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Effect of Fusion Procedure on the Development of Embryos Produced by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in Hanwoo (Korean Cattle) (한우에서 융합방법이 체세포 핵이식 수정란의 발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Im, G.S.;Yang, B.S.;Park, S.J.;Chang, W.K.;Park, C.S.
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.365-373
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the fusion pulses and fusion media on fusion rate and the development of embryos produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer in Hanwoo (Korean cattle). Nuclear donor cumulus and fetal fibroblast cells were cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum at 38.5$^{\circ}C$ in a humidified atmosphere of 5% $CO_2$in air. The in vitro matured oocytes were enucleated and then the isolated donor cells were introduced. The cumulus cell and cytoplast were fused using one pulse of 70 volts for 40$mutextrm{s}$, two pulses of 70 volts for 40$mutextrm{s}$ and one pulse of 180 volts for 15$mutextrm{s}$. The fetal fibroblast cell and cytoplast were fused using one pulse of 180 volts for 15$mutextrm{s}$ or 30$mutextrm{s}$. The cumulus cell and cytoplast were fused using mannitol and Zimmerman cell fusion medium (ZCFM) as a fusion medium. The fused embryos were activated after the fusion with 10 $\mu$M calcium ionophore for 5 min and 2 mM 6-dimethyl- aminopurine for 3 h. The nuclear transfer embryos were cultured in 500 ${mu}ell$ well of modified CR1aa supplemented with 3 mg/$m\ell$ BSA in th $\varepsilon$ four well dish cove red with mineral oil. After 3 days culture, culture medium was changed into modified CRlaa medium containing 1.5 mg/$m\ell$ BSA and 5% FBS for 4 days. The incubation environment was 5% $CO_2$, 5% $O_2$, 90% $N_2$ at 38.5$^{\circ}C$. When the cumulus cells were fused with enucleated oocytes by three different fusion pulses, one pulse of 180 volts for 15 $mutextrm{s}$ yielded the highest fusion rate and developmental rate to blastocyst among the pulses (P<0.05). When the fetal fibroblast cells were fused with enucleated oocytes, one pulse of 180 volts for 30$mutextrm{s}$ yielded significantly higher fusion rate compared with that for 15 $mutextrm{s}$(P<0.05). The present result indicates that the fusion rate between karyoplast and cytoplast was affected by the cell type and the optimal fusion condition was different according to cell type or size. When the fusion was conducted by the use of mannitol and ZCFM, the fusion rate was 71.2% and 65.8%, respectively. The developmental rates to blastocyst were 37.8% and 39.8%, respectively. There was no significant difference between two fusion media in the developmental rate of cumulus cell nuclear transfer embryos. These results indicate that optimal electric current should be selected according to cell type.

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Ultrasonographic study on the masseter muscle thickness of adult Korean (한국인 성인의 교근 두께에 관한 초음파검사적 연구)

  • Cha, Bong-Kuen;Park, In-Woo;Lee, Yeun-Hee
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.31 no.2 s.85
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    • pp.225-236
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    • 2001
  • It is widely accepted that the shape and structure of bone are closely related to the activity of attached muscle. Numerous clinical and animal experimental studies indicated the significant effects of masticatory muscle function on maxillofacial morphology. Recently, the development of ultrasonography has spread throughout different fields of medicine. In the clinical examinations, ultrasonography is a convenient, inexpensive technique to apply with accurate and reliable results. The aim of this study is to assess the thickness of the masseter muscle and its correlation to maxillofacial skeleton by examining 35 male and 15 female dental students at Kangnung National University. The masseter muscle thickness of the subjects were measured by ultrasonographic scanning with a 7.5MHz linear probe, and their maxillofacial morphology were investigated by lateral cephalometric radiographs. The relationship between the masseter muscle thickness and maxillofacial morphology of normal adult was statistically analyzed, and the following results were obtained. 1. The average thickness of male masseter muscle was 13.8${\pm}$1.71mm in the relaxed state and 14.8${\pm}$1.77mm at maximal clenching state, while that of female was 11.6${\pm}$1.58mm and 12.4${\pm}$1.47mm, respectively. Ethnic difference in thickness of the masseter muscle and maxillofacial skeleton was found when the results of many researchers were compared with those of this study. 2. The thickness of the masseter muscle in both sexes increased significantly at maximal clenching state than in relaxed state(P<0.05). 3. The masseter muscle thickness of male was greater than that of female both in the relaxed state and maximal clenching states(P<0.05). 4. In males, the thickness of the masseter muscle was negatively correlated with the mandibular plane angle and positively correlated with the mandibular ramus height and anterior cranial base length(P<0.05). It may suggest that the male with thicker masseter muscle has smaller facial divergence. 5. No significant correlation was found between the masseter muscle thickness and maxillofacial morphology in females(P<0.05). Therefore, these data suggest that ultrasonography can add valuable information to the conventional examinations of masseter muscle function.

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Studies on Ancylostomiasis I. An Experimental Study on Hookworm Infection and Anemia (구충증(鉤蟲症)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) 제1편(第1篇) 구충(鉤蟲)의 감염(感染) 및 구충성빈혈(鉤蟲性貧血)에 관(關)한 고찰(考奈))

  • Lee, Mun-Ho;Kim, Dong-Jip;Lee, Jang-Kyu;Seo, Byong-Sul;Lee, Soon-Hyung
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 1967
  • In view of its prevalence in the Far East area, a more detailed knowledge on the hookworm infection is one of the very important medical problems. The present study was aimed to; determine the infectivity of the artificially hatched ancylostoma duodenale larvae in man after its oral administration, evaluate the clinical symptomatology of such infection, determine the date of first appearance of the ova in the stool, calculate the blood loss per worm per day, assess the relation-ships between the ova count, infectivity(worm load), blood loss and severity of anemia. An erythrokinetic study was also done to analyse the characteristics of hookworm anemia by means of $^{59}Fe\;and\;^{51}Cr$. Materials and Methods Ten healthy male volunteers(doctors, medical students and laboratory technicians) with the ages ranging from 21 to 40 years were selected as the experimental materials. They had no history of hookworm infection for preceding several years, and care was taken not to be exposed to reinfection. A baseline study including a through physical examinations and laboratory investigations such as complete blood counts, stool examination and estimation of the serum iron levels was done, and a vermifuge, bephenium hydroxynaphoate, was given 10 days prior to the main experiment. The ancylostoma duodenale filariform larvae were obtained in the following manner; The pure ancylostoma duodenale ova were obtained from the hookworm anemia patients and a modified filter paper method was adopted to harvest larger number of infective larvae, which were washed several times with saline. The actively moving mature larvae were put into the gelatine capsules, 150 in each, and were given to the volunteers in the fasting state with 300ml. of water. The volunteers were previously treated with intramuscular injection of 15mg. of chlorpromazine in order to prevent the eventual nausea and vomiting after the larvae intake. The clinical symptoms and signs mainly of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, appearance of the ova and occult blood in the stool etc. were checked every day for the first 20 days and then twice weekly until the end of the experiment, which usually lasted for about 3 months. Roentgenological survey of the lungs was also done. The hematological changes such as the red blood cell, white blood cell and eosinophil cell counts, hemoglobin content and serum iron levels were studied. The appearance of the ova in the stool was examined by the formalin ether method and the ova were counted in triplicate on two successive days using the Stoll's dilution method. The ferrokinetic data were calculated by the modified Huff's method and the apparent half survival time of the red blood cells by the modified Gray's method. The isotopes were simultaneously tagged and injected intravenously, and then the stool and blood samples were collected as was described by Roche et al., namely, three separate 4-day stool samples with the blood sample drawing before each 4-day stool collection. The radio-activities of the stools ashfied and the blood were separately measured by the pulse-height analyser. The daily blood loss was calculated with the following formula; daily blood loss in $ml.=\frac{cpm/g\;stool{\times}weight\;in\;g\;of\;4-day\;stool}{cpm/ml\;blood{\times}4}$ The average of these three 4-day periods was given as the daily blood loss in each patient. The blood loss per day per worm was calculated by simply dividing the daily blood loss by the number of the hookworm recovered after the vermifuge given twice a week at the termination of the experiment. The iron loss in mg. through the gastrointestinal tract was estimated with the daily iron loss in $mg=\frac{g\;Hgb/100ml{\times}ml\;daily\;blood\;loss{\times}3.40}{100}$ 3.40=mg of iron per g Hgb following formula; Results 1. The respiratory symptoms such as cough and sputum were noted in almost all cases within a week after the infection, which lasted about 2 weeks. The roentgenological findings of the chest were essentially normal. A moderate degree of febril reaction appeared within 2 weeks with a duration of 3 or 4 days. 2. The gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, epigastric fullness, abdominal pain and loose bowel appeared in all cases immediately after the larvae intake. 3. The reduction of the red blood cell count was not remarkable, however, the hemoglobin content and especially the serum iron level showed the steady decreases until the end of the experiment. 4. The white blood cells and eosinophil cells, on the contrary, showed increases in parallel and reached peaks in 20 to 30 days after the infection. A small secondary rise was noted in 2 months. 5. The ova first appeared in the stool in 40. 1 days after the infection, ranging from 29 to 51 days, during which the occult blood reaction of the stool became also positive in almost cases. 6. The number of ova recovered per day was 164, 320 on the average, ranging from 89,500 to 253,800. The number of the worm evacuated by vermifuge was in rough correlation with the number of ova recovered. 7. The infectivity of ancylostoma duodenale was 14% on the average, ranging from 7.3 to 20.0%, which is relatively lower than those reported by other workers. 8. The mean fecal blood loss was 5.78ml. per day, with a range of from 2.6 to 11.7ml., and the mean blood loss per worm per day was 0.30ml., with a range of from 0.13 to 0.73ml., which is in rough coincidence with those reported by other authors. There appeared to exist, however, no correlation between the blood loss and the number of ova recovered. 9. The mean fecal iron loss was 2.02mg. per day, with a range of from 1.20 to 3.89mg., which is less than those appeared in the literature. 10. The mean plasma iron disappearance rate was 0.80hr., with a range of from 0.62 to 0.95hr., namely, a slight accerelation. 11. The hookworm anemia appeared to be iron deficiency in origin caused by continuous intestinal blood loss.

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Status of Water Quality in Nakdong River Districts (낙동강 수계의 수질 현황)

  • Lim, Young-Sung;Cho, Ju-Sik;Lee, Hong-Jae;Lee, Young-Han;Sohn, Bo-Kyoon;Heo, Jong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.126-134
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    • 1999
  • To provide the basic information for the water improvement and control of water resource in Nakdong river districts, the physico-chemical characteristics of water in four main streams and three branch streams of the river were investigated through 36 times totally, one time per each month from January in 1995 to November in 1997. The pH values of each sites in main or branch stream of Nakdong river was pH $6.3{\sim}9.3$ range, pH range of Jukpo and Namji area at spring and fall was almost over pH 8.5, which was exceeded the water quality standard for agriculture. DO values of Nakdong river was almost $8.0{\sim}13mg/l$, except for Kangchang area in downstream of Kumho river. BOD values in Dasa area where was prior to mixing of Kumho river was $1.5{\sim}4.8mg/l$, which was under the water quality standard for agriculture(8mg/l), but BOD values followed mixing of Kumho river was over the permit standard of agricultural water as $3.8{\sim}8.9mg/l$ in Koryung, $3.4{\sim}8.4mg/l$ in Jukpo and $3.3{\sim}7.8mg/l$ in Namji according to time or season. Especially, BOD values at Gangchang area in Kumho river were $7.6{\sim}18.5mg/l$, which was over the water quality standard for agriculture and so Kumho river was a main pollutant: source of Nakdong river. COD values of main stream of Nakdong river was over the permit standard of agriculture(8mg/l) as $5.2{\sim}13.5mg/l$ in Koryvng, $5.0{\sim}12.7mg/l$ in Jukpo and $5.0{\sim}12.2mg/l$ in Namji according to time or season. And COD values was much high rather than BOD values and its gap of concentration was increased along with downstream. $NH_4-N$ of main stream of Nakdong river followed mixing of Kumho river($0.5{\sim}13.1mg/l$) was the highest affected in Koryung($0.18{\sim}5.0mg/l$) and detected much more in winter than in summer. T-N in Koryung($4.96{\sim}12.06mg/l$) followed mixing of Kumho river was significantly high rather than $2.86{\sim}4.86mg/l$ in Dasa, $4.20{\sim}8.20mg/l$ in Jukpo and $3.18{\sim}8.64mg/l$ in Namji, which was almost over the permit standard of agricultural water(1.0mg/l). T-P in Koryung($0.10{\sim}0.58mg/l$) also was significantly high rather than those $0.07{\sim}0.36mg/l$ in Jukpo and $0.08{\sim}0.4mg/l$ in Namji as over the standard of agricultural water(0.1mg/l). The concentration of T-N or T-P in Nakdong districts was trended of increasing in every year.

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A Clinical Study of Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis with Nephrotic Syndrome (신증후군을 동반한 연쇄상구균 감염후 급성사구체신염의 임상적 고찰)

  • Moon Sang-Ae;Yook Jin-Won;Kim Ji-Hong;Lee Jae-Seung;Jeong Hyun-Joo;Kim Pyung-Kil
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 1999
  • Purpose: Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis(APSGN) is a renal disease which is characterized by glomerular proliferation and inflammatory changes due to immune reaction. Although the 95% of patients with APSGN seems to recover fully and present as benign course, the remaining patients show poor prognosis. Therefore comparative retrograde study between APSGN with and without nephrotic syndrome was done to find out the any prognostic indicator to predict the outcome in patients with APSGN. Methods: We had retrospectively analyzed seventy-one patients who were diagnosed as APSGN clinically from Mar.1989 to Feb.1999 in Yonsei university medical center. Sixty-four of the patients was APSGN without nephrotic syndrome(Group A) and seven patients were in APSGN with nephrotic syndrome(Group B). Results: Patients who were diagnosed as APSGN with nephrotic syndrome were seven(9.9%) out of seventy-one. In the comparative study, sex ratio was 1:1 in group A and 1.9: 1 in group B, onset mean age was $8.9{\pm}2.6$ in group A and $8.8{\pm}2.6$ in group B. Following clinical profiles were compared but there were no significant difference between these two groups: WBC count($9413{\pm}2964\;vs\;9368{\pm}2650(/mm^3)$), hemoglobin($10.6{\pm}1.2\;vs\;10.0{\pm}0.9(gm/dL)$), ASO($746.1{\pm}640.7\;vs\;614.9{\pm}475.9(IU/ml)$), $C_3(20.1{\pm}17.0\;vs\;16.9{\pm}13.1(mg/dL)$), $C_4(22.8{\pm}9.5\;vs\;22.6{\pm}6.9(mg/dL)$), BUN($25.8{\pm}26.1\;vs\;28.1{\pm}14.5(mg/dL)$), creatinin($0.8{\pm}0.3\;vs\;0.8{\pm}0.3(mg/dL)$), $C_{cr}(80.6{\pm}28.8{\pm}62.4{\pm}31.4(ml/min/1.73\;m^2$)), the duration of edma, gross hematuria, and hypertension. However, we found that there were a significant difference in the duration of proteinuria($1.95{\pm}2.27\;vs\;13.3{\pm}21.1(months)$)(P<0.05), decreased $C_3$ duration($1.9{\pm}2.9\;vs\;7.3{\pm}5.0(weeks)$)(P<0.05) and especially it was proloned according to the amount of early urine protein excretion. Conclusion: Our study showed markedly prolonged duration of proteinuria and decreased $C_3$ duration in patients with APSGN with nephrotic syndrome. We were not able to find the definite prognostic factor that will guide the outcome of patients with APSGN accompaning nephrotic syndrome, but above findings seemed to represent as a relative indication of the outcome of the disease. All patients recovered completely and we did not experience any cases that progressed into the renal failure.

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Current Status of Children Born from Renal Transplanted Mother (신이식을 받은 산모로부터 출생한 소아의 성장상태)

  • Ki Mina;Yook Jinwon;Kim Ji Hong;Kim Pyung-Kil;Moon Jang Il;Kim Soon Il;Kim Yu Seun;Park Kiil;Park Young Won
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2000
  • Purpose: Pregnancy in transplanted mother is considered as a high-risk pregnancy, and significant incidences of prematurity and low-birthweight(LBW) infants have been reported. The objective of this study is to examine the outcome of pregnancy in transplanted mothers and to evaluate the current growth status in their children. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 54 pregnancies in 40 kidney recipients until June 1999. Outcomes of pregnancy were reviewed and assessment of the current growth status in children was performed. Results: 54 pregnancies in 40 recipients were identified; 22 ended in termination of pregnancy because of unwanted pregnancy or therapeutic purposes. And of the other 32, 29 livebirths resulted in 28 recipients. The mean age of conception was $30.3{\pm}3.8$ years, with a mean interval from transplantation to conception of $35.9{\pm}23.2$ months. All patients were maintained on immunosuppressive regimens. Incidence of drug-treated hypertension(HTN) prior to pregancy was $52\%$, HTN during pregnancy, $48\%$; preeclampsia, $41\%$; urinary tract infection, $48\%$; oligohydramnios $4\%$; and no rejection during pregnancy and up to 3month post delivery. Of the 29 liveborn infants, prematurity(<37wk) occurred in $52\%$, LBW(<2500g) in $62\%$, VLBW(<1500g) in $7\%$ and $48\%$ born intrauterine growth retardation(IUGR). Mean gestational age was $36.3{\pm}3.0\;wk$; a mean birthweight, $2.23{\pm}0.6\;kg$; a mean birth-height, $45.1{\pm}3.6cm$. Current mean height standard deviation score (height SDS) was $0.29{\pm}0.91$ and mean weight SDS was $0.62{\pm}1.34$. Only one child($4\%$) under 1 year of age was below 10 percentile in height. Most of children had no medical problems except for 4 children; cleft palate(1), tuberous sclerosis(1), essential hematuria(1), and one child expired due to sepsis. Conclusion: This study showed similar incidence of premaure birth($57\%$) and low birth weight infants($62\%$), but lower incidence of spontaneous abortion($5.6\%$) was observed and compared to other studies. Postnatal growth in majority of children($96\%$) achieved catch-up growth before 1 year. Present study supports a more optimistic view of pregnancy in renal transplant mother and normal growth in their children.

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Characteristics of Manure and Estimation of Nutrient and Pollutant of Holstein Dairy Cattle (홀스타인 젖소 분뇨의 특성과 비료성분 및 오염물질 부하량 추정)

  • Choi, D.Y.;Choi, H.L.;Kwag, J.H.;Kim, J.H.;Choi, H.C.;Kwon, D.J.;Kang, H.S.;Yang, C.B.;Ahn, H.K.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to determine fertilizer nutrient and pollutant production of Holstein dairy cattle by estimating manure characteristics. The moisture content of feces was 83.9% and 95.1% for urine. The pH of feces and urine were in the ranges of 7.0~7.4 and 7.5~7.8, respectively. The average BOD5, COD, SS, T-N, T-P concentrations of the dairy feces were 18,294, 52,765, 102,889, 2,575, and 457mg/ℓ, respectively. Dairy urine showed lower levels of BOD5(5,455mg/ℓ), COD(8,089mg/ℓ), SS(593mg/ℓ), T-N(3,401mg/l), and T-P(13mg/ℓ) than feces. The total daily produced pollutant amounts of a dairy cow were 924.1g(Milking cow), 538.8g(Dry cow), 284.4g(Heifer) of BOD5, 2,336.5g (Milking cow), 1,651.8g(Dry cow), 734.1g(Heifer) of COD and 4,210.1g(Milking cow), 2,417.1g(Dry cow), 1,629.1g(Heifer) of SS and 194.8g(Milking cow), 96.4g(Dry cow), 58.3g(Heifer) of T-N and 24.0g(Milking cow), 10.2g(Dry cow), 6.1g(Heifer) of T-P. The calculated amount of pollutants produced by a 450kg dairy cow for one year were 181.3kg of BOD5, 492.5kg of COD, 899.9kg of SS, 36.0kg of T-N and 4.1kg of T-P. The total yearly estimated pollutant production from all head(497,261) of dairy cattle in Korea is 90,149 tons of BOD5, 244,890 tons of COD, 447,491 tons of SS, 17,898 tons of T-N and 2,008 tons of T-P. The fertilizer nutrient concentrations of dairy feces was 0.26% N, 0.1% P2O5 and 0.14% K2O. Urine was found to contain 0.34% N, 0.003% of P2O5 and 0.31% K2O. The total daily fertilizer nutrients produced by dairy cattle were 197.4g (Milking cow), 97.4g(Dry cow), and 57.9g(Heifer) of Nitrogen, 54.2g(Milking cow), 22.2g(Dry cow), and 14.2g(Heifer) of P2O5 and 110.8g(Milking cow), 80.4g (Dry cow), and 39.5g(Heifer) of K2O. The total yearly estimated fertilizer nutrient produced by a 450kg dairy animal is 36.2kg of N, 8.8kg of P2O5, 24.6kg of K2O. The estimated yearly fertilizer nutrient production from all dairy cattle in Korea is 18,000 tons of N, 4,397 tons of P2O5, 12,206 tons of K2O. Dairy manure contains useful trace minerals for crops, such as CaO and MgO, which are contained in similar levels to commercial compost being sold in the domestic market. Concentrations of harmful trace minerals, such as As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, met the Korea compost standard regulations, with some of these minerals being in undetected amounts.

Development and Assessment Individual Maximum Permissible Dose Method of I-131 Therapy in High Risk Patients with Differentiated Papillary Thyroid Cancer (물리학 선량법을 이용한 갑상선암의 개인별 최대안전용량 I-131 치료법 개발과 유용성 평가)

  • Kim, Jeong-Chul;Yoon, Jung-Han;Bom, Hee-Seung;JaeGal, Young-Jong;Song, Ho-Chun;Min, Jung-Joon;Jeong, Heong;Kim, Seong-Min;Heo, Young-Jun;Li, Ming-Hao;Park, Young-Kyu;Chung, June-Key
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.110-119
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: Radioiodine (I-131) therapy is an effective modality to reduce both recurrence and mortality rates in differentiated thyroid cancer. Whether higher doses shows higher therapeutic responses was still debatable. The purpose of this study was to validate curve-fitting (CF) method measuring maximum permissible dose (MPD) by a biological dosimetry using metaphase analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes. Materials and Methods: Therapeutic effects of MPD was evaluated in 58 patients (49 females and 9 males, mean age $50{\pm}11$ years) of papillary thyroid cancer. Among them 43 patients were treated with ${\Leq}7.4GBq$, while 15 patients with ${\geq}9.25GBq$. The former was defined as low-dose group, and the latter high-dose group. Therapeutic response was defined as complete response when complete disappearance of lesions on follow-up I-131 scan and undetectable serum thyroglobulin levels were found. Statistical comparison between groups were done using chi-square test. P value less than 0.05 was regarded as statistically significant. Results: MPD measured by CF method using tracer and therapeutic doses were $13.3{\pm}1.9\;and\;13.8{\pm}2.1GBq$, respectively (p=0.20). They showed a significant correlation (r=0.8, p<0.0001). Exposed doses to blood measured by CF and biological methods were $1.54{\pm}0.03\;and\;1.78{\pm}0.03Gy$ (p=0.01). They also showed a significant correlation (r=0.86, p=0.01). High-dose group showed a significantly higher rate of complete response (12/15, 80%) as compared to the low-dose group (22/43, 51.2%) (p=0.05). While occurrence of side effects was not different between two groups (40% vs. 30.2%, p=0.46). Conclusion: Measurement of MPD using CF method is reliable, and the high-dose I-131 therapy using MPD gains significantly higher therapeutic effects as compared with low-dose therapy.

Multimodality Treatement in Patients with Clinical Stage IIIA NSCLC (임상적 IIIA병기 비소세포폐암의 다각적 치료의 효과)

  • Lee, Yun Seun;Jang, Pil Soon;kang, Hyun Mo;Lee, Jeung Eyun;Kwon, Sun Jung;An, Jin Yong;Jung, Sung Soo;Kim, Ju Ock;Kim, Sun Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.57 no.6
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    • pp.557-566
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    • 2004
  • Background : To find out effectiveness of multimodality treatments based on induction chemotherapy(CTx) in patients with clinical stage IIIA NSCLC Methods : From 1997 to 2002, 74 patients with clinical stage IIIA NSCLC underwent induction CTx at the hospital of Chungnam National University. Induction CTx included above two cycles of cisplatin-based regimens(ectoposide, gemcitabine, vinorelbine, or taxol) followed by tumor evaluation. In 30 complete resection group, additional 4500-5000cGy radiotherapy(RTx) was delivered in 15 patients with pathologic nodal metastasis. 29 out of 44 patients who were unresectable disease, refusal of operation, and incomplete resection were followed by 60-70Gy RTx in local treatment. Additional 1-3 cycle CTx were done in case of induction CTx responders in both local treatment groups. Results : Induction CTx response rate were 44.6%(complete remission 1.4% & partial response 43.2%) and there was no difference of response rate by regimens(p=0.506). After induction chemotherapy, only 33 out of resectable 55 ones(including initial resectable 37 patients) were performed by surgical treatment because of 13 refusal of surgery by themselves and 9 poor predicted reserve lung function. There were 30(40.5%) patients with complete resection, 2(2.6%) persons with incomplete resection, and 1(1.3%) person with open & closure. Response rate in 27 ones with chest RTx out of non-operation group was 4.8% CR and 11.9% PR. In complete resection group, relapse free interval was 13.6 months and 2 year recur rate was 52%. In non-complete resection(incomplete resection or non-operation) group, disease progression free interval was 11.2 months and 2 year disease progression rate was 66.7%. Median survival time of induction CTx 74 patients with IIIA NSCLC was 25.1months. When compared complete resection group with non-complete resection group, the median survival time was 31.7 and 23.4months(p=0.024) and the 2-year overall survival rate was 80% and 41%. In the complete resection group, adjuvant postoperative RTx subgroup significantly improved the 2-year local control rate(0% vs. 40%, p= 0.007) but did not significantly improve overall survival(32.2months vs. 34.9months, p=0.48). Conculusion : Induction CTx is a possible method in the multimodality treatments, especially followed by complete resection, but overall survival by any local treatment(surgical resection or RTx) was low. Additional studies should be needed to analysis data for appropriate patient selection, new chemotherapy regimens and the time when should RTx be initiated.

Late Rectal Complication in Patients treated with High Dose Rate Brachytherapy for Stage IIB Carcinoma of the Cervix (FIGO병기 IIB 자궁경부암에서 고선량 강내 방사선치료후의 후기 직장 합병증)

  • Chung, Eun-Ji;Kim, Gwi-Eon;Suh, Chang-Ok;Keum, Ki-Chang;Kim, Woo-Cheol
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 1996
  • Purpose : This paper reports a dosimetric study of 88 patients treated with a combination of external radiotherapy and high dose rate ICR for FIGO stage IIB carcinoma of the cervix. The purpose is to investigate the correlation between the radiation doses to the rectum, external radiation dose to the whole pelvis, ICR reference volume, TDF BED and the incidence of late rectal complications, retrospectively. Materials and Methods : From November 1989 through December 1992, 88 patients with stage IIB cervical carcinoma received radical radiotherapy at Department of Radiation Oncology in Yonsei University Hospital. Radiotherapy consisted of 44-54 Gy(median 49 Gy) external beam irradiation plus high dose rate intracavitary brachytherapy with 5 Gy per fraction twice a week to a total dose of 30 Gy on point A. The maximum dose to the rectum by contrast(r, R) and reference rectal dose by ICRU 38(dr, DR) were calculated. The ICR reference volume was calculated by Gamma Dot 3.11 HDR planning system, retrospectively The time-dose factor(TDF) and the biologically effective dose (BED) were calculated. Results : Twenty seven($30.7\%$) of the 88 patients developed late rectal complications:12 patients($13.6\%$) for grade 1, 12 patients($13.6\%$) for grade 2 and 3 patients($3.4\%$) for grade 3. We found a significant correlation between the external whole pelvis irradiation dose and grade 2, 3 rectal complication. The mean dose to the whole pelvis for the group of patients with grade 2, 3 complication was Higher, $4093.3\pm453.1$ cGy, than that for the patients without complication, $3873.8\pm415.6$ (0.05$7163.0\pm838.5$ cGy, than that for the Patients without rectal complication, $0772.7\pm884.0$ (p<0.05). There was no correlation of the rate of grade 2, 3 rectal complication with the iCR rectal doses(r, dr), ICR reference volume, TDF and BED. Conclusion : This investigation has revealed a significant correlation between the dose calculated at the rectal dose by ICRU 38(DR) or the most anterior rectal dose by contrast(R) dose to the whole pelvis and the incidence of grade 2, 3 late rectal complications in patients with stage IIB cervical cancer undergoing external beam radiotherapy and HOR ICR. Thus these rectal reference points doses and whole pelvis dose appear to be useful Prognostic indicators of late rectal complication in high dose rate ICR treatment in cervical carcinoma.

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