• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경계 특성

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Robust determination of control parameters in K chart with respect to data structures (데이터 구조에 강건한 K 관리도의 관리 모수 결정)

  • Park, Ingkeun;Lee, Sungim
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.1353-1366
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    • 2015
  • These days Shewhart control chart for evaluating stability of the process is widely used in various field. But it must follow strict assumption of distribution. In real-life problems, this assumption is often violated when many quality characteristics follow non-normal distribution. Moreover, it is more serious in multivariate quality characteristics. To overcome this problem, many researchers have studied the non-parametric control charts. Recently, SVDD (Support Vector Data Description) control chart based on RBF (Radial Basis Function) Kernel, which is called K-chart, determines description of data region on in-control process and is used in various field. But it is important to select kernel parameter or etc. in order to apply the K-chart and they must be predetermined. For this, many researchers use grid search for optimizing parameters. But it has some problems such as selecting search range, calculating cost and time, etc. In this paper, we research the efficiency of selecting parameter regions as data structure vary via simulation study and propose a new method for determining parameters so that it can be easily used and discuss a robust choice of parameters for various data structures. In addition, we apply it on the real example and evaluate its performance.

Effects of Antenna Modeling in 2-D FDTD Simulation of an Ultra-Wide Band Radar for Nondestructive Testing of a Concrete Wall (콘크리트 벽의 비파괴검사를 위한 초광대역 레이더의 2차원 FDTD 시뮬레이션에서 안테나 모델링의 영향)

  • Joo, Jeong-Myeong;Hong, Jin-Young;Shin, Sang-Jin;Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Oh, Yisok
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.98-105
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents a finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) simulation and a data processing technique for radar sensing of the internal structure of a wall using an ultra-wide band antenna. We first designed an ultra-wide band anti-podal vivaldi antenna with a frequency range of 0.3~7 GHz which is chosen to be relatively low after considering the characteristics of wave attenuation, wall penetration, and range resolution. In this study the two-dimensional FDTD technique was used to simulate a wall-penetration-radar experiment under practical conditions. The next, the measured radiation pattern of the practical antenna is considered as an equivalent source in the FDTD simulation, and the reflection data of a concrete wall and targets are obtained by using the simulation. Then, a data processing technique has been applied to the FDTD reflection data to get a radar image for remote sensing of the internal structure of the wall. We compared the two different source excitations in the FDTD simulation; (1) commonly-used isotropic point sources and (2) polynomial curve fitting sources of the measured radiation pattern. As a result, when we apply the measured antenna pattern into the FDTD simulation, we could obtain about 2.5 dB higher signal to noise level than using a plane wave incidence with isotropic sources.

The Heterotopiatic Placeness of North Korea and a Priming Effect: The Case of The Korean-American (북한의 헤테로토피아적 장소성과 점화 효과: 재미교포를 대상으로)

  • Oh, In-Hye
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.407-430
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to prove double faced heterotopiatic placeness of North Korea which can be highlighted to one aspect through priming test. Korean-Americans are found to have a perception of North Korea as a closed society where political leader cult is practiced, Pyongyang as a display city. They have Christian nostalgia toward it as a place where Christianity was first introduced to. North Korea's heterotopiatic placeness is sharing the 5,000 years of history of the Korea peninsula on the one hand and being a closed dictatorship place on the other. North Korea is kept isolated and closed but has had a liminal space through the intentional open system like special economic zone. Pyongyang is the city for specific class where it shows the heterotopiatic character. Priming is found effective in Yeongbyun, a place of extreme mixtures placeness as being the hometown of the beloved Korean poet Kim So-Wol and the site of nuclear weapon experiment but Korean-Americans have not found any priming effect regarding the Geumgang mountain tour. As to the Arirang performance, a man-made landscape expressing North Korea's sense of value and ideology, priming resulted in preference. This study raises the needs for understanding North Korea as a multifaced placeness and it can purposely be emphasized and changed to contribute the two Korea's unification.

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MCBP Neural Netwoek for Effcient Recognition of Tire Claddification Code (타이어 분류 코드의 효율적 인식을 위한 MCBP망)

  • Koo, Gun-Seo;O, Hae-Seok
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.465-482
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we have studied on cinstructing code-recognition shstem by neural network according to a image process taking the DOT classification code stamped on tire surface.It happened to a few problems that characters distorted in edge by diffused reflection and two adjacent characters take the same label,even very sen- sitive to illumination ofr recognition the stamped them on tire.Thus,this paper would propose the algorithm for tire code under being cinscious of these properties and prove the algorithm drrciency with a simulation.Also,we have suggerted the MCBP network composing of multi-linked recognizers of dffcient identify the DOT code being tire classification code.The MCBP network extracts the projection balue for classifying each character's rdgion after taking out the prjection of each chracter's region on X,Y axis,processes each chracters by taking 7$\times$8 normalization.We have improved error rate 3% through the MCBP network and post-process comparing the DOT code Database. This approach has a accomplished that learming time get's improvenent at 60% and recognition rate has become to 95% from 90% than BckPropagation with including post- processing it has attained greate rates of entire of tire recoggnition at 98%.

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Enhanced Spatial Covariance Matrix Estimation for Asynchronous Inter-Cell Interference Mitigation in MIMO-OFDMA System (3GPP LTE MIMO-OFDMA 시스템의 인접 셀 간섭 완화를 위한 개선된 Spatial Covariance Matrix 추정 기법)

  • Moon, Jong-Gun;Jang, Jun-Hee;Han, Jung-Su;Kim, Sung-Soo;Kim, Yong-Serk;Choi, Hyung-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.5C
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    • pp.527-539
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose an asynchonous ICI (Inter-Cell Interference) mitigation techniques for 3GPP LTE MIMO-OFDMA down-link receiver. An increasing in symbol timing misalignments may occur relative to sychronous network as the result of BS (Base Station) timing differences. Such symbol synchronization errors that exceed the guard interval or the cyclic prefix duration may result in MAI (Multiple Access Interference) for other carriers. In particular, at the cell boundary, this MAI becomes a critical factor, leading to degraded channel throughput and severe asynchronous ICI. Hence, many researchers have investigated the interference mitigation method in the presence of asynchronous ICI and it appears that the knowledge of the SCM (Spatial Covariance Matrix) of the asynchronous ICI plus background noise is an important issue. Generally, it is assumed that the SCM estimated by using training symbols. However, it is difficult to measure the interference statistics for a long time and training symbol is also not appropriate for MIMO-OFDMA system such as LTE. Therefore, a noise reduction method is required to improve the estimation accuracy. Although the conventional time-domain low-pass type weighting method can be effective for noise reduction, it causes significant estimation error due to the spectral leakage in practical OFDM system. Therefore, we propose a time-domain sinc type weighing method which can not only reduce the noise effectively minimizing estimation error caused by the spectral leakage but also implement frequency-domain moving average filter easily. By using computer simulation, we show that the proposed method can provide up to 3dB SIR gain compared with the conventional method.

A Fundamental Research on Determining Segregation Boundary using Rheological Parameters for 21 and 24MPa grade of Normal Strength Concrete (레올로지 정수를 이용하여 21, 24MPa급 일반강도 콘크리트의 재료분리 경계를 판단하기 위한 기초연구)

  • Lee, You-Jung;Lee, Young-Jun;Han, Dongyeop
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.399-407
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    • 2020
  • The aim of the research is to provide the boundary conditions for segregation of normal strength grade and high fluidity concrete mixture (so called mid-fluidity concrete) with rheology parameters. Since the normal strength grade concrete mixture has a relatively high water-to-cement ratio and no SCMs, it is easy to be segregated when superplasticizer is added. Hence, to achieve the mid-fluidity concrete of normal strength grade and high fluidity, preventing segregation of the mixture is inevitable. In this research, using two superplasticizers with different solid concentrations, the flow behaviors and rheological behaviors were assessed by increasing fluidity until the segregation happened. According to the experiment in this research, an unusual behavior in rheology parameters was observed when the concrete mixture started to be segregated. From this results and report, it is expected to contribute on the definition of segregation with rheological test methods.

A Study of Rayleigh Damping Effect on Dynamic Crack Propagation Analysis using MLS Difference Method (MLS 차분법을 활용한 동적 균열전파해석의 Rayleigh 감쇠영향 분석)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Ho;Yoon, Young-Cheol
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.583-590
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a dynamic crack propagation algorithm with Rayleigh damping effect based on the MLS(Moving Least Squares) Difference Method. Dynamic equilibrium equation and constitutive equation are derived by considering Rayliegh damping and governing equations are discretized by the MLS derivative approximation; the proportional damping, which has not been properly treated in the conventional strong formulations, was implemented in both the equilibrium equation and constitutive equation. Dynamic equilibrium equation including time relevant terms is integrated by the Central Difference Method and the discrete equations are simplified by lagging the velocity one step behind. A geometrical feature of crack is modeled by imposing the traction-free condition onto the nodes placed at crack surfaces and the effect of movement and addition of the nodes at every time step due to crack growth is appropriately reflected on the construction of total system. The robustness of the proposed numerical algorithm was proved by simulating single and multiple crack growth problems and the effect of proportional damping on the dynamic crack propagation analysis was effectively demonstrated.

A Study on the Systematic Integration of WASP5 Water Quality Model with a GIS (GIS와 WASP5 수질모델의 유기적 통합에 관한 연구)

  • 최성규;김계현
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.291-307
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    • 2001
  • In today's environmental engineering practice, many technologies such as GIS have been adopted to analyze chemical and biological process in water bodies and pollutants movements on the land surface. However, the linkage between spatially represented land surface pollutants and the in-stream processes has been relatively weak. This lack of continuity needs to develop a method in order to link the spatially-based pollutant source characterization with the water quality modeling. The objective of this thesis was to develop a two-way(forward and backward) link between ArcView GIS software and the USEPA water quality model, WASP5. This thesis includes a literature review, the determination of the point source and non-point source loadings from WASP5 modeling, and the linkage of a GIS with WASP5 model. The GIS and model linkage includes pre-processing of the input data within a GIS to provide necessary information for running a model in the forms of external input files. The model results has been post-processed and stored in the GIS database to be reviewed in a user defined form such as a chart, or a table. The interface developed from this study would provide efficient environment to support the easier decision making form water quality management.

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A study on effects of landscape design of road tunnel portal to interior lighting of tunnels (도로터널의 갱구부 경관설계가 터널 내부조명에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Mi-Ae;Lee, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.497-504
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    • 2013
  • This research uses numerical analysis to examine the tunnel portal landscape affecting the brightness level of interior lighting when designing lights for road tunnels through the L20 method. In order to extract the brightness recognition per form of a tunnel entrance and to evaluate the effects of the characteristics of the materials of facilities near a tunnel portal, brightness analysis was conducted by filming brightness on a video photometer called Hi-land Elf System, and a surface brightness photometer called LMK Mobile Advanced. Tunnels in Korea are mostly distributed in mountain areas; thus, the ratio occupied by the sky, which has the highest brightness within the angle of L20, is close to zero, while most of the ratio was occupied by brightness by the area near the tunnel entrance or road surface. However, for a tunnel portal retaing wall, which allows the width of a tunnel entrance to seem wider within the L20 angle, appeared to be have higher brightness compared to nearby areas or the surface, which is an element increasing the tunnel portal brightness within the tunnel, and the road facilities near the tunnel portal appeared to have an effect on the brightness as well. Thus, when designing tunnel lights based on brightness, the form of the tunnel entrance and the area width, material, and color of areas near the tunnel portal appeared to affect outside brightness and become an element affecting the establishment of the brightness level of the interior lights of tunnels. Consequently, reviewing such matters is a prerequisite when designing tunnel portal landscape.

Classification of a Volumetric MRI Using Gibbs Distributions and a Line Model (깁스분포와 라인모델을 이용한 3차원 자기공명영상의 분류)

  • Junchul Chun
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : This paper introduces a new three dimensional magnetic Resonance Image classification which is based on Mar kov Random Field-Gibbs Random Field with a line model. Material and Methods : The performance of the Gibbs Classifier over a statistically heterogeneous image can be improved if the local stationary regions in the image are disassociated from each other through the mechanism of the interaction parameters defined at the local neighborhood level. This usually involves the construction of a line model for the image. In this paper we construct a line model for multisignature images based on the differential of the image which can provide an a priori estimate of the unobservable line field, which may lie in regions with significantly different statistics. the line model estimated from the original image data can in turn be used to alter the values of the interaction parameters of the Gibbs Classifier. Results : MRF-Gibbs classifier for volumetric MR images is developed under the condition that the domain of the image classification is $E^{3}$ space rather thatn the conventional $E^{2}$ space. Compared to context free classification, MRF-Gibbs classifier performed better in homogeneous and along boundaries since contextual information is used during the classification. Conclusion : We construct a line model for multisignature, multidimensional image and derive the interaction parameter for determining the energy function of MRF-Gibbs classifier.

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