• Title/Summary/Keyword: $A^*$ 알고리즘의 휴리스틱

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A Hybrid Heuristic for Clustered Data Mapping (클러스터 데이터 매핑을 위한 혼합형 휴리스틱)

  • 박경모
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2000.10c
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    • pp.662-664
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    • 2000
  • 병렬 컴퓨팅에서 중요 문제의 하나는 다중 태스크를 다중 프로세서 병렬 시스템의 여러 노드에 대한 최적의 매핑을 찾는 것이다. 이러한 매핑의 목적은 솔루션 품질에 손상 없이 총 실행시간을 최소화시키는 것이다. 이 분야에서는 많은 휴리스틱 방법들을 사용하여 나름대로 매핑 문제를 해결해 왔다. 본 논문에서는 효율적인 클러스터 데이터 매핑을 위한 혼합형 휴리스틱 기법에 대하여 기술한다. 제시하는 휴리스틱 기법은 유전알고리즘과 평균장어닐링 알고리즘을 혼합시킨 것으로 두 가지 방법의 장점들을 합하여 성능을 향상시킬 수 있음을 보여준다. 혼합형 휴리스틱 알고리즘의 솔루션과 실행시간을 기존 매핑 알고리즘들과 비교한 시뮬레이션 결과를 보고한다.

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A Study on Heuristic Methods for Clustered Document Allocation (클러스터 문서할당을 위한 휴리스틱 기법에 관한 연구)

  • 박경모
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10c
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    • pp.54-56
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    • 1998
  • 본 논문에서는 병렬 정보검색 시스템에 있어 클러스터 문서할당을 위한 두 가지 휴리스틱 기법을 제시한다. 효율적 문서할당에 관한 매핑 문제를 정의하고 유전알고리즘과 모의냉각기법에 기반을 두는 휴리스틱 매핑 알고리즘을 기술한다. 알고리즘 성능실험과 관련하여 시뮬레이션을 통한 다른 할당 알고리즘과 비교평가한 결과 개선된 성능을 얻을 수 있었다.

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A Parallel and Distributed Meta-heuristic Framework (병렬 분산 메타-휴리스틱 프레임워크)

  • Kim, Jin-Woo;Oh, Hyun-Ok;Ha, Soon-Hoi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2011.06b
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    • pp.21-24
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문은 확장성(scalability)과 견고함(robustness)을 강조하는 새로운 형태의 병렬 분산 메타-휴리스틱 프레임워크를 제안하고 있다. PADO (Parallel And Distributed Optimization framework) 라고 이름 지어진 본 프레임워크는 이종의 계산 및 통신 자원들을 활용하여 메타-휴리스틱 알고리즘을 병렬화하고 스케일러블한 속도 향상을 얻을 수 있다. 본 프레임워크는 기존의 시퀀셜(sequential) 최적화 프레임워크에 메타-휴리스틱 알고리즘의 병렬화 기법중 하나인 island 모델을 개선하여 구현하였다. 본 연구는 부분적으로 정렬된 지식 공유 방법(Partially Ordered Knowledge Sharing) 모델을 이용하여 병렬 환경 코디네이션(coordination) 오버헤드를 줄였고 계산 노드에 대한 확장성을 얻었다. 본 프레임워크를 통해 기존의 많은 메타-휴리스틱 알고리즘들을 재사용 할 수 있고 다양한 분야의 최적화 문제에 적용 할 수 있으며 계산량이 많은 메타-휴리스틱 알고리즘을 병렬화를 통해 문제를 푸는 시간을 단축 할 수 있다. 순회 판매원 문제(Traveling Salesman Problem)를 통해 프레임워크의 실효성을 검증하였다.

Mine Algorithm : A Metaheuristic Imitating The Action of The Human Being (Mine 알고리즘 : 인간의 행동을 모방한 메타휴리스틱)

  • Ko, Sung-Bum
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.16B no.5
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    • pp.411-426
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    • 2009
  • Most of the metaheuristics are made by imitating the action of the animals. In this paper, we proposed Mine Algorithm. The Mine Algorithm is a metaheuristic that imitates the action of the human being. Speaking of search, the field in which the know-how and the heuristics of the human being are melted best is the mining industry. In the Mine Algorithm we formalize the action pattern of the human being by focusing the mine business. The Mine Algorithm uses various searching techniques fluently and shows equally good performance for broad problems. That is, it has good generality. We show the improved generality of the Mine Algorithm by the comparing experiments with the conventional metaheuristics.

VTA* Algorithm: A* Path-Finding Algorithm using Variable Turn Heuristic (VTA* 알고리즘: 가변적인 턴 휴리스틱을 적용한 A* 경로탐색 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Ji-Soo;Cho, Dae-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.663-668
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    • 2010
  • In driving a car, turns such as left turns, right turns, or u-turns, make the speed of the car decrease considerably. A more straight path, therefore, is probably faster to arrive at the destination than zig-zag path with same distance. In this paper, we have newly proposed the turn heuristic to make more straight path. The path navigation algorithm with turn heuristic(called as TA* algorithm) could enhance the straightness of a path by putting the turned-edges to the turn cost. It requires higher cost to use TA* algorithm than traditional A* algorithm because the straight-edge first searching have increased the search space. We have improved the TA* algorithm into the variable TA* algorithm(called as VTA* algorithm) which adopt the turn-heuristic during the a portion of the whole path.

Application of data preprocessing to improve the performance of the metaheuristic optimization algorithm-deep learning combination model (메타휴리스틱 최적화 알고리즘-딥러닝 결합모형의 성능 개량을 위한 데이터 전처리의 적용)

  • Ryu, Yong Min;Lee, Eui Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.114-114
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    • 2022
  • 딥러닝의 학습 및 예측성능을 개선하기 위해서는 딥러닝 기법 내 연산과정의 개선과 함께 학습 및 예측에 사용되는 데이터의 전처리 과정이 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 딥러닝의 성능을 개량하기 위해 제안된 메타휴리스틱 최적화 알고리즘-딥러닝 결합모형과 데이터 전처리 기법을 통해 댐의 수위를 예측하였다. 수위예측을 위해 Multi-Layer Perceptron(MLP), 메타휴리스틱 최적화 알고리즘인 Harmony Search(HS)와 딥러닝을 결합한 MLP using a HS(MLPHS) 및 Exponential Bandwidth Harmony Search with Centralized Global Search(EBHS-CGS)와 딥러닝을 결합한MLP using a EBHS-CGS(MLPEBHS)를 통해 댐의 수위를 예측하였다. 메타휴리스틱 최적화 알고리즘-딥러닝 결합모형의 학습 및 예측성능을 개선하기 위해 학습 및 예측을 위한 자료를 기반으로 데이터 전처리기법을 적용하였다. 적용된 데이터 전처리 기법은 정규화, 수위구간별 사상(Event)분리 및 수위 변동에 대한 자료의 구분이다. 수위예측을 위한 대상유역은 금강유역에 위치한 대청댐으로 선정하였다. 대청댐의 수위예측을 위해 대청댐 상류에 위치하는 수위관측소 3개소를 선정하여 수위자료를 취득하였다. 각 수위관측소에서 취득한 수위자료를 입력자료로 설정하였으며, 대청댐의 수위자료를 출력자료로 설정하여 메타휴리스틱 최적화 알고리즘-딥러닝 모형의 학습을 진행하였다. 각 수위관측소 및 대청댐에서 취득한 수위자료는 2010년부터 2020년까지 총 11년의 일 단위 수위자료이며, 2010년부터 2019년까지의 자료를 학습자료로 사용하였으며, 2020년의 자료를 예측 및 검증자료로 사용하였다.

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A Study on the Real - time Search Algorithm based on Dynamic Time Control (동적 시간제어에 기반한 실시간 탐색 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Jong-Il;Chung, Tae-Choong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.10
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    • pp.2470-2476
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    • 1997
  • We propose a new real-time search algorithm and provide experimental evaluation and comparison of the new algorithm with mini-min lookahead algorithm. Many other real-time heuristic-search approached often divide the problem space to several sub-problems. In this paper, the proposed algorithm guarantees not only the sub-problem deadline but also total deadline. Several heuristic real-time search algorithms such as $RTA^{\ast}$, SARTS and DYNORA have been proposed. The performance of such algorithms depend on the quality of their heuristic functions, because such algorithms estimate the search time based on the heuristic function. In real-world problem, however, we often fail to get an effective heuristic function beforehand. Therefore, we propose a new real-time algorithm that determines the sub-problem deadline based on the status of search space during sub-problem search process. That uses the cut-off method that is a dynamic stopping-criterion-strategy to search the sub-problem.

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A Heuristic Algorithm for the Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem Using a Fitness Function (적합성 함수를 이용한 2차원 저장소 적재 문제의 휴리스틱 알고리즘)

  • Yon, Yong-Ho;Lee, Sun-Young;Lee, Jong-Yun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.16B no.5
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    • pp.403-410
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    • 2009
  • The two-dimensional bin packing problem(2D-BPP) has been known to be NP-hard, and it is difficult to solve the problem exactly. Many approximation methods, such as genetic algorithm, simulated annealing and tabu search etc, have been also proposed to gain better solutions. However, the existing approximation algorithms, such as branch-and-bound and tabu search, have shown the low efficiency and the long execution time due to a large of iterations. To solve these problems, we first define the fitness function to simplify and increase the utility of algorithm. The function decides whether an item is packed into a given area, and as an important information for a packing strategy, the number of subarea that can accommodate a given item is obtained from the variant of the fitness function. Then we present a heuristic algorithm BF for 2D bin packing, constructed by the fitness function and subarea. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm will be expressed by the comparison experiments with the heuristic and the metaheuristic of the literatures. As comparing with existing heuristic algorithms and metaheuristic algorithms, it has been found that the packing rate of algorithm BP is the same as 97% as existing heuristic algorithms, FFF and FBS, or better than them. Also, it has been shown the same as 86% as tabu search algorithm or better.

Implementation of Path-finding Algorithm with Maximum Speed Dynamic Heuristic (최고속력 동적휴리스틱을 활용한 경로탐색 알고리즘의 구현)

  • Moon, Dae-Jin;Cho, Dae-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2008.08a
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    • pp.87-90
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    • 2008
  • Dynamic Heuristic(DH) is not fixed data and is dynamically modified using transferred real time road data from server In this paper, we propose path-finding algorithm with Maximum Speed Dynamic Heuristic (DH-MAX) and do an experiment. The DH-MAX is to be used the highest speed as DH, in real map divided by same sire. And proposed algorithm searches path using the priority searching only of the fixed data, but also the highest speed with real time information. In the performance test, the quality of path is enhanced but the cost of searching is increased than $A^*$ algorithm.

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Meta-heuristic Method for the Single Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem (물류 센터 위치 선정 및 대리점 할당 모형에 대한 휴리스틱 해법)

  • Soak, Sang-Moon;Lee, Sang-Wook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2010
  • The facility location problem is one of the traditional optimization problems. In this paper, we deal with the single source capacitated facility location problem (SSCFLP) and it is known as an NP-hard problem. Thus, it seems to be natural to use a heuristic approach such as evolutionary algorithms for solving the SSCFLP. This paper introduces a new efficient evolutionary algorithm for the SSCFLP. The proposed algorithm is devised by incorporating a general adaptive link adjustment evolutionary algorithm and three heuristic local search methods. Finally we compare the proposed algorithm with the previous algorithms and show the proposed algorithm finds optimum solutions at almost all middle size test instances and very stable solutions at larger size test instances.