• Title/Summary/Keyword: 文學性

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A Case Study for Relevant Study and Lecture on 'Bibliotherapy' in the Field of Information and Library Science (문헌정보학 분야에서의 적실한 '독서치료' 연구와 강의를 위한 사례연구)

  • Song, Sung-Seob
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.121-141
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    • 2004
  • This study is a case study with four classes of sophomore majoring in library & information science in S woman's college, with a questionnaire, firstly to research the students' recognition of their experience on bibliotherapy and the time, their preference of the materials' genre for the bibliotherapy. usefulness of the bibliotherapy' subject, apply possibility into library work, and the field of science that must be supplemented for the bibliotherapy. Secondly. a direction of development is presented analyzing researched contents and lecture experiences, centering on the factors that should be complemented and prepared in studying or lecturing the course of bibliotherapy as a school subject in the field of library & information science hereafter.

Research on the OASIS, a Web Archive in Korea (웹 아카이브 OASIS에 관한 고찰)

  • Yoon, Cheong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this research is to examine the characteristics and problems of OASIS, a web archive, developed and operated by the National Library of Korea, and then to propose how to improve the quality of its contents. An analysis of the contents in 'Literature' and 'Social Sciences' in the OASIS website shows problems, including low quality of some contents, lack of balance in subjects and creators/publishers, duplicate collections of web documents and web sites, lack of currency and evidence of unique or scholarly value of collected web resources, etc. Suggested are the use of 'real-name' of subject specialists to ensure their responsibilities in selection process and the addition of metadata elements to evidence the appropriate application of selection criteria.

An Analysis of 'One Book, One City' Reading Campaign : Case Study of Campaigns in Korea and Other Countries ('한 책, 한 도시' 독서운동의 실행단계별 특성의 분석 - 국내외 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Cheong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.5-32
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    • 2007
  • In this study, examined are the characteristics of 'One Book, One City' reading campaigns conducted in Seattle. Chicago, and 'The Big Read', a nationwide 'One Book' campaign, supported by the NEA, in the U.S.A. and Seoul and Cheongju in Korea. Some differences as well as similarities were found in the goal setting, selection of books, strategies for reading and discussion, and programs of these 'One Book' reading campaigns. While, as a mass reading event, 'One Book' reading campaigns in various communities share the goal of promoting literacy and communication through reading and discussion, each 'One Book' campaign seems to show uniqueness in the criteria of book selection, reading and discussion guides, and the activities and Programs. which make up cultural contents.

A Study of Cutter's Expansive Classification (Cutter의 전개분류법에 대한 연구)

  • Kwak, Chul-Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.249-265
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study is to analyze the characteristics of Cutter's Expansive Classification. The four elements about classification evaluation were applied to analyze it. Results show that first, from philosophy and religion class to literature class, the order of main classes is logical and evolutionary. Second, the notation is a pure notation including author mark. Third, the classification is expansive from first classification to seventh classification. Science classes were expanded in the second classification comparing to the first classification. From the third classification, all classes were expanded. Fourth, it was applied by the local list to indicate places emphasizing connection of geographical space.

A Study on the Adoption of the FRBR Model (FRBR 모형의 수용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Sung-Sook;Kim Tae-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.195-220
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    • 2005
  • This study examines the concept of the FRBR model of IFLA, which stratifies the bibliographic relationships between related works and bibliographic records and effectively links them, as well as the problems occurring in the applied cases. Moreover, it modifies the FRBR model by accepting the excluding perspectives of main entry heading and introducing ISTC as a linking device of the related work. This study examines the validity of the M-FRBR model by applying it to Korean literature, resettles the data elements of MODS based on the M-FRBR model. and realizes a bibliographic system based on the modified record format.

Study on the construction and development of TAGO(Transport Advice on GOing anywhere)system (실시간 대중교통 종합 환승정보(TAGO) 구축 및 발전방향)

  • Moon, Hak-Yong;Byun, Sang-Chol;Ryu, Eun-Su;Han, Dae-Chol
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.1046-1047
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    • 2008
  • 실시간 대중교통 종합 환승정보(TAGO)시스템은 대중교통 이용자 중심의 서비스제공을 목적으로 교통 수단간 환승 정보를 제공하고 있다. TAGO는 항공, 철도, 버스(시외/시내/고속), 지하철 등 대중교통 뿐 아니라 자가용, 자전거 이용자의 환승을 고려한 정적/동적 운행정보, 소통 정보를 연계하여 통합하고, 네비게이션 서비스, 지역정보 서비스, 돌발 상황, 날씨 정보, 통계 정보를 인터넷 TAGO 홈페이지(www.tago.go,kr)와 환승 지점에서의 현장안내장비(Kiosk, PDP)를 통해 제공하고 있다. 현재 TAGO는 3차 사업이 진행 중이며 전국 단위 장거리 교통수단과 지역내 단거리 교통수단의 교통정보를 연계하여 효율적인 환승정보를 제공하여 대중교통 이용 활성화에 기여하고 있다. 미래의 TAGO 시스템은 유비쿼터스 시대의 신개념 교통정보 제공을 위한 확장성을 고려하여 서비스 범위를 확대하며, 다양한 매체를 통해 전국 어느곳에서든 출발지부터 목적지까지 교통수단의 선택, 경로안내, 환승정보, 지역정보 등을 제공할 계획이다.

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Comparative Analysis of Original Fairy Tale and Parody : Focused on and (원작 동화와 패러디 동화 비교 분석 : <아기 돼지 삼형제>와 <늑대가 들려주는 아기돼지 삼형제 이야기>를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ji-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research is to compare and , analyze the structure of an original fairy tale and a parody, and find out the features of a parody. , the original fairy tale, published in Woongjinthinkbig and , the parody, issued in Borim are chosen as research materials. After analysing the structure of the original fairy tale and the parody, they have many differences such as plot, theme lesson, characters, a point of view style and setting. The features of the parody is to break literacy custom, come to open ending and help readers to sympathize with characters.

Using Voltage Control Active Power Filter, Power Factor Improvement and Harmonics Reduction for Nonlinear Load (전압제어형 능동전력필터를 이용한 비선형부하의 고조파저감 및 역류개선)

  • 김병진;문학룡;송양희;임병국;전희종
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.403-408
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, voltage control APF(Active Power Filter) is introduced to improve power factor and reduce harmonics generated from nonlinear load. The voltage controlled APF which is consisted of inverter and passive filter operates with nonlinear load simultaneously. Real power supplies from main power to load and reactive power provides from APF to load. According to the results o experiment and simulation, it is proved that the proposed system has the performance of improving power factor and reducing harmonics.

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A study on he Alarm Processing System for Cubicle-type Receiving and Distributing Board using Neural network (신경회로망을 이용한 큐비클 수배전반의 경보 처리 시스템 개발 연구 - 공동주택 전력설비 중심 -)

  • 문학룡;류승기;최도혁;홍규장;정찬수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.124-131
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    • 1998
  • This paper proposed the alarm processing system to improve the efficiency of monitoring method by applying the neural network and troubleshooting knowledge base for IADAPS(Intelligent Alarm Diagnosis And Processing System) method in an receiving and distributing board of Building complex. This IADAPS is abased on the cumulative generalized delta rule of backpropagation in neural network. It was used to infer the minimum alarms among multi-fired alarms, and the inferred alarm can be displayed maintenance information of facility by using a pre-defined troubleshoot knowledge base. For validating the proposed monitoring method, he method of simulation used to the five case of virtual scenario. As comparison results, a proposed method in this paper could be proved the applied possibility of an neural network and utilized in fields of facilities maintenance, if needed, be operated by non-expertise.

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Lean burn Combustion Characteristics of Direct Injection Gasoline Engine with Swirl Control Valve (스월 제어 밸브를 적용한 직접분사식 가솔린 엔진의 희박연소 특성)

  • Lee, Min-Ho;Moon, Hak-Hoon;Cha, Kyung-Ok
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2004
  • The performance characteristics of lean burn system in gasoline engine are mainly affected by the air-fuel mixture in cylinder, gas exchange process of manifold system, exhaust emission of engine, and the electronic engine control system. In order to obtain the effect of performance factors on the optimum conditions of lean burn engine, this study deal with the behavior of mixture formation, gas flow characteristics of air, flow and evaporation analysis of spray droplet in cylinder, vaporization and burning characteristics of lean mixture in the engine, and the control performance of electronic engine control system. The optimum flow conditions were investigated with the swirl and tumble flows in the combustion chamber with swirl control valve. The performance characteristics and optimum condition of flow field in intake system were analyzed by the investigation of inlet flow of air and combustion stabilization on cylinder.

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