• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가상의

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Use of 3D Printing Model for the Management of Fibrous Dysplasia: Preliminary Case Study

  • Choi, Jong-Woo;Jeong, Woo Shik
    • Journal of International Society for Simulation Surgery
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.36-38
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    • 2016
  • Fibrous dysplasia is a relatively rare disease but the management would be quite challenging. Because this is not a malignant tumor, the preservation of the facial contour and the various functions seems to be important in treatment planning. Until now the facial bone reconstruction with autogenous bone would be the standard. Although the autogenous bone would be the ideal one for facial bone reconstruction, donor site morbidity would be the inevitable problem in many cases. Meanwhile, various types of allogenic and alloplastic materials have been also used. However, facial bone reconstruction with many alloplastic material have produced no less complications including infection, exposure, and delayed wound healing. Because the 3D printing technique evolved so fast that 3D printed titanium implant were possible recently. The aim of this trial is to try to restore the original maxillary anatomy as possible using the 3D printing model, based on the mirrored three dimensional CT images based on the computer simulation. Preoperative computed tomography (CT) data were processed for the patient and a rapid prototyping (RP) model was produced. At the same time, the uninjured side was mirrored and superimposed onto the traumatized side, to create a mirror-image of the RP model. And we molded Titanium mesh to reconstruct three-dimensional maxillary structure during the operation. This prefabricated Titanium-mesh implant was then inserted onto the defected maxilla and fixed. Three dimensional printing technique of titanium material based on the computer simulation turned out to be successful in this patient. Individualized approach for each patient could be an ideal way to restore the facial bone.

Evaluation of Masseter Muscle Volume after Contouring of Prominent Mandible Angle by Measurement of CT Scan Image

  • Kim, Yong Oock;Choi, Jong Woo
    • Journal of International Society for Simulation Surgery
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.71-74
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    • 2014
  • Purpose The prominent mandible angle, otherwise known as "square face", has been recognized as an aesthetic problem that needs correction by many in the Asian community. Many surgeons considered that mandible angle ostectomy alone, brings about hypotrophy of the masseter muscle. However, it was only proven indirectly (by clinical experience and histological animal experiments) and not objectively. In this study, we evaluated the volume of masseter muscle to prove the effect, objectively. Materials and method Computed tomography (CT) images were used to measure the masseter muscle volume of normal female group (n=6), and of female patient group n=8, preoperative and early & late postoperative volumes) presenting the symptom of prominent mandible angle. The data was analyzed statistically by two-sample t-test and paired t-test using SAS (version 8.2). Results In normal female group, volume average was $16,142{\pm}2,829.8mm^3$. In patient group, preoperative volume averaged $24,447{\pm}4,544.5mm^3$ (p<0.0001), early postoperative volume measured average of $31,966{\pm}50,421mm^3$ which is a 30% increase from the preoperative volume (p<0.0001). Late postoperative measurement was $20,202{\pm}4,092.3mm^3$, which is a 20% decrease from the preoperative volume (p<0.0006). Conclusion The bone reduction of prominent mandible angle induce the hypotrophic effect of masseter muscle after long term follow up (5 more months). This result mean that the result of mandible angle contouring surgery can be considered as combined effect of bony angle reduction and subsequent masseter muscle hypotrophy.

3D Printed Titanium Implant for the Skull Reconstruction: A Preliminary Case Study

  • Choi, Jong-Woo;Ahn, Jae-Sung
    • Journal of International Society for Simulation Surgery
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.99-102
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    • 2014
  • The skull defect can be made after the trauma, oncologic problems or neurosurgery. The skull reconstruction has been the challenging issue in craniofacial fields for a long time. So far the skull reconstruction with autogenous bone would be the standard. Although the autogenous bone would be the ideal one for skull reconstruction, donor site morbidity would be the inevitable problem in many cases. Meanwhile various types of allogenic and alloplastic materials have been also used. However, skull reconstruction with many alloplastic material have produced no less complications including infection, exposure, and delayed wound healing. Because the 3D printing technique evolved so fast that 3D printed titanium implant were possible recently. The aim of this trial is to try to restore the original skull anatomy as possible using the 3D printed titanium implant, based on the mirrored three dimensional CT images based on the computer simulation. Preoperative computed tomography (CT) data were processed for the patient and a rapid prototyping (RP) model was produced. At the same time, the uninjured side was mirrored and superimposed onto the traumatized side, to create a mirror-image of the RP model. And we fabricated Titanium implant to reconstruct three-dimensional orbital structure in advance, using the 3D printer. This prefabricated Titanium-implant was then inserted onto the defected skull and fixed. Three dimensional printing technique of titanium material based on the computer simulation turned out to be very successful in this patient. Individualized approach for each patient could be an ideal way to manage the traumatic patients in near future.

A Study on the Implementation of Nanta Music using a Haptic Device in Virtual Reality (가상현실에서 Haptic 디바이스를 활용한 난타 음악 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Young-Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2011
  • This paper investigates the possibility of exploiting haptic force-feedback technology for interacting with Nanta music. We use VR technologies including touch processing technologies and haptic devices to offer touch of cylinder objects and cup object to users. Haptic device is used to implement touch model in VR space. Matlab/Simulink and proSENCE Virtual Touch Toolbox of Handshake Inc. for experiment, are used as programing tools. Function needed to describe the movement of x, y, and z axis respectively are applied to delineate the natural movement of water in cup object modeled with 3D. A certain amount of water in cup object has the difference of sounds. In experiment, to perceive the appearance of 3D object by touch and to feel the tactile by touch are conducted with the effect of sound on Haptic perception. We also verify that it is possible to develop games or contents in VR space by using point.

A Study on the Generation of Perspective Image View for Stereo Terrain Analysis for the Route Decision of Highway (고속도로 노선선정에서의 입체지형분석을 위한 영상조감도 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Yeon, Sang-Ho;Hong, Ill-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2002
  • The technology for the three-dimensional terrain perspective view can be used as an important factor in planning and designing for the various construction projects. In this study, the stereo image perspective view has been generated for the multi-dimension analysis by combining useful digital map and remotely sensed satellite images. In the course of experimenting with the three-dimensional topography generated by the combination of the orthopimage by the precise GCP and DEM from the contour line, the technology has been developed to offer the multi-dimensional access to the potential construction sites from the nearby main roads. This stereo image bird's eye view has made it possible to make multi-dimensional analysis on the terrain, which provides real-time virtual access to the designated construction sites and will be a versatile application for development planning and construction projects.

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The Effects of Virtual Reality-Based Task Training Using a Smart Glove on Upper Extremity Function and Activity of Daily Living in Stroke Patients (스마트 글러브를 이용한 가상현실기반 과제 훈련이 뇌졸중 환자의 상지 기능과 일상생활 수행에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Keun-Bum;Moon, Sang-Hyun
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.369-378
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study investigated the effects of virtual reality-based task training (VRBTT) using a smart glove on upper extremity function and activity of daily living in stroke patients. Methods: Twenty-nine patients with chronic stroke disease were randomly allocated to two groups: the VRBTT group (n=14) and the control group (n=15). All patients received 30 minutes of standard occupational therapy, 5 times a week, for 8 weeks. The VRBTT group performed an additional 30 minutes of virtual reality-based rehabilitation training, 5 times a week, for 8 weeks. Results: Both groups showed significant improvements in upper extremity function, yielding an increase in FMA and K-WMFT (p<0.05). There was a more significant increase in the VRBTT group before and after interventions (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in MAS for the control group (p>0.05); however, there was a significant increase for the VRBTT group (p<0.05). In the activities of daily living, there was a significant difference in the values for K-MBI (p<0.05). In addition, both groups showed a significant increase for K-MBI and K-RNLI (p<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that VRBTT using smart gloves can have a more positive effect on upper extremity function and activities of daily living in stroke patients than conventional intervention methods. A variety of virtual reality-based contents and glove-shaped wearable devices will help stroke patients in rehabilitation clinics recover and return to society.

Modeling of Tidal and Wind-Driven Currents in Eastern Coastal Waters of the Yellow Sea (황해동측 연안성의 조류 및 풍성류 모형)

  • Ro, Young-Jae;You, Ik-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 1992
  • This study uses a numerical model to investigate the circulation patterns of the tidal and wind driven current components. The model is vertically averaged 2-D transient using explicit nume-rical scheme, based on equation of motion and continuity. forced by water elevation at open boundaries and wind stress. The model domain extends from 35$^{\circ}$N to 36$^{\circ}$40'N lat., and 125$^{\circ}$E to 126$^{\circ}$40'E long. with x, y grid spacing of 5 km. The model reproduces the tide and tidal currents by 4 major constituents successfully with more than 90% accuracy when compared to two offshore tidal records and currents at one offshore measurements for 22 days. Responses of coastal waters to six schematic wind events are analyzed in terms of current distribution patterns and local features. Regardless of wind directions. strong coastal currents were produced. Bottom topography plays a critical role in producing a local eddy Held whose center is located offshore Pu An with its major radius of 40 km.

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An Assumed Strain Beam Element for Spatial Post-Buckling Analysis of Non-symmetric and Shear Flexible Thin-Walled Beams (박벽보의 3차원 후좌굴 해석을 위한 Locking-Free 보요소)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Chan;Kim, Moon-Young;Park, Jung-Il;Chang, Sung-Pil
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.719-730
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    • 2007
  • This study presents a thin-walled space frame element based on the classical Timoshenko beam theory. The element is derived according to the assumed strain field in order to resolve the shear-locking phenomenon. The shape function is developed in accordance with the strain field which is assumed to be constant at a 2-noded straight frame element. In this study, the geometrically nonlinear analysis applies the Corotational procedure in order to evaluate unbalanced loads. The bowing effect is also considered faithfully. Two numerical examples are given; monosymmetric curved and nonsymmetric straight cantilever. When these example structures behave lateral-torsional bucking, the critical loads are obtained by this study and ABAQUS shell elements. Also, the post-buckling behavior is examined. The results give good agreement between this study and ABAQUS shell.

Characteristics of Radioactive Aerosol Particles in Nuclear Power Plant Containments (원자로건물 내부 방사성 에어로졸 입자의 특성)

  • Kim, Min Young;Park, Sung Hoon
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.137-154
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    • 2014
  • Prediction of the behavior of radioactive aerosol particles in a containment is of importance for the assessment of the consequences of nuclear power plant severe accidents because most radioactive air pollutants are emitted as aerosol particles upon severe accident. The performance of engineering safety features (ESFs) is also influenced by the characteristics of the aerosol particles. In this article, the characteristics of aerosol particles in reactor containments reported by previous studies were reviewed. The results of the experiments for postulated accidents in test reactors, for aerosol behavior analysis using artificial test aerosols, and for ESF performance evaluation were summarized. The summary of this article will be of use in designing and performance-evaluating ESFs.

Analysis of the criticality of the shipping cask(KSC-7) (KSC-7 사용후핵연료 수송용기 핵임계해석)

  • Yoon, Jung-Hyun;Choi, Jong-Rak;Kwak, Eun-Ho;Lee, Heung-Young;Chung, Sung-Whan
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 1993
  • The criticality of the shipping cask(KSC-7) for transportion of 7PWR spent fuel assemblies has been calculated and analysised on the basis of neutron transport theory. For criticality analysis, effects of the rod pitches, the fixed neutron absorbers(borated sus+boral) were considered. The effective multiplication factor has been calculated by KENO-Va, Mote Carlo method computer code, with the HANSEN-ROACH 16 group cross section set, which was made for personal computer system. The criticality for the KSC-7 cask was calculated in terms of the fresh fuel which was conservative for the aspects of nuclear critility. From the results of criticality analysis, the calculated Keff is proved to be lower than subcritical limit during normal transportation and under hypothetical accident condition. The maximum calculated criticalities of the KSC-7 were lower the safety criticality limit 1.0 recommended by US 10CFR71 both under normal and hypothetical accident condition. Also, to verify the KSC-7 criticality calculation results by using KENO-Va, it was carried out benchmark calculation with experimental data of B & W(Bobcock and Wilcox) company. From the 3s series of calculation of the KSC-7 cask and benchmark calculation, the cask was safely designed in nuclear criticality, respectively.

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