• Title/Summary/Keyword: 견봉쇄골관절 탈구

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Arthroscopic Stabilization of Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation using TightRope® (TightRope®를 이용한 내시경하 급성견봉쇄골관절 탈구의 고정술 메리놀병원 정형외과)

  • Choi, Sun-Jin;Park, Jong-Hoon;Lee, Hyeong-Seok
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.172-176
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The proper surgical methods for treating acromioclavicular joint dislocation is still controversial. New methods should provide better early motion with sufficient strength. Materials and Methods: We performed arthroscopic stabilization using TightRope(R) (Arthrex, Inc, Naples, FL) in 10 cases of acromioclavicular joint dislocation between April, 2007, and December, 2007, and followup for a minimum of 10 months. We performed radiologic evaluation by comparing the clavicle anteroposterior radiograph with the contralateral one. Clinical evaluation was made for pain, function, and range of joint motion by Imatani's methods. Results: In clinical evaluation, 6 cases were excellent, 3 cases were good, and 1 case was poor. In radiologic evaluation, 9 cases were excellent and 1 case was poor. Redislocation occurred in 1 case. Conclusion: During short-term followup, 9 of 10 patients who underwent arthroscopic stabilization using TightRope(R) had excellent results in Imatini tests and radiologic evaluation, except 1 patient with redislocation.

Surgical Treatment for Acute Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation (급성 견봉쇄골관절 탈구의 수술적 치료)

  • Kim Jeong Hwan;Kim Chong Kwan;Lee Saeng Guk;Kim Young O;Park Jae Kyu;Yoon Jong Ho
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2001
  • There has been considerable controversy concerning the methods for treatment of dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint, especially in grade III injury. The authors have treated 24 cases of the complete dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint from January 1990 to July 2000. We performed 14 cases of coracoclavicular wiring operation, 10 cases of modified Phemister operation and compared the results and complication of wiring operation with modified Phemister. The clinical results in modified phemister operation were excellent in 8 cases(80%), good in 1 case(l0%), fair 1 case(10%). In wiring operation, excellent is 11 case(78%), good is 2 case(14%), fair is 1 case(14%). The complications of modified Phemister operation were breakage and migration of K-wire in 2 cases. In wiring operation, breakage of wire was in 2 cases but migration was not showed. We prefered coracoclavicular wiring operation for dislocation of acromioclavicular joint of active young adults because of the following advantages: 1) violation of acromioclavicular joint can be avoided but rotation of the clavicle was not restricted. 2) The operation is simple to perform. 3) Postoperative immobilization is minimal. 4) Removal of the wire is easy because wire was not migrated when breakage of wire was occured.

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Triple Disruption of the Superior Shoulder Suspensory Complex - Case Report at 5-year-follow up - (상부 견갑 현수 복합체의 3중 붕괴 - 5년 추시 증례 보고 -)

  • Sung, Chang-Meen;Park, Hyung Bin
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.143-147
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    • 2012
  • A triple disruption of the SSSC, an extremely rare injury, has been reported by only a few authors. We present a patient who had sustained a triple disruption of the SSSC: coracoid and scapular spine fractures, and an acromioclavicular joint separation. Treatment consisted of an anatomical restoration of the SSSC, with maintenance of the acromiohumeral and coracohumeral distances; this was achieved by open reduction and internal fixation of the fractures and of the separation. Six months after surgery, the injured shoulder was asymptomatic, with full range of motion. Five years after surgery, at the final follow-up, the function of the SSSC had been restored to the patient's complete satisfaction.

Arthroscopic Treatment of Acute Acromioclavicular Dislocation using TightRope(R) (TightRope(R)를 이용한 관절경적 급성 견봉쇄골 관절 탈구의 치료)

  • Kim, In-Bo;Shon, Myung-Hwan;Kim, Moon-Chan;Kim, Dong-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the radiologic and clinical results of the arthroscopic coracoclavicular fixation of the acute acromioclavicular dislocation using TightRope(R) (Arthrex, Inc, Naples, FL). Materials and Methods: We performed the arthroscopic coracoclavicular fixation using TightRope(R) in twenty patients with the Rockwood type III or V acute acromioclavicular dislocation between February, 2009, and February, 2010. Mean follow-up was 13.4(range 8~22) months. Radiologic results were evaluated by comparing the distances between the clavicle and the coracoid process with those in the contralateral sides using the acromioclavicular stress radiographs. Clinical results were made according to the KSS(Korean Shoulder Scoring System), and the cosmetic satisfaction of the patient was assessed. Results: Radiologically, 18 cases showed excellent, 1 case showed good and 1 case showed fair results. Clinically, KSS was mean 98.5 (range 92~100) points and all cases revealed satisfactory cosmetic results. Because one case complained of skin tenderness and discomfort of palpation, we closed the knot with surrounding muscle & fascia. Then local wound infection occurred, so we treated it by incision and drainage under local anesthesia and antibiotic therapy for 2 weeks. Conclusion: Arthroscopic coracoclavicular fixation using TightRope(R) for treating the Rockwood type III or V acute acromioclavicular dislocation showed satisfactory radiologic and clinical results. It seems to be a good treatment method that has little postoperative complication, provides an early rehabilitation and an excellent cosmetic result, and does not require secondary operation for removal of metal implant.

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Surgical treatment of the Acute Acromioclavicular Dislocation (견봉 쇄골 관절의 급성 완전탈구에 대한 수술적 치료)

  • Lee Kwang-Won;Hwang In-Sik;Choy Won-Sik
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.175-179
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    • 1998
  • The acromioclavicular joint is commonly affected by traumatic and degenerative conditions. Most injuries are due to direct trauma, such as a fall on the shoulder. Although there is general agreement on treatment of type I, Ⅱ, Ⅳ, V and VI acromioclavicular injuries, the treatment of type Ⅲ injuries remains controversial. Sixty patients, ranging in age from 19 to 57 years(average, 32), were evaluated an average of 57.5 (range, 13 to 96) months after surgical reconstruction for Rockwood type Ⅲ Ⅳ, V acromioclavicular dislocation. Phemister method (47 cases), Bosworth (3 cases), Weaver and Dunn method (10 cases) were used to correct displacement. An increase of the coracoclavicular distance of the injured shoulder over the normal shoulder was average 7.1㎜ at initial, average l㎜ on postoperatively, and average 2㎜ at follow-up. Overall, 54 of 60(90%) patients achieved satisfactory results. Degree of increase of the coracoclavicular distance has no inliluence to clinical results.

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