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Determinants and Processes of IT Consolidation: A Case Study of Korean Conglomerates (IT 통합의 결정 요인과 과정: 국내 대기업들에 대한 사례 연구)

  • Zo, Hang-Jung;Song, Chan-Hoo;Han, Seung-Hun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.223-255
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    • 2008
  • This study explores the determinants and processes of IT consolidation of Korean conglomerates. Through an extensive analysis of cases, this study identifies the drivers, benefits and critical success factors of IT consolidation, and observes the transition of vision for the IT service subsidiaries in the conglomerates. The results show that most firms in this analysis have completed the organizational, physical, and logical consolidation of their IT resources, and currently some of them are preparing for the next stage of IT consolidation such as rational consolidation and virtualization. It is also found that the strategic factor was one of the most significant determinants in consolidating IT resources which leaded the transition of vision of the IT service firms in the conglomerates from "cost center" to "profit center". The results of this study can provide a fundamental and empirical basis for building a theory of IT consolidation, and be used as a valuable benchmarking model for the organizations which consider starting a project of IT consolidation.

Design and Implementation of a Scalable Real-Time Sensor Node Platform (확장성 및 실시간성을 고려한 실시간 센서 노드 플랫폼의 설계 및 구현)

  • Jung, Kyung-Hoon;Kim, Byoung-Hoon;Lee, Dong-Geon;Kim, Chang-Soo;Tak, Sung-Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.8B
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    • pp.509-520
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose a real-time sensor node platform that guarantees the real-time scheduling of periodic and aperiodic tasks through a multitask-based software decomposition technique. Since existing sensor networking operation systems available in literature are not capable of supporting the real-time scheduling of periodic and aperiodic tasks, the preemption of aperiodic task with high priority can block periodic tasks, and so periodic tasks are likely to miss their deadlines. This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of how to structure periodic or aperiodic task decomposition in real-time sensor-networking platforms as regard to guaranteeing the deadlines of all the periodic tasks and aiming to providing aperiodic tasks with average good response time. A case study based on real system experiments is conducted to illustrate the application and efficiency of the multitask-based dynamic component execution environment in the sensor node equipped with a low-power 8-bit microcontroller, an IEEE802.15.4 compliant 2.4GHz RF transceiver, and several sensors. It shows that our periodic and aperiodic task decomposition technique yields efficient performance in terms of three significant, objective goals: deadline miss ratio of periodic tasks, average response time of aperiodic tasks, and processor utilization of periodic and aperiodic tasks.

Development Status of BTL (Biomass to Liquid) Technology (BTL(Biomass to Liquid) 기술 현황)

  • Chae, Ho-Jeong;Jeong, Kwang-Eun;Kim, Chul-Ung;Jeong, Soon-Yong
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2007
  • In view of stringent environment regulations to control the emission of green house gases and also depleting fossil fuel reserves, it is high quality desirable to develop alternative technologies to produce high quality fuels. To this end Biomass to Liquid (BTL) technology has received much attention in recent years. BTL process generally consists of gasification of biomass to produce bio-syngas, cleaning and control of $H_{2}/CO$ mole ratio of bio-syngas and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis & upgrading systems. Choren, Germany has first developed the commercial BTL process using unique gasification system i.e., Carbo-V. A new technology to remove tars and BTX has been developed by ECN in Netherlands employing a gasification system combined with OLGA technology. Several other countries including USA and Japan are showing great interest in BTL technology. Thus in view of our national energy security and also the environmental regulations, it is essential to develop alternative technologies like BTL in order to meet the increasing demand of energy though our insufficient biomass resources. In this paper we present an overview and development status of BTL-diesel technology.

Policy and Strategy Implications of Smart Electricity Distribution Technologies in the Perspective of IT Ecosystem (스마트 배전의 경쟁전략 및 정책 시사점: IT Ecosystem의 관점에서)

  • Kim, Tae-Ha;Park, Chan-Hi
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.189-207
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    • 2010
  • We applied IT ecosystem analysis to Smart Grid system in this paper and thereby compared various arguments about Smart Grid technologies against the reality of the power generation and distribution in South Korea with a special attention to the power distribution side. Our work attempts to propose policy implications in the government-level based on a firm-level analysis using the framework of the competitive strategy and advantage. The Smart Grid initiative is expected to enhance the efficiency in the power generation and distribution. In addition, the Smart Grid initiative aims at capturing the opportunities in the electric power business such as parts, components, supplies, and system products in the global arena. Prerequisites of smart distribution system include building infrastructure based on smart distribution parts, information systems, communication technologies, and developing various application programs and interfaces that would interact with the consumers. Consumers are expected to play an integral role by changing their consumption patterns in response to dynamic pricing and quality choices enabled by the smart distribution technologies. In order to induce the consumers to participate actively in the program, firms and policy makers should consider providing consumers economic incentives and proper education for better understanding of new technologies. Our work helps policy makers and firm better understand the nature of technology and stakeholders for the successful implementation of smart distribution technologies.

User-Level Threads for the ARX Real-Time Operating System (ARX 실시간 운영체계를 위한 사용자 레벨 쓰레드)

  • Seo, Yang-Min;Park, Jung-Keun;Hong, Seong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.65-67
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    • 1998
  • 내장 실시간 시스템이 높은 우선순위의 비동기적 이벤트를 적시에 처리하면서 필수적으로 적은 비용의 선점 다중쓰레드를 지원해야한다. 사용자 레벨 쓰레드는 커널 레벨 쓰레드 보다 적은 비용의 유연한 추상적 기법들을 제공하지만, 기존의 실시간 시스템에서는 스케줄링과 시그날(signal) 처리가 단순하다는 이류로 커널 레벨 쓰레드가 선호 되어왔다. 본 논문에서는 내장 실시간 시스템에 적합한 새로운 사용자 레벨 다중 쓰레드 방식을 제안한다. 이 기법은 가상 쓰레드(virtual threads)와 개선된 스케줄링 이벤트 업콜(scheduling event upcall) 메카니즘을 기반으로 한다. 가상 쓰레드는 사용자 레벨 쓰레드에게 커널 레벨의 실행 환경을 제공할 수 있도록 사용자 레벨 쓰레드를 커널 레벨로 형상화한 것이다. 이 쓰레드는 필요에 의해 잠시동안 사용자 레벨 쓰레드에 묶이는 소동적인 존재이다. 스케줄링 이벤트 업콜 메카니즘은 쓰레드 블록킹과 타이머 만기와 같은 커널 이벤트를 유저 프로세서에게 전달할 수 있게 한다. 본 논문의 개선된 업콜 방식은 scheduler activation과 시그날과 같은 전통적인 업콜 구조에서 예측하기 힘든 요소들을 배제했다. 순간적인 시스템의 과부하 상황에서도 이벤트를 놓치지 않으면서 커널과 유저 프로세서의 비싼 동기화 작업들을 피할 수 있도록 하는 잠금(lock)이 필요 없는 이벤트 큐를 상용한다. 본 기법은 서울대학교 실시간 운영체계 실험실에서 구현한 ARX위에 완벽하게 구현되었다. ARX 사용자 레벨 쓰레드가 사용자 레벨 쓰레드의 장점을 손상하지 않으면서 솔라리스와 윈도즈98과 같은 상용 운영체제의 커널 쓰레드보다 성능이 우수함을 실험적 비교에 의해서 입증한다.분에서 uronic acid를 분리동정하였을 때 점미는 0.90%, 백미는 0.66%, 흑미는 1.8%로서 흑미에서 uronic acid 함량이 두 배 이상으로 나타났다. 흑미의 uronic acid 함량이 가장 많이 용출된 분획은 sodium hydroxide 부분으로서 hemicellulose구조가 polyuronic acid의 형태인 것으로 사료된다. 추출획분의 구성단당은 여러 곡물연구의 보고와 유사하게 glucose, arabinose, xylose 함량이 대체로 높게 나타났다. 점미가 수가용성분에서 goucose대비 용출함량이 고르게 나타나는 경향을 보였고 흑미는 알칼리가용분에서 glucose가 상당량(0.68%) 포함되고 있음을 보여주었고 arabinose(0.68%), xylose(0.05%)도 다른 종류에 비해서 다량 함유한 것으로 나타났다. 흑미는 총식이섬유 함량이 높고 pectic substances, hemicellulose, uronic acid 함량이 높아서 콜레스테롤 저하 등의 효과가 기대되며 고섬유식품으로서 조리 특성 연구가 필요한 것으로 사료된다.리하였다. 얻어진 소견(所見)은 다음과 같았다. 1. 모년령(母年齡), 임신회수(姙娠回數), 임신기간(姙娠其間), 출산시체중등(出産時體重等)의 제요인(諸要因)은 주산기사망(周産基死亡)에 대(對)하여 통계적(統計的)으로 유의(有意)한 영향을 미치고 있어 $25{\sim}29$세(歲)의 연령군에서, 2번째 임신과 2번째의 출산에서 그리고 만삭의 임신 기간에, 출산시체중(出産時體重) $3.50{\sim}3.99kg$사이의 아이에서 그 주산기사망률(周産基死亡率)이 각각 가장 낮았다. 2. 사산(死産)과 초생

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Design of Video Encoder activating with variable clocks of CCDs for CCTV applications (CCTV용 CCD를 위한 가변 clock으로 동작되는 비디오 인코더의 설계)

  • Kim, Joo-Hyun;Ha, Joo-Young;Kang, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 2006
  • SONY corporation preoccupies $80\%$ of a market of the CCD used in a CCTV system. The CCD of SONY have high duality which can not follow the progress of capability. But there are some problems which differ the clock frequency used in CCD from the frequency used in common video encoder. To get the result by using common video encoder, the system needs a scaler that could adjust image size and PLL that synchronizes CCD's with encoder's clock So, this paper proposes the video encoder that is activated at equal clock used in CCD without scaler and PLL. The encoder converts ITU-R BT.601 4:2:2 or ITU-R BT.656 inputs from various video sources into NTSC or PAL signals in CVBS. Due to variable clock, property of filters used in the encoder is automatically changed by clock and filters adopt multiplier-free structures to reduce hardware complexity. The hardware bit width of programmable digital filters for luminance and chrominance signals, along with other operating blocks, are carefully determined to produce hish-quality digital video signals of ${\pm}1$ LSB error or less. The proposed encoder is experimentally demonstrated by using the Altera Stratix EP1S80B953C6ES device.

A Study on the Foodservice Quality of Japanese Restaurants using the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) (중요도-만족도 분석을 활용한 일식 레스토랑의 품질특성에 관한 연구)

  • Sohn, Jeong-Min;Kim, Hak-Seon
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.199-213
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    • 2014
  • Japanese restaurant owners seek to secure their competitive advantage by implementing a unique competition strategy that may overcome hostile environment. Brand power, aggressive expansion and the partnership strategy with other businesses may be suggested. The present study is to find out the competitive advantages of Japanese restaurants, to compare the importance and satisfaction by different customer factors of choices and then, to identify what kinds of factors affect customer satisfaction. Total 205 copies of questionnaire, out of 230 distributed, were used for analyses. Cronbarch's alpha coefficient of all 20 items was 0.911. In terms of importance, Cronbarch's alpha coefficients were 0.887(food), 0.796(menu), 0.851(employee), 0.815(service), and 0.730(physical environment). For satisfaction, the coefficients were 0.876(food), 0.860(menu), 0.880(employee), 0.851(service), 0.730(physical environment). In addition, the exploratory factor analysis showed an acceptable factor loading, supporting 20 items' validity. The result showed that customers' perceptions of the importance of Japanese restaurant service quality was higher than their level of satisfaction in general. In particular, IPA analysis revealed that food and service factors were well operated as located in the first quadrant. However, service factor located in the second quadrant was perceived to be important yet perceived as being satisfied poorly. So this study suggests that Japanese restaurant owners should concentrate on the attributes included in this quadrant to improve the quality of foodservice. Lastly, menu and physical environment factors were located in the third quadrant showing low level of importance and satisfaction. On the basic of the IPA analysis, Japanese restaurant owners should identify their strengths and weaknesses and draw up a plan to improve service quality and to maximize their profits.

A Study on the Status Analysis and the Development plan of Beauty-IT Convergence Industry (뷰티-IT 융합산업의 현황 분석 및 발전방안 연구)

  • Moon, Won-Suk;Kim, Seok-Soo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.235-243
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    • 2015
  • Recently, due to the spread of the Korean Wave, as worldwide interest in Korean culture and the appearance of Korean celebrities increases, overseas expansion of Korean beauty companies have been activated. Despite the global economic downturn, Beauty Industry is continuing to grow, Korea's growth rate is remarkable level. Despite this growth in order to maintain a steady growth since the beauty industry is small and polarization based on the Beauty-IT Convergence Technology creates new markets, that require development of Beauty-IT Convergence Industry. For the status and prospects of the Beauty Industry, some research has been carried out, not all the studies carried out so far for Beauty-IT Convergence Industry. Therefore, this study is significant that Beauty-IT Convergence Industry's first research. The global Beauty-IT Convergence Industry is at the beginning yet, tThe government selected research topics of Top-Down approach to Beauty-IT Convergence technology, granted extra points, supported by establishing long-term Technology Roadmap as other industries, such as by establishing a global market strategy for the systematic occupation and promising technology development planWe will get focused training.

MAC Schemes for Best Effort Service in Wireless MAN: Design and Performance Analysis (무선 MAN에서 Best Effort 서비스를 위한 MAC 방식의 설계 및 성능 분석)

  • Park, Jin-Kyung;Shin, Woo-Cheol;Ha, Jun;Choi, Cheon-Won
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.43 no.11 s.353
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    • pp.128-140
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    • 2006
  • In the IEEE 802.16 Wireless MAN standard specifies the air interface of fixed point-to-multipoint broadband wireless access systems providing multiple services. Among the service classes supported between the base station and subscriber stations in the wireless MAN, the best effort service class is ranked on the lowest position in priority and is assisted by a MAC scheme based on reservation ALOHA. The wireless MAN standard, however, does not reveal every detail of the MAC scheme but only describes the skeleton of the MAC scheme. Focusing on the amount of resource that a subscriber demands by a request and the amount of resource that the base grants to a request we thus present a number of resource demand rules and resource grant rules. Also, we construct a candidate MAC scheme by implanting a pair of resource demand and grant rules into the skeleton of the MAC scheme. Meanwhile a difficult situation for the best effort service is expected wherein only scarce resource is available after most of the resource is already preempted by other services. Perceiving such a situation, we evaluate the throughput and delay performance of each candidate MAC scheme. Especially we develop an analytical method to approximately calculate the throughput in the saturated environment. From the numerical results, we observe that the candidate MAC scheme which adopts the non-gated exhaustive demand rule paired with the full grant rule attains superior performance at the expense of the fairness.

The Trends and Prospects of Health Information Standards : Standardization Analysis and Suggestions (의료정보 표준에 관한 연구 : 표준화 분석 및 전망)

  • Kim, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2008
  • Ubiquitous health care system, which is one of the developing solution technologies of IT, BT and NT, could give us new medical environments in future. Implementing health information systems can be complex, expensive and frustrating. Healthcare professionals seeking to acquire or upgrade systems do not have a convenient, reliable way of specifying a level of adherence to communication standards sufficient to achieve truly efficient interoperability. Great progress has been made in establishing such standards-DICOM, IHE and HL7, notably, are now highly advanced. IHE has defined a common framework to deliver the basic interoperability needed for local and regional health information networks. It has developed a foundational set of standards-based integration profiles for information exchange with three interrelated efforts. HL7 is one of several ANSI-accredited Standards Developing Organizations operating in the healthcare arena. Most SDOs produce standards (protocols) for a particular healthcare domain such as pharmacy, medical devices, imaging or insurance transactions. HL7's domain is clinical and administrative data. HL7 is an international community of healthcare subject matter experts and information scientists collaborating to create standards for the exchange, management and integration of electronic healthcare information. The ASTM specification for Continuity of Care Record was developed by subcommittee E31.28 on electronic health records, which includes clinicians, provider institutions, administrators, patient advocates, vendors, and health industry. In this paper, there are suggestions that provide a test bed, demonstration and specification of how standards such a IHE, HL7, ASTM can be used to provide an integrated environment.

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