• Title/Summary/Keyword: 腦(brain)

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The Literature Rearches on "Dam-eum(痰飮)", resulted in Stroke (중풍(中風)의 담인설(痰因說)에 대한 고찰(考察))

  • Jeong, Wan-woo;Lee, Won-Chul
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 1999
  • "Dan-eum(痰飮)" is the pathological product which is developed in the progress of disease. "Dam-eum" itself can be an etiological factor and id developed as consequential products on diseases. This study is investigated into "Dam-eum" and stroke through the literature since the book, "Hwangje-naekyong(黃帝內經)" and the results are as follows. 1. "Dam-em" is the pathological product, which is changed into "Yol-Dam(熱痰)", "Pung-dam(風痰)" and "Seub-dam(濕痰)", owing to the disorders of diet and "Chil-jung(七情)", infirmity of "Jung-ki(精氣)", "Oi-gam-yuk-em(外感六淫)", constitutional factors and so forth. In is blocked up "Jangbu-Kyongrak(臟腑經絡)" and brings about stroke with the disorders in circulation of "Gi-hyul(氣血)". 2. "Dan-em" is formed out of "Jin-aek(津液)", which is changed through the pathological process of "Gi-cheh(氣體)", "Hwa-yoi(化鬱)" and "Han-eng(寒凝)". In the meanwhile, the brain keeps its function with nutrition of "Jin-aek", If "Dam-eum" is formed by deficiency and circulation disorders of "Jin-aek", it can affect the brain 3. "Dam-eum" is correlated with "Eo-hyul(瘀血)", and the pathological transformations. In the attack of stroke. "Dam-eum" precedes "Eo-hyul", in reverse or the two are concurrent with each other.

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The acupuncture mechanism related brain in Medline and the journal of Korean acupuncture & moxibustion (PubMed와 대한침구학회지(大韓針灸學會誌) 논문(論文) 검색(檢索)을 통(通)한 침요법(鍼療法)과 뇌(腦)와의 관계(關係)에 대한 연구동향(硏究動向) 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Hoo-Dong;Koh, Hyung-Kyun;Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.188-200
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    • 2001
  • Background and Objetive : Acupuncture is a valuable method of oriental medicine with broad application in many disease. It is based on the experiences of traditional oriental medicine as well as on experimentally proven biological (biochemical and neurophysiological) effects. Acupuncture theory has been explained by the meridian system that is thought to be linked with particular organs. However, in western medicine it is held that many disorders are either controlled or affected by the brain. Material and Method : In order to review the studies concerned with the mechanism related brain, we have referred to the Pubmed site and the Journal of Korean acupuncture and moxibustion Result and Conculsion : Among the 12 studies in the Journal of Korean acupuncture and moxibustion, 8 papers related neurotransmitters were done by experimental study, 4 papers related brain mapping were done by clinical study. Among the 8 studies related brain mapping in the Pubmed site, 6 clinical studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) were done and I clinical study using single-photon emission computed tomography(SPECT) was done, I paper was review article. By the above result, it would be needed further research on the acupuncture mechanism related brain using SPECT, fMRI, positron emission tomography(PET) etc.

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Rat Brain-associated ${\theta}$ Antigen and Distribution of ${\theta}$ Antigen in Rat Lymphoid Cells (쥐의 Brain-associated ${\theta}$ Antigen과 임파조직(淋巴組織)의 ${\theta}$ 항원(抗原) 분포(分布))

  • Ha, Tai-You
    • The Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 1976
  • The rabbit anti-rat brain associated ${\theta}(RBA{\theta})$ serum wich was obtained by immunization of rabbit with DA rat brain tested against rat lymphoid tissues for cytotoxicity, indirect immunofluorescent staining and ability to inhibit a graft-vs-host reaction. It was founded that the antiserum was a potent anti-${\theta}$ like antiserum, and rat brain associated ${\theta}$ antigen was cross-reactive with mouse thymocytes and brain antigen. Using the RBA ${\theta}$ sera, distribution of ${\theta}$-bearing lymphocytes in rat lymphoid tissues was detected. And it was found that approximately 98% of thymocytes, 70-76% of lymph node lymphocytes, 72% of peripheral blood lymphocytes, 36-44% of spleen lymphocytes, and 4% of bone marrow were ${\theta}$-bearing.

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A Study on the correlation between Sung-Jung' concept of Sasang Constitutional Medicine and Brain (사상의학(四象醫學)에 나타난 성정(性情)의 개념과 뇌(腦)와의 상관성에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Jong-Weon;Seul, Yu-Kyung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.17-33
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    • 2000
  • Purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between Sung-Jung' concept of Sasang Constitutional Medicine and Brain. So, After studying the meaning of Sung-Jung' concept of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, I made a comparative study through the structure, function, development of Brain. The conclusions were as follows. 1. Human's brain acts a rational, control his actions. and It manage human body's physiology and pathology. and It perceive his surroundings, express his emotion through comprehension, synthesis, judgement about information from various fields. and It's abnormality bring about a spiritual, bodily injury. Therefore, human's brain have many correlation with Sung-Jung' concept of Sasang Constitutional Medicine. 2. Neocortex' function have many correlation with Sung' concept of Hearing-Sight-Smell-Taste (聽視嗅味=sensation=a highly mental capacity) through Ear-Eye-Nose-Mouse(耳目鼻?). 3. Limbic-system'function have many correlation with Jung' concept of Sorrow-Anger-Pleasure-Joy(哀怒喜榮=emotion) through Lung-Spleen-Liver-Kidney(肺脾肝腎) 4. Brain-stem' function have many correlation with vitalistic concept through Qui of Sorrow - Anger - Pleasure - Joy(哀怒喜樂之氣)' rise and fall. 5. Relation of emotions and diseases through Limbic system and Autonomic nervous system have many correlation with relation of Sung-Jung and diseases of Sasang Constitutional Medicine 6. Left-hemisphere' function that has superior power of verbal, analysis, logicality, consideration have many correlation with tendency of Soeumin and Taeumin. and Right-hemisphere' function that has superior power of emotion, non-verbal, imagination, spatial perception have many correlation with tendency of Soyangin and Taeyangin.

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Radioautographical observations of development and appearance of glia cells in brain I. Apperarace of ectodermal glial cell aggregates in rodent brain (뇌신경교세포(腦神經膠細胞) 집단(集團)의 발생(發生)과 이동(移動)에 대한 방사선(放射線) 자기법적(自記法的) 관찰 I, 설치류 뇌(腦)에 외배엽성(外胚葉性) 신경교세포(神經膠細胞) 집단(集團)의 출현(出現)에 대하여)

  • Kwak, Soo-dong
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.481-487
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    • 1992
  • The present study was designed to investigate the appearance of the congenital aggregates of the ectodermal glial cells in the brain of the normal rodents. The brain samples were taken from mice fetus, juvenile mice, rats and rabbits. The appearance regions of the glial cell aggregates (GCA) were investigated and the cells in the GCA were identified with electron microscope. 1. GCA in the mouse fetus tended to be higher in cell density, larger in size and lower frequency in appearance than juvenile mouse. The regions of higher appearance frequency of GCA in the juveniles of mice, rats and rabbits were ordered as subependymal layer in the collateral trigone of lateral ventricles, molecular layer of the neocortex, inner layer except the molecular layer in the neocortex, cerebral medulla, corpus callosum and hippocampus. Appearance frequency of GCA in the neonatal mice tended to be higher until 5 day after birth, and were markedly decreased on 10 and 15 day after birth. 2. GCA tended to be closed on one side of the blood vessels or neurons but not perivascular or perineuronal appearance. 3. In electron microscophy, GCA were composed of immature oligodendrocytes and astrocytes in the subependymal, and tended to be more mature and loose in the neocortex and to be appended some microglia cells with age. The cells in the GCA of older mice tended to be more mature than in young mice.

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Influence of early protein undernutrition on the size and composition of the rat brain and other organs (유유기(乳幼期)의 단백질부족(蛋白質不足)이 뇌(腦) 및 기타기관(其他器官)의 발달(發達)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Yu, Jong-Yull;Shin, Chung-Rae
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.81-85
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    • 1970
  • These experiments were designed to study the influence of protein undernutrition during lactation period(3 wks) or after-weaning period(8 wks) on growth of organs, and on brain and liver composition of the experimental rats. The following experimental groups were studied. Group No. Rats Lactation(3 wks) (Diet of mother rat) After-weaning period(8wks) Rehabilitation Period(17wks) I 8 25% Casein diet 25% Casein diet 25% Casein diet II 8 12% Casein diet 25% Casein diet 25% Casein diet III 8 25% Casein diet 5% Casein diet 25% Casein diet IV 8 12% Casein diet 5% Casein diet 25% Casein diet After the perriod of rehabilitation(17 wks) with 25% casein diet, the following results were obtained. 1. Most of the organs except the spleen could not catch up with the normal group in their weights for the group of protein undernutrition during lactation(3 wks), even after 17 weeks of rehabilitation. For the group of protein undernutrition during after-weaning period(8 wks) brain, lung, heart, spleen and pancreas could catch up with the normal group after rehabilitation. According to this result it is assumed that the growth of brain, lung, heart and pancreas might be developed mostly during lactation and that the growth of liver and kidney might be developed after-weaning period continuously. 2. For the groups of protein underuntrition during lactation period or after-weaning period the amounts of total lipid, cholesterol and phospholipid of brain were lower than those of normal group. Especially, cholesterol level was significantly lower than normal group. And there was also a significant difference in the phospholipid level of the after-weaning(8 wks) deprivation group. 3. The groups of protein undernutrition during lactation or after-weaning period(8 wks) showed lower level of liver nitrogen and higher level of liver fat. Especially, protein undernutriton during lactation gave a greater influence on the lever of liver fat.

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A Study on Effect of Soeuminsohabhyangwon on the Brain Serotonin contents of Stressed Mice (소음인(少陰人) 소합향원(蘇合香元)이 Stress 생쥐의 뇌(腦) Serotonin 함량(含量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kwen Soon-Ju;Chung Dae-Kyoo;Kim Yun-Sub
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 1998
  • This study was aimed to evaluate the anti-stress effect of Soeuminsohabhyangwon on the mice in Cold and Swimming stress.In order to investigate the anti-stress effect of Soeuminsohabhyangwon in Cold and Swimming stressed mice, the serotonin contents were measured by HPLC method in various part of mouse brain The following results were observed. 1. In Cerebral Cortex of Frontal Lobe, the serotonin content was decreased in the Control group as compared with Normal group and the serotonin content was increased in the SHW group as compared with Control group. 2. In hypothalamus, the serotonin content was decreased in the Control group as compared with Normal group and the serotonin content was increased with statistical significance in the SHW group as compared with Control group. 3. In corpus striatum, the serotonin content was decreased in the Control group as compared with Normal group and the serotonin content was increased with statistical significance in the SHW group as compared with Control group. 4. In hippocampus, the serotonin content was decreased in the Control group as compared with Normal group and the serotonin content was increased with statistical significance in the SHW group as compared with control group.Base on the above results, it may be concluded that Soeuminsohabhyangwon are effective to reduce stress.

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The Effect of Dietary Condition on the Acethylcholine and Cholinesterase in Rats Brain (식이조건(食餌條件)이 백서(白鼠) 뇌(腦)의 Acetylcholine 및 Cholinesterase에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Ryu, Chong-Kun;Kim, Yong-Jin;Yun, Duo-Sun;Lim, Geu-Tea
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 1973
  • The effect of dietary condition on the acethylcholine and chotinesterase activity in the brain was observed. Rats weighting $120{\sim}130\;gm$ was fed on diets deprived of protein, carbohydrate and lipid, respectively. Experimental terms was devided into 3, 7 and 15 days. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The lipid free diet makes greater contribution to the gain of body weight than the carbohydrate free and protein free diet. 2. The acethylcholine in the protein free diet group is reduced after 7 days and that in the carbohydrate free diet, after 3 days. 3. The cholinesterase activity shows continuing decrease after 3 days by protein free diet, and the other diet groups appear temporal decrease at 7 days and increase, at 15 days. 4. The relation of acethylcholine, and cholinesterase is similar to each other except that of the carbohydrate diet. From the above results, the conclusions are obtained that the protein free diet makes the acethylcholine and cholinesterase activity lower, and the carbohydrate free diet, acethylcholine lower.

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Histopathologic Studies on the Brain and Lymphoid Organs in Hog Cholera II. Necrotic Lesion and Inclusion Body in the Lymphoid Organ (Hog Cholera 병돈(病豚)의 뇌(腦) 및 임파장기(淋巴臟器)에 관한 병리조직학적(病理組織學的) 연구(硏究) II. 임파장기(淋巴臟器)의 괴사(壞死)와 봉입체출현(封入體出現))

  • Kwak, Soo-Dong;Lee, Cha-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.37-52
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    • 1982
  • This study was taken to clarify the histopathological changes of pigs naturally infected with hog cholera. Microscopic observations of the necrotic lesion and inclusion body in the lymphoid organs were carried out in the natural cases of hog cholera and experimental cases inoculated with ALD virus and isolated virus strains. Electron microscopic findings of the intranuclear inclusion bodies in the reticular cell of spleen and lymph node were also observed in the experimental cases. The results obtained are as follow, As the histological findings necrosis of lymphoid organs was observed mainly in the lymph follicle. The necrotic lymphoid organs were found to contain 35.0% in the natural and 37.5% in the experimental cases. Intranuclear inclusion bodies were found mainly in the reticular cells of lymphoid organ, the epithelium of bronchiole and alevolus, and the vascular endothelium of brain. These inclusion bodies were seen in 40.0% of the natural cases and all of the experiment. The inclusion body was appeared to compose of activated nucleoli and chromatin granules (interchromatin and perichromatin) by electron microscopy.

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Effect of Guibitang and Ascorbic Acid on the Regional Brain Catecholamines contents of Heat or Forced Swimming stressed Guinea Pig (귀비탕(歸脾湯)과 Ascorbic Acid가 열(熱) 및 유영(遊泳) Stress Guinea Pig의 뇌(腦) Catecholamine 함량(含量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Ryu Jae-Gyu;Whang Wei-Wan
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 1995
  • This study aimed to compare the anti-stress effect of Guibitang with Ascorbic Acid on the guinea pigs in heat or forced swimming stress. the experimental animals were heated in hot room$(34{\pm}2^{\circ}C)$ for 2 hours in a day during 7 days. Forced swimming stress was loaded by forcing guinea pigs to swim in a oval tub for 2 minutes in a day during 7days. And administered 1.0mg/100g of Ascorbic Acid or 86.0mg/100g of Guibitang extract formonce befor stress. 1. In brain, the contents of norepinephrine in group of the heat of forced swimming stress, in case administered Ascorbic Acid and in case administered Guibitang extract with Ascorbic Acid significantly decreases as compared with these in case administered non Ascoric Acid. 2. In brain, the contents of epinephrine in group of the forced swimming stress, in case administered Guibitang extract with Ascorbic Acid significantly decreases as compared with these in case administered non Ascorbic Acid. 3. In brain, the contents of dopamine in group of the heating stress, in case administered Guibitang extract with Ascorbic Acid significantly decreases as compared with these in case administered non Ascorbic Acid, and these in group of the forced swimming stress in case administered Ascorbic Acid and in case administered Guibitang extract without Ascorbic Acid and in case administered Guibitang extract with Ascorbic Acid significantly decreases as compared with these in case administered non Ascorbic Acid.

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