic tourist destinations suggested by preceding research. Based on the survey results, the activation elements of stagnant/declined tourist destinations regeneration were drawn through the Delphi Technique and Analytic Hierarchy Process. And then the priority and weight of the drawn activation elements of stagnant/declined tourist destinations regeneration were drawn for the sake of reasonable project progress of tour site regeneration. In the results of the analysis, as activation elements of stagnant/declined tourist destinations regeneration, a total of seven upper-attributes, 23 sub-attributes, and 66 detailed-elements were drawn. It would be possible to raise the efficiency of projects and rational decision-making when executing future tourist destinations regeneration projects by using the activation elements drawn. Also, the drawn elements could be applied to the actual tourist destinations regeneration projects as measures for the stagnant/declined domestic tourist destinations' contribution to the vitalization of local economy based on sustainability, prohibition of thoughtless development of domestic tourism projects, and also efficient use of tourism resources.

Utilization of Unmanned Aerial Scanner for Investigation and Management of Forest Area (산림지역 조사 및 관리를 위한 무인항공 스캐너의 활용)

  • Lee, Keun-Wang;Park, Joon-Kyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제17권11호
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    • pp.189-194
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    • 2019
  • Forest investigation is the basic data for forest preservation and forest resource development, and periodical data acquisition and management have been performed. However, most of the current forest investigations in Korea are surveys to grasp the current status of forests, and various applications have not been made as geospatial information. In this study, the unmanned aerial scanner was used to acquire and process data in the forest area and to present an efficient forest survey method through analysis of the results. Unmanned aerial scanners can extract ground below vegetation, effectively creating DEM for forest management. It can be used as geospatial information for forest investigation and management by generating accurate topographical data that is impossible in conventional photogrammetry. It can also be used to measure distances between power lines and vegetation or manage transmission lines in forest areas. The accurate vertical distance measurement for vegetation surveys can greatly improve the accuracy of labor measurement and work efficiency compared to conventional methods. In the future, the use of unmanned aerial scanners will improve the data acquisition efficiency in forest areas, and will contribute to improved accuracy and economic feasibility compared to conventional methods.

An Exploratory Study on the Success Factors of Silicon Valley Platform Business Ecosystem: Focusing on IPA Analysis and Qualitative Analysis (실리콘밸리 플랫폼 기업생태계의 성공요인에 관한 탐색적 연구: IPA 분석과 질적 분석을 중심으로)

  • Yeonsung, Jung;Seong Ho, Lee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.203-223
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    • 2023
  • Recently, the platform industry is rapidly growing in the global market, and competition is intensifying at the same time. Therefore, in order for domestic platform companies to have global competitiveness in the platform market, it is necessary to study the platform business ecosystem and success factors. However, most of the recent platform-related studies have been theoretical studies on the characteristics of platform business status analysis, platform economy, and indirect network externalities of platforms. Therefore, this study comprehensively analyzed the success factors of Silicon Valley's business ecosystem proposed in previous studies, and at the same time analyzed the success factors extracted from stakeholders in the actual Silicon Valley platform business ecosystem. And based on these factors, an IPA analysis was conducted as a way to propose a success plan to stakeholders in the platform business ecosystem. As a result of the analysis, among the success factors collected through previous studies, manpower, capital, and challenge culture were identified as factors that are relatively well maintained in both importance and satisfaction in Silicon Valley. In the end, it can be seen that the creation of an environment and culture in which Silicon Valley can use it to challenge itself based on excellent human resources and abundant capital contributes the most to the success of Silicon Valley's platform business. On the other hand, although it is of high importance to Silicon Valley's platform corporate ecosystem, the factors that show relatively low satisfaction among stakeholders are 'learning and benchmarking among active companies' and 'strong ties and cooperation between members', and it is analyzed that interest and effort are needed to strengthen these factors in the future. Finally, the systems and policies necessary for market autonomous competition, 'business support service industry', 'name value', and 'spin-off start-up' were important factors in literature research, but the importance and satisfaction of these factors were lowered due to changes in the times and environment. This study has academic implications in that it comprehensively analyzes the success factors of Silicon Valley's business ecosystem proposed in previous studies, and at the same time analyzes the success factors extracted from stakeholders in the actual Silicon Valley platform business ecosystem. In addition, there is another academic implications that importance and satisfaction were simultaneously examined through IPA analysis based on these various extracted factors. As for academic implications, it is meaningful in that it contributed to the formation of the domestic platform ecosystem by providing the government and companies with concrete information on the success factors of the platform business ecosystem and the theoretical grounds for the growth of domestic platform businesses.

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A Study on Rationalization of National Forest Management in Korea (국유림경영(國有林經營)의 합리화(合理化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Kyu-Ryun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.1-44
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    • 1973
  • Needless to say, the management of national forest in all countries is very important in view of the national mission and management purposes. Korean national forest is also in particular significant in promoting national economy for the continuous increasing of the demand for wood, conservation of the land and social welfare. But there's no denying the fact that the leading aim of the Korean forest policy has been based upon the conservation of forest resources and recovery of land conservation function instead of improvement of the forest productive capacity. Therefore, the management of national forest should be aimed as an industry in the chain of the Korean national economy. And the increment of the forest productive capacity based on rationalized forest management is also urgently needed. Not only the increment of the timber production but also the establishment of the good forest in quality and quantity are to bring naturally many functions of conservation and other public benefits. In 1908 Korean national forest was historically established for the first time as a result of the notification for ownership, and was divided into two kinds in 1911-1924, such as indisposable national forest for land conservation, forest management, scientific research and public welfare, and the other national forest to be disposed. Indisposable forest is mostly under the jurisdiction of national forest stations (Chungbu, Tongbu, Nambu), and the tother national forests are under custody of respective cities and provinces, and under custody of the other government authorities. As of the end of 1971, national forest land is 19.5% (1,297,708 ha) of the total forest land area, but growing stock is 50.1% ($35,406,079m^3$) of the total forest growing stock, and timber production of national forest is 23.6% ($205,959m^3$) of the year production of total timber in Korea. Accordingly, it is the important fact that national forest occupies the major part of Korean forestry. The author positively affirms that success or failure of the management of national forest controls rise or fall of forestry in Korea. All functions of forest are very important, but among others the function of timber production is most important especially in Korea, that unavoidably imports a large quantity of foreign wood every year (in 1971 import of foreign wood-$3,756,000m^3$, 160,995,000 dollars). So, Korea urgently needs the improvement of forest productive capacity in national forest. But it is difficult that wood production meets the rapid increase of demand for wood to the development of economy, because production term of forestry is long, so national forest management should be rationalized by the effective investment and development of forestry techniques in the long view. Although Korean national forest business has many difficulties in the budget, techniques and the lack of labour due to outflow of rural village labour by development of national economy, and the increase of labour wages and administrative expenses etc. the development of national forest depends on adoption of the suitable forest techniques and management adapted for social and economical development. In this view point the writer has investigated and analyzed the status of the management of national forest in Korea to examine the irrational problems and suggest an improvement plan. The national forestry statistics cited in this study is based on the basic statistics and the statistics of the forest business as of the end of 1971 published by Office of Forestry, Republic of Korea, and the other depended on the data presented by the national forest stations. The writer wants to propose as follows (seemed to be helpful in improvement of Korean national forest management). 1) In the organization of national forest management, more national forest stations should be established to manage intensively, and the staff of working plan officials should be strengthened because of the importance of working plan. 2) By increasing the staff of protection officials, forest area assigned for each protection official should be decreased to 1,000-2,000 ha. 3) The frequent personnel changes of supervisor of national forest station(the responsible person on-the-spot) obstructs to accomplish the consistent management plan. 4) In the working plan drafting for national forest, basic investigations should be carefully practiced with sufficient expenditure and staff not to draft unreal working plan. 5) The area of working-unit should be decreased to less than 2,000 ha on the average for intensive management and the principle of a working-unit in a forest station should be realized as soon as possible. 6) Reforestation on open land should be completed in a short time with a debt of the special fund(a long term loan), and the land on which growing hardwood stands should be changed with conifers to increase productivity per unit area, and at the same time techical utilization method of hardwood should be developed. 7) Expenses of reforestation should be saved by mechanization and use of chemicals for reforestation and tree nursery operation providing against the lack of labour in future. 8) In forest protection, forest fire damage is enormous in comparison with foreign countries, accordingly prevention system and equipment should be improved, and also the minimum necessary budget should be counted up for establishment and manintenance of fire-lines. 9) Manufacture production should be enlarged to systematize protection, processing and circulation of forest business, and, by doing this, mich benefit is naturally given for rural people. 10) Establishment and arrangement of forest road networks and erosion control work are indispensable for the future development of national forest itself and local development. Therefore, these works should be promoted by the responsibility of general accounting instead of special accounting. 11) Mechanization of forest works should be realized for exploiting hinterlands to meet the demand for timber increased and for solving lack of labour, consequently it should promote import of forest machines, home production, training for operaters and careful adminitration. 12) Situation of labour in future will grow worse. Therefore, the countermeasure to maintain forest labourers and pay attention to public welfare facilities and works should be considered. 13) Although the condition of income and expenditure grows worse because of economical change, the regular expenditure should be fixed. So part of the surplus fund, as of the end of 1971, should be established for the fund, and used for enlarging reforestation and forest road networks(preceding investment in national forest).

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