• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경계 특성

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Analysis of Long-Term Wave Distribution at Jeju Sea Based on SWAN Model Simulation (SWAN모델을 이용한 제주해역 장기 파랑분포 특성 연구)

  • Ryu Hwangjin;Hong Keyyong;Shin Seung-Ho;Song Museok;Kim Do Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2004
  • Long-term wave distribution at Jeju sea is investigated by a numerical simulation based on the thirdgeneration wave model SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore). The Jeju sea which retains relatively high wave energy density among Korean coastal regions is considered to be a suitable site for wave power generation and the efficiency of wave power generation is closely related to local wave characteristics. The monthly mean of a large-scale long-term wave data from 1979 to 2002, which is provided by Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute. is used as the boundary condition of SWAN model simulation with 1km grid. An analysis of wave distribution concentrates on the seasonal variation and spatial distribution of significant wave heights, mean wave directions and mean wave periods. Significant wave heights are higher in winter and summer and the west sea of Jeju appears relatively higher than east's. The highest significant wave height occurs at the northeast sea in winter and the second highest significant wave height appears at the southeast sea in summer, while the significant wave heights in spring and autumn are relatively low but homogeneous. The distribution of wave directions reveals that except the rear region influenced by wave refraction, the northwest wave direction is dominant in summer and the southeast in winter. Wave periods are longer in summer and winter and the west sea of Jeju appears relatively longer than east's. The longest wave period occurs at the west sea in winter, and in summer it appears relatively homogeneous with a little longer period at the south sea.

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Gamut Mapping and Extension Method in the xy Chromaticity Diagram for Various Display Devices (다양한 디스플레이 장치를 위한 xy 색도도상에서의 색역 사상 및 확장 기법)

  • Cho Yang-Ho;Kwon Oh-Seol;Son Chang-Hwan;Park Tae-Yong;Ha Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.43 no.1 s.307
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposed color matching technique, including display characterization, chromatic adaptation model, and gamut mapping and extension, to generate consistent colors for the same input signal in each display device. It is necessary to characterize the relationship between input and output colors for display device, to apply chromatic adaptation model considering the difference of reference white, and to compensate for the gamut which display devices can represent for reproducing consistent colors on DTV display devices. In this paper, 9 channel-independent GOG model, which is improved from conventional 3 channel GOG(gain, offset gamma) model, is used to consider channel interaction and enhance the modeling accuracy. Then, the input images have to be adjusted to compensate for the limited gamut of each display device. We proposed the gamut mapping and extension method, preserving lightness and hue of an original image and enhancing the saturation of an original image in xy chromaticity diagram. Since the hmm visual system is more sensitive to lightness and hue, these values are maintained as the values of input signal, and the enhancement of saturation is changed to the ratio of input and output gamut. Also the xy chromaticity diagram is effective to reduce the complexity of establishing gamut boundary and the process of reproducing moving-pictures in DTV display devices. As a result, reproducing accurate colors can be implemented when the proposed method is applied to LCD and PDP display devices

A Study on the Self-annealing Characteristics of Electroplated Copper Thin Film for DRAM Integrated Process (DRAM 집적공정 응용을 위한 전기도금법 증착 구리 박막의 자기 열처리 특성 연구)

  • Choi, Deuk-Sung;Jeong, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2018
  • This research scrutinizes the self-annealing characteristics of copper used to metal interconnection for application of DRAM fabrication process. As the time goes after the copper deposited, the grain of copper is growing. It is called self-annealing. We use the electroplating method for copper deposition and estimate two kinds of electroplating chemicals having different organic additives. As the time of self-annealing is elapsed, sheet resistance decreases with logarithmic dependence of time and is finally saturated. The improvement of sheet resistance is approximately 20%. The saturation time of experimental sample is shorter than that of reference sample. We can find that self-annealing is highly efficient in grain growth of copper through the measurement of TEM analysis. The structure of copper grain is similar to the bamboo type useful for current flow. The results of thermal excursion characteristics show that the reliability of self-annealed sample is better than that of sample annealed at higher temperature. The self-annealed sample is not contained in hillock. The self-annealed samples grow until $2{\mu}m$ and develop in [100] direction more favorable for reliability.

Hydroacoustic Investigation on the Distribution and Migration Behavior of Fish (어군탐지기에 의한 어군의 분포와 생태계측에 관한 연구)

  • 이대재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.337-346
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    • 1992
  • Hydroacoustic surveys were conducted in the East China Sea, in the summers of 1990-1991 to investigate the distribution and migration behavior of fish, such as the diel changes in the distributions of fish, the thermoselection behavior of fish, and the fish reactions to a surveying vessel. The hydroacoustic observations were taken with a scientific echo sounder operating at 50kHz and a microcomputer-based echo processor. Fish samples were collected by bottom trawling and temperature was measured with a DBT system. The patterns of fish distributions were compared with the vertical profiles of water temperature. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. The time series of hydroacoustic observations on the downward migration at dawn in the central region of East China Sea showed that the migration rate was 0.24 m/min. In this region, most of the fish collected by bottom trawling during the surveys were squid (Photologio edulis f. budo) and horse mackeral (Trachurus japonicus). 2. The hydroacoustic observations, which together associated with temperature data, indicated that squid and horse mackeral concentrated nocturally in a narrow vertical band of thermocline, particularly in summer when the survey region was strongly stratified. This result suggest that the nocturnal vertical distribution of these species evidently is controlled by temperature. 3. When the survey vessel, that is running at a speed of 11 knots, has suddenly stopped, the fish which concentrated beneath the transducer showed a strong avoidance reaction in the form of rapid downward migration. After a few minutes, the descending reaction disappeared and the fish slowly began the upward migration toward their original swimming positions. Trawl data suggest that the fish, which showed the avoidance reaction, was Liparis tessellatus.

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Rheological Properties of Agar Solution from Cheju Seaweed, Gellidium amansii (제주산 우뭇가사리로 부터 추출한 한천용액의 유동특성)

  • KANG Hoon-I;KO Moon-Sub;KIM Hyeon-Ju;KIM Sung-Woo;BAE Tae-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.722-726
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    • 1996
  • To bring out the functional properties of Agar-agar extracted with 0.01N $H_2SO_4$ from Cellidium amansii produced in Che-ju Udo and its rheological properties were investigated. The flow behavior indexes in the range of $0.5\~5\%$ agar-agar solution were $0.62\~0.69\;at\;80^{\circ}C,\;0.46\~0.67\;at\;60^{\circ}C\;and\;0.34\~0.64\;at\;50^{\circ}C$. The consistency indexes were $0.12\~1.26\;Pa{\cdot}s^n\;at\;80^{\circ}C,\;0.12\~7.28\;Pa{\cdot}s^n\;at\;60^{\circ}C\;and\;3.9\~19952.6\;Pa{\cdot}s^n\;at\;50^{\circ}C$. Consistenry index's existence nature to concentration is two straight line relation which have different slopes on the border of $2\%$ concentration of agar-agar solution and existence nature of temperature followed Arrhenius equation. And the activation energy, in the range of $0.5\%\~5\%$ agar-agar solution, were $0.09\~13.51\;kcal/g{\cdot}mol$.

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The Characteristics of Intra-Urban Migration in Seoul (서울시 내부 인구이동의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Eun-Young;Cho, Dae-Heon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.169-186
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    • 2005
  • This paper has focused on the geographical patterns of migrations and the influence of housing value(apartment) per pyung on the migrations within the one city(Seoul) for 1995$\sim$2003. The migration flows which are composed of the origin, the destination and the number of migrants, are examined at the administrative gu and dong level. As most migrations occur among adjacent gus and dongs, short-distance migration is prominent But there is a tendency for the short-distance migrations to occur between specific regions. Since the economic crisis of 1997 out of which Korea was rescued by IMF, differentiation of housing price is so evident that residental relocation is selective among dongs. It seems that the differentiation of housing price has begun to facilitate the relocation of households. Certain social groups are excluded from high-quality residences, as they cannot afford the high price. The number of migrants between dongs is closely related to the variation of the housing value per pyung within dongs. The short-distance migration may reflect this phenomena simultaneously. It seems that the intra-urban migrations in Seoul play a important role to produce and reinforce the residential segregation.

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Sedimentary Facies and Environmental Changes of the Nakdong River Estuary and Adjacent Coastal Area (낙동강 하구와 주변 연안역의 표층 퇴적상 및 퇴적환경 변화)

  • KIM Seok-Yun;HA Jeong-Su
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.268-278
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    • 2001
  • To investigate sedimentary facies and environmental changes of the Nakdong River Estuary and its adjacent coastal area, the grain size analysis and measurement of organic matter, calcium carbonate, clay mineral and metallic elements were carried out for forty surface sediment samples. Based on regional distribution pattern and characteristics of the surface sediments, sedimentary facies in the study area can be divided into sand facies (TYPE I), mud facies (TYPE II) and sand-mud mixed facies (TYPE III). TYPE III is the transition of TYPE I and TYPE II in every aspects of sediment characteristics. It suggests that TYPE III may have been formed by the mixture of two different source of sediment : one derived from Nakdong River and the other resuspended fine-grained sediments from the Jinhae Bay by winnowing action during floods or storms. Among many aspects of environmental change after the construction of the Nakdong Barrage, the most significant is the increase of sand content off the sand barrier region. It could be explained by several reasons including decreased input of fine-grained sediment from river, increased hydrodynamic energy level off the sand barrier region and artificial effects such as dredging and dumping.

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Investigation of the Bond and Deformation Characteristics between an Asphalt layer and a Concrete Slab used as the Trackbed Foundation of an Embedded Rail System for Wireless Trams (무가선 트램용 매립형궤도 아스팔트 포장층의 부착특성 및 변형발생특성 분석)

  • Cho, Hojin;Kang, Yunsuk;Lee, Suhyung;Park, Jeabeom;Lim, Yujin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.224-233
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    • 2016
  • Embedded Railway Systems (ERS) will be adapted for wireless trams and will be constructed along city roadways. An asphalt layer should be overlaid on top of the concrete slab used as the trackbed structure in order to ensure smoothness and surface levels equal to those of existing road pavement in downtown city areas. However, the characteristics of an asphalt layer when used as overlay pavement for an ERS are complicated and the behavior of this material is not yet well defined and understood. Therefore, in this study, laboratory shear and tensile bond strength tests were conducted to investigate the bonding behavior of an asphalt layer in a multilayered trackbed section of an ERS. For the laboratory tests, a waterproof coating material was selected as a bonding material between the asphalt overlay and a concrete specimen. Valuable design parameters could be obtained based on the tensile and shear bond strength test results, providing information about the serviceability and durability of the overlaid pavements to be constructed alongside the ERS for wireless trams. In addition, a deformation analysis to assess the tensile strain generated due to truck axle loads at the interface between the asphalt layer and the concrete slab was conducted to verify the stability and performance of the asphalt layer.

A Study on Velocity Distribution Characteristics for Each Location and Effectiveness of Straight Duct Length in a Square-sectional 180° Bended Duct (정사각형 단면을 갖는 180° 곡관에서 위치별 속도분포특성 및 직관거리의 유효성에 관한 연구)

  • Chen, Jing-Jing;Yoon, Jun-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.618-627
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    • 2016
  • This study numerically analyzes the characteristics of the velocity distribution for each location of a square-sectional $180^{\circ}$ bent duct using a Reynolds Stress Turbulent model. The flow parameters were varied, including the working fluids, inlet velocity, surface roughness, radius of curvature, and hydraulic diameter. The boundary conditions for computational fluid dynamics analysis were inlet temperatures of air and water of 288 K and 293 K, inlet air velocity of 3-15 m/s, inner surface roughness of 0-0.001 mm, radius of curvature of 2.5-4.5 D, and hydraulic diameter of 70-100 mm. The working fluid characteristics were highly affected by changes in the viscous force. The maximum velocity profiles in the bent duct were indicated when the $90^{\circ}$ section was in the region of X/D=0.8 and the $180^{\circ}$ section was in the region of Y/D=0.8. Lower surface roughness and higher radius of curvature resulted in a higher rate of velocity change. Also, an efficient measuring location downstream of the bent duct is suggested since the flow deviations were the most stable when the straight duct length was in the region of L/D=30. The minimum deviations at the same velocity conditions according to the hydraulic diameter were mostly indicated in the range of L/D=15-30 based on the standard deviation characteristics.

An Analysis of Intensity Attenuation Characteristics by Physics-based Strong Ground-Motion Simulation (물리적 지진모델링 기반 강지진동 모사를 통한 진도 감쇠 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Su-Kyong;Song, Seok Goo;Kyung, Jai Bok
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.56-67
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we analyzed the intensity attenuation for M 6.0, 6.5, and 7.0 earthquakes using the broadband strong ground motion simulation platform based on the physical seismic modeling developed by the US Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC). The location of the earthquake was assumed to be near the epicenter of the 2016 M 5.8 Gyeongju earthquake, but two of the representative US regional models provided by the SCEC strong ground motion simulation platform were used for the propagation model. One is the Central and Eastern United States (CEUS) model representing the intraplate region, and the other is the LA Basin model representing the interplate region. Five modeling methodologies are presented in the version 16.5 of the simulation platform, and Song and Exsim models were used in this study. In the analysis, we found that different intensity attenuation patterns can be observed with the same magnitude of earthquakes, especially depending on the region (CEUS vs LA Basin). Given the same magnitude and distance, the instrumental intensity in the CEUS region (intraplate) could be larger by a unit of 2 than that in the LA Basin region (interplate). Given the difference of intensity attenuation patterns observed in the study, it is important to know the regional intensity attenuation characteristics to understand the accurate level of seismic hazard imposed in the Korean Peninsula. This study also shows the level of the uncertainty of intensity attenuation if region specific attenuation characteristics are not considered.