• Title/Summary/Keyword: 意図伝達

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Cinematic Place Representation of Korean War Films with Emphasis (인천상륙작전 영화에 표현된 장소 재현)

  • Chang, Yoon Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to examine cinematic representations of places in the Korean War films on the event of 1950 'Incheon Landing', focusing on the place representations. 'Incheon Landing' of September 1950 provided a turning point for the Korean War, and the event can be interpreted totally different from the South Korean and the North Korean perspectives. Two films on the same event of the 'Incheon Landing' - a South Korean film, "Incheon Landing Operation"(1965), and a North Korea film, "Wolmido"(1982)- were selected as major sources of analysis and comparison. each director has different intentions. One film was taken from the landing army's viewpoint, whereas the other film was taken from the defender's viewpoint. As a result, one film emphasized the battle as a spectacle of glorious victory from the landing army's viewpoint, while the other film glorified those soldiers killed in the battle as heroes from the defender's viewpoint.

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Assist Torque Balance Control for Power Assisted Wheelchair Based on Temporal Similarity between Input Torques (입력토크의 시간적 유사성에 기반한 파워 어시스트 휠체어의 토크 밸런스 제어)

  • Heo, Y.;Hong, E.P.;Ryu, J.C.;Moon, M.S.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2015
  • In order for a Power Assisted Wheelchair (PAW) to maintain a straight driving direction, the same force must be delivered to both wheels. However, a human has different strength between the right and left arms, and cannot control the force uniformly at all times. Therefore, appropriate assist torque shall be generated from unbalanced human torque inputs by detecting the user intention, in order to maintain direction uniformly in straight sections or change direction quickly in curved sections. In this study, a special function is proposed to detect the intention of drivers on the basis of temporal similarity between the input torque signals, and a torque balancing technique based on this function is proposed. In the experiments, the effectiveness of the proposed torque balancing method are verified.

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An Agent-based System for Character Motion Animation Control (캐릭터 동작 애니메이션 제어를 위한 에이전트 시스템)

  • Kim, Ki-Hyun;Kim, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.467-474
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    • 2001
  • When user wants to animate more than one character, some unexpected motion animation like a collision between characters may occur. Therefore, this problem must be resolved using a proper control mechanism. Therefore, this problem must be resolved using a proper control mechanism. This paper proposes an agent-based system that controls the motion animation of the character for representing animation scenario reflecting user\`s intention. This system provides a method that coordinates a type of motion and avoids collision between characters according to the moving path of a character in three-dimensional space. Agent communicates with others for motion synchronization. Agent is extended into several intelligent agents that coordinate character\`s motion. Agent system enables not only an intended motion animation, but also the scheduling of motion to an entire character animation. It designs automata model using Petri-net analysis tool for the agent\`s interaction as a method that passes the agent\`s information and infers the current state of agents. We implement this agent system to control the motion of character using agent technology and show an example of controlling the motion of human character model to prove the possiblity of motion control.

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Factors affecting the VOD advertising in IPTV: Focus on Program and Ad location factors (IPTV VOD 광고효과에 영향을 미치는 요인: 프로그램과 게재위치 요인을 중심으로)

  • Yu, Seung-Yeob
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2016
  • This study was done to find out what is a factors affecting VOD advertising in IPTV. To this end, the location form of the Pre-play and program insert ad in IPTV was prepared to compare the test stimuli. And the experiment was conducted. The results were as follows. First, attention to ad and commitment of program had a significant impact on VOD advertising attitude. On the other hand, the program viewing satisfaction had no significant effect. Second, the attention to ads had a significant effect on the purchase intention on advertised products in VOD. Third, attitudes to ad and purchase intention between the Pre-Play and program insert ads positions, did not have a significant difference. Accordingly, it concludes that current Pre-play advertising strategy is effective. It is also expected to help establish a strategy that is able to effectively show VOD ads in IPTV to consumers in the future.

The Effect of Cultural Predictors on Perceived Ethicality of Negotiation Behavior A Comparison of 'Chemyon' and Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions (문화 변수가 협상 윤리에 미치는 영향 '체면'과 홉스테드 변수의 비교)

  • Kim, Yung-Wook;Yang, Jung-Eun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.46
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    • pp.212-244
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    • 2009
  • This study examined the effects of cultural factors and demographic factors on the perceived appropriateness and likelihood of using five categories of inappropriate negotiation strategies. Five categories of inappropriate negotiation strategies consist of traditional competitive bargaining, attacking opponent's network, false promises, misrepresentation of information and inappropriate information gathering. Two kinds of cultural variables, Hofstede's cultural dimensions and 'Chemyon' dimensions were used as universal, etic variables versus indigenous, emic variables. Survey result shows age and gender had significant effects only for traditional competitive bargaining, but gender and personal negotiation style did not have any effects for the inappropriate strategies. Hofstede's dimensions as well as Chemyon dimensions had significant effect for perceived inappropriateness and likelihood of using inappropriate strategies. While both Chemyon and Hofstede's dimensions were significant, Chemyon accounted for more variance than Hofstede dimensions in most cases. This suggests Chemyon's vital role in explaining Korean negotiators' perception and attitude towards inappropriate negotiation strategies. Implications of the results and future research are discussed.

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The Effect of Youth (18-19 years old) Voters' Use of Political Information and Political Efficacy on Voting Intentions (청소년(만 18-19세) 유권자의 정치 정보 이용행태와 정치효능감이 투표 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sung-Jin;Kim, Peter Eung-Pyo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.344-355
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    • 2021
  • As the voting age has been lowered to 18 from the 21st general election on April 15, 2020, the use of political news, motivation for political interest, and reliability of political media of first-time voters were examined. Accordingly, we analyzed how their political efficacy affects their voting intentions. As a result of the study through the survey of participants, the use of political news by voters was to acquire political information mainly through TV and portals. And the use of traditional media such as radio and newspaper was low. first voters became interested in politics through articles delivered by the media, and it was found that they trusted the political information provided through terrestrial TV reports and debates. This generation also confirmed that if they have higher political efficacy, they show higher willingness to participate in voting. Through this study, in order to increase the political participation of the younger generation who are evaluated as having relatively low interest in politics, the role of the media was reconfirmed as the most important factor.

Information Sharing and Group Learing Using Electronic Communication Media (전자매체를 통한 정보공유와 공동학습)

  • Lee Jee-Yeon;So Mae-Sil;Paik Woojin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.105-119
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    • 2005
  • With the introduction of Internet-based education such as online learning and virtual campuses. there are increased interests and demands for electronically delivering educational contents in comparison to the traditional educational methods. Our preilminary study showed that approximately $50\%$ of virtual groups formed online for the scope of collaborative learning encountered harriers that prevented them from forming an effective learning team and making satisfactory progress toward reaching the learning objectives. In this study, we asked the undergraduate students. who were the members of the online learning team, to work on the given discussion topics through the use of emails and threaded discussion boards. Then. we investigated the roles played by two electronic communication medium during the virtual discussion with respect to the learning outcome. We also studied how information was shared amongst the virtual learning team members. The results of our study showed that the email based online learning had the advantage of individualized and friendly information transfer. However. it also caused certain difficulty in exchanging ideas due to the one-sided nature of the email-based communication. On the other hand, the threaded discussion board provided easier information sharing and broadcasting. which enabled active participation by the virtual team members. However. It also had the disadvantage of difficulty in accurate information conveyance and duplication of the posted information. In summary, our study results showed that there was a high correlation between the characteristics of the electronic communication medium and the decision that the online learners made regarding which medium to use. There was a high correlation between the type of the electronic communication medium and the online learners' experiences in using these media.

Performance Evaluation of the Tumor Tracking Method Using Beam on/off Interface for the Treatment of Irregular Breathing (호흡이 불규칙한 환자의 치료를 위한 Beam on/off Interface를 이용한 종양 추적 치료 방법의 성능 평가)

  • Lee, Minsik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 2018
  • Dose rate regulated tracking is known to be an efficient method which adaptively delivers tracking treatments when patient breathing is irregular. The Motion Management Interface (MMI, Varian Medical System, CA), which provides beam on/off switching during treatment is available for clinic. Study is to test if delivering the adaptive tumor tracking is feasible for irregular breathing using beam switching with MMI. 55 free breathing RPM traces acquired from lung cancer patients are used. The first day RPM traces of the patients are utilized to design preprogrammed tracking MLC patterns, of which periods are intentionally reduced by 20% in order to catch up the variation of patient breathing irregularity in the treatment day. Eligibility criteria for this technique are the variation of amplitude and period less than 20%. An algorithm which determines beam on/off every 100 ms by considering the preprogrammed (MLC) positions and current breathing positions is developed. Tracking error and delivery efficacy are calculated by simulating the beam-switching adaptive tracking from the RPM traces. Breathing patterns of 38 patients (70%) met the eligibility criteria. Tracking errors of all of the cases who meet the criteria are less than 2 mm (average 1.4 mm) and the average delivery efficacy was 71%. Those of rest of the cases are 1.9 mm and 48%. Adaptive tracking with beam switching is feasible if patient selection is based on the eligibility criteria.

A Study on the Determinants of Customers' Behavioral Intention of Incheon Port Hinterland Service (인천항 배후단지 서비스의 고객행동의도 결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Byeong-Il;Yu, Hong-Seong;Lee, Hyeon-U
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.115-137
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    • 2008
  • The present study purposed to derive the major attributes of the service quality of port hinterlands from previous research and interviews with specialists, to examine causal relations among the service quality of hinterlands, customer satisfaction, switching barrier and customers' behavior, and to suggest strategic implications. According to the results, the service quality of port hinterlands was divided into 'interaction quality', 'physical environment quality' and 'service delivery quality,' and among the three dimensions of quality, 'physical environment quality' and 'service delivery quality' had a significant effect on customer satisfaction but 'interaction quality' did not. These results suggest directions for what dimensions of quality should be controlled in order to improve the service quality of port hinterlands with limited management resources, and thus they are expected to contribute to more strategic marketing activities upon customers.

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Implementation of Digital Folding Screen System for Information Visualization Based on Web (웹기반의 정보시각화를 위한 디지털 병풍 시스템 구현)

  • Choi, Jeong-Hee;Yun, Chang-Ok;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Yun, Tae-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.1342-1350
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    • 2009
  • Until today, the uses of digital display system mostly included demonstration, observation, and exhibition of simple images. The strengths were that the images that changes in line with the music played could be reinterpreted as a different work. Also, it could stimulate the sensibility of the users. However, the range of the uses of the system is very limited and users could easily lose their interest. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a system that could continuously induce and motivate user interaction. Therefore, the RSS based digital folding screen system proposed by this paper has an objective of being used as an interactive media system which overcome the limitations of former eight-sided folding screen used for simple observation purposes. It also applied the main function of RSS in which the user could collect and read newly registered messages without visiting the blogs or corresponding websites. Therefore, it is capable of sending the information needed by the user. Generally, we can observe the contents for mere observation purposes and when necessary, it could also be utilized for advertisement or exhibition purposes. It could also be used as a information transfer system in public facilities.

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