• Title/Summary/Keyword: 對話

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Signifiant and Lacan Psychoanalysis Narcissism of Repetition and Reflection (시니피앙과 라캉 정신분석 반복과 반영의 나르시시즘)

  • Lee, Dong Seok
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2021
  • This study will analyze the meaning of the signifiant, which occupies an absolute position in Lacanian psychoanalysis, and will prove the slip of meaning and signification that are accompanied together at the same time when the signifiant was utter through the subject. By directly citing the part where Lacan explained signification in his seminars and Écrits, I would like to examine how signifiant is carried out in everyday conversation. In addition, the dialogue that takes place in our discourse has the purposefulness and groundless purposelessness of the signifiant. Understanding this purpose is the core part that Lacanian psychoanalysis aims to pursue, and it discovers the cracks of the hidden meaning in the relationship between the signifiant and the signifiant connected to the next, presenting that the signifiant which arouses unrelenting fantasy of the subject is the practical ruler of body and mind. This thesis is aimed to present the above points mentioned above, and as an alternative to overcome the limitations of the signifiant, the ruler in discourse, this study would like to suggest the autonomy as a subject resisting against "Where it was, I must come into being," pursued by Lacan psychoanalysis.

Moderating Effects of User Gender and AI Voice on the Emotional Satisfaction of Users When Interacting with a Voice User Interface (음성 인터페이스와의 상호작용에서 AI 음성이 성별에 따른 사용자의 감성 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Jong-Gyu;Kang, Jun-Mo;Park, Yeong-Jin;Kim, Sang-Ho
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2022
  • This study sought to identify the voice user interface (VUI) design parameters that evoked positive user emotions. Six VUI design parameters that could affect emotional user satisfaction were considered. The moderating effects of user gender and the design parameters were analyzed to determine the appropriate conditions for user satisfaction when interacting with the VUI. An interactive VUI system that could modify the six parameters was implemented using the Wizard of OZ experimental method. User emotions were assessed from the users' facial expression data, which was then converted into a valence score. The frequency analysis and chi-square test found that there were statistically significant moderating gender and AI effects. These results implied that it is beneficial to consider the users' gender when designing voice-based interactions. Adult/male/high-tone voices for males and adult/female/mid-tone voices for females are recommended as general guidelines for future VUI designs. Future analyses that consider various human factors will be able to more delicately assess human-AI interactions from a UX perspective.

A study on communication process with team members perceived by team leader in corporation (기업 팀장이 인식하는 팀원과의 의사소통 과정 연구)

  • Baek, Eun Jung;Shin, Hyo Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Coaching Psychology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.25-51
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to deeply explore the communication process with team members perceived by team leader. To this end, in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 team leaders, and analyzed according to the grounded theory research method procedure suggested by Strauss and Corbin. As a results, a total of 51 concepts, 17 subcategories, and 8 categories were derived. As a causal condition, the concept of 'contemplating and reinterpreting communication necessary for the organization' was derived, and the central phenomenon was 'intentional effort made in parallel with work and private conversations'. The contextual condition was 'recognizing the need to cope with environmental changes', and the mediating condition was 'self-reflection and self-coaching time' was derived. The action/interaction strategy was conceptualized as a communication process with task-oriented coping, conflict resolution coping, and relationship promotion coping, and was confirmed as 'recognizing virtuous cycle communication within the organization' as a result of interaction with the central phenomenon. As a result of analysis of the team leader's communication process, the effort stage, approach stage, coping stage, and cycle stage were shown. As a result of the type analysis, task-oriented coping was a facilitator, conflict resolution coping was a supporter, and relationship promotion coping was a considerate. This study is an empirical study on how the corporate team leader perceives and expresses communication in the relationship with the team members.

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Comparative Analysis of Trade-Labor Linkage in FTAs of the US and EU (미국과 EU의 FTA에 나타난 무역-노동기준 연계에 관한 비교 분석)

  • Kang, Yoo-Duk;Ko, Bo-Min
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2016
  • This study reviews international discussions about the trade-labor linkage and examines the labor chapters of FTAs enforced by the US and the EU from a comparative perspective. Since early 1990s, starting from the NAFTA, the US has included forceable labor provisions in its FTAs and this trend continues to the TPP which was concluded in October 2015. On the other hand, the EU's labor provisions in its FTAs have been composed of promotional elements on labor rights based on cooperations and dialogues. These different features of labor provisions in the US and European FTAs are mainly due to the motives of the FTAs of the US and the EU respectively as well as their domestic situations with regards to domestic law and institutional set-ups. The coordination of labor provisions involves a long-term institutional as well as regulatory convergence which triggers not only economic but also social changes, compared to a relatively short-term effect of tariff elimination. For Korea which has been a FTA partner country both with the US and the EU, it is significant to keep the different characteristics in the labor provisions in mind, particularly in the process of its implementation. Concerning the implementation of Korea-US FTA, it might be problematic if Korean law and its regulatory practice on labor-management relations do not comply with that of the US. The Korea-EU FTA case can also have an indirect impact on Korea's labor laws since it stipulates in its provisions that both parties should have discussions not only within each government but also with the civil communities including NGOs. Thus, Korea should pay more attention to the true meaning in labor provisions of both FTAs in order to promote its firms to be equipped with the right labor-management system in their operations abroad.

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The Effect of Exhibit Commentary Media on the Communication within Family Visitors: with Docent and Mobile Device (PMP) (박물관에서의 전시설명 매체가 가족단위 관람객들의 소통에 미치는 영향: 도슨트와 모바일 기기(PMP)를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyun-a;Park, Yong Wan;Byeon, Hyeon-Hee
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.10
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    • pp.545-556
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    • 2017
  • There are exhibit commentary media (docent, mobile device) for assisting family visitors in the museum, and the communication within family members could be affected by which media they use. When using a docent, family visitors lowered their voice or restrained talks for paying attention to a docent' explanation. When using a mobile device, family visitors mainly relied on a mobile device, so they did not pay attention to the objects. The results of the survey showed that parents reported no difference between the docent and the mobile device on some measurement items and preferred the docent to the mobile device on other measurement items. On the other hand, children showed strong preference toward the mobile deice over the docent because of their enjoyment for operating the mobile device. Regardless of which media they used, the communication among family members could be enhanced by being together. Therefore, the museum should design and operate a docent program for family visitors to enhance the communication among family members. In addition, the museum should consider how family visitors using a mobile device would pay attention to objects and enhance the communication.

The aesthetics of index and the affect of gestures revealed in Aftersun (<애프터썬>에 드러난 인덱스의 미학과 몸짓의 정동)

  • Eunsun Kwon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.431-436
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    • 2023
  • The film Aftersun(2022) is Scottish director Charlotte Wells' feature debut and is one of the films that received the most attention in the international art film scene that year. The overall structure of the film is a look back at a certain summer vacation that Sophie, now an adult, went to Turkey with Calum, a 30-year-old 'young dad', whom she lived apart after divorcing her mother when she was 11 years old. In fact, it can be said to be a reconstruction of memory, and Aftersun not only describes the contents remembered, but also reveals the process of reconstructing memories, making the film a process of post-action memory work. In this process, Aftersun proves Lev Manovich's words that cinema is an indexic art. Going back and forth between home video and cinematic diegesis, After Sun unleashes a new imaginary temporality through a two-hour conversation, traces of indexical signs engraved on home video and present times. The film urges involuntary memories in the chaotic time to the present, and makes meaning through traces and signs of intense gestures in the dialogue between media and media, past and present. The We think about the meaning through the time when the story is stopped and the implications of the gestures.

Automatic Electronic Medical Record Generation System using Speech Recognition and Natural Language Processing Deep Learning (음성인식과 자연어 처리 딥러닝을 통한 전자의무기록자동 생성 시스템)

  • Hyeon-kon Son;Gi-hwan Ryu
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.731-736
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    • 2023
  • Recently, the medical field has been applying mandatory Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) systems that computerize and manage medical records, and distributing them throughout the entire medical industry to utilize patients' past medical records for additional medical procedures. However, the conversations between medical professionals and patients that occur during general medical consultations and counseling sessions are not separately recorded or stored, so additional important patient information cannot be efficiently utilized. Therefore, we propose an electronic medical record system that uses speech recognition and natural language processing deep learning to store conversations between medical professionals and patients in text form, automatically extracts and summarizes important medical consultation information, and generates electronic medical records. The system acquires text information through the recognition process of medical professionals and patients' medical consultation content. The acquired text is then divided into multiple sentences, and the importance of multiple keywords included in the generated sentences is calculated. Based on the calculated importance, the system ranks multiple sentences and summarizes them to create the final electronic medical record data. The proposed system's performance is verified to be excellent through quantitative analysis.

Art for Overcoming the Ecological Crisis: Focused on the Dialogical Methodologies of The Harrison Studio (생태 위기 극복을 위한 예술: 해리슨 스튜디오의 대화적 방법론을 중심으로)

  • Shan Lim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 2023
  • Can art really change the way people understand and interact with nature in order to reduce the possibility that ecological disasters will continue to expand due to failure to correct human actions that damage the global environment? What is the artistic methodology to realize environmental justice and sustainability of life on Earth? This paper seeks to find answers to these questions. Finding ways to look at, feel, understand, and act for the global environment, that is, the process of considering the way of orientation toward the global environment will lead to critical thinking of the history in which human centered behaviors treated nature as a resource for exploitation rather than a source of life. Therefore, this paper pays attention to the ecological art of The Harrison Studio, which is called the 'pioneer of the environmental art movement'. In the main body, The Harrison Studio's major projects are analyzed to find ecological implications and aesthetic strategies. In particular, their dialogical methodologies are demonstrated in detail. To this end, the significance of various collaborative practices of The Harrison Studio is explained. The Harrison Studio contributed to expanding the scope of practical experience and understanding of the value of eological art. They have the power to look back on the direction of ecological consciousness by constantly producing mutually connected and overlapping epistemic dimensions without being limited to any uniform rules of exchange.

Elevated Temperature Creep Behavior of Rapidly Solidified Al-9.45wt%Fe-4.45wt%Cr Alloy (급냉응고된 Al-9.45wt%Fe-4.45wt%Cr합금의 고온 크?거동)

  • Rhim, J.K.;Kim, K.H.;Kim, T.S.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.208-215
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    • 1999
  • The creep behavior of a rapidly solidified and consolidated Al-9.45wt%Fe-4.45wt%Cr alloy were investigated in the stress range 40 to 115 MPa and temperature range 300(0.53Tm) to 441$^{\circ}C$(0.66Tm). It is of use to available aerospace and automobile industries for the improved performance of materials used at high temperature. Because Al alloys with improved creep resistance offer the potential for lower weight and reduced costs in aerospace and automobile components (e.g., structural members and engine parts) through the replacement of heavier and more costly materials, the safety in use at high temperature is good. The alloy is characterized by high stress exponents and activation energies for creep, which are greatly dependent on the stress and temperature. Because the creep stress is seen to cause a strongly significant enhancement of coarsening, the coarsening rate of the dispersed particles in all crept specimens is faster than that in isothermally annealed specimens. Dislocations connecting dispersoids are observed more cofrequently in crept specimens with higher stress and lower temperature. The creep strain rates in the power law creep regime were found to be predicted much better by the Shorty and Rosler/Arzt equation with the inclusion of a threshold stress and dislocation detachment mechanism. The dispersoids in this alloy were acting a source of void nucleation that finally leaded to ductile fracture within the grain so called intergranular. Each void was initiated, grown and failed at the dispersoids in the aluminium matrix. Grain boundary accommodation of the slip produced, which result in initiation of the void and then final transgranular fracture. Therefore, it was confirmed that these dispersoids played an important role in the fracture mechanism by the formation of $Al_{13}Fe_4$, $Al_{13}Cr_2$ and $Al_2O_3$.

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The Effect of Imagined Contact on Attraction to Unattractive Women (상상 접촉이 이성에 대한 호감 및 매력 지각에 미치는 영향)

  • Yong Hoe Heo;Sean S. Kim;Sun W. Park
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.203-222
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    • 2016
  • Previous research has demonstrated that imagined contact is useful to reducing prejudice against minorities (e.g. Turner & Crisp, 2010). In this research, we investigated whether imagined contact increases attraction to physically unattractive women, and whether this effect is moderated by perceiver's physical attractiveness and appearance orientation in romantic relationships. Single male participants (n = 98) responded to items assessing their physical attractiveness and appearance orientation, and then were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions. In the imagined contact condition, participants were told to imagine communicating with a physically unattractive woman and come up with some interesting things about her. In the control condition, participants were told to simply imagine a physically unattractive woman. Next, participants saw a picture of a physically unattractive woman and rated her likeability, perceived attractiveness, and willingness to ask her out, which were averaged to form the composite measure of attraction. We found a significant main effect of imagined contact, as expected. This main effect was moderated by appearance orientation, but not by perceivers' physical attractiveness. The effect of imagined contact was significant among those low in appearance orientation, but not among those high in appearance orientation.

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