• Title/Summary/Keyword: $T_1-W$ MRI

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Review and Implementation of Magnetic Resonance Angiography (자기공명 혈관조영술의 고찰 및 구현)

  • Yi, Y.;Ryu, T.H.;Ju, H.Y.;Kim, S.S.;Kim, I.Y.;Lee, M.W.;Oh, C.H.;Ahn, C.B.;Lee, H.K.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.05
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    • pp.223-226
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    • 1997
  • X-Ray Angiography has been gold standard for imaging of blood flow. However, patients have to take many risks such as catheterization procedure, iodine contrast agent and ionizing X-rays. MR Angiography has been suggested as a substitute for its non-hazard to patient. But the resolution and contrast was inferior to that of X-ray Angiography. Recently the resolution and the contrast have been much improved due to the development of fast imaging technique. Here we report some preliminary results of the MR Angiography we have implemented on 1 Tesla MRI unit.

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Development of 1.0 Tesla Compact MRI System (1.0 Tesla 자기 공명 진단 장치의 개발)

  • Lee, H.K.;Oh, C.H.;Ahn, C.B.;Chang, Y.H.;Shin, D.W.;Lee, K.N.;Jang, K.H.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1996 no.11
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 1996
  • 1차 년도 G-7 개발 과제로 수행된 자기 공명 진단 장치 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging System)의 개발 내용을 간략히 소개하였다. 성공적인 IT Compact 자기 공명 진단 장치의 완성을 위해 일차적으로 (1)RF (고주파), Gradient(경사 자계), Spectrometer 등의 Hard-ware 관련 MRI 핵심부분, (2) RF, Gradient, Spectrometer, Magnet 등의 각 Sub-system을 연결, 조합, 조정하여 하나의 체계적인 시스템으로 통합하고 운영하는 과정(System Integration), (3)사용자와 시스템을 연결하는 User Interface, Data Base Management, Real time 운영 SW 등과 (4)임상에 적용하여 구체적인 성능과 효용성을 확인하는 기술 등에 대하여 집중 연구하였다. 개발 방법은 (1)지난 16년간 국내에 축적 된 연구 개발 인력들을 최대한 활용하고 (2)연구 개발을 국제화 시켜 필요한 경우 부분별로 개발 인력을 해외에서 보완하고 (3)소수 정예 전문 인력 주의와 요소 기술 또는 중요 부품을 경쟁성 검토 후 필요 시 Out-sourcing 활용으로 최저의 비용으로 개발 기간을 최소화 하는 데 두었다. 개발된 1.0Tesla자기 공명 영상 장치는 미국 물리 학회에서 규격화한 Phantom및 임상 적용을 통하여 서울대 의대 연구 팀과 지속적으로 성능을 평가해 왔다. 개발된 시스템의 해상도는 $256{\times}256$ head 영상에서 1mm 이 하의 해상도를 가짐을 resolution phantom 을 통하여 확인할 수 있었고, $512{\times}512$ 영상에서 는 약 0.5 mm 의 물체를 분리 해냄으로써 외제 시스템들 보다 우수하게 평가 되었다. 차폐 경사코일의 Eddy current영향은2%이내로 촬영 시 영향은 거의 무시할 수 있었다. 또한, 개발된 영상 기법들, 즉 Multislice/Multi Echo, Oblique angle imaging, 64 Echo train을 갖는 고속 촬영 기술들이 자기 공명 장치에 장착되어 임상 적용에 문제가 없도록 하였다. 또한 20mT/m/Amp의 강력한 능동 차폐 경사 자계 코일(Active Shield Gradient Coil)을 기본 사양으로 하고, 수신단을 최대 6개로 확장토록 하여 2차년도의 초고속 촬영 기법(EPI) 및 Phased Array 코일 촬영이 가능토록 하였다. 1차 년도 개발 과제 수행 결과와 향후 개발 과제를 바탕으로 최종 목표인 국제 경쟁력이 있는 자기 공명 진단 장치 즉 기능과 영상의 질은 선진국 제품과 동일하거나 우수하되, 저가격을 구현한 상용화 제품이 완성되어, 첨단 의료기기로서 산업 구조 고도화에 기여하고 수입대체 뿐만 아니 라 수출을 통한 국익 창출과 국가의 기술을 통한 위상 제고에 기여되길 기대한다.

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Radiosurgery with Linac Based Photon Knife in Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation (선형가속기를 이용한 Photon Knife 방사선수술에 의한 뇌동정맥기형의 치료)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Choi, Tae-Jin
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of a Linear accelerator based Photon Knife Radiosurgery System developed by the staff of Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center for the treatment of cerebral arterlovenous malformation Material and Methods : Between December 1993 and October 2000, 30 patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM) were treated with the Linac based Photon knife Radlosurgery System In the Department of Therapeutlc Radiology at Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center. The median age was 34, ranging from 7 to 63 years, with a 2 : 1 male to female ratio. The locations of the AVM nidi were the frontal lobe (motor cortex), parletal lobe, and the thalamus, In that order. The diameters of the AVM nidi ranged 1.2 to 5.5 cm with a mean on 2.9 cm, and target volumes of between 0.5 and 20.5 cc, with a mean of 5.8 cc. The majority of patients received radiation doses of between 1,500 and 2,500 cGy, w14h a mean of 2,000 cGy, at 80% the isodose line. Twenty-five patients were treated with one isocenter, 4 with two, and 1 with four. The follow-up radiological evaluations were peformed with cranial computed tomogram (CT) or MRI between 6 month and one year interval, and if the AVM nidus had completely disappeared in the CT or MRI, we confirmed thls was a complete obliteration, with a cerebral or magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA). The median iollow-up period was 39 months with a range of 10 to 103 months. Results : Twenty patients were radloiogicaiiy followed up ior over 20 months, with complete obliteration observed in 14 (70%). According to the maximal diameter, all four of the small AVM (<2 cm) completely obliterated, 8 of the 10 patients with a medium AVW (2~3 cm) showed a complete obliteration, and two showed partial obliteration. Among the patients with a large AVM (>3 cm), only one showed complete obliteration, and S showed partial obliteration, but 3 oT these underwent further radiosurgery 3 years later. One who followed up for 20 months fellowing further radiosurgery eventually showed complete obliteration. Ten patients with seizure symptoms had no recurrent seizure due to radiosurgery and medication. One of the eleven patients who suffered intracranlal bleeding developed further bleeding at 9 and 51 months fellowing the radiosurgery although complete obliteration was eventually observed and the patient was managed in hospital then recovered. No patient suffered severe complications fellowing the radiosurgery. Conclusion : The radiosurgery with Linac-based Photon knife radiosurgery system, developed by the staff at our hospital, is a safe and effective treatment for AVM patients having diameters or volumes of less than 3 cm or 10 cm$^{3}$, respectively, located In Inoperable areas or who refused neurosurgery. We suggest that staged AVM radiosurgery may initially be considered, if the AVM target volume is above 10 cm$^{3}$