• 제목/요약/키워드: 경쟁어

검색결과 125건 처리시간 0.027초

연약지반 연구 및 기술동향

  • 연약지반기술위원회
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 한국지반공학회 2004년도 발자취(20th anniversary)
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    • pp.289-309
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    • 2004
  • 위에서 언급한 바와 같이 계측대상 연약 지반이 대심도, 광역화함에 따라 연약지반 계측의 전반적인 추세는 자동계측 시스템의 사용과 준설ㆍ매립공사 또는 해수면상에서의 공사 특성상 케이블 관리의 어려움을 극복하고자 무선데이터 전송방식의 사용이다. 또한 유지관리의 필요성 증대로 인하여 계측 모니터링, 자동분석 프로그램의 기술도 발전되고 있다. 그러나 아직 국내는 계측에 대한 기술 개발이 미비할 뿐 아니라 계측기술에 대한 인식이 매우 부족하고, 관련법이 정비되지 못하여 계측관련 기술 및 경험이 전무한 영세업체들까지 난립하여 치열한 경쟁을 하는 관계로 기술개발에 대한 투자는 거의 중단된 상태이다. 따라서 정확한 유지관리 계측을 위해서는 대부분 외산기기에 의존할 수밖에 없는 상황이다. 그러나, 현재 국내의 전자통신 기술의 수준을 감안할 때 관련법이 정비되고 체계적인 연구와 투자가 이루어진다면 쉽게 세계적인 수준으로 도약할 수 있으리라 판단된다. 한국지반공학회의 연약지반위원회에서는 2003년 8월 20일 한양대학교 박물관 강당에서 학술세미나를 개최하였다. 본격적인 세미나에 앞서 '연약지반 공학자의 당면문제 및 해결방안'에 관한 주제로 전 연약지반위원회 위원장이셨던 (주)에스코 컨설턴트의 김승렬박사께서 초청강연을 하여 주셨다. 김승렬박사께서는 그 원고의 꼬리말을 다음과 같이 기술하며 마무리하셨다. 국내 연약지반 기술수준의 상황과 우리의 위상을 제고하기 위한 좋은 말씀으로 생각되어 본고에서는 그 부분을 인용하는 것으로 끝을 맺고자 한다. '우리나라의 연약지반 기술수준은 동남아시아 지역의 국가들인 싱가포르, 대만, 태국, 심지어는 베트남에 비해 결코 우월한 위치에 있지 않다. 오히려 많이 낙후되었다고 할 수 있다. 경제규모와 위상과 발전상태에 비추어 보면 실로 부끄러운 일이 아닐 수 없다. 이렇게 된 배경에는 연약지반이 사회의 문제로 대두되는 일이 미미하여 이 분야에 쓸리는 관심이 상대적으로 적은 점이 주원인이라고 볼 수 있다. 연약지반이 기술현장에서 문제로 떠오르기 시작한지도 째 오랜 시간이 경과하였다. 이제 더 이상 우리의 기술수준을 이대로 방치할 수는 없는 시점에 와 있는 것이다. 연약지반에 몸담고 있는 우리 스스로가 위상을 지키려는 노력을 배가하여야 한다. 연약지반 공학자들은 스스로 고급의 데이터를 생산하고 평가하고 예측하는 기법을 활발하게 적용하고 발전시킴으로써 자신들의 위치를 지켜야 할 것이다. Clean-handed-research만을 고집하는 환상에서 깨어나 국외의 변모하는 모습을 빠르게 수용하고 국내의 연약지반 관련 자료를 국외에 널리 알릴 수 있는 위치로 발돋움할 때 연약지반 공학자의 위상도 제고될 것이다.'

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Design of Collaborative Response Framework Based on the Security Information Sharing in the Inter-domain Environments (도메인간 보안 정보 공유를 통한 협력 대응 프레임워크 설계)

  • Lee, Young-Seok;An, Gae-Il;Kim, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.605-612
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    • 2011
  • Recently, cyber attacks against public communications networks are getting more complicated and varied. Moreover, in some cases, one country could make systematic attacks at a national level against another country to steal its confidential information and intellectual property. Therefore, the issue of cyber attacks is now regarded as a new major threat to national security. The conventional way of operating individual information security systems such as IDS and IPS may not be sufficient to cope with those attacks committed by highly-motivated attackers with significant resources. In this paper, we discuss the technologies and standard trends about actual cyber threat and response methods, design the collaborative response framework based on the security information sharing in the inter-domain environments. The computation method of network threat level based on the collaborative response framework is proposed. The network threats are be quickly detected and real-time response can be executed using the proposed computation method.

Design and Verification of the Integrated Log Analysis System for Enterprise Information Security (기업정보 유출 방지를 위한 통합 로그분석 시스템 설계 및 검증)

  • Lee, Jae-Yong;Kang, Soo-Yong
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.491-498
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    • 2008
  • The leakage of sensitive information by an insider within the organization becomes a serious threat nowadays. Sometimes, these insider threats are more harmful to an organization than external attack. Companies cannot afford to continue ignoring the potential of insider attacks. The purpose of this study is to design an integrated log analysis system that can detect various types of information leakages. The system uses threat rules generated through risk analysis, and monitors every aspect of the online activities of authorized insider. Not only should system have the ability to identify abnormal behavior, they should also be able to predict and even help to prevent potential risk. The system is composed of three modules, which are log collector, log analyzer and report generator.

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신세기통신 2000년 전략

  • 정태기
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.58-63
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    • 2000
  • 새 천년을 맞이하여 국내 이동전화 시장은 규모와 기술적 측면에서 놀랄만한 변화 를 겪게 될 것이다. 음성중심의 2세대 이동전화 서비스는 보급율이 50%를 넘어서며 포화수 준에 근접하고 있으며, 앞으로 무선데이타 통화량이 크게 증가하여 3~4년 후에는 총 통화량 의 50% 이상을 점유할 것으로 예측된다. 통신사업자들은 통신망의 광대역화와 글로벌화, IP Network 화를 더욱 강력하게 추진하고 있으며, 올 연말로 예정된 IMT-2000 사업자 선정은 이러한 추세를 더욱 가속화시킬 것으로 전망된다. 특히, 인터넷과 이동전화의 융화는 인간의 삶과 문화를 한순간에 변모시킬 혁명적 위력을 내포하고 있다. 정보화 시대를 향한 정보통 신업계의 대변혁이 그 절정을 향해 가속도를 붙이기 시작한 것이다. 신세기통신은 이러한 변화와 혼돈의 거친 물결 속에서 21세기 '정보통신 업계의 강자'로 도약하기 위한 힘찬 항해 를 진행하고 있다. 2000년 상반기까지 IS-2000시스템을 구축하여 최대 144kbps 수준의 고속 데이타 서비스를 제공하는 한편 i-TOUCH 017 컨텐츠 (Contents)를 한층 다양화, 첨단화 하는 등 본격적인 이동인터넷 사업을 전개해 나갈 것이다. 또 CDMA 국제 자동로밍 서비스 를 일본, 미국, 유럽 등 전세계로 확대하여 017 서비스의 글로벌화를 이룩할 계획이다. 이러 한 통신망 진화와 이동 인터넷 사업의 상당 부분을 SK텔레콤과 함께 추진하게 될 것이며 이러한 양사간의 전략적 제휴에 따른 시너지 효과는 오는 연말 IMT-2000 사업권의 성공적 확보로 이어질 것으로 기대된다. 21세기 정보통신산업은 광대역 통신망으로 대변되는 하드 웨어와 인터넷 컨텐츠로 대변되는 소프트웨어가 서로 융화되는 방향으로 발전할 것이다. 이에 따라 고객의 서비스 만족도나 사업자 선택 기준은 기존 통화물질 중심에서, 사업자가 제공하는 컨텐츠의 다양성이나 편리성으로 변화하는 것이 국적을 바꾸는 것보다 어려운 시 대가 멀지 않은 미래에 도래할 것이다. 신세기 통신 과 SK 텔레콤에는 현재 1,300만명이 넘 는 고객이 있으며. 이들 고객은 어 이상 음성통화 중심의 이동전화 고객이 아니라 신세기 통신과 SK텔레콤이 함께 구축해 나갈 거대란 무선 네트워크 사회에서 정보화 시대를 살아 갈 회원들이다. '컨텐츠의 시대'가 개막되는 것이며, 신세기통신과 SK텔레콤은 선의의 경쟁 과 협력을 통해 이동인터넷 서비스의 컨텐츠를 개발해 나가게 될 것이다.

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A Personalized Recommendation Methodology based on Collaborative Filtering (협업 필터링 기법을 활용한 개인화된 상품 추천 방법론 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Kyeong;Suh, Ji-Hae;Ahn, Do-Hyun;Cho, Yoon-Ho
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.139-157
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    • 2002
  • The rapid growth of e-commerce has made both companies and customers face a new situation. Whereas companies have become to be harder to survive due to more and more competitions, the opportunity for customers to choose among more and more products has increased. So, the recommender systems that recommend suitable products to the customer have an important position in E-commerce. This research introduces collaborative filtering based recommender system which helps customers find the products they would like to purchase by producing a list of top-N recommended products. The suggested methodology is based on decision tree, product taxonomy, and association rule mining. Decision tree is used to select target customers, who have high possibility of purchasing recommended products. We applied the recommender system to a Korean department store. The methodology is evaluated with the analysis of a real department store case and is compared with other methodologies.

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The influence of the syllable frequency on transposed letter effect of Korean word recognition (한글 단어 재인 시 음절 빈도가 글자 교환 효과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seonkyoung;Lee, Yoonhyoung;Lee, Chang H.
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.99-115
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    • 2021
  • Unlike most other alphabetic languages, letter transposition effect was not found in Korean except in the syllable level and in the morpheme level. This study was conducted in order to investigate the possible reason of the absence of letter transposition effect in Korean. Based on previous letter transposition studies, this study was to investigate on whether syllable frequency is a moderating variable and is responsible for the absence of the letter transposition effect. The results showed that significant letter transposition effect was found when a transposed non-word has high frequency syllable(e.g., 민주화 → 진무화), while such effect was not seen in a transposed non-word with low frequency syllable. The results showed that the letter transposition effect can found in Korean as well. The results also implicate the possibility that syllable frequency is the main moderating variable regarding the Korean letter transposition effect.

A Study on the Improvement of Effectiveness in National Cyber Security Monitoring and Control Services (국가 전산망 보안관제업무의 효율적 수행방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Lee, Su-Yeon;Kwon, Hun-Yeong;Lim, Jong-In
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2009
  • Recently, cyber attacks against public communications networks are getting more complicated and varied. Moreover, in some cases, one country could make systematic attacks at a national level against another country to steal its confidential information and intellectual property. Therefore, the issue of cyber attacks is now regarded as a new major threat to national security. The conventional way of operating individual information security systems such as IDS and IPS may not be sufficient to cope with those attacks committed by highly-motivated attackers with significant resources. As a result, the monitoring and control of cyber security, which enables attack detection, analysis and response on a real-time basis has become of paramount importance. This paper discusses how to improve efficiency and effectiveness of national cyber security monitoring and control services. It first reviews major threats to the public communications network and how the responses to these threats are made and then it proposes a new approach to improve the national cyber security monitoring and control services.

Perception Survey about SMEs Employment of University Students in Chungbuk Area: Based on Text-mining (충북지역 대학생의 중소기업 취업에 대한 인식조사: 텍스트마이닝을 기반으로)

  • Choi, Dabin;Choi, Wooseok;Choi, Sanghyun;Lee, Junghwan
    • Korean small business review
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    • 제42권4호
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    • pp.235-250
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    • 2020
  • This study surveyed the perception of university students about employment in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises(SME) in the Chungbuk area to prepare improvement measures. In particular, the data were collected in descriptive questions along with the existing survey methods, and the perception of SME and decent work was identified using text-mining. As a result of the analysis, there are positive perceptions of jobs at SME such as various work experiences and low job competition rates, while there are generally many negative perceptions in pay, work and welfare. However, as a result of co-occurrence network analysis of responses to decent jobs, 'Information' was derived as a keyword. Currently, college students' negative perception of SME is affected by the lack of sufficient information, which needs to be improved first. To solve this problem, it was proposed to establish and operate a platform that can provide information on employment of SME and select necessary personnel.

Study on the effect of small and medium-sized businesses being selected as suitable business types, on the franchise industry (중소기업적합업종선정이 프랜차이즈산업에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Chang-Dong;Shin, Geon-Chel;Jang, Jae Nam
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2012
  • The conflict between major corporations and small and medium-sized businesses is being aggravated, the trickle down effect is not working properly, and, as the controversy surrounding the effectiveness of the business limiting system continues to swirl, the plan proposed to protect the business domain of small and medium-sized businesses, resolve polarization between these businesses and large corporations, and protect small family run stores is the suitable business type designation system for small and medium-sized businesses. The current status of carrying out this system of selecting suitable business types among small and medium-sized businesses involves receiving applications for 234 items among the suitable business types and items from small and medium-sized businesses in manufacturing, and then selecting the items of the consultative group by analyzing and investigating the actual conditions. Suitable business type designation in the service industry will involve designation with priority on business types that are experiencing social conflict. Three major classifications of the service industry, related to the livelihood of small and medium-sized businesses, will be first designated, and subsequently this will be expanded sequentially. However, there is the concern that when designated as a suitable business type or item, this will hinder the growth motive for small to medium-sized businesses, and designation all cause decrease in consumer welfare. Also it is highly likely that it will operate as a prior regulation, cause side-effects by limiting competition systematically, and also be in violation against the main regulations of the FTA system. Moreover, it is pointed out that the system does not sufficiently reflect reverse discrimination factor against large corporations. Because conflict between small to medium sized businesses and large corporations results from the expansion of corporations to the service industry, which is unrelated to their key industry, it is necessary to introduce an advanced contract method like a master franchise or local franchise system and to develop local small to medium sized businesses through a franchise system to protect these businesses and dealers. However, this method may have an effect that contributes to stronger competitiveness of small to medium sized franchise businesses by advancing their competitiveness and operational methods a step further, but also has many negative aspects. First, as revealed by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, the franchise industry is contributing to the strengthening of competitiveness through the economy of scale by organizing existing individual proprietors and increasing the success rate of new businesses. It is also revealed to be a response measure by the government to stabilize the economy of ordinary people and is emphasized as a 'useful way' to revitalize the service industry and improve the competitiveness of individual proprietors, and has been involved in contributions to creating jobs and expanding the domestic market by providing various services to consumers. From this viewpoint, franchises fit the purpose of the suitable business type system and is not something that is against it. Second, designation as a suitable business type may decrease investment for overseas expansion, R&D, and food safety, as well negatively affect the expansion of overseas corporations that have entered the domestic market, due to the contraction and low morale of large domestic franchise corporations that have competitiveness internationally. Also because domestic franchise businesses are hard pressed to secure competitiveness with multinational overseas franchise corporations that are operating in Korea, the system may cause difficulty for domestic franchise businesses in securing international competitiveness and also may result in reverse discrimination against these overseas franchise corporations. Third, the designation of suitable business type and item can limit the opportunity of selection for consumers who have up to now used those products and can cause a negative effect that reduces consumer welfare. Also, because there is the possibility that the range of consumer selection may be reduced when a few small to medium size businesses monopolize the market, by causing reverse discrimination between these businesses, the role of determining the utility of products must be left ot the consumer not the government. Lastly, it is desirable that this is carried out with the supplementation of deficient parts in the future, because fair trade is already secured with the enforcement of the franchise trade law and the best trade standard of the Fair Trade Commission. Overlapping regulations by the suitable business type designation is an excessive restriction in the franchise industry. Now, it is necessary to establish in the domestic franchise industry an environment where a global franchise corporation, which spreads Korean culture around the world, is capable of growing, and the active support by the government is needed. Therefore, systems that do not consider the process or background of the growth of franchise businesses and harm these businesses for the sole reason of them being large corporations must be removed. The inhibition of growth to franchise enterprises may decrease the sales of franchise stores, in some cases even bankrupt them, as well as cause other problems. Therefore the suitable business type system should not hinder large corporations, and as both small dealers and small to medium size businesses both aim at improving competitiveness and combined growth, large corporations, small dealers and small to medium sized businesses, based on their mutual cooperation, should not include franchise corporations that continue business relations with them in this system.

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Principles of Space Resources Exploitation under International Law (국제법상 우주자원개발원칙)

  • Kim, Han-Teak
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.35-59
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    • 2018
  • Professor Bin Cheng said that outer space was res extra commercium, while the moon and the other celestial bodies were res nullius before the 1967 Outer Space Treaty(OST). However, Article 2 of the OST made the moon and other celestial bodies have the legal status as res extra commmercium, not appropriated by any country or private enterprises or individual person, but the resources there can be freely available, as those on the high seas. The non-appropriation principle was introduced to corpus juris spatialis internationalis. Whether or not the non-appropriation principle is binding for the non-parties of the OST, many scholars see this principle as an international customary law, even developing into jus cogens. Article 11(2) of the Moon Agreement(MA) reconfirms the nonappropriation principle of Article 2 of the OST, but it has much less effect than the OST because the MA binds only the 18 parties involved. The MA applies only to the moon and celestial bodies other than the Earth in the Solar System, the OST's application scope extends to the Galaxy because the OST has no such substantive enactment. As referred to in the 2015 CSLCA of USA or Luxembourg's Law of Space Resources, allowing individuals and enterprises run by other countries to commercially explore and utilize the space resources, the question may arise whether this violates the non-appropriation principle under Article 2 of the OST and Article 11 of the MA. In the case of the CSLCA, the law explicitly specifies that sovereignty, possessory rights, and judiciary rights to a specific celestial body cannot be claimed, let alone ownership. This author believes that this law respects the legal status of outer space and the celestial bodies as res extra commmercium. As long as any countries or private enterprises or individuals respect the non-appropriation principle of outer space and the celestial bodies, they could use, exploit it. Another question might be raised in the difference between res extra commercium on the high seas and res extra commercium in outer space and the celestial bodies. Collecting resources on the high seas and exploiting space resources should be interpreted differently. On the high seas, resources can be collected without any obstacles like fishing, whereas, in the case of the deep sea-bed area, the Common Heritage of Mankind principles under the UNCLOS should be operated by the International Seabed Authority as an international regime. The nature or form of the sea resources found on the high seas are thus different from that of space resources, which are fixed on the moon and the celestial bodies without water. Thus, if individuals or private enterprises collect these resources from outer space and the celestial bodies, they might secure a certain section and continue collecting or mining works without any limitation. If an American enterprise receives an approval from the U.S. government, secures the best location and collects resources on the moon, can other countries' enterprises access to this area? How large the exploiting place can be allotted on the moon? How long should such a exploiting activity be lasted? Under the current international space law, these matters might be handled according to the principle of "first come, first served." As a consequence, the international community should provide a guideline or a proposal for the settlement of any foreseeable disputes during the space activity to solve plausible space legal questions in the near future.