• Title/Summary/Keyword: 意図伝達

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The Effects of Interactive Instrument Playing Program on Social Interaction of Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder (상호적 악기 연주 프로그램이 자폐범주성장애 성인의 사회적 상호작용 기능 향상에 미치는 효과)

  • Cho, Soo Jin
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.89-110
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the effect of an interactive instrument playing program on the social interaction of adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A single subject design with multiple baselines across participants was applied, and three adults with severe ASD in their late 20s living at a group home participated in this study. Participants received a total of 25 group sessions. During the intervention, participants engaged in structured instrument playing in which initiation and response to socially interactive behaviors were musically cued, and target behaviors were reinforced in the musical environment. At pre- and posttest, the frequency of initiation of and responding to social interaction behaviors were recorded and analyzed. The results of this study showed that the frequency of both initiation of, and response to, social interaction increased for all participants during the intervention phase, compared to the baseline phase. This result demonstrates that interactive instrument playing increased social behaviors of adults with ASD. It also shows that musically delivered social information can facilitate adults with ASD understanding the intention of social partners in social contexts and motivate this population to engage in social interaction.

Consumer's Needs for Development of Smartphone Application for Self Care Performance of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B (만성 B형간염 환자의 자가간호 수행을 위한 스마트폰 애플리케이션 개발 소비자요구도 조사)

  • Jeon, Jae-Hee;Kim, Kyunghee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.729-740
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to assess the needs of smartphone application development for self care performance of 374 patients with chronic hepatitis B. The mean age of the subjects was 46.2 years. The patients obtained information about chronic hepatitis B from the internet (41.3%), nurses or doctors (23.8%), television (15.6%), and smartphones (6.2%). The reason that the information about hepatitis B didn't come from a smartphone were 'Lack of useful applications' (75.9%), 'Could not believe the information' (15.0). If the application is developed, subjects replied 'Frequently use' (59.9%), 'When needed' (33.2%). The desired contents were 'Knowledge of disease' (27.1%), 'Drug calender' (16.8%), 'Reference of information' (15.5%), 'Record of lab data' (14.6%). Ability to use the smartphone, depended on age and level of education, however the needs for the development of the smartphone application, there were not differences. Also, there were different desired contents of application, depended on age and level of education. Therefore, when developing smartphone applications for self care performance of chronic hepatitis B patients considering educational level and age, it could be widely utilized as a tool which can help to the self care performance of chronic hepatitis B patients.

Design and Implementation of a Framework Modeler for Intranet Construction Tool (인트라넷 구축 도구를 위한 프레임워크 모델러의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Chang-Mog;Yoo, Cheol-Jung;Chang, Ok-Bae;Lee, Sang-Duck
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2001
  • As reusability becomes recognized more importantly, with the introduction of ObjectOriented Programming Languages, developers not only want to reduce development duration, but also to develop a proper system robustly and safely by renovating the Hot Spot in order to reuse the existing framework. When we perform these works, we need the development environment which is the Rapid Application Development tool, and the RAD tools provide us with the convenient development environment. The need of RAD tools is recognized by every Object-Oriented programmer, and many business enterprises are developing them. In this paper, we will present a design and implementation of module-based modeler as a method for developing technique to constmct user-driven Intranet environment for the generation of the program based on the framework. The framework modeler used Java language that is independent on platform, and applied the technique of OMT editor that provides the UML notation partially. Additionally, The modeler also includes the notations that are not supported in OMT editor. In addition to this characteristic, it is structured to develop system consistently with applying the Agent pattern, which is a design pattern suggested by ourselves, to send messages occurred between various Views. The existing MVC(Model-View-Controller) architecture does not have this function. Thus, this tool has a flexibility when user's requirements are changed, or functions are extended.

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Select the Properties of Storytelling Effects on the Festival of Brand Equity and Reactive (스토리텔링 선택속성이 축제의 브랜드 자산과 사후 행동의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun-Cheo;Jeon, In-Oh
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.480-494
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    • 2013
  • Globally branded culture festival in the region as a key component to the originality and distinction and with local residents and visitors to share experience and has succeeded in branding through Mind. Than mimics festivals in competitive and differentiated cultures containing festivals create a unique festival brand, and through the cultural and economic competitiveness, as well as the phase of the World Festival and preserve local culture and identity. Developing The best areas will be an asset. In order to build this world-class festival brand differentiation strategy above all, must be a top priority, Discrimination discovery and development of the local culture and sensibility in the age of the most powerful marketing tool that is being presented through storytelling brand assets to be passed on to visitors should. Thus the creation of storytelling festivals. Sensitivity of the festival right direction and in an era of paradigm key drivers of the local economy, such as image enhancement, and building long-term regional development and differentiation based on quality of life by creating a local culture can improve will Region's cultural and economic areas, the most important resource for the success of the festival is uniformly short-term planning and configuration, tube-driven operating as a one-sided non-participation. Sharing. Communication with an emphasis on the application of storytelling that is essential is considered.

The study of analysis film-making style in Stanley Kubrick's film (Focusing on his' film "The Clockwork orange(1971)") (스탠리 큐브릭 감독의 영상 스타일 분석 연구 (그의 영화"시계태엽오렌지(1971)"를 중심으로))

  • Lee, Tae-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.453-461
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    • 2017
  • The video image in the movie has become more spectacular than ever, and the expression area and the subject have been infinitely expanded, but it can not be said that the range of imagination has expanded. Instead, the 60s and 70s, which were the epochs of popular culture, The film that implements the artististic visual style and expression style of the artist. Stanley Kubrick's "Clockwork Orange", which has been pursuing technological perfection and experimental style, was created using traditional video grammar and gained a great repercussion with outstanding material and high artistic expression technique at that time. These techniques have led audiences to rational observation through irony, rather than emotional sympathy for the situation, for extreme violence and sensational films. This is because the purpose of the director was not to be in technological perfection but to reveal the contradictions of the real society and to reflect on the meaning of the existence of society itself. These creative traditional visual grammar and expression methods are a good visual style that enables the intentionally transmitted message to be transmitted more intensely and effectively, and the artistic depth can be created at the same time by unconsciously perceiving the meaning present on the back to the audience.

An Importance-Performance Analysis of Beauty shop's physical evidences and Revisit Factors (뷰티케어 전문 샵의 물리적환경과 재방문의 의도요인에 대한 IPA 분석)

  • Heo, Jeong-Rock;Cho, Jeong-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.255-263
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to study the service physical environment, customer satisfaction and returning intention of beauty shop. Structured questionnaires and interviews were conducted to investigate these correlations and analyzed by IPA method. The physical environment in the beauty shop was analyzed as an important factor in creating an environment that can stimulate the emotional part of the customers. It is found that the atmosphere, the emotional atmosphere and the installation of the auxiliary facilities are important factors in the physical environment. Customer satisfaction was found to increase satisfaction with employees' intention, such as satisfaction with employees. The customer 's revisit intention shows that they are trying to communicate and share their experiences through customer satisfaction. It was found that it is important to meet customers' emotional needs through improving the physical environment of the stores and to improve the emotional satisfaction of customers based on this. Strategic implications for attracting customers in the beauty shop suggest that increasing satisfaction with existing customers is an important strategy in securing not only existing customers but also prospective customers.

A Study on the Wed Based Design Education -Mainly on Usabilities and Problems- (Web 기반 디자인 교육에 관한 연구 - 그 유용성과 문제점을 중심으로 -)

  • 최영옥
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.253-266
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    • 2002
  • Web Based Instruction has its theoretical background in constructivism paradigm of education. According to social changes called information era and thanks to the sophisticated internet mechanism the constructivism in education has been dominant paradigm. In this paradigm information and knowledge are not merely given by a instructor facing the loaners. This system of instruction has n almost every field of discipline introduced. This article aims to examine how far WBI and constructivism are applicable for design education. Richard Branchia predicted that the learner oriented instruction method would become the dominant education system. He stressed an interactivity of the teacher and students. Upon this can the applicability of WBI for design education be affirmed. Furthermore, there is a dozen of successful cases like www.cyberartcenter.com) (www.digitalyeil.co.kr)', http://www.schooleweb.co.kr/, htp://www.startstudy.co.kr/among many others. This article suggests several ways to solve the problems web based design education faces, including the lesson should inevitably combine the outline and of online study.

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인터넷 기반 원스톱서비스 시스템 개발에 관한 연구+ -수출컨테이너화물 원스톱서비스 시스템 개발-

  • 박남규;최형림;김현수;박영재;조재형;이철우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.299-308
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    • 1999
  • 오늘날 우리 나라가 당면한 최우선 경제과제중 하나는 물류부분의 혁신을 통한 국가경쟁력 강화라고 할 수 있으며, 이를 위해 정부도 1993년 물류체계 개선을 위한 장기구상으로 ‘화물유통체계 개선 10개년 기본계획’을 수립하여 적극 추진 중에 있다. 그러나 이러한 노력에도 불구하고 PORT-MIS사용자를 상대로 한 설문조사에서는 선박입출항 업무 관련 서류의 40%, 항만시설 사용 업무와 관련된 서류의 31%, 하역업무 관련 서류의 10%만이 EDI를 활용하고 있었다. EDI 활용이 저조한 사유로는 전송시간이 많이 걸리며, EDI 소프트웨어가 작동되지 않으며, 수신확인이 되지 않기 때문이라 응답을 하였다. 이처럼 오늘날 항만물류산업이 겪고 있는 물류 데이터 흐름이 단절적 현상은 시간이 흐를수록 해결 될 기미가 보이고 있지 않다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 우리 나라가 겪고 있는 물류관련 업무를 한번의 데이터 입력으로 해결할 수 있는 원스톱 서비스 시스템개발을 목표로 우선 PORT-MIS EDI 업무를 처리할 수 있는 시스템을 구축하였다. 이는 향후 화주, 운송사, 선사, 포워더, 창고업자,하역회사, 철도청, 화물터미널, 컨테이너 터미널, 해양수산청, 관세청, 출입국관리사무소, 검역소 사이에 서로 교환되는 적하목록, Booking List, 컨테이너 Pick up정보, 위험물 정보, COPINO 정보를 비롯하여 대 관세청 신고 등 수출컨테이너 화물업무의 전반적인 영역으로까지 쉽게 확대할 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구결과 구축된 시스템은 원천정보를 중앙의 통합데이터베이스에 저장하여 이를 사용자의 요구에 의해 인터넷을 통해 전달하는 FTP와 웹 EDI 방식을 결합한 하이브리드 형태이다.CS Cell 방식에 의한 위치결정방식을 채택하였는데, 이것은 PCS망을 기반으로 데이터를 주고받이며 인터넷 단말기로 확장 가능한 PCS 단말기를 사용해서 위치추적을 하는 시스템이다. 이러한 시스템을 선정하게된 배경은 단말기아 망 이용료의 가격이 저렴하여 현실적으로 트럭이 쉽게 부착할 수 있다는 장점이 있으며 나아가 인터넷 단말기를 활용하여 차량과 관제센터사이에 메시지 전송 등 부가적인 서비스가 가능하기 때문이다.비교한 결과 토사 유출 억제효과는 한지형과 나지형잔디들의 혼합형(MixtureIII)과 자생처리구(MixtureV), Italian ryegrass와 자생식물의 혼합형(MixtureIV)등에서 비교적 낮은 수치를 토사유출량을 기록하였다. 이러한 결과는 자생식물들이 비록 초기생육속도는 외래도입초종에 떨어지지만 토사유출의 억제효과면에서는 이들 외래초종에 필적할 수 있음을 나타낸다고 할 수 있겠다.중량이 약 115kg/$m^2$정도로 나타났다.소 들(환경의 의미, 사람의 목적과 지식)보다 미학적 경험에 주는 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 모든 사람들에게 비슷한 미학적 경험을 발생시키는 것 이 밝혀졌다. 다시 말하면 모든 사람들은 그들의 문화적인 국적과 사회적 인 직업의 차이, 목적의 차이, 또한 환경의 의미의 차이에 상관없이 아름다 운 경관(High-beauty landscape)을 주거지나 나들이 장소로서 선호했으며, 아름답다고 평가했다. 반면에, 사람들이 갖고 있는 문화의 차이, 직업의 차 이, 목적의 차이, 그리고 환경의 의미의 차이에 따라 경관의 미학적 평가가 달라진 것으로 나타났다.corner$적 의도에 의한 경관구성의 일면을 확인

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Digital Reproduction of Mobiles (모빌의 디지털 재현)

  • Lee, Dong-Chun;Lee, Nam-Kyeong;Jung, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Chang-Tae;Lee, Dong-Kyu;Bae, Hee-Jung;Baek, Nakhoon;Lee, Jong-Won;Ryu, Kwan-Woo
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.28 no.9
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 2001
  • Recently, there are many attempts to reproduce real world fine art pieces in digital forms. The digital representations are convenient to store and/or transmit. In contrast, mobiles, or moving sculptures, such as those designed by Alexander Calder cannot to reproduced realistically by usual reproduction techniques. Since mobiles are originally designed to generate motions in response to external forces applied to it, people could not fully enjoy them through photographs or static images. We present a virtual mobile system where use can easily control the mobile and can feel the impressions that the artist originally intended to provide. A real-world mobile is reconstructed in a three-dimensional physically-based model. and then virtual wind is generated to give motions to it. The motions of the mobile are generated by constraint dynamics and impulse dynamics techniques, which are modified to fully utilize the characteristics of the mobile, and finally give interactive displays on the PC platforms. The techniques presented can easily be extended to simulate other interactive dynamics systems.

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The Study on Variation of Bangja's episode and Meaning in Tradition of Chunhyang-jeon (<춘향전> 전승에서 방자 삽화의 변이 양상과 의미)

  • Seo, Bo-Young
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.38
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    • pp.37-63
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to determine in the minor characters in alternative versions of Pansori stories. Because, unlike the variations in the main characters, the changes in the minor characters seemed to clearly reveal the specific reasons to the enjoyers of Pansori literature. Bangja in Chunhyang-jeon serves as a narrator by providing information about characters and events, and enlivens the text by satirizing and ridiculing the feudalism class. He appears in certain narrative unit of Chunhyang-jeon and further expands in the order of encounter unit, farewell unit, and reunion unit. At the encounter unit, he helps the bachelor Lee and Chunhyang meet And in the farewell unit, he urges their separation and goes to Han Yang with his master Lee. At the reunion unit, Chunhyang's letter is delivered to the bachelor Lee. The following can be seen from the information above discussion. First of all, the 'Bangja' acquires the better occupation of stories. The enjoyers have changed that he regards as a important figure. Next, in Chunhyang-jeon, the expansion of the role of the Bangja was done in the direction of converging the few characters such as Mabu, Tongin, and the farmer. Especially, the increase of his proportion in the Pansori works can be related to the expansion of the theatricality. Finally, Bangja's frequency increases in the direction of the whole narrative, but it can not be seen as an increase that his role or function has increased. Because his function as a guide expands, but his function as a critic has diminished.