The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of work-family conciliation strategies on work-family conflict and enrichment in dual-earner couples who live in Daegu with children. The subjects of this study were 176 dual-earner couples, who have under 16 youngest children and work over 15 hours each week. The research tool was questionnaires. For data analysis, factor analysis, Cronbach α, paired t-test and multiple regression were performed. The main results of this study were as following. First, there were significant differences in management and planning skill strategy, work-family conflict and enrichment according to gender. Second, positive attitudes strategy toward multiple responsibilities, wives use, had an influence on work→family conflict in wives. Also, partner coping, management and planning skill, and positive attitudes strategy, wives use, and management and planning skill strategy, husbands use, had an influence on family→work conflict in wives. And management and planning skill and professional adjustment strategy, husbands use, had an influence on family→work conflict in husbands. work-family conciliation strategies had no influence on work→family conflict. Third, positive attitudes strategy toward multiple responsibilities, wives use, had an influence on work→family enrichment in wives. Also, partner coping strategy, wives use, and management and planning skill strategy, husbands use, had an influence on family→work enrichment in wives. And positive attitudes strategy toward multiple responsibilities, husbands use, had an influence on work→family enrichment in husbands. Also management and planning skill strategy, wives use, and partner coping, professional adjustment and management and planning skill strategy had an influence on family→work enrichment in husbands.